King William (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from King William (County) (Agency ID: 98)

Agenda for the King William County Electoral Board meeting on February 1, 2024, including items such as approval of previous meeting minutes, consideration of appointments for officers of elections, and discussion on the upcoming dual party presidential primary election.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: bngoaYRNNNDOc83fRzDka
Minutes from the King William County Electoral Board meeting held on February 1, 2024, covering approval of previous minutes, consideration of appointments, and preparations for the March 5, 2024, Dual Party Presidential Primary Election.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: 1frOzXlAt2pGRuC88PVgw
Meeting minutes of the King William County Electoral Board held on January 17, 2024. The meeting covered approval of previous minutes, election updates including early voting and mailing of ballots, budget discussion for the upcoming presentation to the Board of Supervisors, and a closed session on cyber security policy.
unknown 2024-01-17 ID: pC7ZiwGt3wWcCAiaGpKco
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors on December 19, 2022, including discussions on public hearings, resolutions, appointments, and other county matters.
unknown 2022-12-19 ID: 4BQFXg1cV6ZuVObpTkeq7
Minutes of the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on December 19, 2022, including discussions on public comments, consent agenda, resolution 22-105 for volunteer fire department incentive plan, ordinance 14-22, SAFER grant application, FY24 budget preparation, and appointments to boards and committees.
unknown 2022-12-19 ID: BGrWDZea0MN9LAmUiPh22
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting held on December 12, 2022. Topics include a recreation study update, debt and borrowing capacity discussion, treasurer's staffing request, volunteer fire department retention and recruitment, first quarter financial report, Town of West Point dispatch agreement, West Point library discussion, transfer station update, and a resolution to adopt revisions to the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Training Academy Charter.
unknown 2022-12-12 ID: YVbpbQ5QjclSjORHw0Dz4
Agenda for the King William County Planning Commission meeting, including discussions on zoning maps, subdivision ordinances, and public hearing for CUP-03-22.
unknown 2022-12-06 ID: drt9nJwE7B2oJz0VmnDo3
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on November 28, 2022. Topics included public comments, approval of resolutions, budget amendments, reassessment updates, and public hearings on conditional use permits and ordinances.
unknown 2022-11-28 ID: 9cr9dJH8eohqVnJpTuAzm
Amended agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on November 28, 2022, including resolutions, public hearings, and new business items.
unknown 2022-11-28 ID: y8ga42nlNmh5DdEEBfwqB
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting held on November 9, 2022, covering discussions on the establishment of EDA bank accounts, potential hiring of an EDA employee, reducing the number of board members, and public comments.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: wNaKL6g91urbqN60xpFi5
Regular meeting agenda for the King William County Economic Development Authority, including discussions on establishing EDA bank accounts, taxes and opportunities, hiring an EDA employee, and a closed meeting to discuss real property acquisition.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: yJyLlD3go73f9x0vwGj6F
Minutes of the regular meeting of the King William County Economic Development Authority Board of Directors held on November 9, 2022. Topics discussed include the establishment of EDA bank accounts, taxes and opportunities, hiring an EDA employee, and reducing the number of EDA board members.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: 4zHDdW5bSDp32IHFChSGp
Amended agenda for the Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on November 7, 2022, at the King William County Administration Building. The agenda includes presentations, work session matters, and board requests.
unknown 2022-11-07 ID: rrrbLsywEkoF10lapVyT5
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting held on November 7, 2022. Topics discussed included electronic participation, broadband project updates, opioid abatement funding, financial reports, tax clarifications, and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2022-11-07 ID: lr5x4zRzHMAndpChTFlSn
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on October 24, 2022. The agenda includes resolutions, budget amendments, public comments, presentations, and administrative matters.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: S8CGTze2PhBKMRynzF0tW
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on October 24, 2022, including resolutions on budget amendments, ARPA funding, and dog leash laws.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: w5ZlHkylc1kk6J6ZeSEiL
Minutes of the joint work session meeting between the King William County Economic Development Authority and the Planning Commission held on October 12, 2022. Discussions included fiscal impacts, zoning, infrastructure needs, and potential business development.
unknown 2022-10-12 ID: wheh4O3fDJpADjyEbVoJQ
Agenda for the joint work session of the Economic Development Authority Board and the Planning Commission held on October 12, 2022, in King William County, Virginia.
unknown 2022-10-12 ID: 3mOyTir6Mrk8Ex8nzlOWF
Agenda for the Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board meeting discussing recommendations for certified local government status, ordinance revisions, by-laws, local survey efforts, and public participation.
unknown 2022-10-11 ID: GpXhXsXljoKWjO1jXAAus
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting held on October 3, 2022. Discussions included budget amendments, creating an Assessor's Office, property tax proration, property maintenance ordinance updates, and appointments to various committees.
unknown 2022-10-03 ID: 7L4LLVbVCaluhkwr0QSk7
Amended agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting on October 3, 2022, including discussions on resolutions, budget amendments, tax payments, and property maintenance.
unknown 2022-10-03 ID: OEtLGUmdNSWGzvI2oXM05
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors on September 26, 2022, including resolutions, presentations, and administrative matters.
unknown 2022-09-26 ID: 48VENjk891rzMed3ZAFXt
This document is the agenda for the Economic Development Authority Board Meeting in King William County, Virginia, held on September 14, 2022. It includes topics such as presentations from various stakeholders, reports, and discussion of new and unfinished business.
unknown 2022-09-14 ID: yOl7VKbCssLSfmS2l7TMc
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on September 12, 2022. Topics discussed include property reassessment, VDOT updates, solar energy projects, Bay Aging services, financial updates, fire district mapping, and various resolutions.
unknown 2022-09-12 ID: BXQhyDebuow1Cj3ZzyXBg
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on August 22, 2022. The meeting included public comments, adoption of an amended agenda, approval of the consent agenda, discussion on various resolutions, and public hearings on ordinances concerning property tax levies and zoning ordinance updates.
unknown 2022-08-22 ID: lUzPPFqG46jrXXsiM1fs7
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority Work Session Meeting held on August 17, 2022, covering topics such as securing bonding, agricultural education facilities, establishing a business roundtable, and discussions on a meat processing plant and greenhouse project.
unknown 2022-08-17 ID: kJXJQZw0qiXrg8089lXOj
Minutes from the regular meeting of the King William County Planning Commission held on August 9, 2022, covering discussions on zoning and subdivision ordinance updates, public comments, and staff reports.
unknown 2022-08-09 ID: WO0DOGIfwa4lgCTdBZns2
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting held on August 8, 2022, covering discussions on various agenda items including resolutions, presentations, and public hearings.
unknown 2022-08-08 ID: 1jIUxhnZIYRmBWkhTC8qn
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on August 8, 2022. Topics include a resolution honoring the King William Little League Softball Champions, VRSA presentation, draft ordinances, and budget amendments.
unknown 2022-08-08 ID: oL1vBwnnZV3mV32BUImD3
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on July 25, 2022, including discussions on public comments, consent agenda approvals, resolutions, and public hearing on CUP 01-22.
unknown 2022-07-25 ID: FQr4IPm83pABlEy4eBBv5
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting, including discussions on affordable housing and amendments to the zoning ordinance.
unknown 2022-07-20 ID: U5xPAmXhgW1vfetPETUfa
Approved minutes of the joint work session meeting between the King William County Board of Supervisors and the King William County Planning Commission held on July 20, 2022. Discussions included affordable housing initiatives with Habitat for Humanity and proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance.
unknown 2022-07-20 ID: Pyq3T9BVrF8PUgR2LTOol
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority Board Meeting held on July 13, 2022, at the King William County Administration Building.
unknown 2022-07-13 ID: esMLuUkDCUsASqYQWyFMS
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting on July 13, 2022, covering topics such as electronic participation approval, RKG Phase 2 Work Schedule, Treasurer's Report, Farmer's Market & Family Fun Night Update, Secretary of Trade and Commerce Tour, and public comments.
unknown 2022-07-13 ID: N43b6LpavY94lXreWoiwd
Amended agenda for the Board of Supervisors work session meeting on July 11, 2022, covering topics such as the donation of a 2006 Ford E350 ambulance to King William County Public Schools, proposed changes to the county code on fire prevention and protection, and updates on cigarette tax and property-split for Central Garage Water Tower site.
unknown 2022-07-11 ID: DzbyVYafrK2at1IP0D9El
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on July 11, 2022. Topics discussed include a general reassessment update, donation of a 2006 Ford E350 ambulance to King William County Public Schools, changes to burn permits and fees, establishment of a community emergency response team, updates on cigarette taxes, property-split for Central Garage Water Tower site, proposed changes to county code on dogs running at large, formation of the VA250 committee, and authorization for the County Administrator to sign a VATI contract.
unknown 2022-07-11 ID: ZGkIn8E72men84GzjpZ2l
Minutes from the King William County Planning Commission regular meeting on July 5, 2022, discussing updates to zoning and subdivision ordinance and electing a new chairman.
unknown 2022-07-05 ID: vyOmvl7SRfHFpsJwqueXt
Agenda for the Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board meeting in King William County on June 30, 2022, detailing items such as call to order, roll call, approval of previous minutes, administrative review, HPARB handbook, certified local government, and review of DHR files.
unknown 2022-06-30 ID: lunTFnmbqKueQwV5lsscz
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on June 27, 2022. Topics discussed included public comments, consent agenda approval, resolution regarding business license tax overpayment, presentation by TACS, various old and new business items including a lease agreement with the King William Historical Society, recreation expansion plan, DSS personnel discussion, and library funding issue.
unknown 2022-06-27 ID: 1QvkXrVebZZxbz0tLuWKy
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on June 27, 2022.
unknown 2022-06-27 ID: PqorDBSSrws7m0p6uoUtx
Amended agenda for the Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on June 13, 2022, discussing various updates and proposals including the Scenic River Program, VDOT updates, Motorola Project, and more.
unknown 2022-06-13 ID: nxEwsMH5RomUAy1CbpPqL
Amended agenda for the King William County Economic Development Authority Board Meeting held on June 8, 2022, including discussions on various economic development projects and administrative matters.
unknown 2022-06-08 ID: YHjt5myX2BcE7zNnMFRPQ
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority Work Session held on June 8, 2022. Topics discussed include securing bonding, buying and selling properties, updates on Farmer's Market and Family Fun Night, Ag Education Facility, establishment of a Business Roundtable, and discussions on a meat processing plant.
unknown 2022-06-08 ID: NofqxpaHpu12mKFPqcHHB
Minutes from the King William County Planning Commission regular meeting held on June 7, 2022. The meeting included discussions on a conditional use permit for a campground, public comments, and updates on zoning ordinances.
unknown 2022-06-07 ID: FR0dI4K5vDEqPhEJTojhq
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held on June 2, 2022, including topics such as budget review, program reports, and facility updates.
unknown 2022-06-02 ID: YdizD3Usaly02mu733wRl
Minutes from the King William County Board of Zoning Appeals regular meeting held on June 1, 2022, discussing variance requests and updates to the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2022-06-01 ID: NUmx4LAma2jfrBNlxfcbd
This document is the amended agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on May 23, 2022. It includes the order of proceedings, consent agenda, public hearings, presentations, old and new business, and other administrative matters.
unknown 2022-05-23 ID: yvQYdonjdTpts207RV2Os
Approved minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on May 23, 2022, including public comments, resolutions, and presentations.
unknown 2022-05-23 ID: pjBlgZ9KuVXI7qiwVJ31e
Agenda for the special called meeting of the King William County Board of Social Services, discussing the proposal from the Board of Supervisors to reorganize the Social Services Department.
unknown 2022-05-18 ID: pq9idjdMGM7iwIgKlJUWB
Amended agenda for the Economic Development Authority Board Meeting in King William County on May 11, 2022. Includes reports, updates, and discussions on various economic development projects and initiatives.
unknown 2022-05-11 ID: fv7bcgCbApsU84npyveSj
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority regular meeting held on May 11, 2022. Topics included approval of previous minutes, treasurer's report, chairperson's report, unfinished and new business, and public comments.
unknown 2022-05-11 ID: 9dhJ98ypCf9ebpmUCsxtZ
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on May 9, 2022, including discussions on resolutions, budget adoption, various updates, and a public hearing on the VDOT Secondary Six-Year Road Plan FY2023-FY2028.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: lNfkSYGHAVKTNypgmx6Lh
Approved minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors work session on May 9, 2022, discussing agenda items such as the VDOT Secondary Six-Year Road Plan, general reassessment update, Sweet Sue Solar Facility update, Water Rescue Program, All Hazards Mitigation Plan, and budget approval.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: RKQZfnudL4QycsSYA1mnZ
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for May 5th, 2022, at the King William County Community Center.
unknown 2022-05-05 ID: q9NHTEOz92RKP5cgO1Et4
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors public hearing and regular meeting held on April 25, 2022, including discussions on resolutions, ordinances, tax levy, budget changes, and administrative matters.
unknown 2022-04-25 ID: XCQ8uP4NUKPMDzrtP2wDL
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on April 25, 2022. Key discussions included public hearings on VDOT's Six-Year Road Plan and amendments to the County Code on dangerous dogs, funding for the library, reduction of the school tax levy, personal property tax adjustments, and new county positions.
unknown 2022-04-25 ID: GEcP0Qn2hf8VqnPMlfENS
Agenda for a special called planning meeting of the Economic Development Authority discussing by-laws amendment, internal goals, strengths and weaknesses for economic development, and action strategies.
unknown 2022-04-23 ID: udsDNfLSCYrn2WfMHukvP
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on April 11, 2022. Topics discussed include the Sweet Sue Solar Facility, the Commissioner of the Revenue's update, library funding issues, Certified Local Government Designation, delinquent tax collection, and budget amendments.
unknown 2022-04-11 ID: ePtNiaz0sTUc2kE3SyLSd
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held at King William County Community Center, discussing topics such as the FY23 Budget Update, Park Updates, and Strategic Planning Session.
unknown 2022-04-07 ID: IkjDDsDHb9MrvAknTVIfj
Agenda for the King William County Planning Commission regular meeting held on April 5, 2022.
unknown 2022-04-05 ID: VRVHPkdGVPPFZ5fU9ke0X
This document is the agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on March 28, 2022. It includes various resolutions, proclamations, ordinances, and presentations scheduled for discussion and approval.
unknown 2022-03-28 ID: gN96ZlVPLnO6hNG2GD98c
Approved minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on March 28, 2022. The meeting included discussions on public comments, consent agenda items, resolutions, and a public hearing on redistricting.
unknown 2022-03-28 ID: SY5t3ipEm2fBQjXlUFONj
A memorandum regarding the public hearing for Dominion Energy's request to impact wetlands for infrastructure improvements.
unknown 2022-03-24 ID: NOYJPqacoHLmapPLhHOKJ
Minutes from the King William County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on March 23, 2022. The meeting covered variance requests, public comments, and updates to the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2022-03-23 ID: nZCi9rSs8Czwf0ilyrH3B
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors Budget Work Session Meeting held on March 21, 2022. The meeting covered various budgetary issues including personal property tax, projected revenues, fuel costs, and contributions to outside agencies.
unknown 2022-03-21 ID: FbuIWW48n9barr60F72or
Agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting on March 21, 2022, discussing the FY '23 Budget Work Session Matters including projected revenues, fuel costs, and capital improvement plans.
unknown 2022-03-21 ID: ss0oM3JtE7CDdXXzr2eyZ
Minutes from the King William County Historical Architectural Preservation Review Board work session held on March 16, 2022. Topics included approval of previous meeting minutes, discussion on administrative reviews, COA form contents, handbook changes, CLG status, review of a new single family dwelling application, and demonstration of a new county historic map.
unknown 2022-03-16 ID: Bbq47MOtQnrqjcXeST2eL
This document is the amended agenda for the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on March 14, 2022. It includes updates on general reassessment, VDOT, Sweet Sue Solar Farm, and the acceptable use policy, as well as discussions on the FY23 recommended budget, proposed tax levies, and appointments to the Economic Development Authority.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: 6kVRogVRV5esIFQuOCzYR
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors work session meeting held on March 14, 2022. Topics discussed include general reassessment updates, VDOT updates, Sweet Sue Solar Farm, FY23 County Administrator’s recommended budget, proposed tax levies, and appointments to the Economic Development Authority.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: TbUc4eIXRgsmsO0CVWdRY
Draft minutes of the joint meeting between the King William County Economic Development Authority Board and the King William County Planning Commission held on March 9, 2022. Discussions included presentations from RKG, a focus on fiscal impact, zoning, and the comprehensive plan.
unknown 2022-03-09 ID: ZPkhGDxdQ31bwNP4Tr2AQ
Agenda for the joint meeting of the Economic Development Authority and Planning Commission of King William County on March 9, 2022. Includes presentations on the comprehensive plan and residential development impact, as well as discussions on unfinished business and public comments.
unknown 2022-03-09 ID: TY3SSimkrOzW535H9zECT
Agenda for the joint budget work session between the King William County Board of Supervisors and King William County Public Schools Board held on March 8, 2022, discussing the FY23 budget presentation and related matters.
unknown 2022-03-08 ID: Vc6HgGtKc9sooq5GS55ZL
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors joint budget work session with the King William County Public School Board on March 8, 2022, discussing the FY23 budget, school enrollment, teacher retention, and other educational matters.
unknown 2022-03-08 ID: BGFqFVFrB4cdTL0OF3mgd
Agenda for the King William County Commission meeting held on March 3, 2022. Topics included review of meeting minutes, public comment, old business regarding comprehensive plans, manager reports on various programs, park updates, community center updates, and miscellaneous reports.
unknown 2022-03-03 ID: xNtBA8fj79KtjGWnNTNzP
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held on March 3rd, 2022, covering topics like the Comprehensive Plan, manager reports on various programs, fiscal year 23 budget, and grant opportunities.
unknown 2022-03-03 ID: wNL2QdV1piXl86I0nqC3i
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Planning Commission held on March 1, 2022, at 7:00 PM.
unknown 2022-03-01 ID: VhQrCfco84BXXlaa2Pijq
Amended agenda for the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on February 28, 2022. The agenda includes items such as public comments, consent agenda approvals, presentations, public hearings, old business, new business, administrative matters, and a closed meeting session.
unknown 2022-02-28 ID: IZfA4ftCnggHUsUC9eLSx
Minutes of the regular meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors held on February 28, 2022. The meeting included public comments, resolutions on various local government issues, presentations, and public hearings.
unknown 2022-02-28 ID: DKpI7KZaJrzqYjGSzyXp1
Agenda for the Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting on February 22, 2022, including various budget presentations.
unknown 2022-02-22 ID: hDh4CB5ESvRF7O6Hf5Ldt
Amended agenda for the joint work session meeting of the Board of Supervisors with the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority, including discussions on CTE programs, comprehensive plan updates, borrowing prospects, and other county matters.
unknown 2022-02-14 ID: agTOvV0LYsQB8Eb3QzqKA
Minutes of the King William County Board of Supervisors Joint Work Session Meeting with the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority on February 14, 2022.
unknown 2022-02-14 ID: wFlUG61vdSO5wmEwv48wu
Minutes of the King William County Economic Development Authority meeting held on February 9, 2022, discussing various economic development initiatives, presentations from the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board and Virginia Cooperative Extension, and future plans for the county.
unknown 2022-02-09 ID: jTPmtLCp5oY90JD0QYpQB
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting in King William County, covering topics such as programs, park updates, community center updates, and future events.
unknown 2022-02-03 ID: 17aoowbGmJySoQ50KwH44
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held on February 3, 2022, at the King William County Community Center. It includes reports on programs, events, and updates from the community center.
unknown 2022-02-03 ID: ubUzpLaPpeUIhTksa9ajZ
Minutes from the King William County Planning Commission meeting held on February 1, 2022, including agenda items, public comments, and staff reports.
unknown 2022-02-01 ID: GpnXg2GVWKPKMluYr3q4W
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors budget work session meeting held on January 31, 2022. Topics discussed include health department budget, social services budget updates, split levy information, contributions to volunteer fire departments, staffing requests, development fees review, and vehicle requests.
unknown 2022-01-31 ID: h9oY7BfVAkODyIOPymkE3
Agenda for the Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting in King William County on January 26, 2022, discussing variance requests and organizational matters.
unknown 2022-01-26 ID: Mg2wS975RymfaEb10tAQS
Amended agenda and minutes for the King William County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on January 24, 2022, including public comments, consent agenda, and administrative reports.
unknown 2022-01-24 ID: he9Ks7uSEh5TovdAEbcMG
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of King William County Board of Directors meeting on January 12, 2022, including organizational and regular meeting matters.
unknown 2022-01-12 ID: GrS3xH0VVstJvBfxsbbQO
The agenda outlines the organizational and work session meeting of the King William County Board of Supervisors on January 10, 2022. It includes the election of board officials, adoption of by-laws, resolutions for board appointments, and updates from various departments.
unknown 2022-01-10 ID: h74dcLxO95sVWiL2J6pKb
Minutes from the King William County Board of Supervisors Organizational and Work Session meeting held on January 10, 2022. Topics included election of board positions, adoption of by-laws, budget schedule, board appointments, and departmental updates.
unknown 2022-01-10 ID: WLxURGqM9d0z6I20Z3yue
Agenda for the King William County Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held on January 6, 2022, discussing ongoing and upcoming community programs, park and community center updates, and organizational matters.
unknown 2022-01-06 ID: knziYNmwhCeV4wmzg9K8t
Agenda for the King William County Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held on January 6, 2022, discussing programs, events, and community center updates.
unknown 2022-01-06 ID: 38yD2jKqtevHdUFm8byMS
Minutes from the King William County Planning Commission meeting held on January 4, 2022, discussing various agenda items including conditional use permits and comprehensive plan updates.
unknown 2022-01-04 ID: ZsMTZBkHvZYIKmZMHxz61
The document outlines the FY22 budget allocations for various departments and services in King William County, including Fire & EMS, Sheriff's Department, E911 Dispatch, Animal Control, Public Utilities, Outside Agencies, Public Schools, and Parks and Recreation.
unknown 2021-12-22 ID: nbNgz9y9OuBEXstWqos3s
Minutes of the Finance and Organizational Committee meeting held on March 12, 2020, discussing agenda changes, adoption of minutes, Arts Alive appointment, FY 2020-2021 budget, tax rates, and retiree health insurance.
unknown 2020-03-12 ID: omLSd6Wg1bMejwxVJmMm3
Minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held on September 20, 2018, discussing agenda changes, officer recognition, police department mutual aid agreements, downtown parking issues, and other general information.
unknown 2018-09-20 ID: ZRNS4loJqpCrrI1rrUHrO
Minutes of the Public Safety Committee Meeting held on July 19th, 2018, discussing topics such as parking/loading zone requests, police department updates, and ITI negotiation.
unknown 2018-07-19 ID: DBu1qoS9mTFBZwtpQHLti
Minutes from the Public Safety Committee Meeting held on June 21, 2018, discussing agenda changes, adoption of previous minutes, updates on the CAD system, Police Department Open House, warnings for trucks downtown, school is out update, and general information including camera systems upgrade.
unknown 2018-06-21 ID: CDPwu3oEjD4DPdEIxhJby
Minutes from the Public Safety Committee Meeting held on June 21st, 2018, discussing topics such as CAD system updates, police department open house, warnings for trucks downtown, and general public safety information.
unknown 2018-06-21 ID: FoUCfKh5crBkEzJaLRuFw

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.