King George (County)

Agency Records

Showing 58 records from King George (County) (Agency ID: 97)

Minutes from the King George County Board of Supervisors and Service Authority Board of Directors organizational meeting, including election of officers, adoption of bylaws, and establishment of meeting schedules for 2025.
unknown 2025-01-07 ID: mzfU0jR5qkzJRbhXLGf4L
Agenda for the King George County Wetlands Board meeting on November 20, 2024, including public hearings on NSF Dahlgren's shoreline stabilization permit extension.
unknown 2024-11-20 ID: jlcQPNnWPBsVQ1IYCg8k2
Agenda for the King George County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting scheduled for November 6, 2024, including old business on a variance request.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: 3RQpS0DX0MYW2Bhwz1AIv
Minutes from the L.E. Smoot Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting on October 10, 2024, including discussions on public comments, financial reports, policy changes, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-10-10 ID: j7SNKNGBXBDNTU25NwCt2
Agenda for the King George County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, including discussions on variance requests and old business from previous meetings.
unknown 2024-10-02 ID: iIlLXqTBltMmje2NCYIam
Agenda for the King George County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting scheduled for August 27, 2024, including public hearings on variance requests.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: KVOokRT5yxFYrqZIm8pio
Agenda for the King George County Planning Commission meeting scheduled on August 13, 2024, including discussions on public comments, approval of previous minutes, plan reviews, and updates from the Community Planning Liaison Officer.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: ZsGYZ1JUy7Ucmu6wii18T
Minutes from the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting held on August 8, 2024, covering topics such as the approval of previous meeting minutes, reports from members, discussions on budget and community engagement, and new business initiatives.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: wekPXuYZgUBgOHjSHEACW
Minutes from the L.E. Smoot Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting held on August 8, 2024, covering topics such as public comments on banned books, financial reports, committee updates, and new business including logo recoloring and vending machine issues.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: GxXhduL3SgcTrhLXUIP6F
Agenda for the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting on August 8, 2024, covering topics such as investment of funds, budget goals, and small business grants.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: 4JFDQZIzGyLEXnagM6XX4
Minutes from the King George County Electoral Board meeting held at King George Elementary School on July 31, 2024, discussing emergency procedure exercises and ADA compliance report approval.
unknown 2024-07-31 ID: bGVOJtiuMp5oJtCQZSGDL
Agenda for the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on July 17, 2024, including reports, presentations, and discussions on old and new business.
unknown 2024-07-17 ID: auxZrS7jo3dUAOa5qrS5D
Minutes of the King George County Electoral Board meeting held from June 19th, 2024 to June 24th, 2024, including canvassing and certification of the June 18th, 2024 Dual Primary Election.
unknown 2024-06-19 ID: RktNTcfFm2BKX9aufaLjf
Minutes of the King George County Electoral Board meeting held on June 17, 2024, at the University of Mary Washington, Dahlgren Campus. The meeting included an annual Registrar performance review and the appointment of additional Officers of Election.
unknown 2024-06-17 ID: WmGkNSTZzMJF790tPrFSt
Agenda for the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting on June 13, 2024, covering topics such as public comment, approval of minutes, reports, presentations, action items, old and new business.
unknown 2024-06-13 ID: NxPWd3RNERDGA5Jd8Ap5W
Minutes from the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting on June 13, 2024, detailing discussions on financial updates, appointment of Secretary-Treasurer, salary share for Administrative Assistant, investment of funds, small business grants, and social media strategies.
unknown 2024-06-13 ID: sGD7YytjERu4hEsCsLBVz
Minutes from the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting held on June 13, 2024, discussing various topics including reports from members, presentations on community impact for solar facility, action items, and budget work session.
unknown 2024-06-13 ID: zXuqpdDW7CGvXmbDVDZFl
Minutes from the L.E. Smoot Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting held on June 13, 2024, discussing public comments, reports from the Friends of the Library, director's report, financial officer report, committee reports, and new business including election of board officers and approval of strategic plan.
unknown 2024-06-13 ID: 6RzWtSewasxKYpdzt6bJX
Minutes from the King George County Electoral Board meeting held on May 13, 2024, discussing precinct evacuation planning exercises.
unknown 2024-05-13 ID: RkMyHdnIfXP380p1trbSn
Meeting minutes for the King George County Economic Development Authority on May 9, 2024. The meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum.
unknown 2024-05-09 ID: 72tI4y5BXLB3V1px96xUt
Minutes from the King George County Board of Supervisors budget work session, discussing the approval of the FY24-25 county budget, amendments, and proposed tax rates for calendar year 2024.
unknown 2024-05-07 ID: CI2YRNNN7cF3AE5hpjAef
Minutes of the King George County Electoral Board meeting held on April 29, 2024, for the approval of the departmental physical security plan.
unknown 2024-04-29 ID: a0ttouFsmqqpQcpjsgiMo
Agenda for the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 17, 2024, in King George County, covering public comments, approval of previous minutes, budget review, presentations, old and new business.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: Zu7rWfXq0jt3HjRGGdSDw
Minutes of the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting held on April 11, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including public comments, approval of previous minutes, reports from members, presentations, action items, and new business.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: PZ1KwzBBtS3Z6fwT4BkQE
Minutes from the L.E. Smoot Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting held on April 11, 2024, covering reports from various board members, discussions on public comments, financial and committee reports, and motions passed.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: 56GzLVcu3xEte3hzljfFe
Agenda for the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting held on April 11, 2024.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: cTbUG7OdgRmtkXLfeWbwL
Agenda for the Budget Work Session of the King George County Board of Supervisors held on April 10, 2024.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: gjbtNGEQHnHsSPba9rBmv
Minutes from the King George County Tourism Advisory Committee regular meeting held on March 20, 2024. The meeting included reports from members, public comments on a BBQ competition, funding requests for various local projects and events, and updates on ongoing projects.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: otgJ8b68z4p9X6kZ1sJ9B
Agenda for the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting in King George County on March 20, 2024, covering topics such as public comments, approval of previous meeting minutes, member reports, presentations, and updates on old and new business.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: E3gIkmZar141mfoHAnH7E
Agenda for the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting on March 13, 2024, including public comment, fee adjustment request, and various reports.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: iqNBaM7LLcOLUJSoHqYUv
Minutes from the King George County Electoral Board meeting held from March 6th to March 11th, 2024, to conduct the canvass and certification of the March 5th, 2024, Dual Presidential Primary Election.
unknown 2024-03-06 ID: Bvh2pmiL7VT1qjqmGYMge
Agenda for the King George County Board of Supervisors Budget Work Session, including public comment opportunities and a presentation on a compensation study.
unknown 2024-02-28 ID: jKxnPNhtXC5KhZMJzFrB8
Agenda for the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on February 21, 2024, including public comments, approval of previous minutes, member reports, presentations, and new and old business.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: D1u9H4E6n0ml521s19TvN
Minutes from the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting held on February 8, 2024, detailing reports, presentations, and action items discussed.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: i26Pa5sGmvmQLZKtZQl12
Agenda for the Budget Work Session of the King George County Board of Supervisors scheduled for February 7, 2024, at 5:30 PM. Includes public comment opportunities, discussion of county investments, and approval of previous meeting minutes.
unknown 2024-02-07 ID: SBYrwwMYwn6pnyYdo5pTK
Minutes of the King George County Electoral Board meeting held on February 7, 2024. The meeting involved reorganization, approval of previous minutes, appointment of Officers of Election, and review of election-related activities.
unknown 2024-02-07 ID: RwvVGiDQxL5qJtnGLXP5V
Minutes from the budget work session meeting of the King George County Board of Supervisors, held on January 31, 2024. Discussions included budget challenges, revenue, and expenditures, as well as capital improvement projects.
unknown 2024-01-31 ID: 9QS7fZDYfjNVcFQI4B1MI
Agenda for the King George County Board of Supervisors Budget Work Session held on January 31, 2024, discussing the current year's revenue and expenditures, budget process, challenges, new position requests, employee compensation, and financial policy.
unknown 2024-01-31 ID: vge41vq0RiiVaxk7rSk0I
Agenda for the King George County Wetlands Board meeting, discussing the repatriation of tombstones from the former Columbian Harmony Cemetery, permit applications, and board matters.
unknown 2024-01-25 ID: vvW6TrX8e5DWEsm3jQIIA
Agenda for the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on January 24, 2024, discussing topics such as Native American Trail Geocache presentation, TAC application revision, parking at Wilmont Landing, and the 2024 Visit King George Brochure.
unknown 2024-01-24 ID: CpeGFNTzNoXju2wyc5syh
Agenda for the King George County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on January 23, 2024, including items such as approval of minutes, annual report, election of officers, and review of bylaws.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: YyloNAf2LpVC8I3FNLKJ8
Minutes from the King George County Landfill Advisory Committee meeting held on January 18, 2024, where officers were elected, meeting minutes were approved, and discussions took place on waste management issues, capital improvement projects, and litter control.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: ELCfduJhzOHBW9SOF5gKQ
Agenda for the King George County Landfill Advisory Committee meeting scheduled on January 18, 2024, including public comment, approval of past meeting minutes, election of officers, review of convenience center use policies, and discussion about odor complaints.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: OXkWCWn7I6BlKHWXrWm0a
Agenda for the King George County Economic Development Authority meeting scheduled for January 11, 2024, including public comment, approval of minutes, reports, and organizational matters.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: iUtUFMdigj6gq9PjzbiPD
Agenda for the King George County Planning Commission meeting on January 9, 2024, including items such as approval of minutes, public hearings on conditional rezoning and special exception permits, and other business items.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: 9yfmq5e1gQBU7DWnKbtNn
General Manager's report discussing the Potomac Landing Proposed Water Well Project, updates on tasks, and upcoming meeting schedule.
unknown 2023-10-03 ID: Mi8GjWELFNMgLSy91xa0B
Agenda for the joint work session of the King George County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission focused on the zoning and subdivision ordinance update.
unknown 2023-09-26 ID: cblmcPPBGIQSI8trGmX9J
Agenda and memo for the joint work session between the King George County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission focusing on the zoning and subdivision ordinance update.
unknown 2023-08-29 ID: p4uuchfZEIvDjQhW3cxTp
This document is the General Manager’s Report for the King George County Service Authority Board of Directors, discussing proposed dates for a joint work session, updates on capital items, and other miscellaneous topics.
unknown 2023-08-15 ID: IXfmOIMQiUo6m6sTD3XyY
Minutes from the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on April 12, 2023, at the King George Citizens Center. Topics discussed include the capital campaign, museum historical efforts, marketing communications, and special events planning.
unknown 2023-04-12 ID: lCXWXG1jzwuJQgLQS6Q4M
Agenda for the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on April 12, 2023, at the King George Citizen’s Center, including public comment, distribution of minutes, old and new business, and mission statement discussion.
unknown 2023-04-12 ID: z8kWBLmdcs9Bnd1qXBiSl
Agenda for the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on April 12, 2023, at the KG Citizen’s Center. The agenda includes public comment, distribution of minutes from the February 2023 meeting, old and new business, and the next meeting date.
unknown 2023-04-12 ID: TmXUaVugui4pq8gnJnEUh
Minutes from the March 8, 2023 meeting of the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee held at the King George Citizens Center. Topics discussed included the capital campaign, marketing-communications efforts, museum collection initiatives, and other community events and activities.
unknown 2023-03-08 ID: Nkc0rSjvdQldwT51HhfB2
Minutes from the King George County Local Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals meeting, including approval of previous minutes, election of officers, and an overview of the annual report. Discussions involved the implementation of updated building and fire code documents and the board's activities for the year.
unknown 2023-02-16 ID: Ps2MFk87uq5hetqayuV2F
Agenda for the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on February 8, 2023, at the KG Citizen's Center. It includes distribution of minutes, old business, mission statement discussions, new business, and scheduling of the next meeting.
unknown 2023-02-08 ID: tbT1zqERXoUlOXGzQSQTl
Minutes from the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on February 8, 2023, at the King George Citizens Center. Topics discussed include capital campaign suggestions, special events planning, marketing-communications strategies, and museum-historical planning.
unknown 2023-02-08 ID: UbGoZbR52JHHmNzRAjqVM
Minutes of the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting held on January 18, 2023, discussing fundraising strategies, community events, grant opportunities, and plans for a large fundraising event.
unknown 2023-01-18 ID: d7Gq7BRzQLyX2FyqGKwnP
Agenda for the regular meeting of the King George County Wireless Authority Board of Directors on January 21, 2020, discussing the dissolution of the Wireless Authority.
unknown 2020-01-21 ID: pJsmHZ2Zy2XcYmEZd30cj