Greensville (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Greensville (County) (Agency ID: 88)

Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting on December 10, 2024, covering topics such as approval of minutes from the previous meeting, a public hearing for the MAMaC RIFA Data Center special use permit, and an amendment to the Greensville County Zoning Ordinance.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: JEsqcTXI1ZbbZgL81ZmSO
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on November 20, 2024, for a Risk Limiting Audit of the U.S. Senate race from the November 5, 2024 General and Special Election.
unknown 2024-11-20 ID: UtU6uUJWzlpgFRaNyoKWs
The agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on November 12, 2024, includes a roll call, approval of the agenda and minutes, public hearings for SP-10-2024 (Alton Owen, Jr./Verizon Wireless) and other matters.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: L7QAyO5nLOmptZYPJ0X06
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting to determine official election results for the General and Special Election held on November 5, 2024, including discussions on absentee and provisional ballots.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: 6xsV83H8gyZKp17aqKR1F
Agenda for the Greensville County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 4, 2024. The meeting includes closed and regular sessions, public hearings on SP-7-2024 and SP-8-2024, presentations, citizens comments, and new business including resolutions and a legislative agenda.
unknown 2024-11-04 ID: Llakl45MvZZNEogQGCcdj
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board organizational meeting held on October 29, 2024, discussing post-election canvass adjustments and risk-limiting audits.
unknown 2024-10-29 ID: S9ORXzqOXDCekykCRPXcg
Minutes of the mandatory training meeting held by the Greensville County Electoral Board for the General and Special Election scheduled on November 5, 2024.
unknown 2024-10-29 ID: diL7i8cPIlh3px3WrAp8q
Minutes of the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on October 8, 2024. The meeting included discussions and approvals of special use permits for an RV Resort and an automotive repair facility, as well as a discussion on the proposed Monarch Switching Station utility project.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: NHduosRKudNZie0y6GfbX
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting on October 8, 2024, including public hearings on various planning applications.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: POkiGo9egWurHdVP6dyAe
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including closed and regular sessions, public hearings, resolutions, and reports from various departments.
unknown 2024-10-07 ID: AyBOyfPhbd8qcve4qPo3E
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on September 3, 2024, discussing the approval of water and sewer rate increases, budget resolutions, and recognition of service.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: QXvqWRoEwY5hij86MxEw9
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on September 3, 2024, covering closed and regular sessions, agenda items, resolutions, and public comments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: YE8DU8xK2HQu4FHqiNjkS
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting detailing discussions on zoning map amendment for Vulcan Materials Company and special use permit for Sheetz Truck/Travel Stop.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: HpcEedBOkRde9U7996fih
Notice and agenda for a special meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors with Greensville County Public School officials to discuss FY23 and FY24 audits.
unknown 2024-08-06 ID: R18fyVptRwgTPIGWGlGP9
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on August 5, 2024, covering various agenda items including closed sessions, public hearings, budgetary matters, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-08-05 ID: SadGwYJIyMNF7Y9jCb9kV
Agenda for the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority FY2025 Proposed Budget Work Session.
unknown 2024-08-01 ID: g23ZTB0FsMC5RFoqOxNrJ
Minutes of the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget Work Session meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, including an overview of the proposed budget and a resolution on water and sewer rates.
unknown 2024-08-01 ID: LRYjkoI2KTt5JujCmvUBt
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on July 26, 2024, to review the annual general registrar performance and ADA compliance confirmations for polling places.
unknown 2024-07-26 ID: 5lVweKk5T1p4cBG8udKyY
This document is the agenda for the Greensville County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on July 16, 2024, detailing the items to be discussed, including a public hearing for ERI Development, Inc. and other matters.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: 5uyjFZDmXAfLrN8p6tQOH
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors discussing financial assurance for the Greensville County Landfill and related audit issues.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: SEqrcefP1JKnzX7d6rZvt
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, covering agenda approval, consent agenda, old business on FY2025 Budget Calendar, new business resolutions on chemical bid awards, reservoir grass cutting, and adoption of small purchase policy.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: 4IxVq88K1IqaARussu1Gw
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, covering agenda approvals, public hearings on the County Line Solar Project and an ordinance amendment regarding solid waste management fees.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: 2CujfsfK0EMmx2RfwHLkU
Zoning Map Amendment proposal to change zoning from Agricultural District (A-1) to Natural Resources Overlay District (NROD) for the Skippers Quarry Expansion. The amendment includes plans to use adjacent land to the existing quarry for mining operations by Vulcan Materials Company.
unknown 2024-06-28 ID: uz1q2GqY1Xx7BLGnfNxlL
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors and Greensville County Public School Officials to discuss the FY25 Budget and related funding requests.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: s17rtTWfllYpaGPQSiuct
Agenda for the special meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors with Greensville County Public School Officials to discuss the FY2025 budget.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: vug2SMwXilyZMTui0zt8r
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on June 20 and 21, 2024, to canvass the results of the Republican Party Primary Election held on June 18, 2024.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: KCzePiGpF0c6kcwodf4Ku
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on June 11, 2024. The meeting included discussions on various zoning and development applications including solar energy projects and rezoning for commercial development.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: uPONvDn72YRECBslWCgu1
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on June 11, 2024, for mandatory training for the Republican Party Primary Election.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: naBux5Pxyf2s6LX7DXVL8
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting discussing solar energy projects and zoning issues.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: RdjDngsHspeLauq0fQiXd
Minutes of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Adoption Meeting for Greensville County, including the approval of budget resolutions and tax ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: gIVvaRgmxyHbNzrPTBzQK
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on the Special Use Permit for ERI Development, LLC, and the adoption of a combined Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: rxBp4TcsLJKK0XXPNz6BK
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority discussing approvals, resolutions, and the recommended FY2025 budget calendar.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: ybidnGlLBS5sCYyAscpzn
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting, including public hearings on various zoning and development matters.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: l3wSCtTfGeuBZPmeMpZsW
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on May 14, 2024, discussing various zoning and public utility facility matters, including solar energy projects and rezoning applications.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: ziKOREDh3V3acibE4kWhJ
The agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on May 14, 2024, covering topics such as solar energy facility applications, rezoning requests, and updates to zoning ordinances and comprehensive plans.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: vj6SpzL6ngS71LIiO61c2
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on May 6, 2024. Discussions included closed session topics, public hearing on the Secondary Six-Year Plan, and special use permit applications for solar projects.
unknown 2024-05-06 ID: JUXOlqSLRzUGpp50ME0CX
Minutes of the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on April 9, 2024, discussing the County Line Solar and Rosalind Solar projects, including public comments, staff reports, and voting outcomes.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: JZuAfHOApgA2NasstnhUc
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting on April 9, 2024, including public hearings and discussions on solar projects and a technology overlay district.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: lP94FGW3r72rId4P217rh
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors including discussions on resolutions, budget amendments, and citizen comments.
unknown 2024-04-08 ID: yIQH71fZEUK2ALgeVfgnk
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority detailing discussions on interim financing and the approval of resolutions for improvements to the Jarratt Water Treatment Plant.
unknown 2024-04-08 ID: HK2gyNEhavJImEDW7BBHS
Agenda for the FY25 joint budget work session involving the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, Emporia City Council, and the Greensville County School Board.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: HJu8yx3FMIPGBut9TR7Kw
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meetings held on March 6, 2024, and March 8, 2024, to canvass the results of the Dual Party Presidential Primary Election held on March 5, 2024.
unknown 2024-03-06 ID: cN4GSyn6Fi4c07NeEBH2w
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority discussing resolutions on financial assistance and advisor engagement, and property acquisition for the Jarratt Water Treatment Plant.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: OSwGeI6NZvrSUu11wBLCZ
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on February 27, 2024. The meeting focused on the appointment of officers, review of Locality Election Security Standards, and mandatory training for election officers.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: DRX3Guwi3UNpibVJyFKT4
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting including public hearings for zoning map amendment and special use permits.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: HgX0oOLgWSl041THOIDh1
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on February 13, 2024, discussing zoning map amendments for Wawa Inc. and a special use permit for Synagro Central, LLC.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: LMWxlINKfLj3pOn6lX4u3
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on closed session topics, approval of resolutions, budgetary matters, and various board appointments.
unknown 2024-02-05 ID: hVVbQ3q6KhLMuokzRrAVa
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on February 5, 2024.
unknown 2024-02-05 ID: QzOHqrCC6eFQ6qUm0xzYQ
Agenda for the Greensville County Transportation Safety Commission meeting on January 23, 2024, including old concerns, new concerns, and other matters.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: DIJp7mN98MOA7zr0Hj08g
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on January 10, 2024, for mandatory training of Chief Officers of Election for the Dual Party Presidential Primary Election.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: lxI2wqpsrv8UV8zeBRR9l
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting covering the election of officers, approval of minutes, public hearings on solar projects, and other matters.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: kvd6tGAdD7GkBjYyepkoX
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including closed and regular sessions, resolutions, public hearings, and appointments.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: AqYy9qcIjaEryjou4VMoW
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on January 2, 2024.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: nFPEQfy5DCaAsjAPAAkro
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on December 4, 2023, covering agenda approvals, zoning text amendments, resolutions, and public comments.
unknown 2023-12-04 ID: x3jfKTAsFlYB9Yr0TdkpV
The document outlines the agenda for a joint work session between the Greensville County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. Key discussion topics include solar definitions in Article 24 of the Zoning Ordinance.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: XYKVsFG9KEPURMXeUpuJ7
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meetings held on November 8 and November 13, 2023, to determine the official results of the General Election and review vote-by-mail ballots.
unknown 2023-11-08 ID: e3CSiMqdvXzKVrKSvuoSz
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on November 6, 2023, covering topics such as closed and regular sessions, approval of various agendas and resolutions, a public hearing on zoning ordinance amendments, a report from the Virginia Department of Transportation, and citizen comments.
unknown 2023-11-06 ID: 6iGD4TeuMVrjnz6pcH06Y
Minutes of the Electoral Board meeting held on October 30, 2023, to discuss ADA compliance and election officer training for the upcoming General Election.
unknown 2023-10-30 ID: fUSbI8QaHaqr7ZP5IiXtg
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on October 10, 2023, discussing the County Line Solar project and other agenda items.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: yWpD76UIsyGKz5qU5Vgce
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting discussing the approval of previous minutes, a public hearing on County Line Solar, and other matters.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: LaBu2rVGJSA54Uxoz8VEH
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on various resolutions, budget matters, and citizen comments.
unknown 2023-10-02 ID: 5MUcoSrMq36itQ97B4x5G
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, including approval of the agenda, consent agenda, FY22 audit presentation, and Resolution WS-24-01 on awarding contracts for general engineering services.
unknown 2023-10-02 ID: QrVSYzOTlMJtYXIgBifNd
Terms of Use document outlining the conditions for using Greensville County's website and services, including intellectual property rights, user responsibilities, limitations of liability, and privacy policies.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: fXYok93jlLLJtP3zxmWDA
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on September 12, 2023, including discussions on zoning ordinance amendments, solar projects, and accessory dwelling units.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: nm4X14xMPJkNNH5Yfwlyo
Minutes of the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on September 12, 2023, discussing topics such as the approval of the agenda, minutes, public hearing on Rosalind Solar, and zoning text amendments related to Accessory Dwelling Units.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: VNcC6fLfOCzUzyeIUkKcS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on September 5, 2023, including discussions on budgetary matters, recognition of the EGRA Babe Ruth Team, and a school update.
unknown 2023-09-05 ID: UMVh9eCQcZL8BRaiKmajV
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, discussing water and sewer rate increases, budget approval, and public hearing protocols.
unknown 2023-09-05 ID: ie4mc3xfRQ1C5xOmuJqbX
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on August 8, 2023, discussing zoning text amendments related to solar facilities and other planning matters.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: HZnybwewwmTayy1OrbNcW
Minutes of the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on August 8, 2023, discussing zoning ordinance amendments related to solar facilities and other planning matters.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: cTHjMGwsgcnpS5EkxCfXH
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on August 7, 2023, covering topics such as closed session discussions, budgetary matters, resolutions, and community updates.
unknown 2023-08-07 ID: pfrcv7bX9Ims3KTYX0r4u
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on August 7, 2023.
unknown 2023-08-07 ID: TVJcovYv5mTHnTSb7HttH
Called meeting agenda for the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority on August 1, 2023, including items such as call to order, approval of agenda, approval of minutes, treasurer’s report, closed session, and new business regarding a land transfer agreement.
unknown 2023-08-01 ID: GSbSivKAqOIV4S9nNx6a5
Agenda for the Transportation Safety Commission meeting held on July 25, 2023, addressing old and new traffic concerns, road maintenance, and a street light request.
unknown 2023-07-25 ID: QgOLVC7hvNCAJRJ86mUI1
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on July 11, 2023, discussing the Rosalind Solar Project and its implications for the county.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: GagAid4oy2Yx6gZ57wlJI
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting, including discussions on the Rosalind Solar Project and zoning ordinance amendments related to solar facilities.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: uA6ponRbkYY3NuOyjNflo
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on July 5, 2023, including closed and regular sessions, resolutions, and the approval of agenda and consent items.
unknown 2023-07-05 ID: 1WsSf95H04yzhinnvne5I
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on June 13, 2023, discussing the reappointment of the General Registrar, performance review, and training for the upcoming Republican Party Primary Election.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: Iq2sIVK1bjAXbaqZ0hYkG
Agenda for the FY24 Budget Work Session held on June 13, 2023, including the approval of budget resolutions, school budget, and tax ordinance.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: sDiPUfV615Sz1ImpC8nfw
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on June 13, 2023, discussing solar project applications and zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: QHaFfGRnqEhi6glN5JZuX
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on May 9, 2023, including discussions on the Emporia Solar Project and rezoning applications.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: B4nylPokrHEYqfhqZ2vVC
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on May 1, 2023. The meeting covered various agenda items including public hearings, zoning map amendments, budget resolutions, proclamations, and department reports.
unknown 2023-05-01 ID: T7blYecWOL61RboliwU21
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, covering approvals of agendas, resolutions on legal services, water plant expansion, and well additions.
unknown 2023-05-01 ID: cEylMRtIEkJDZn46NlPXX
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority, including approval of agenda, consent agenda, and Resolution WS-23-10 concerning a corrected deed of easement.
unknown 2023-04-03 ID: afz2cYWb2AWwCqXLHaMZQ
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on April 3, 2023. Topics discussed include budget amendments, public school matters, transportation updates, child abuse prevention, sexual assault awareness, and a water service easement request.
unknown 2023-04-03 ID: oJh87b0FfQB0V1bQS8NMO
Minutes of the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on March 14, 2023, discussing the election of officers, approval of previous minutes, public hearing on rezoning application ZMA-1-2023 by Alton Owen Jr. for a cellular communications tower, and other matters.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: 78pAPZB0B81wBOPnb44Bm
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting, which includes election of officers, approval of agenda and minutes, public hearing on zoning map amendment ZMA-1-2023, regular session discussions, and other matters.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: x1QRMUp9h0269BySG9I1U
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on March 6, 2023, covering topics including closed sessions, public hearings on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, a proposed cable franchise ordinance, and the conveyance of property interest to the City of Emporia.
unknown 2023-03-06 ID: clWOTQFuVOiPMXiEVft4U
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on March 6, 2023. The meeting included approval of the agenda and consent agenda, discussion of Resolution WS-23-09 regarding the Jarratt Water Treatment Plant Expansion, and adjournment.
unknown 2023-03-06 ID: 2dTFhRNcQZnlv61ni71XB
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on February 24, 2023, to discuss and review the 2023 Locality Election Security Standards (LESS). The meeting included a closed session and the adoption of Resolution EB#23-01.
unknown 2023-02-24 ID: 8XvvghcCLf0KLJDd8VZOH
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on February 22 and 24, 2023, to determine the official results of the General and Special Election held on February 21, 2023, and to review vote-by-mail ballots.
unknown 2023-02-22 ID: hvONK6SCG9UF0kmihhhg5
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on February 6, 2023. Key topics included budget amendments, approval of agendas, and the Water Meter Replacement Project Update.
unknown 2023-02-06 ID: cOwCZAY86YhrRZn0fZuT5
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on legal matters, budgetary issues, election of officers, and recognition of Black History Month.
unknown 2023-02-06 ID: X3PWyUgXGJq7gRcFckfHf
Minutes of the Greensville County Electoral Board meeting held on January 27, 2023, for the purpose of appointing officers and discussing various topics including the election schedule, budget requests, and maintenance issues at polling places.
unknown 2023-01-27 ID: kcP5pyWQp87dEoTshD9Es
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors held on January 3, 2023, covering various organizational matters, budgetary items, public hearings, and recognitions.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: M74SHGkjqXDxLWxUNWQI2
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority where elections for Chair and Vice-Chair were held, resolutions WS-23-05 and WS-23-06 were discussed, and various reports and awards were presented.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: vl5Z1iVLsi0GkP9VTwrfj
Agenda for the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting discussing the Monarch Utility Project and the County Line Solar Project.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: nXUCkS9n0VhsxKt6OMMoi
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, Emporia City Council, and the Greensville County School Board discussing various topics including the annual report on student growth, capital improvement plans, and proposed FY2024 budget.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: 6JWZ2DKCUbzDvgaKfu85W
Agenda for the joint meeting among the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, Greensville County School Board, and Emporia City Council to discuss the Proposed FY2024 Greensville County Public School Budget.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: ngW5rCjQaC29YNjvfVasz
Minutes from the Greensville County Planning Commission meeting held on December 13, 2022, discussing the Monarch Utility Project and its compliance with the County's Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: ODayfxQNUba1pFdBidCXq
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Water and Sewer Authority held on December 5, 2022. Includes approval of agenda, consent agenda, and resolutions regarding residential water meter replacement and financing for utility infrastructure improvements.
unknown 2022-12-05 ID: s5YxCOwPdyuSFzzrtDYZi

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.