Goochland (County)

Agency Records

Showing 5 records from Goochland (County) (Agency ID: 85)

Minutes of the Goochland County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on November 18, 2024, including a variance hearing for Don G. Faison, Jr. and Lynne K Faison.
unknown 2024-11-18 ID: AD8jLHwrUax1Bx1kA8j3A
Agenda and minutes for the Goochland County Design Review Committee meeting held on July 16, 2024. Discussions included elections of new officers, approval of past meeting minutes, and review of applications for Certificates of Approval.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: E8wYZIgXPxjJYW5ikZ7GL
Agenda for the Goochland County Design Review Committee meeting scheduled for July 16, 2024, to discuss officer elections, approval of minutes, review by-laws, and scheduled application COA-2024-00008 for SP Real Estate Holdings, LLC.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: kgttyQ8fKqOHrr5o7oRgj
Minutes from the Goochland County Local Board of Building Code Appeals meeting held on September 12, 2023, including discussions on bylaws, quorum determination, and officer appointments.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: rJ2YpNyck5EYfmKOOccT6
Minutes from the Goochland County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on January 23, 2023, where new members were introduced, officers were elected, bylaws were reviewed, and training information was distributed.
unknown 2023-01-23 ID: hqOH8KZRV9r0HlpLVKTCM