Giles (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Giles (County) (Agency ID: 83)

Volunteer opportunity at the Giles County Visitors Center to greet and orient visitors, provide information, and assist with various tasks.
unknown 2025-01-26 ID: nORrhk3DMrZtvu4ryJ2aJ
This document outlines the process for obtaining building permits for singlewide and doublewide manufactured homes in Giles County. It includes steps for obtaining necessary permits, scheduling inspections, and important regulations regarding occupancy and inspections.
unknown 2023-10-15 ID: XlpdFaikZvPLlXLw3CDEL
An Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) developed by the Giles Family Assessment and Planning Team to address the needs and services for a child, including CSA eligibility, CANS scores, service goals, and family involvement.
unknown 2023-10-12 ID: 7wtbFF6vNei72w9UIBonB
Setup requirements for manufactured homes in Giles County, including specifications for water lines, electrical systems, sewer lines, and other structural requirements.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: OZ6ruK0krC3LLC30oh5t9
Guidelines and requirements for obtaining building permits for singlewide and doublewide manufactured homes in Giles County, including necessary documentation, inspection procedures, and contact information for relevant departments.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: Qpb01K6b4FTahiIxEbqQg
Giles County Building Department's requirements for setting up manufactured homes, including water lines, electrical systems, blocking, tie downs, porches, underpinning, and sewer lines.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: 8pZEtcfePQXY3Lr3Pdhs6
The Giles County Office of Tourism Marketing offers an unpaid internship for students to gain experience in tourism, destination management, and event management industries through administrative tasks, content creation, and special projects.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: uheRmRwo9z46y1ajsfHvz
Guidelines and safety tips for participants of the Muddy A.C.C.E. Race, including what to bring, safety precautions, and tips for race day.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: XSQrHmkf6DWNWmywmI4mF
This document outlines the Community Action Plan for Giles County, Virginia, focusing on developing the recreation economy. It details the planning process, community workshops, and strategies for enhancing outdoor recreation and revitalizing main streets in Giles County and its towns such as Pembroke and Narrows. The plan is part of the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC) program.
unknown 2020-10-26 ID: d4sWS0eqisJ7CGQFlj09a
The document details the community-driven action plan for Giles County, Virginia, to support asset-based economic development and conservation. It includes information on the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC) program, workshop sessions, and strategies to enhance outdoor recreation and revitalize downtown areas.
unknown 2020-10-26 ID: 6hTyHpTtFsoFiop76cfy1
The Giles County Adventure Guide provides information about outdoor activities, lodging, dining, and attractions in Giles County, Virginia. It includes details about hiking, fishing, local businesses, and community events.
unknown 2019-01-01 ID: bZLpBQvjil3r1zTJA95DB
A comprehensive guide to outdoor activities, dining, and lodging in Giles County, Virginia. Promotes the region's natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and local businesses.
unknown 2019-01-01 ID: R0sK1avj5y7FAEZcSfTAt
Agenda for the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 16, 2017, covering topics such as approval of minutes, public hearings on flood plain ordinance amendments, new and old business, appropriations, and announcements.
unknown 2017-11-16 ID: InLEIXL5bkxLiCBI2201d
Agenda for the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 16, 2017, including public hearings, new and old business, appropriations, and announcements.
unknown 2017-11-16 ID: VGm52wwVNH2BLZeZXIMjy
Sample ballot for the General Election in Giles County, excluding towns of Pearisburg and Pembroke, held on November 7, 2017.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: CX9IQuE7HgPA2TshBUiWI
Sample ballot for the general and special elections in Giles County, Virginia, held on November 7, 2017.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: MqaXpegTUM8UjWVK8koYk
Sample ballot for the General and Special Elections in Giles County, Virginia, held on November 7, 2017. Includes candidates for Governor, House of Delegates, Board of Supervisors, Mayor, and Town Council of Pearisburg.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: RZpz5i017RnONSWqqKRGC
Sample ballot for the general and special elections in Giles County on November 7, 2017.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: ej3gYxUOIF3QPA6iRAGib
This document is a ballot for the general election held in Giles County, Virginia, on November 7, 2017. It includes instructions for voting, candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and local offices including the school board, board of supervisors, mayor, and town council of Pembroke.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: 9OT3Z8BpIlP7savI6ur6Z
Sample ballot for general and special elections in Giles County, Virginia, on November 7, 2017, including races for Governor, House of Delegates, Board of Supervisors, and local offices in the Town of Pearisburg.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: KGuK27iKd5TplMeBzZwqk
This is a sample ballot for the General and Special Elections in Giles County, Virginia, held on November 7, 2017. It includes instructions on how to vote and lists candidates for various offices.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: quKZIcMXTkvbN4ZRH0M6H
Sample ballot for the general and special elections held in Giles County, Virginia, on Tuesday, November 7, 2017.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: qtERX45c98EjQMAjFmr14
Sample ballot for the general election in Giles County, Virginia, excluding the towns of Pearisburg and Pembroke, held on November 7, 2017.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: nD0mnbt9ql5WrXsgvnDY1
The general election ballot for Giles County, Virginia, held on November 7, 2017. Includes candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Board of Supervisors, School Board, Mayor of Pembroke, and Pembroke Town Council.
unknown 2017-11-07 ID: HfJuZSgXrIiqOC6Xz608C
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on November 1, 2017, covering reports from VDOT, School Board, Planning Commission recommendations, and public hearing on the sale of property.
unknown 2017-11-01 ID: j7p2Jk14N1n5yeFfBwzsE
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on November 1, 2017, covering topics such as VDOT reports, planning commission recommendations, school board reports, and other county matters.
unknown 2017-11-01 ID: 9NQVwTiezaaP4E5oTKj9z
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 19, 2017. Includes discussions on Penvir Bridge progress, Route 100 paving, Skyview Lane project, adoption of Emergency Operations Plan, mutual aid agreements, various appropriations, and requests for conditional use permits.
unknown 2017-10-19 ID: f6QYPiycqwCp4SJ2naxQw
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 19, 2017, covering approvals of minutes, public comments, new business including emergency operations plan resolution and mutual aid agreements, payment of warrants, appropriations for school board and social services, and joint public hearings for conditional use permits.
unknown 2017-10-19 ID: oN9zclhwJEDMS1f4vuVpt
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 4, 2017, covering various topics including VDOT updates, school board report, public comments, planning commission recommendations, emergency operations plan, 4-H report, and appointments.
unknown 2017-10-04 ID: l3ittDnpRu7BmLcyw5R5g
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 4, 2017. Topics included VDOT updates, school board reports, planning commission recommendations, and appointments.
unknown 2017-10-04 ID: e5q0AHljmK9uTDYRJMynB
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 21, 2017, including discussions on resolutions, contracts, appropriations, and public hearings.
unknown 2017-09-21 ID: R8FmtZbF6otxKivFnKqL6
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 21, 2017, covering topics such as VDOT resolution, pipe bids for the Eggleston Water Project, VJCCCA funds, Virginia Department of Health term sheet, payment of warrants, appropriations, ACCE Race, and public hearings on conditional use permits.
unknown 2017-09-21 ID: umSP80hk1jSo1vpVAy2B2
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors, covering topics such as VDOT updates, school board reports, new business including river clean up and Muddy ACCE Race, planning commission recommendations, and the Twin Depots Scenic Trail resolution.
unknown 2017-09-06 ID: kQK020zMEoQ4bWM9sBAEf
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on September 6, 2017, discussing VDOT updates, school board reports, river cleanup, planning commission recommendations, and other county matters.
unknown 2017-09-06 ID: AD2yPC1UP4xnZiui8qxH7
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 17, 2017, covering topics such as the appointment of a Western District Supervisor, approval of minutes, campground rate changes, payment of warrants, school board and social services appropriations, project timelines, and policy changes.
unknown 2017-08-17 ID: pUhNMyhM0F3tsO2Hhfsns
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 17, 2017. Topics included the appointment of a new Western District Supervisor, approval of previous meeting minutes, changes in campground rates, payment of warrants, school board and social services appropriations, project timelines, an overhead easement, and a policy change regarding safety equipment.
unknown 2017-08-17 ID: wJcr3fh3yBNt120AEI7Uj
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on August 2, 2017, covering topics such as VDOT updates, school board activities, planning commission recommendations, and new business proposals.
unknown 2017-08-02 ID: kTNs4WS8dswka8sZXlwFh
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on August 2, 2017. The meeting covered approvals of minutes, VDOT updates, school board report, planning commission recommendations, new business items including Pembroke street closure and tourism strategic plan, payment of warrants, and executive session discussions.
unknown 2017-08-02 ID: 7evKoU1CrgBGl2lHudvLi
Court order for a writ of election due to a vacancy on the Board of Supervisors of Giles County following the death of Gary Lee Eaton.
unknown 2017-07-21 ID: g4LMm6xbexmpgAncNalir
Court order regarding the writ of election due to the vacancy in the Board of Supervisors for Giles County following the death of Gary Lee Eaton.
unknown 2017-07-21 ID: QNy9FSVK7Temgh0AltaDx
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors recess meeting held on July 20, 2017, covering resolutions, public hearings on conditional use permits, budget approvals, and departmental requests.
unknown 2017-07-20 ID: syCu1PvKoP64IdRooSqXe
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 20, 2017, covering topics such as resolutions in honor of Gary Eaton, requests from the Sheriff's Office and Commonwealth's Attorney, multiple public hearings on conditional use permits and zoning ordinance amendments, budget approvals, and board realignment.
unknown 2017-07-20 ID: zsEZLNVjtkUtTHbAasgL4
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 29, 2017, where various topics were discussed including public comments on water rates, school board appropriations, social services appropriations, appointments to local boards, and a public hearing on a proposed conditional use permit.
unknown 2017-06-29 ID: iPgcrvwgflJODUYG894lL
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 29, 2017, covering topics such as public comments on water rate increases, school board and social services appropriations, appointments to local boards, and a public hearing on a conditional use permit for recreational development.
unknown 2017-06-29 ID: hgBsClHOKWl2saJjRlPyL
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on June 7, 2017, covering topics such as VDOT updates, approval of the fiscal year 2017-18 budget, public comments on water rates, contract services bids, and appointments to various boards.
unknown 2017-06-07 ID: qKatsEOqZ2RErx5xC0SsT
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on June 7, 2017, covering topics such as budget approval, VDOT updates, school board report, public comments, and various new and old business items.
unknown 2017-06-07 ID: mtDiOw69cTsyEItR7Db5p
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 18, 2017, covering topics such as approval of minutes, public comments, new business including Route 100 HSIP update and Springdale Road bid approval, public hearings on budget and tax rate, social services appropriations, and various appointments.
unknown 2017-05-18 ID: wESQMb5F0WeJYhxplek6X
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 18, 2017, discussing topics such as Route 100 HSIP update, Springdale Road bid approval, proposed refund of excess funds from delinquent tax sale, proposed budget and tax rate for FY 2017-18, and various appropriations.
unknown 2017-05-18 ID: 4fYydX7eoaneZFL7GwuYJ
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 3, 2017, covering topics such as VDOT updates, school board report, planning commission recommendations, animal shelter procedures, and the FY 2017-18 budget.
unknown 2017-05-03 ID: kW22I4iLTNtkSHwq0z33W
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 3, 2017, covering various topics including VDOT updates, school board report, planning commission recommendations, animal shelter procedure amendments, and budget discussions.
unknown 2017-05-03 ID: jGqyf1AuhJ9WwJaJd1YMR
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 26, 2017, discussing the projected budget for fiscal year 2017-18, health insurance contributions, and an executive session.
unknown 2017-04-26 ID: gZCuTAlvtm4MjBrO3gjXK
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the projected budget for fiscal year 2017-18, health insurance costs, and an executive session covering legal counsel, personnel, and contracts.
unknown 2017-04-26 ID: L5wvZXQKvPZrAPNKT2JiV
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 20, 2017, discussing various topics including a boundary adjustment request from Rich Creek, school board and social services appropriations, proclamations for the Week of the Young Child and Mental Health Awareness Month, and conditional use permit requests.
unknown 2017-04-20 ID: KORILD4lXv7zOd1luEJhb
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting on April 20, 2017, covering topics such as a boundary adjustment request from Rich Creek, payment of warrants, school board appropriations, social services appropriations, proclamations for the Week of the Young Child and Mental Health Awareness Month, and public hearings on zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2017-04-20 ID: 4rNDaajoV0XFb6js2GyU8
Writ of special election issued by the Circuit Court of Giles County for the Town of Narrows, Virginia, due to the resignation of Town Council member H. Clayton Davis.
unknown 2017-04-10 ID: c4IsqsPX5Ef2021Qrdvk3
A writ of special election ordered by the Circuit Court of Giles County to fill a vacancy on the Town Council of Narrows, Virginia, following the resignation of H. Clayton Davis.
unknown 2017-04-10 ID: On3ZOaOzQuV0ggMgUzhVB
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on April 5, 2017, discussing VDOT reports, school board updates, grant approvals, and other county matters.
unknown 2017-04-05 ID: CAhsUtr74TigmPAEAyprB
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on April 5, 2017. Topics include VDOT updates, school board report, health insurance, retirement incentives, and budget approvals.
unknown 2017-04-05 ID: h5N2UpuuKUzUWQXtdyZDS
Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Intent to Request Release of Funds for the Eggleston Water Line Phase I project, involving the extension of a water line to mitigate possible contamination of private water supplies and support future population growth.
unknown 2017-03-29 ID: e4DSljMpAxxhctueUGx2K
This document is a combined notice of Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOI-RROF) for the Eggleston Water Line Phase I project by Giles County. The project aims to extend a water line to mitigate possible contamination of private water supplies and support future population growth.
unknown 2017-03-29 ID: vCfmkNrbx72OTaVwr1crs
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors recess meeting on March 16, 2017, covering topics such as the Eggleston waterline extension, Glen Lyn Fire Department resolution, school board appropriations, and several public hearings.
unknown 2017-03-16 ID: JR2wgnSA6RL8FBrmcfYgs
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 16, 2017, covering various topics including grant requests, resolutions, ordinances, and budget discussions.
unknown 2017-03-16 ID: VaUY3p2JSEo9ZgxT15S5i
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 1, 2017, discussing road projects, school board updates, animal control, CPMT by-laws, planning commission recommendations, budget discussions, and sewer line agreements.
unknown 2017-03-01 ID: 2jOsroLb1VqRyIojpaa6m
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 1, 2017. Discussions included road projects, school enrollments, animal control updates, CPMT by-laws, planning commission recommendations, and budget considerations.
unknown 2017-03-01 ID: Ks98N6eqVQpQ7gAHs8UY5
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 16, 2017, covering topics such as public comments, VRA loan issuance, electric general service agreement, personnel ordinance, conditional use permits, and other county business.
unknown 2017-02-16 ID: Sv84HBIClpu8HnU5bZ9n3
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 16, 2017, covering various agenda items including public comments on substance abuse and mental health, PSA VRA loan issuance, AEP agreement for electric service, a proposed personnel ordinance, and a conditional use permit request for a log storage yard.
unknown 2017-02-16 ID: 8Fprf58i8mfN5QCZF1QNv
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 19, 2017, discussing various agenda items including the approval of minutes, sewer agreement, Healthy Relationships Awareness Month proclamation, support for York County, and a public hearing for a conditional use permit for a recreational development project.
unknown 2017-01-19 ID: OmYB0yCCwgI0sXvN77ly1
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 19, 2017. Topics discussed included approval of minutes, sewer agreement, proclamation for Healthy Relationships Awareness Month, workforce consortium by-laws, York County support, Eggleston Phase II waterline project, payment of warrants, school board appropriations, social services appropriations, appointments, and a request for a conditional use permit.
unknown 2017-01-19 ID: T4gC6LPezwnnlmbNwQV3w
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on January 4, 2017, covering topics such as the reorganization of the board, VDOT updates, school board reports, and various resolutions.
unknown 2017-01-04 ID: CJGOH33BcBtgqxHkZQv1i
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 4, 2017, covering reorganization, reports from VDOT and the School Board, new business including resolutions and policies, and appointments.
unknown 2017-01-04 ID: 83bZs87LPVqK3bUnUoEJb
A comprehensive guide to Giles County, highlighting its natural attractions, outdoor activities, and local businesses.
unknown 2017-01-01 ID: 71u0wHcSz9Hmhy8ma20Li
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on December 7, 2016, covering topics such as VDOT report, school board report, planning commission recommendations, appointments, and the Old Stage Road Sewer Project.
unknown 2016-12-07 ID: g1vfIAlUVVivvkXhXRxyd
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 7, 2016. Topics discussed include VDOT updates, school board reports, public comments, planning commission recommendations, payment of warrants, various appointments, executive session, surplus vehicle approval, announcements, and discussion on the Old Stage Road Sewer Project.
unknown 2016-12-07 ID: q8kIc4VXXwzEhFmGoJBFw
Order and writ for a special election for the office of Member of Town Council of the Town of Pearisburg due to the resignation of Colin D. Munsey.
unknown 2016-12-02 ID: ZC4SonfCT3D7ZWAM8MY8s
Order and writ for special election for the office of Member of Town Council of the Town of Pearisburg, Virginia, due to the resignation of Colin D. Munsey.
unknown 2016-12-02 ID: j8X4aIuWxwszBNOiKbU5U
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors recess meeting held on November 17, 2016. Topics discussed include road closure approval for the Pearisburg Merchant’s Association Christmas Parade, a grant application for a drug court program, school board appropriations, and proposed amendments to the county's erosion and sediment control ordinance.
unknown 2016-11-17 ID: Rb3kPxHFvjETaSXnRAi04
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 17, 2016, covering topics such as road closures, grant applications, warrant payments, school board appropriations, and amendments to ordinances.
unknown 2016-11-17 ID: zd3qG89Mr18lLBdu1Ta7P
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors on November 2, 2016, discussing topics such as VDOT reports, school board updates, local government agreements, and planning commission recommendations.
unknown 2016-11-02 ID: Zd4X9fFTq2D00jYvY0kLA
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on November 2, 2016, covering topics such as VDOT reports, school board updates, local government agreements, planning commission recommendations, and a resolution against the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project.
unknown 2016-11-02 ID: BQiLiacM9TVHB0ICRzZ3C
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 20, 2016, covering approvals of minutes, new business including VACo Achievement Award presentation, VDOT Revenue Sharing Projects, and various appointments.
unknown 2016-10-20 ID: Ch5qXYben87zAjFiXGEMN
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 20, 2016, detailing discussions on VDOT revenue sharing projects, financial appropriations, appointments, and a joint public hearing for a conditional use permit.
unknown 2016-10-20 ID: ABfnt2lWu5QAwxe853Gmn
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on October 5, 2016, discussing topics such as VDOT updates, school board reports, public comments, new business including emergency services agreements and road closures, and other county matters.
unknown 2016-10-05 ID: cPEuSME0wnf82KI1xobba
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 5, 2016, discussing various topics including VDOT projects, public comments, school board updates, emergency services agreements, road closures for events, and financial appropriations.
unknown 2016-10-05 ID: 9Ayo4k8pvwpedF0CZhFFo
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 22, 2016, covering topics such as the law enforcement mutual aid agreement, Red Ribbon Week resolution, road closure for Pembroke Christmas Parade, NRVCS performance contract, and more.
unknown 2016-09-22 ID: Ms7wkQgZLQnd3Xgqi8W5u
Minutes of the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 22, 2016, covering new business such as the Giles County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement, Red Ribbon Week Resolution, requests for road closures, and various appropriations.
unknown 2016-09-22 ID: L3MKVzPXikG8Gmtx2tuyh
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on September 7, 2016. Topics discussed included road projects, public comments on annexation, school board updates, and various county matters.
unknown 2016-09-07 ID: OQwlEMoI0R4OyxqoexG1J
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on September 7, 2016. The meeting covered topics such as updates from the Sheriff, VDOT projects, public comments on annexation, and school board updates.
unknown 2016-09-07 ID: tiSCIT8KXMEyBRKw516Ry
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 18, 2016, covering topics such as street closure requests, property tax exemptions, lottery revenue distribution, and budget appropriations.
unknown 2016-08-18 ID: Wz4JK2OY3xgs5AAC4dBez
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 18, 2016, covering topics such as street closure requests, lottery revenue legislation, property tax exemption requests, and appropriations.
unknown 2016-08-18 ID: RoPZ6ezSJbEwf6jnEW0yE
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 3, 2016. Topics included VDOT updates, public comments, school board report, discussions on the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and various county projects.
unknown 2016-08-03 ID: ZDdbqcKnBG2Ze9uBHp6qf
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors held on August 3, 2016, covering topics such as VDOT updates, public comments, School Board report, Health Department presentation on Zika virus, and various county department updates.
unknown 2016-08-03 ID: W8ZuAsfFBFUj2eWNob20h
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 21, 2016, covering topics such as equipment financing, public comments on water policy and annexation, zoning ordinance amendments, and budget supplements.
unknown 2016-07-21 ID: X0WuWeLByj7lbsB0mubH4
Minutes from the recess meeting of the Giles County Board of Supervisors covering various topics such as equipment financing, public comments on water policy, annexation concerns, zoning ordinance amendments, and budget supplements.
unknown 2016-07-21 ID: TcyBDj7UZoSdMBEKhC6vB
This document is an agreement for services between a provider, Giles County, and the Giles Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) for services provided to youth and their families under the Children’s Services Act (CSA) with an effective date of July 1, 2016. It outlines the terms and conditions of service provision, including payment, invoicing, treatment plans, and various compliance and documentation requirements.
unknown 2016-07-01 ID: 2KtNnovhVT0a1Aa4ub0WD
This document is an agreement for services between a provider and Giles County, specifically the Giles Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT), under the Children's Services Act. It outlines the responsibilities and requirements for providing services to children and families referred by the CPMT.
unknown 2016-07-01 ID: ZnTXuFKXHrjMjpc5G4hwu
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 16, 2016, covering approvals of previous minutes, sheriff's update, budget appropriations, appointments to committees, and public comments on a conditional use permit request.
unknown 2016-06-16 ID: mx93ZtIDv18lwIatGKnyi
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 16, 2016, covering topics such as approval of minutes, updates from constitutional officers, new business presentations, public hearing on a conditional use permit, and various appropriations.
unknown 2016-06-16 ID: P5464jHNLvSlfhqNJrwIq
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 1, 2016, discussing road projects, budget approvals, school board reports, and various county appointments.
unknown 2016-06-01 ID: wISO80BKWizaChIpYgdKe
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 1, 2016, covering topics such as VDOT reports, budget adoption, road projects, school board updates, and various appointments.
unknown 2016-06-01 ID: CynIy4iYeq3ItPVP1JPWU
Minutes from the Giles County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 19, 2016. Topics include budget discussions, road use approval for a bicycle race, a memorandum with Goodwill Industries, public hearings on budget and tax rates, and proposed water and sewer rate increases.
unknown 2016-05-19 ID: ZShf1pz8QiEC7P9GPMRZT

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.