Cumberland (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Cumberland (County) (Agency ID: 73)

Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 12, 2023, covering topics such as county administration comments, updates from local departments and agencies, budget appropriations, and a resolution recognizing Mr. Brian Stanley for his service.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: d14yI7wxtBRnIryiuemju
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors workshop held on December 11, 2023, at the Cumberland County High School Luther P Jackson Building.
unknown 2023-12-11 ID: wQsadXS5Uv5WJP0QntMoq
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors workshop held on December 11, 2023, at the Cumberland County High School Luther P Jackson Building.
unknown 2023-12-11 ID: sz0qJ3ffFzJQx3b5qNg4b
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors workshop held on December 5, 2023, focusing on budget and capital projects.
unknown 2023-12-05 ID: idBOiFwhOMfwLpmutgRR3
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 14, 2023. Key topics discussed include updates from Cumberland County Public Schools, Cumberland Public Library, Fire and EMS, VDOT, and budget appropriations.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: 67ZNuReXwuWzeQST1k71T
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 14, 2023. Key topics discussed include updates from Cumberland County Public Schools, Cumberland Public Library, Fire and EMS, VDOT, and budget appropriations.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: RIWzDvdi3UMBP1nDxliDY
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 30, 2023, discussing the agenda, roll call, and a solar workshop presented by Hecate Energy.
unknown 2023-10-30 ID: an8hXpbFEmPzwOgYDneu8
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 30, 2023, discussing the agenda, roll call, and a solar workshop presented by Hecate Energy.
unknown 2023-10-30 ID: zUNeDZ7ZSUfbCwCqCZnv8
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Public Engagement session held on October 2, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan and involving three options for potential land use with a public charette exercise.
unknown 2023-10-02 ID: XiGwUGBlxnDizI73D4EKX
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Public Engagement session held on October 2, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan and involving three options for potential land use with a public charette exercise.
unknown 2023-10-02 ID: IBggbRJZs4Hq6Iz49YXGJ
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission held on September 14, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: MCLHYCUV67fizezYsgguU
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission, held on September 14, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: 2JVR3CCbAcECW0iQQdAxA
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission held on September 14, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: Ar9cNXEUQhIdYFgi3SVFW
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission, held on September 14, 2023, discussing the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: Ae9GKJznT81erJeHrjEae
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 12, 2023, covering topics such as personnel evaluations, budget appropriations, public school updates, and a resolution in remembrance of Mr. A. Quinten Parker.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: o1BhEYbysmlkwEp5GCTXK
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 12, 2023, covering topics such as personnel evaluations, budget appropriations, public school updates, and a resolution in remembrance of Mr. A. Quinten Parker.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: dc9egvu1IrHvw3mK0G3Uj
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 24, 2023, discussing solar projects and entering a closed session for a solar project siting agreement.
unknown 2023-08-24 ID: qpUK979dAD6Q5GnOAbwHJ
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 24, 2023, discussing solar projects and entering a closed session for a solar project siting agreement.
unknown 2023-08-24 ID: f6hnmYlfUOdNlQtrNVSJp
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 8, 2023, covering various reports and resolutions including those honoring Mr. Sherman Langhorne and Mr. Lloyd Martin.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: ZycUzC7hZ1tBIUwczyld2
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 8, 2023, covering various reports and resolutions including those honoring Mr. Sherman Langhorne and Mr. Lloyd Martin.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: zhVjOdz8jwZsHTWGpfT6d
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 11, 2023, addressing various county matters including updates from the County Administrator, Public Schools, Library, Fire and EMS, VDOT, and Electoral Board.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: G2BNbuAOlMp91d67geNa1
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 13, 2023, covering topics such as budget approvals, public hearings on code revisions, and updates from various departments including Public Schools, Library, and Fire and EMS.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: c7yzsoCb3ybDw0t2mSqha
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 9, 2023, detailing the agenda, reports from various departments, resolutions of appreciation for retirees, and other county matters.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: 1oPg8o6fdCfaUor3tLQkz
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 18, 2023, covering topics such as the approval of the FY2024 budget, capital improvement program, tax rates, and closed session discussions on contracts and potential litigation.
unknown 2023-04-18 ID: THmpAxZD4Czb54WJiZadN
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 18, 2023, covering topics such as the approval of the FY2024 budget, capital improvement program, tax rates, and closed session discussions on contracts and potential litigation.
unknown 2023-04-18 ID: K1Sh9cdeWneyg7ZXkOJZk
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 11, 2023. Includes discussions on the evaluation of the County Administrator, updates from various departments, and public hearings on the proposed FY ’24 County Budget and Capital Improvement Program.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: TszuFdk2nULfzdWWBnA7h
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 11, 2023. Includes discussions on the evaluation of the County Administrator, updates from various departments, and public hearings on the proposed FY ’24 County Budget and Capital Improvement Program.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: fzzDEktwQDE1r5uKqxTDp
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 21, 2023. Topics included approval of the agenda and granting an additional holiday for staff.
unknown 2023-03-21 ID: A8YCqc8lxAWrgorjsfXKC
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 21, 2023. Topics included approval of the agenda and granting an additional holiday for staff.
unknown 2023-03-21 ID: d7qeOnSqu1qi0isbVvB2S
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 21, 2023, including discussions on the proposed budget and capital improvement program.
unknown 2023-03-21 ID: BClV3NY9GToHQmATULu2O
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 21, 2023, including discussions on the proposed budget and capital improvement program.
unknown 2023-03-21 ID: F4da4YEYeNEwY1Uda7PXx
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 14, 2023, covering various reports, resolutions, and public comments.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: upccM5TE22AbLXlYVWUEw
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 14, 2023, covering various reports, resolutions, and public comments.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: ihAFfuCeUuPnqLCP33zRn
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors budget workshop held on March 9, 2023, discussing departmental funding requests for the FY2023-2024 budget.
unknown 2023-03-09 ID: TY1InKVagqgCg3WqedOlm
Minutes of the budget workshop meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on March 7, 2023, discussing the FY2023-2024 budget.
unknown 2023-03-07 ID: saLFkeU0hRon0Id7FT3sj
Minutes of a joint workshop meeting between the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and the Cumberland School Board to discuss the proposed budget.
unknown 2023-02-28 ID: y4bhWM27mxqde14rutMCh
Minutes from the meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on February 14, 2023, covering topics such as the comprehensive plan update, economic development, opioid settlement resolution, and various departmental reports.
unknown 2023-02-14 ID: pCjYwOuEaHeH2VAlxlO31
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 23, 2023, discussing the agenda, roll call, and a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-01-23 ID: Sv8JzYDqpuJ8cgs9NpvRo
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 23, 2023, discussing the agenda, roll call, and a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-01-23 ID: LWze98EwoInHTd7zTEwCn
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2023, including election of officers, approval of agenda, and adoption of by-laws.
unknown 2023-01-10 ID: ZU2QVvZFhogZIFI1uqpa6
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 13, 2022, covering agenda items, reports from various departments, and approvals of contracts and appropriations.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: sZEhxQP2zEWHzwFMYkxe3
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 13, 2022, covering agenda items, reports from various departments, and approvals of contracts and appropriations.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: ESwxUY5gCYPF71YMhyF5i
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 15, 2022, covering various topics including public hearings, community events, updates from local departments, and new appointments.
unknown 2022-11-15 ID: OxNu24Xhlwba7algvvPzp
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 15, 2022, covering various topics including public hearings, community events, updates from local departments, and new appointments.
unknown 2022-11-15 ID: H1O5Su5KN3UDChLAhhFxI
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 24, 2022. The meeting included approval of agenda, closed meeting for contract negotiations, and workshop presentations with SunTribe Development, LLC.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: mUq3CPEzoIJkq7yWDiBkQ
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 11, 2022. The meeting covered county updates, approval of agenda and bills, new and old business, and setting of public hearings for various projects.
unknown 2022-10-11 ID: 2Efji1D6NH8IN94xCi2Vw
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 28, 2022, discussing the FY24 budget outlook and priorities, updates on capital/ARPA projects, and adoption of the budget calendar.
unknown 2022-09-28 ID: b4fcOloMsCpElJSKU5Qg8
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 28, 2022, discussing the FY24 budget outlook and priorities, updates on capital/ARPA projects, and adoption of the budget calendar.
unknown 2022-09-28 ID: 8CTJnyITlD2GDtJaa2eLD
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 13, 2022. The meeting included updates from the County Administrator, Cumberland County Public Schools, Cumberland Public Library, Fire and EMS, VDOT, and other agencies. Key resolutions passed included recognition of the Cumberland Minor League Baseball Team and the Cumberland County High School Track and Field Team.
unknown 2022-09-13 ID: GoGq8ECmwx0SMzrjIEemn
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 13, 2022. The meeting included updates from the County Administrator, Cumberland County Public Schools, Cumberland Public Library, Fire and EMS, VDOT, and other agencies. Key resolutions passed included recognition of the Cumberland Minor League Baseball Team and the Cumberland County High School Track and Field Team.
unknown 2022-09-13 ID: UX3fwvPIfO2zWAxGfqE1Y
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Special Called meeting held on September 6, 2022, including agenda approval and closed session discussions.
unknown 2022-09-06 ID: t47fvgJmRo7wQhveyeTp2
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 9, 2022, covering topics such as public schools, library services, fire and EMS updates, and financial reports.
unknown 2022-08-09 ID: O07fcCXrhqOe0LvLsu7Ku
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 12, 2022, covering various county updates, approvals, and resolutions.
unknown 2022-07-12 ID: bWGsoRjFdJIU4AImmAqz7
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 12, 2022, covering topics such as public school updates, VDOT projects, library programs, fire and EMS reports, finance director's report, and resolutions including the Virginia 250 Committee Resolution and Parks and Recreation Month Resolution.
unknown 2022-07-12 ID: 3UEtEkcryAeJHtMee0cNH
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 14, 2022. The meeting covered various topics including the approval of the agenda, updates from the County Administrator, reports from state and local departments, and new business considerations.
unknown 2022-06-14 ID: S02YPzFGzphAjxbgzo2D5
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 17, 2022, discussing agenda approval, debt refunding, and setting a public hearing.
unknown 2022-05-17 ID: VPoXJHhjIUUo83udHgCRS
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 17, 2022, discussing agenda approval, debt refunding, and setting a public hearing.
unknown 2022-05-17 ID: n83jS9RmnpaiDxzCl7o8a
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 17, 2022, covering agenda approval, new business including debt refinancing authorization, and setting a public hearing.
unknown 2022-05-17 ID: B6nk2MmBbMltrsVtLmnwz
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 17, 2022, covering agenda approval, new business including debt refinancing authorization, and setting a public hearing.
unknown 2022-05-17 ID: qhP5Z5dHb9h3BJceaGLgO
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 10, 2022, covering topics such as Patriot's Day recap, FEMA Flood Plain Study, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, updates from various county departments, and public comments.
unknown 2022-05-10 ID: JSX7p05VLOc8cKb5IggkX
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 19, 2022, including discussions on the FY2023 County Budget, FY2023-FY2027 Capital Improvement Program, and 2022 Tax Rates.
unknown 2022-04-19 ID: Ygedi3XnWzlnLK9fwUYDY
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 19, 2022, including discussions on the FY2023 County Budget, FY2023-FY2027 Capital Improvement Program, and 2022 Tax Rates.
unknown 2022-04-19 ID: GOqHkQ3TUFY1D4ZzGaJow
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 12, 2022. Discussions included updates from the County Administrator, approval of various motions and resolutions, and reports from local departments.
unknown 2022-04-12 ID: bFGH94Jo6xSo4jojhOuyt
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 12, 2022. Discussions included updates from the County Administrator, approval of various motions and resolutions, and reports from local departments.
unknown 2022-04-12 ID: Gcbfomb5MK6PxRphJfPo4
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 5, 2022, discussing the VDOT Secondary Six-Year Plan and the county's strategic plan.
unknown 2022-04-05 ID: xvLmluuNGduqtSOGdkYlb
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 5, 2022, where a real estate purchase agreement was discussed.
unknown 2022-04-05 ID: sQQuJHD7vMgYOVlpkRAMC
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 5, 2022, discussing the VDOT Secondary Six-Year Plan and a Strategic Plan Workshop.
unknown 2022-04-05 ID: eSZm6si3rzSLmB3eGIh7o
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 14, 2022, covering the presentation of the County Administrator’s Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program and authorization to advertise for a public hearing.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: st4EFeHgYIgSZTAHWthF3
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 14, 2022, covering the presentation of the County Administrator’s Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program and authorization to advertise for a public hearing.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: yqxhiVEmH5LazYtEjZOpT
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 11, 2022, including budget workshop presentations and approval of agenda.
unknown 2022-03-11 ID: vJZUDUtZUXZN0xhOcu0aA
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 8, 2022. Topics discussed include updates from the County Administrator, reports from various departments, approval of agenda and consent items, and public hearings for CUP 21-04 High Bridge Stables Event Facility and CA 22-01 Redistricting.
unknown 2022-03-08 ID: FrWNKjm0B20gRJhUPUcEt
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 8, 2022. Topics discussed include updates from the County Administrator, reports from various departments, approval of agenda and consent items, and public hearings for CUP 21-04 High Bridge Stables Event Facility and CA 22-01 Redistricting.
unknown 2022-03-08 ID: w3yKH1eyHwx169v75t89Y
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 17, 2022, including the approval of the agenda, setting a public hearing, and conducting budget workshop presentations.
unknown 2022-02-17 ID: tqfdepLPAfR5zJi5GjPU9
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and the Cumberland School Board to discuss the proposed budget.
unknown 2022-02-15 ID: XCo0YxEyF0Q8XbyNrJxXZ
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and the Cumberland School Board to discuss the proposed budget.
unknown 2022-02-15 ID: 9ItMrEgqMluk7omq58QcV
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 8, 2022. The meeting included the approval of a resolution in honor of Leland Leeds, updates from various county departments, and several public hearings on zoning and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: yDaSbZ6WnPOWtG0jtJZSC
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 8, 2022. The meeting included the approval of a resolution in honor of Leland Leeds, updates from various county departments, and several public hearings on zoning and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: SM3GPatFrpDjk2cfeCvCL
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 11, 2022. The meeting included the election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, approval of the agenda, review and approval of by-laws, code of ethics and standards of conduct, committee appointments, goals and priorities, and the 2022 meeting schedule.
unknown 2022-01-11 ID: NZBa7k0bvaVDZvWZVoZtL
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 11, 2022, covering elections, by-laws, code of ethics, committee appointments, and goals and priorities.
unknown 2022-01-11 ID: DZdq8BL4ZGsK1kFKfEjRs
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Special Called meeting where the Board entered a closed session to discuss personnel matters and approved an employment agreement.
unknown 2021-12-27 ID: z4z0SWoBXXlbTHHubIpup
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Special Called meeting where the Board entered a closed session to discuss personnel matters and approved an employment agreement.
unknown 2021-12-27 ID: TEqxZHgIiANUq9aoFJ0qj
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 14, 2021, discussing various topics including personnel discussions, approval of the FY 21 Audit, public school updates, VDOT updates, library operations, fire and EMS report, building permit fees, soil and water conservation, scenic river designation, extension office updates, and opioid litigation resolutions.
unknown 2021-12-14 ID: EXiZf0QlhhCA49JK669qp
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 14, 2021. The meeting included discussions on personnel, audit reports, public schools, VDOT updates, library activities, fire and EMS reports, permit fees, and opioid litigation.
unknown 2021-12-14 ID: zp9srb41scAms8Bf1LTOi
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 14, 2021, discussing various topics including personnel discussions, approval of the FY 21 Audit, public school updates, VDOT updates, library operations, fire and EMS report, building permit fees, soil and water conservation, scenic river designation, extension office updates, and opioid litigation resolutions.
unknown 2021-12-14 ID: iD0suaIRlUEKSOyy63kHw
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 14, 2021. The meeting included discussions on personnel, audit reports, public schools, VDOT updates, library activities, fire and EMS reports, permit fees, and opioid litigation.
unknown 2021-12-14 ID: Sq7aghJpZC0Th7QWWs1iA
Minutes from a special called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on December 7, 2021. The meeting included discussions on personnel regarding the County Administrator position and legal consultations about pending litigation.
unknown 2021-12-07 ID: LzDtmMZwHf65oqptLkuFi
Minutes from the Special Called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on November 22, 2021. The meeting included the approval of the agenda, appointment of an Interim Building Official, and approval of a MOA with Goochland County.
unknown 2021-11-22 ID: 7R5Na0NzWR9awGC7QT48c
Minutes from the Special Called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on November 22, 2021. The meeting included the approval of the agenda, appointment of an Interim Building Official, and approval of a MOA with Goochland County.
unknown 2021-11-22 ID: yEhfC0J9p9svcKVxhrfld
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 9, 2021. Topics included personnel discussions, legal consultations, updates from local departments and agencies, mutual aid agreements, and various county reports.
unknown 2021-11-09 ID: Wa6Adu7Hfufa1f81ewX52
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 9, 2021. Topics included personnel discussions, legal consultations, updates from local departments and agencies, mutual aid agreements, and various county reports.
unknown 2021-11-09 ID: 9rZwDID61dKhHFCZYjKMT
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 4, 2021, discussing forestry land use with presentations by various experts.
unknown 2021-11-04 ID: CL7UwJkiMWBdDDkaOUTdM
Minutes of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 4, 2021, discussing forestry land use with presentations by various experts.
unknown 2021-11-04 ID: 8fnUNxL4pe8CSC1W7LzzS
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 12, 2021. Discussions included updates from local agencies, public comments on CA 21-06 Special Assessments, and various reports.
unknown 2021-10-12 ID: sdkvGm0RpLtU1IOqJFzKk
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on September 30, 2021, including discussions on closed meeting topics, the retainer of a County Attorney, and adjournment details.
unknown 2021-09-30 ID: ogeBA41TMqEMVVvHexTB1
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors held on September 30, 2021, including discussions on closed meeting topics, the retainer of a County Attorney, and adjournment details.
unknown 2021-09-30 ID: TEF20lOsSwNVGn4IQCXI8
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 14, 2021, including discussions on closed meetings, public hearings on special assessments, fee revisions, and animal control code amendments.
unknown 2021-09-14 ID: kQMn1krCZpXRSMF1cL2cJ
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 14, 2021, including discussions on closed meetings, public hearings on special assessments, fee revisions, and animal control code amendments.
unknown 2021-09-14 ID: fkXz2CIlAkLh8nVJQYpPf
Minutes from a Special Called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on personnel, legal counsel, and the appointment of an Interim County Administrator.
unknown 2021-07-29 ID: kCiiYfJVfecndchZBBuCQ
Minutes from the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 13, 2021. Topics discussed include updates from local departments, resolutions for road abandonment and pharma bankruptcy, and appropriations of grant funds.
unknown 2021-07-13 ID: jjHpnoK9qEfnasbhQzchQ
Minutes of the special called meeting of the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors on June 22, 2021. Discussion included the VDOT Secondary Six Year Plan FY2022-2027.
unknown 2021-06-22 ID: Rl1rL6a03J3v8pgcE3unD

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.