Chesterfield (County)

Agency Records

Showing 85 records from Chesterfield (County) (Agency ID: 69)

Agenda for the Chesterfield County Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for December 13, 2024, including items such as welcome, approval of minutes, and schools update.
unknown 2024-12-13 ID: keA0EVWmK0xqeQqLR9qjd
Agenda for the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting on December 12, 2024, including approval of minutes, public comments, budget presentation, committee reports, and policy renewals.
unknown 2024-12-12 ID: Zvx03ErSvVfg1MxJBghAe
Meeting minutes for the Non-Profit Collaborative at the Beulah Recreation Center in Chesterfield, VA, discussing year-end reviews, topics of interest for 2025, and various non-profit initiatives.
unknown 2024-12-12 ID: dFYkHjP1oB73zlMHaO0jE
Agenda for the Non-Profit Collaborative Meeting held on December 12, 2024, at the Beulah Recreation Center in North Chesterfield, VA.
unknown 2024-12-12 ID: 1yjiXOwhBAnxaBLwZffoU
Notification letter for the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting on December 19, 2024.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: tpzJsaVqmyPa2sDcwAOXi
Agenda for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on December 5, 2024.
unknown 2024-12-05 ID: H45E3QWLX5xXWAy8bdPH4
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting held on November 21, 2024, covering financial updates, project updates, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: rmv664PzU3Yv4GoSYEmqY
Agenda for the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting scheduled for November 21, 2024.
unknown 2024-11-15 ID: oqNAx1jwlAuvevEd0AfTg
Agenda for the Non-Profit Collaborative in-person meeting on November 14, 2024, including welcome and introductions, community partner presentation, roundtable discussion, and closing remarks.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: hT9BNtPlxYNFX1SNRo12h
Meeting minutes for the Chesterfield County Non-Profit Community Collaborative held on November 14, 2024, discussing community partnerships and initiatives at Village Green RVA.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: U6gj5luWykh25yuoNYVS6
Agenda for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting in Chesterfield County, covering topics such as approval of previous minutes, new business, director updates, and public comments.
unknown 2024-11-07 ID: aYzcwWkA7jaKZ1KPVv12K
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting on November 7, 2024, discussing amendments to bond financing documents for Lambert Landing II apartments.
unknown 2024-11-07 ID: EgW67fs3BbA3gsE2wOE7t
Meeting notes from the Audit and Finance Committee of the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors, discussing FY24 external audit results, FY25 budget updates, internal audit updates, and other financial matters.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: 5idFweIiuGiBdFgf0uJkG
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Community Services Board meeting on October 24, 2024, including items such as approval of previous minutes, public comment period, presentation on peer services, administrative and committee reports, policy renewals, and a closed session for the Executive Director's performance review.
unknown 2024-10-24 ID: bs3dyLExYuJADh9MQlyUW
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting held on October 17, 2024, covering financial statements, project updates, and bid recommendations.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: NCkFHvZtqbCUVkO9HBHr2
Notification of the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting with a tentative agenda.
unknown 2024-10-11 ID: 2tfuOtZE46aMVH39ju3pj
Agenda for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on October 10, 2024 at Beulah Recreation Center.
unknown 2024-10-10 ID: sGC4xcCG82RurIIigKi7T
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting held on October 8, 2024. Topics discussed include appointments and assignments of election officers, early voting updates, logic and accuracy testing, election day monitoring, and registrar evaluation.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: rsTRq4vtV5sFKVzCprFlK
Agenda for the fifth in-person meeting of the Police Chief Recommendation Committee, discussing the hiring process for a new Chief of Police.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: gt0wLoIOHNZm9qstyCBET
Minutes from the fifth in-person meeting of the Police Chief Recommendation Committee held on September 25, 2024, to discuss the selection process for a new Chief of Police.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: 3bH4K7IIVnZ07z038xadH
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting held on September 19, 2024, covering updates on Springline at District 60, Meadowville Technology Park, and Upper Magnolia Green projects.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: mOnsSKkwDC5xwctm7GmJF
Chesterfield County Community Services Board agenda for the meeting on September 19, 2024, including approval of previous minutes, public comment period, information items, administrative items, committee reports, and action items.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: dU0wITVlg9IHHhtdSiqqf
Agenda for the fourth in-person meeting of the Police Chief Recommendation Committee, including opening remarks, approval of minutes, discussion items, and a closed session for interviews and consideration of prospective candidates for the position of Chief of Police.
unknown 2024-09-18 ID: EkBWwNOJoUjJ49Zme9iaR
Agenda for the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting scheduled for September 19, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-16 ID: kcLuG2RnlW3TVdbGFMVSX
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Airport Advisory Board meeting held on September 12, 2024. Topics included project updates, community engagement activities, and future planning.
unknown 2024-09-12 ID: 53M3dY1M423PoZPm47OZl
Minutes from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting, detailing discussions on scholarships, park updates, and community events.
unknown 2024-09-05 ID: x2ZSZKSeNPGnE8ZzqFeQj
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting, covering ADA compliance confirmation and chief officer retainer agreement.
unknown 2024-08-29 ID: rVWaEclhwF7Gyg83LboOZ
Agenda for the third in-person meeting of the Police Chief Recommendation Committee in Chesterfield County, discussing the selection of a new police chief.
unknown 2024-08-29 ID: NMQwlE5UlOk9Ar0IWq8fv
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting held on August 15, 2024, discussing updates on various projects, financial statements, and FOIA training requirements.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: Q49LSYnOL2lsxmhIVCYUZ
Notification of the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting with agenda items including updates on Springline at District 60, Meadowville, and Upper Magnolia Green.
unknown 2024-08-09 ID: sc5Nd7ZsJQ1vYS6TwuSIc
Meeting notes from the Audit and Finance Committee of the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors, covering updates on healthcare, budget, risk management, and internal audit activities.
unknown 2024-07-31 ID: hvNYYcJGlro9rjm1yR78u
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting held on July 18, 2024. Topics discussed include officer elections, approval of previous meeting minutes, financial statements, updates on various development projects, and the audit process.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: J1RTuQncRGQRNhsjUMUrP
Notification and agenda for the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority's monthly meeting scheduled for July 18, 2024.
unknown 2024-07-12 ID: hDLAsXlcy8TGzyeKf1v7G
Minutes from the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting held on June 20, 2024. Topics discussed include approval of previous minutes, updates on PRS Case Management Services, administrative items, committee reports, and consideration of policy renewals and accounts receivable write-offs.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: Afgc5mFjqbfj8RQhAKyDs
Meeting notes from the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors, discussing external audit kickoff, budget updates, procurement policy changes, and internal audit updates.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: yfUFFAGZsnEDb5QNaBZXo
Meeting notes from the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors covering topics such as external audit kick-off, budget updates, procurement policy updates, and internal audit plans.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: WhjA0uYqmY3PTF4Kh4kAE
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meetings held on June 18, June 20, and June 24, 2024, detailing attendance, motions, and decisions regarding provisional ballot considerations.
unknown 2024-06-18 ID: lnlx9gy9iBtn08juBCgWU
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting on June 11, 2024, including officer appointments and primary update.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: 3P87WbDlgeKdEoDsvszej
Minutes from the Police Chief Recommendation Committee organizational meeting discussing recruitment plans, committee structure, and legal procedures.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: WuXQE8iVG6fz9N7gH4SVN
Agenda for the Police Chief Recommendation Committee's organizational meeting and details of the assessment center for evaluating candidates for the position of Police Chief in Chesterfield County.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: weiCA0BlKrqv0Ef6rzzj5
Agenda for the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting on May 16, 2024. Topics include approval of previous minutes, public comment period, information items like a presentation on Veterans Treatment Court, committee reports, and consideration of CSB policies for renewal.
unknown 2024-05-16 ID: SzklHFC4ghO8XGBZgpjCh
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County meeting on May 16, 2024, including updates on Meadowville Technology Park, Upper Magnolia Green, Springline at District 60, and resolutions for local mobility improvements financing.
unknown 2024-05-16 ID: 6HjzEtp121DSSiKzd67td
Minutes from the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting held on May 16, 2024, covering various topics including the Veterans Treatment Court, administrative items, committee reports, and policy reviews.
unknown 2024-05-16 ID: Izvxs3B1XpfndV25DkpdR
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting, covering officer appointments, canvassing, primary preparations, and presidential election planning.
unknown 2024-05-07 ID: fA6NzUCmmAOGI2fRgvIec
Agenda for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on May 2, 2024, at the Beulah Recreation Center. It includes call to order, invocation, approval of previous minutes, recognition of individuals, reports, and public comments.
unknown 2024-05-02 ID: RHdqb4V3bBhNDXmsUQtzt
Agenda for the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting scheduled for April 18, 2024, including sessions, committee reports, and action items.
unknown 2024-04-18 ID: V1LZj3tSCotxNrka8tuy5
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting discussing election recap, officer appointments, funding, and upcoming elections.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: KSVxI7qxEf1OvmJb1Em8O
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Non-Profit Community Collaborative meeting held on April 11, 2024, discussing community services, funding, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: LjiqIxJQLpJ63MLmobNeO
Agenda for the monthly meeting of the Chesterfield County Economic Development Authority scheduled for April 18, 2024.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: XqZ91Z6Db3h0dmRoKPqRa
Agenda for the Chesterfield County workshop including reports from various organizations such as the American Red Cross, CCHASM, and the Virginia Department of Transportation.
unknown 2024-04-02 ID: z0I0WnvpIz5v8V9iOePW2
Agenda for a workshop including reports from American Red Cross, Chesterfield Colonial Heights Alliance For Social Ministry, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Virginia Department Of Transportation.
unknown 2024-04-02 ID: LlTeeWacj4CTyyo2OTsDl
Minutes from the meeting of the Economic Development Authority of Chesterfield County held on March 21, 2024, including updates on financial statements, Springline at District 60, Meadowville Technology Park, and Upper Magnolia Green.
unknown 2024-03-21 ID: jODb2xcVOxUkol1jYd3wj
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee meeting on March 20, 2024, including approval of previous minutes and updates on fire and EMS and the budget.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: gdxjxGHuAwBGethGF52Hh
Agenda for the monthly meeting of the Chesterfield County Economic Development Authority.
unknown 2024-03-15 ID: KS46Sx9k3GNqP7TsHD4UQ
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Non-Profit Community Collaborative meeting held on March 14, 2024, discussing community engagement, partnerships, educational programs, healthcare services, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-03-14 ID: vFtT6FKnE1dbcb9cK9rk4
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting held on March 8, 2024, including a review of Non-SDR provisional ballots.
unknown 2024-03-08 ID: w64q7yOuXvm2ik9uj27EC
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee meeting, including a welcome, approval of previous minutes, and a work session on the FY2025 proposed budget.
unknown 2024-03-07 ID: EdDfSDBV0BLXtDV3dmSmL
Minutes from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on March 7, 2024, discussing election of chair and vice chair, review of bylaws, recreation division updates, and public comments on unscheduled matters.
unknown 2024-03-07 ID: Bl5WNtXrtOuBmhr47mwuD
Meeting notes from the Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee discussing updates on school enrollment, construction projects, budget updates, and financial strategies for Chesterfield County.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: 2PsNRZepIqQTET7MoTy33
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Citizens’ Budget Advisory Committee meeting held on February 27, 2024, including a welcome, approval of previous minutes, a schools update, and a FY2025 budget update.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: MWDLsWMlwiRPzIOCSSe9G
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority meeting of Chesterfield County held on February 15, 2024. The meeting covered approval of previous minutes, financial updates, authority updates including attorney changes, project updates on Springline at District 60, Meadowville Technology Park, and Upper Magnolia Green, along with task order approvals.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: 4IRl9KbXYuzVGkEbFSY9c
Agenda for the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting on February 15, 2024, including public comment period, information items, administrative items, and committee reports.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: yu5pmXvZX4RHUZGVdGfDG
Meeting notes from the Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors, including discussions on the FY25 Budget Update, Internal Audit, and various financial updates.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: Ft16zTRe4IE0F1lHwLqGm
Notification of the scheduled monthly meeting of the Chesterfield County Economic Development Authority with a tentative agenda.
unknown 2024-02-09 ID: 6nSNFWIX2vZOpBk7tErhW
Minutes of the Chesterfield County Non-Profit Community Collaborative meeting, covering discussions on mental health and substance abuse prevention services, community education, and collaborative campaigns.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: BYCAKXqMGv2oqdhyvtL2N
Agenda for the virtual meeting of the Non-Profit Collaborative held on February 8, 2024, including introductions, county partner presentation, and roundtable discussion.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: 6kXNuMzniBBfoOWn4oKiH
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Electoral Board meeting held on February 6, 2024, discussing topics such as sign placement ordinance, voting updates, legislative updates, and election security.
unknown 2024-02-06 ID: T5OcbFipPaIOi51am90Kt
Agenda for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting scheduled for February 1, 2024, at Beulah Recreation Center.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: 2NxcsZ77MGuVEmuByix9R
Minutes from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on February 1, 2024, at Beulah Recreation Center. The meeting covered topics such as approval of previous minutes, updates from the Parks and Recreation Director, staff reports, public comments, and discussions on park use and developments.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: xN4q57QG0WeVCMIKf4CPJ
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held on February 1, 2024, discussing updates on capital projects, new business developments, and community events.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: Wq0ywXmcn9wDYiTEFLffS
Agenda for the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting on January 18, 2024, including administrative items, committee reports, and action items.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: X39qjl5O4hznpiO0a6rtC
Minutes of the Chesterfield Community Services Board meeting held on January 18, 2024. The meeting discussed various topics including Day Program Services, the impact of COVID, committee reports, and funding approvals.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: xVszAVVwzp1bpgc6xPfO7
Agenda for the Chesterfield County Electoral Board Meeting covering election updates, officer appointments, precinct changes, and personnel matters.
unknown 2024-01-16 ID: JERT7enEEsM07cuvYTGcp
Minutes from the Chesterfield County Non-Profit Community Collaborative meeting held on January 11, 2024. Discussions covered stress management, self-care strategies, and updates from various non-profit organizations.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: PEQgI4k4qpqKMub7eaQbx
Agenda for the Chesterfield Emergency Planning Committee meeting on December 7, 2023, covering introductions, approval of minutes, reports from various sectors, unfinished business, new business, and member discussions.
unknown 2023-12-07 ID: j7VG1ymmEuBtWkT8ziRDK
Agenda for the Chesterfield Emergency Planning Committee meeting held on September 7, 2023, covering topics such as the Emergency Operations Plan, reports from various subcommittees, unfinished and new business, and roundtable discussions.
unknown 2023-09-07 ID: qPrnmXJrx7W1vBigJ9837
Minutes from the Chesterfield Emergency Planning Committee meeting held on September 7, 2023, discussing the new Emergency Operations Plan, training opportunities, membership updates, and reports from various agencies.
unknown 2023-09-07 ID: Gug9zjrnXYdRx2XpcW1tY
Minutes from the Chesterfield Emergency Planning Committee meeting held on June 1, 2023, covering reports from various departments, updates on emergency management activities, and new business items including Tier 2 Submission Review and EOP Update.
unknown 2023-06-01 ID: Ze9mrHpZ1RN6yUyEKwbG3
Agenda for the Chesterfield Emergency Planning Committee meeting held on March 2, 2023. Topics include a discussion on the Norfolk Southern Railway train derailment, approval of December minutes, reports, and more.
unknown 2023-03-02 ID: OcjM4ZiHfklv1XNTArEHK
Minutes from the Chesterfield County and School System joint meeting held on August 2, 2022, covering topics such as career & technical education, enterprise system updates, legislative projections, and year-end processes.
unknown 2022-08-02 ID: q6pxWQhr121yBm5J6Zc3c
Minutes from the Joint School Board / Board of Supervisors Liaison Committee Meeting held on August 2, 2022. Topics discussed include the Community Facilities Bond Plan, healthcare updates, summer projects, and future meeting topics.
unknown 2022-08-02 ID: bW4sLcgiphvUZQwLQCvlY
Minutes from the Joint School Board / Board of Supervisors Liaison Committee Meeting held on April 13, 2022. The meeting covered topics such as middle school construction updates, state legislation status with Hope Academy, and a salary study.
unknown 2022-04-13 ID: r177TAry0C7wsyTtwv0aP
Agenda for the Chesterfield County committee meeting including topics such as bond referendum, healthcare, and summer projects.
unknown 2022-04-13 ID: poKcjaNBTnKOBm4YS89gN
Minutes from the Joint School Board and Board of Supervisors Liaison Committee meeting, discussing topics such as salary studies, school safety, major maintenance projects, and revenue updates.
unknown 2022-02-04 ID: PYHAdz0OCVsVvlaBiigUE
Minutes from the Chesterfield County committee meeting held on February 4, 2022, discussing topics such as middle school construction updates, state legislation status, and salary study.
unknown 2022-02-04 ID: 6qWAA8HLMHfvdmrgd2bFW