Charlotte (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Charlotte (County) (Agency ID: 68)

Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting held on December 11, 2024, covering topics such as subdivision and zoning ordinance amendments, committee reports, public comments, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: HaMD1aTBrBUGWZTZy5Knn
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on December 11, 2024. Topics included ordinance amendments, committee reports, and a resolution regarding Virginia's Growth Alliance.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: poLIIsEQEWzd5hQlyl7vR
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors where various motions were made and a public hearing on subdivision ordinance amendments was held.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: lPJLLnHl8XavPlp16mscJ
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 14, 2024. The meeting covered topics including broadband updates, multiple public hearings on lease agreements, reports from various committees and agencies, and public comments.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: jdMUfkqchTvuhqawGjLsl
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on November 14, 2024. The meeting included updates on broadband, public hearings on US Cellular Tower and Central High Museum lease agreements, reports from various agencies, and discussions on tax statements and building code enforcement.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: HVe5j9DHflc9LtoCBEXF8
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 14, 2024, discussing various topics including the US Cellular Tower Lease, Central High Museum Lease, Blue Line Solutions, and tax due date extensions.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: W79HzkY1on0jGCfk93AI5
Minutes from the special called and regular meetings of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held at the Administration Building, where a closed meeting was initiated to discuss compliance with County and State Building Code requirements and the resignation of Board Chairman Gary Walker.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: vLkxVt9ICND0Fc2ayuZJy
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors special called meeting and regular meeting held on October 9, 2024. Includes a public hearing on School Board's Virtual Virginia, statements from legal counsel, public comments, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: WtxOJdhAxGWgMYorvXX1z
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors special called and regular meeting held on October 9, 2024, including resolutions, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: DbTPrp9luWcAsVC5rJuIp
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting on October 9, 2024, discussing various agenda items including budget amendments, resignations, public safety reports, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: TQwHAReLRqZwlFZMtDakG
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2024. The meeting included discussions on budget amendments, various resolutions, reports from VDOT and the Virginia Department of Forestry, and other county business.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: qsKcjvrYIvt2Dv0AVr6GY
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2024, covering public hearings, budget amendments, committee reports, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: TgnvboIH12Ii9PfHcWLsv
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2024, including public hearings on budget amendments and resolutions for POW/MIA and Domestic Violence Awareness.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: iYbTp2dLYF1SUbf0OTs6n
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors discussing the approval of the agenda, previous meeting minutes, and the proposed amendments to the FY2024-2025 Consolidated Budget.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: kCXyC5YscHDaFAkxo6WBw
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on September 11, 2024, addressing various resolutions, public hearings, and committee reports.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: ETQR2wZU1CBCSml6y3bgs
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 14, 2024, covering discussions on various CUP applications, solar projects, building code enforcement, library funding, and rural rustic road designations.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: xkwwpZqrf3vCrpPGH1yPp
Minutes of the special called and regular meetings of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors where a closed meeting was held to discuss a siting agreement offered by Dominion Power for the Quarter Horse Solar Project.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: Iwnp1me2sG7IJJ5hr4uNb
Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting covering topics such as public hearings for CUPs, reports from Public Works and Public Safety, updates on broadband projects, and financial matters.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: fFN1OfQNC6MJun0zh1L1H
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on August 14, 2024, including public hearings on CUP applications and reports from various departments and committees.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: GocqhdQ0idPZY48kmuSmT
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting including public hearings on various conditional use permits (CUPs) and a siting agreement.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: TTRdH1bKSQoatnJ8hP0DL
Minutes of a joint public hearing between the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors and Charlotte County Planning Commission regarding the Quarter Horse Solar Conditional Use Permit Amendment Application.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: bmqIqbUXJYtfffUX7dr4e
Minutes from a joint public hearing involving the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission regarding a solar facility permit amendment.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: z5tQvT6mXA0JIUfemFs6i
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on July 10, 2024. Discussions included committee reports, VDOT updates, registrar staffing, Riverstreet broadband updates, public comments, Kroger opioid settlement, financial policy guidelines, MBC tower offer, planning commission recommendations, Southside Virginia ASAP Board appointment, and other county business.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: hbzNYzp6YAu8DMUUjaUQa
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on July 10, 2024, covering committee reports, approval of agenda, and previous meeting minutes.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: j5kzjNI4iZNqWDBSJSAN9
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 12, 2024, including discussions on the VDOT Six-Year Plan, financial policy guidelines, and various reports and appropriations.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: qJmg0DGouTZWFI2mj0g0g
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 1, 2024, where the consolidated budget for FY2024-2025 was adopted and tax levies for the same fiscal year were set.
unknown 2024-05-01 ID: BHVh4mvUvt0gL1BZ4n4Z2
Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda, including public hearings on the proposed 2024/2025 budget and personal property tax increase.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: 1D46XKSwhNaNPqB9kRLPG
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting, including resolutions on appreciation, the Comprehensive Plan, Southside Alcohol Safety, Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, and VDOT.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: GQpTJqjM98LCwItPFieZz
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 13, 2024, including discussions on the VDOT Six-year Plan, CPV Siting Agreement, Salem School Preservation Resolution, and other county business.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: zPzNz5qsdVGedhqWXGU9v
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors, discussing various agenda items including the CPV County Line Solar Siting Agreement, Salem School Preservation Resolution, and other community and administrative updates.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: UsR31YbN4ykOwaRMVI8FS
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 13, 2024, including discussions on the VDOT Six-year Plan, CPV Siting Agreement, Salem School Preservation Resolution, and public comments.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: zk5RqypYL4HZXQNEJnv8n
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 13, 2024. Includes work session on VDOT Six-year Plan, public hearing on CPV Siting Agreement, various updates, and a resolution on Salem School Preservation.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: tlhcfGVLbBmBDXMhy1ANc
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 13, 2024. Includes discussions on the VDOT Six-year Plan, CPV Siting Agreement, Salem School Preservation Resolution, and other county business.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: QM6cVbitAnMOGOTi4XX02
Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held a work session focusing on the FY2024-2025 Budget. Discussions included departmental budget requests, tax rates, revenue projections, and capital improvement plans.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: DfhIVRthBvpNoROehnhXu
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Work Session on the FY 2024-2025 Budget held on March 4, 2024. The session included budget requests from various departments and nonprofits, discussion of tax rates and revenue projections, and capital improvement plans.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: 8HIhpIZfXdheMAfJx7SaU
Work session meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors discussing budget requests from departments and nonprofits including Piedmont Senior Resources, the Commonwealth Attorney, Charlotte County Rescue Squad, STEPS, and the library.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: jHyj9FR9wwU5gKtm7dYme
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held at Randolph-Henry High School Auditorium on February 14, 2024. Topics included the FY2024 audit, public hearings on county and school appropriations, several conditional use permits, committee reports, and other county business.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: psYlywqls0Pe6i1b2bxp3
The Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held a meeting with various agenda items including the approval of the agenda and minutes, the FY2024 audit report, and public hearings on county and school appropriations, as well as conditional use permits for solar projects.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: MTE99TdUWGiKzOSj6m8wl
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 14, 2024, covering approvals of agenda and January minutes, FY2024 audit presentation, public hearing on county and school appropriations, and conditional use permit for County Line Solar project.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: KdLonakT9pQqkOv8scmdV
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2024, covering resolutions of appreciation for service, public hearings on various topics including sawmill conditional use permit and new polling places, and committee reports.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: JaV6qLxUP9VTFAQa2NYpB
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on January 10, 2024 at the Administration Building. Discussions included approval of the agenda, December 2023 minutes, committee reports, planning commission updates, and other community matters.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: 7FcuGEO1CO6Rgeo1kXftP
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2024, detailing the agenda, reports, public comments, and discussions including solar cap language and policy discussions.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: 3E1sYuOYYtIArmRA8AmvZ
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2024, discussing various topics including VDOT reports, committee appointments, public comment policy, solar project applications, budget schedules, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: SLzPbR39B7YjmXffvFZhu
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on January 10, 2024. Discussions included approval of the agenda and previous minutes, committee reports, public comments, VDOT report, Salem School Preservation Committee presentation, solar cap language, board assignments, public comment policy, planning commission requests, and other board actions.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: mEOlNMBX6oYKlTnpdKjn2
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 2, 2024, including elections of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, adoption of rules of order, review of remote participation policy, and setting regular meeting schedule.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: 7SEYJ5na0pB2lZIEHOnK5
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting, including election of officers, adoption of rules of order, review of policies, and scheduling of meetings.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: 62r1Fhjj27B2kpdofIeCe
Agenda and policies for the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 2, 2024. Includes election of new Chairman and Vice-Chairman, reaffirmation of rules and policies, and setting of meeting schedules.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: 9VoQ3cghLvtbldxqYHRDL
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting discussing topics including the updated Comprehensive Plan, resolutions of recognition, conditional use permits, and new polling places.
unknown 2023-12-11 ID: 9sYZXWUR09KmKF5TFaJxc
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on November 15, 2023, covering topics such as resolutions of recognition, public hearings on conditional use permits, and planning commission findings.
unknown 2023-11-15 ID: RtNmFGSYljEG7QzKyB6qk
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 15, 2023, covering reports, public comments, resolutions, budget amendments, and other county business.
unknown 2023-11-15 ID: hzky7QwKOjjJcZdWOeEHK
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors on November 15, 2023, including discussions on CCRS revenue, EMS payments, and social services donations.
unknown 2023-11-15 ID: cbdmYHs4Ixx9EBMA7WXai
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on November 15, 2023, including committee reports, public comments, financial appropriations, and resolutions.
unknown 2023-11-15 ID: A2ARrp4iue5alRiKjagMp
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on November 15, 2023, covering various topics including committee reports, public comments, resolutions, budget amendments, and discussions on local issues.
unknown 2023-11-15 ID: rnIXfoyeAm3LUt0eyUYyQ
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Special Called Meeting discussing the Siting Agreement Amendment and CUP Amendment for Tall Pines Solar.
unknown 2023-10-26 ID: 8qMEn4TPSh2in2w2dHT6d
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors special called meeting on October 26, 2023. The meeting discussed amendments to the siting agreement for Tall Pines Solar, LLC, and considered a CUP amendment.
unknown 2023-10-26 ID: aOAAh93cDK31JC35HL5cx
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Special Called Meeting held on October 26, 2023, including a public hearing on the Siting Agreement Amendment for Tall Pines Solar and subsequent actions.
unknown 2023-10-26 ID: 3PW540hMXjSlLygPQjjxR
Minutes from the work session meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors, discussing solar revenue priorities including tax reduction and teacher salaries.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: 31eg70Qocmt0MavNSIfCR
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on September 11, 2023, discussing the Solar Tax Credit Ordinance, budget amendments, and various reports.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: vzJ2Hz6dcSDFHYR5BlUmr
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2023. Topics discussed include the solar tax credit ordinance, budget amendments for FY2023-2024, the establishment of a 250 Celebration Committee, and the relocation of polling places.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: 8NmfHSMKJfyDBR3Yuv5S5
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2023, covering topics such as the Solar Tax Credit Ordinance for FY2023-2024, budget amendments, committee reports, and financial planning.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: 6vqb5v7qFk7WALw8j8Y0z
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 14, 2023, covering topics such as budget amendments, resolutions, public hearings, and reports from various departments.
unknown 2023-08-14 ID: bB2alQANHBm1Rmk0cYN5E
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting, including updates on budget amendments, public hearings on tax revenue refunds, and reports from various departments.
unknown 2023-08-14 ID: 7Sm1qNLIMgMJNscRjqNT4
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 10, 2023, discussing various reports, public comments, financial planning, and county business items.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: RXMBCkQFpr5A7apBpNrCs
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 10, 2023, covering various reports and discussions including accessibility, financial planning, solar education, and economic incentives.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: GGb8qz6cbDKPxNTlbKiVc
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 10, 2023. Key topics included committee reports, public comments, financial planning discussions, solar energy project updates, and the approval of various contracts and agreements.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: xYC8M9C6JEss753knFGfq
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on July 10, 2023, covering various reports, motions, public comments, and financial discussions.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: ep9UyHoFPhUFmnc138NOw
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 10, 2023, covering budget amendments, public hearings, committee reports, and county administration updates.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: T9SLcdRWSGXODwzH7DkCW
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors on July 10, 2023, discussing committee reports, approvals, and motions related to county affairs.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: QO4KLzv9q8Zen9nSoJQTs
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing various topics including solar projects, VDOT updates, broadband expansion, public safety, and tax exemptions.
unknown 2023-07-01 ID: GQo5GXqLGIKzH39w3eTuv
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on June 12, 2023, covering topics such as a resolution in appreciation of service, reports from committees, and updates on various projects and contracts.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: 9o208w5F915jlapTSScNw
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 12, 2023, covering various agenda items including resolutions, committee reports, public comments, project updates, and other county business.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: fb7DqvPR6MLIxbyMQuxFA
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 12, 2023, including a resolution appreciating Nan R. Colley's service.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: p2D2kvEyEwIvjTuPHCuSf
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors work session discussing the relationship management between career and volunteer rescue squads in Campbell County.
unknown 2023-05-22 ID: PpElozi9F19qHOtePduzc
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors work session discussing the management of relationships between career and volunteer activities, with presentations by Campbell County representatives.
unknown 2023-05-22 ID: audHtnuFy4z2vFl2h9Nqs
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on May 8, 2023, discussing topics such as the VDOT 6-Year Plan, zoning ordinance amendments, budget approval, and a mutual aid agreement with Mecklenburg County.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: VOAcc8O2LKNDfGP4Uctgq
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on May 8, 2023. The meeting included discussions on the VDOT 6-Year Plan, zoning ordinance amendments, budget approvals, and updates on various county projects.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: jGblDHc0g2lKRE9Tw9l3M
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on May 8, 2023. Key discussions included the VDOT 6-Year Plan, updates on various departments, and approval of the FY 2023-2024 budget.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: TFcrkgYftcWZ65KRZwTMN
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting, including updates on the VDOT 6-Year Plan, zoning ordinance amendments, and reports from supervisors.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: DC8jz9SWrBo5EYL689rI7
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on May 8, 2023. The meeting included public hearings on the VDOT 6-Year Plan and Zoning Ordinance Amendments, updates from various departments, approval of the FY 2023-2024 Consolidated Budget, and other county business.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: PUwlkvHlvTQlEXZCrEfcl
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting detailing resolutions, public hearings on conditional use permits, committee reports, and other county business.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: xr1Nw0svIA39UlcQx03Va
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on April 10, 2023, covering resolutions, public hearings on polling relocation and conditional use permits for telecommunications infrastructure, committee reports, and public comments.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: N9ixd5LyvletR2F22tqyl
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors covering motions passed, committee reports, and other proceedings.
unknown 2023-03-13 ID: kbOYdOQsRMOk9xS0FO88k
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on March 13, 2023. Topics covered included committee reports, public comments on solar projects, updates on VDOT activities, the Empower Broadband project, and various ordinances and proclamations.
unknown 2023-03-13 ID: lWKGcSvtbOUHhaAn8WfZD
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 13, 2023, covering various agenda items including public hearings, budget discussions, project updates, and resolutions.
unknown 2023-02-13 ID: 6mXIYTFkNkkVoyKpBLnX1
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 13, 2023. Key discussions included the FY2023 School Budget Appropriations, IDA Annual Report, Gateway Sign Discussion, and Rescue Squad Assistance Fund.
unknown 2023-02-13 ID: ND78MivBpITxDdPi3rRKC
Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda covering budget discussions, public hearings, project updates, and various community issues.
unknown 2023-02-13 ID: 3OdS0oiLHz3BmfAsdcLfd
Notice of a special meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors to discuss the appropriation of funds requested by the Charlotte County Rescue Squad.
unknown 2023-02-03 ID: Zxf2AzBdgVdM958h9hbRU
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors held on January 9, 2023, covering topics such as committee reports, public comments, VDOT updates, and board appointments.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: F2lCvkc7SBLtqR4zrQWrL
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on January 9, 2023, covering reports, public comments, and general board actions.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: Me1tKZHh7nS9hTGLMHoWx
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on January 9, 2023, including reports, public comments, and board actions.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: rU2QGJ1XHsuIRcriYRIVk
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 9, 2023, covering topics such as the Fire and EMS Work Session, budget process, public hearings, and various board appointments.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: I3O84TYjqtNp8Oeu6Gf8n
Minutes of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 9, 2023, including reports on committee activities and approvals of previous minutes and agendas.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: SfrozacY1HpTRqN2nS2Lv
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting on January 3, 2023, including the election of the chairman and vice-chairman, adoption of rules of order, and setting the schedule for regular meetings.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: upWbjCBvNNsgxPBoHxBCc
Minutes of the organizational meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors, including elections for Chairman and Vice-Chairman positions, and decisions on procedural rules.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: zz0azpSgAS0CZeQBp71qL
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 3, 2023, which included the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, adoption of rules of order, and scheduling of regular meetings for 2023.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: fFCMXgyNnA4l62UEMEMg6
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors organizational meeting held on January 2, 2023, including elections of the chairman and vice-chairman and adoption of rules of order and remote participation policy.
unknown 2023-01-02 ID: 1iR7UfZEhduadhsVTr3Om
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors organizational meeting held on January 2, 2023. The meeting included the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2024, adoption of rules of order, reaffirmation of the remote participation policy, and the adoption of a code of conduct and performance.
unknown 2023-01-02 ID: 2jZVxvgdMmZUvn5uWSvcz
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 12, 2022, covering topics such as the Charlotte County Fire and Safety Study Results, Conditional Use Permit for a Multi-family Dwelling, MBC Tower Offer, Purple Heart Community Resolution, Historic Marker Update, and various appointments.
unknown 2022-12-12 ID: 9neNhfKx5ujt3QvLTQ3H7
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 12, 2022. Topics discussed include public hearings on a conditional use permit, MBC tower offer, Purple Heart Community designation, and various reports.
unknown 2022-12-12 ID: GaVPcsgO3wTMJQULVULQf
Minutes from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 16, 2022, covering agenda items such as committee reports, VDOT report, Treasurer’s report, Dominion project update, public comments, resolutions, and other community-related topics.
unknown 2022-11-16 ID: kkYquGdRFUSFeOueA080E

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.