Campbell (County)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Campbell (County) (Agency ID: 64)
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 3, 2024, including a special presentation for the dedication of a bridge in honor of Senior Airman Ricky L. Merritt.
Regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, including a closed session to discuss legal matters related to the Region 2000 Services Authority.
Minutes from a regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors discussing various topics, including the approval of previous meeting minutes and a request for additional funding for the Brookville-Timberlake Volunteer Fire Department.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 16, 2024. Includes approval of minutes from previous meetings and recognition of the Rustburg High School Boys Track Team for their state championship titles.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 29, 2024, to tour various County facilities, including discussions about facility history, functions, and challenges.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 18, 2024. The meeting included discussions on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy update facilitated by Phoenix Advantage Consulting.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 4, 2024, including the approval of previous meeting minutes and a proclamation of appreciation for Claude Owen.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission on May 21, 2024, held in Rustburg, VA. The meeting included an overview of the role of the Planning Commission.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 7, 2024, discussing topics like approval of past minutes, public comments by David Gifford, and consideration of an emergency ordinance to extend the tax due date.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on April 29, 2024, to discuss an assessment on solid waste management options.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on April 2, 2024, including updates on Parks and Recreation activities and programs.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 5, 2024, including approval of previous minutes and recognition of William Anderson's service.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Campbell County School Board regarding the fiscal year 2024-25 budget review.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 2, 2024, detailing the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the meeting schedule for 2024.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 12, 2023, discussing preliminary local revenue projections for fiscal year 2024, tax reduction impacts, meals tax referendum results, and upcoming budget meetings.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on December 5, 2023. Key topics included public comment on cell tower placement and recognition of board members completing their terms.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 9, 2023. Key topics include approval of previous meeting minutes, public comments on rezoning issues, and administration reports.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing advertising amendments to the County Code related to agricultural lot sizes and stormwater regulations.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on October 3, 2023. Key topics included approval of past minutes and the Brookville High School renovation project bond resolution.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 19, 2023. The meeting provided an overview of the Public Safety System, highlighting its structure, challenges, budget allocation, staff, and core functions.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 5, 2023, where the dedication of a section of Route 501 in honor of Judge J. Samuel Johnston, Jr. was discussed.
Meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors discussing an updated plan of finance for the renovation and addition to Brookville High School, including various capital programs.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on August 1, 2023, including approval of previous meeting minutes, recognition of valedictorians and salutatorians, and a proclamation honoring Tyler Mason.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors regular meeting discussing approval of minutes from previous meetings and business incentives for Ceramic Tubular Products, LLC.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Industrial Development Authority, discussing IDA projects including the Campbell Low-interest Momentum Building Fund and developments in Seneca Commerce Park.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 6, 2023. Discussions included the approval of previous meeting minutes, public comments on speeding issues on Hydaway Drive and the Rustburg Farmers Market.
Minutes of the joint meeting held by the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission, detailing discussions on rooming houses/tourist houses.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors work session focusing on the Comprehensive Plan and land use.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors discussing approval of past minutes, complaints about a rezoning decision, and other agenda items.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 28, 2023, where a public hearing on the FY 2024 Budget was conducted. Discussions included proposed budget allocations, tax rate changes, and public comments on property and educational funding.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on March 7, 2023, including public comments and a presentation by Melissa Lucy on Horizon Behavioral Health.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors work session held on February 28, 2023, discussing investment of public funds and public contract awards in a closed meeting.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 7, 2023, where they discussed approval of previous minutes and addressed recent winter heating bill concerns with Larry Jackson, AEP Director of Government Affairs.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Campbell County School Board, including a public hearing on a bond issue for the Brookville High School project.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 3, 2023, in which new Chairman and Vice-Chairman were elected and the regular meeting schedule for 2023 was established.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 13, 2022, discussing local revenue projections for FY24, tax reductions from FY20 to FY23, and upcoming meetings.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 6, 2022, including public comments about property reassessment and pedestrian safety.
Minutes of a meeting held by the Campbell County Board of Supervisors discussing the extension of the tax due date due to challenges with mailing tax bills.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, including electronic participation approval, approval of previous meeting minutes, and discussion about the purchase of the Rustburg Presbyterian Church property.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 18, 2022, discussing the 2023 General Reassessment process.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 4, 2022, discussing the approval of past meeting minutes and issues with the Timberlake Watershed Improvement District.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on August 16, 2022. Discussions included requests for exceptions to the noise ordinance by the Central Virginia Criminal Justice Academy and the application for 2023 VATI Grants for broadband coverage.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 2, 2022, covering approval of previous minutes, presentation by Dr. Lori Leonard on COVID-19 vaccination issues, and recognition of 2022 Valedictorians and Salutatorians.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 19, 2022. Topics included the approval for electronic participation in the meeting, approval of previous meeting minutes, and a discussion on traffic cameras in the Town of Altavista.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 21, 2022, discussing school construction projects including the Rustburg Middle School completion and plans for renovating Brookville High School with a $40 million budget.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on June 7, 2022. The meeting included approval of previous minutes, a public comment period on issues such as the fire department radio system and proposed redistricting map.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the redistricting process based on the 2020 Census and consideration of different plans affecting election districts.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on May 3, 2022, discussing the approval of previous meeting minutes and addressing community concerns about litter.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 19, 2022, covering discussions on redistricting plans and the Brookville attendance zone school capital needs.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on April 5, 2022, discussing electronic participation, approval of previous meeting minutes, and adoption of the FY 2023 budget.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the fiscal year 2023 budget and tax rates. The meeting included a public hearing on the proposed tax rates and budget.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 29, 2022, including discussions on the proposed tax rates and Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors budget work session held on March 8, 2022, discussing FY 2023 budget revenues and expenditures.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on March 1, 2022. Discussion included the approval of previous minutes and public comments concerning the County's notification processes and website updates.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing school capital needs, particularly in the Brookville attendance zone, and financial strategies for addressing these needs.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors addressing topics such as communication improvements, law enforcement pay, and education funding.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Campbell County School Board, held on January 18, 2022, for the review of the fiscal year 2022-23 budget.
Minutes from the January 4, 2022, meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, including the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and discussion on electronic participation in meetings.
The regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors discussed an updated plan of finance for school facility projects presented by David Rose from Davenport & Company.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 7, 2021. Includes discussions on reassessment concerns and public comments.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the ongoing financial plan for school facility projects, including updates on Rustburg Middle School construction and future projects in the Brookville attendance zone.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 4, 2021, including reports and updates from various departments and discussions on code revisions.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 19, 2021, discussing short-term rental regulations.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 5, 2021, including approval of previous meeting minutes and discussion of FY 2021 preliminary financial statements.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 21, 2021, discussing the Rustburg Middle School construction update and the Campbell County Regional Radio Project.
Regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors including an invocation, approval of previous meeting minutes, and recognition of the State Champion Rustburg High School Softball Team.
Minutes from the meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and Campbell County Utilities and Services Authority (CCUSA) discussing the history, systems, rates, and future of CCUSA.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 3, 2021, including discussions on electronic meeting participation and issues related to sedimentation in the Timberlake Watershed Improvement District.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on July 20, 2021, including approvals of previous meeting minutes and recognition of 2021 valedictorians and salutatorians.
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Industrial Development Authority held on June 21, 2021, to discuss covenants for Seneca Commerce Park.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 1, 2021, including approval of previous minutes and recognition of the Rustburg High School Volleyball Team as 2020 State Champions.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 18, 2021, including a joint session with the Planning Commission to discuss solar facilities and consideration of lot sizes in the Agricultural District.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, where topics such as school choice funding and an update on the February 2021 ice storm by Southside Electric Cooperative were discussed.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on April 20, 2021, discussing the adoption of the FY 2022 budget, tax resolution, and appropriations resolution.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 12, 2021, discussing issues related to litter and the involvement of law enforcement.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on April 6, 2021. Key points include approval of minutes from previous meetings, recognition of Early Pribble's retirement, and discussions around site plan submissions.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 16, 2021, discussing the FY 2022 budget, including revenues, expenditures, tax changes, and potential future spending on projects.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors held on March 2, 2021. Includes discussions on approval of previous minutes, public comments regarding election irregularities, and voter registration data issues.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 16, 2021, discussing personal property tax assessment methodology and the impact on towns within the county.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 2, 2021, discussing approval of past meeting minutes and introduction of BARCC, Inc., a new organization aimed at fundraising for a new animal shelter.
Minutes from the joint meeting between Campbell County Board of Supervisors and Campbell County School Board discussing the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget review.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 5, 2021, including the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and the establishment of the regular meeting schedule for 2021.
The document details the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 15, 2020, where a resolution was passed to approve a support agreement for the refinancing of bonds by the Campbell County Utilities and Service Authority.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 1, 2020. Discussions included COVID-19 restrictions, public health communication, and the First Amendment Sanctuary Resolution.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 7, 2020, detailing discussions on progress since the January 2019 retreat and current and future priorities.
The regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors included an update on the wireless broadband project and a discussion on a volunteer ambulance transport fee relief program.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing utility capacities, CCUSA operations, and water and sewer connection fees.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 6, 2020. Discussions included approval of previous minutes and an update on the wireless broadband project by B2X Online.
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and the Campbell County School Board, primarily to discuss the plans for a new Rustburg Middle School.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the approval of past meeting minutes, changes in public comment requirements due to amendments in the Code of Virginia, citizen concerns about COVID-19 measures, and a proposal for election officials' pay increase funded by the CARES Act.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing an amendment to the FY 2020 budget to incorporate funds received from the CARES Act and additional federal sources.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 4, 2020. Topics discussed include electronic participation approval, incentives for Southern Landscape Group, Inc., and a wireless broadband proposal.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 21, 2020. Discussions included the operating hours of the Concord transfer site and community impacts.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the allocation of CARES Act funding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 2, 2020, in Rustburg, Virginia. Discussions included approval of previous meeting minutes, recognition of staff for COVID-19 efforts, and consideration of personal property tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 19, 2020, discussing financing plans for the Rustburg Middle School project and the Public Safety Radio System.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 12, 2020. Discussion included contributions to the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance and business retention and expansion programs.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors. Discussions included the approval of previous meeting minutes and a presentation by Mr. Dean Monroe regarding the establishment of a recycling facility in Campbell County.
Minutes of the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 7, 2020, discussing COVID-19 measures and electronic participation.
Minutes from the Campbell County Board of Supervisors meeting where local government budget funding and fiscal year structure were discussed.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.