Buckingham (County)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Buckingham (County) (Agency ID: 63)
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on December 16, 2024, including public hearings, reports, and work sessions.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 9, 2024, covering topics such as approval of agenda, resolutions, public hearings, zoning matters, departmental reports, and education updates.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 9, 2024, including items for approval, public comments, VDOT road matters, public hearings, zoning matters, department reports, appointments, and closed session.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on November 18, 2024, covering topics such as public hearings, zoning map amendments, and work sessions.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on November 18, 2024, including discussions on public hearings for special use permits and a comprehensive plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 12, 2024, including resolutions, public comments, zoning matters, and departmental reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 12, 2024, including presentations, public comments, VDOT road matters, zoning matters, department reports, and other board matters.
Minutes of the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on October 28, 2024, discussing various topics including a public hearing for a special use permit application by Daniel Fisher.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting scheduled for October 28, 2024, including items such as approval of previous minutes, public comment, old business regarding public hearings, and reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session focusing on the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council, including discussions on Goals, Objectives, and Strategies for county development.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 15, 2024, covering agenda approval, claim approvals, resolutions in memoriam, and presentations on the Recovery Court and audit update.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on October 15, 2024, including resolutions, public comments, zoning matters, and reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on October 15, 2024, covering various topics including resolutions, public comments, VDOT road matters, public hearings, zoning matters, and department reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on September 23, 2024. The meeting addressed various administrative matters, public comments, and special use permit applications including those for Daniel Fisher and Karen Kreps.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on September 23, 2024, including discussions on zoning, building permits, and public hearings.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on September 23, 2024, covering approval of previous meeting minutes, public comments, old and new business, and reports.
This document outlines the agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session focused on discussing the comprehensive plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council and other commission matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 9, 2024, including presentations, public hearings, zoning matters, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors monthly meeting held on September 9, 2024. Topics discussed included approval of the agenda, minutes, claims, appropriations, a resolution in memoriam for Mary Lee Tennie Jones, audit updates, and VDOT road matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on August 26, 2024, covering approvals of past minutes, public comments, old and new business, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on August 26, 2024. Discussions included approval of previous minutes, a public hearing for a special use permit for a private airstrip, and public comments.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on August 26, 2024, including items such as approval of minutes, public comments, reports, and new business introductions.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session focusing on the comprehensive plan and land use strategies.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing revisions to the comprehensive plan, focusing on land use, zoning updates, and growth corridors.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 12, 2024, covering topics such as public comments, VDOT road matters, and resolutions passed during the meeting.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 12, 2024, including public hearings on zoning text amendments and special use permits, department reports, and discussions on county road matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting, including presentations, public hearings on zoning and special use permits, department reports, finance considerations, committee appointments, and executive closed session.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting, including discussions on the Comprehensive Plan, a public hearing for a special use permit application by John DeMaio, and various reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on July 15, 2024, covering items such as approval of previous minutes, public comments, old business, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on July 15, 2024, discussing the comprehensive plan updates, public hearings, and other planning matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on July 8, 2024, including zoning matters, public hearings, and committee reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors regular monthly meeting held on July 8, 2024.
The agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on July 8, 2024, includes items such as approval of agenda, claims, and minutes, presentations, public comments, zoning matters, department reports, and closed executive session discussions.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on June 24, 2024, detailing the discussion of special use permits for Jonathan Zook and Jessica Nicholas.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Minutes of the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on June 17, 2024, discussing the comprehensive plan, land use strategies, and zoning ordinances.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session focusing on the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 10, 2024, covering topics such as zoning matters, department reports, budget updates, and public hearings.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 10, 2024, covering topics such as public hearings, zoning matters, budget updates, and department reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors regular monthly meeting held on June 10, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including approval of the agenda, minutes, claims, appropriations, public comments, and a public hearing for a rezoning application.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting scheduled for May 28, 2024, including old and new business, reports, and commission matters.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on May 28, 2024. Discussions included the approval of previous meeting minutes, agenda changes, and a public hearing regarding a zoning text amendment and special use permit application by Ivan Petersheim.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on May 28, 2024, including old and new business, public hearings, and reports.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission Work Session discussing the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing the comprehensive plan.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors regular monthly meeting held on May 13, 2024, including resolutions, public comments, and VDOT road matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 13, 2024, including public comments, zoning matters, and other board matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 13, 2024, including presentations, public comments, zoning matters, department reports, and appointments.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on April 22, 2024, including minutes from previous meetings, public comments, old business regarding zoning map amendments, and new business introductions.
Buckingham County Planning Commission agenda for the meeting on April 22, 2024, covering approval of previous meeting minutes, old and new business including zoning matters, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on April 22, 2024, discussing agenda approval, meeting minutes corrections, and a public hearing on a rezoning application for a property on North James Madison Highway.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board meeting, including approval of tax rates and operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors reconvened meeting held on April 22, 2024, discussing approval of FY 24/25 tax rates and operating budget.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on April 22, 2024, including approval of minutes and reports, old and new business items, and zoning ordinance amendments.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission Work Session, including topics such as the Comprehensive Plan with Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing the comprehensive plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council, including housing, building permits, and community facilities.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 15, 2024, including discussions on various local issues such as school funding, public comments on solar projects, anti-litter initiatives, bridge concerns, and gold mining.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 15, 2024, covering topics such as VDOT Road Matters, the proposed operating budget, and courthouse renovation contract.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on April 15, 2024, including public comments, VDOT road matters, public hearings on the operating budget, and various reports and appointments.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on March 25, 2024. Discussions included approval of previous minutes, agenda changes, and the introduction of a rezoning application by John George for 3000 West Clay LLC.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting scheduled on March 25, 2024, covering items like approval of agenda and minutes, old and new business, reports, and commission matters.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on March 25, 2024. Includes old business regarding code of conduct and ethics, new business introduction of zoning matter 24-ZMA340, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors VDOT and Budget Work Session held on March 20, 2024. Topics included the VDOT Six Year Plan, FY24/25 School Budget presentation, and County Administrator's recommended budget.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the VDOT Six Year Plan and budget work session.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on March 18, 2024, discussing updates to comprehensive plan sections, land use maps, and survey results.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session on March 18, 2024, discussing the comprehensive plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
This document is a work session agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission, focusing on the Comprehensive Plan with discussion topics including housing, community resources, and governmental policies.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 11, 2024, covering topics such as public hearing cases, zoning matters, department reports, and other county-related issues.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 11, 2024, discussing agenda approvals, budget appropriations, VASAP resolutions, and public comments.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 11, 2024, including public hearings, zoning matters, department reports, and other county business.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on February 26, 2024, including approval of previous minutes, consideration of revised by-laws, and reports from building permits and zoning administrator.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on February 26, 2024, including approval of previous minutes and reports on building permits and zoning.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing agenda approval, bylaw revisions, and pending solar energy legislation.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on February 20, 2024, discussing updates and revisions to the comprehensive plan, including sections on education, commuting patterns, health care, regional industrial parks, and various maps related to transportation and infrastructure.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission Work Session on February 20, 2024, including discussions on the comprehensive plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors monthly meeting on February 12, 2024, including presentations, public comments, zoning matters, department reports, and executive session.
Minutes of the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 12, 2024, including updates from various county departments, approval of claims, and a resolution regarding hunting permits.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 12, 2024, including presentations, public comments, zoning matters, department reports, and executive closed session.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting on January 22, 2024, including votes for chairman and vice chairman, approval of bylaws, and public hearing cases.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on January 22, 2024. Topics discussed include the election of the chairman and vice-chairman for 2024, special use permit applications for a private school and a commercial building, and a special use permit application for a Verizon Wireless tower.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting discussing elections of Chairman and Vice Chairman, approval of bylaws, and public hearing cases.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session discussing the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
The agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on January 16, 2024, focused on the Comprehensive Plan with the Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Peter Francisco Auditorium, covering topics such as elections of the chairman and vice-chairman, approval of agenda and minutes, announcements, public comments, zoning matters, and more.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 8, 2024, covering various matters including confirmations, approvals, public comments, zoning issues, and committee appointments.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 8, 2024, including topics such as the confirmation of board members, approval of agendas and claims, resolution for Velma Jones, and school funding requests.
A report form for taxpayers in Buckingham County to declare their tangible personal property, machinery, tools, and merchants capital as of January 1, 2024. The report is to be filed by May 1, 2024, and includes instructions for taxpayers.
This document is a personal property tax declaration form for Buckingham County, Virginia, for the tax year 2024. It includes instructions for reporting tangible personal property owned as of January 1, 2024, and must be filed by May 1, 2024. The form outlines requirements for adjustments, exemptions, and qualifications for tax relief.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on December 18, 2023, covering new and old business, reports, and public hearings on various cases, including solar energy projects and a Verizon Wireless proposal.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on December 18, 2023, discussing the solar policy, public comments on the solar project, and details on the planning commission's deliberations.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting held on December 18, 2023, including public hearings, new business introductions, and reports.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors regular monthly meeting detailing discussions on solar policy, public comments, road matters, and approvals of agenda items.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors monthly meeting on December 11, 2023. The agenda includes call to order, approval of minutes and claims, public hearings on siting agreements and special use permits, zoning matters, department reports, and various committee considerations.
The document is a transmittal letter regarding the submission of the Comparative Report Transmittal Form and financial statements for Buckingham County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Minutes from the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session held on November 27, 2023. The session covered the approval of agenda items, a public comment period, discussions on a proposed solar project by Hodson Energy, and a cell tower application by Verizon Wireless.
This document is the agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission meeting scheduled for November 27, 2023. It includes a call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance, establishment of quorums, approval of the agenda and minutes, public comments, old and new business items, reports, and commission matters and concerns.
Minutes from a work session of the Buckingham County Planning Commission discussing updates to the comprehensive plan, including demographic trends, survey results, educational data, vocational training, and economic statistics.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Planning Commission work session on November 20, 2023. Includes discussion on the Comprehensive Plan with Commonwealth Regional Council.
Agenda for the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors monthly meeting on November 14, 2023, including resolutions, public comments, zoning matters, and departmental reports.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.