Arlington (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Arlington (County) (Agency ID: 55)

A comprehensive report on the Neighborhoods Form Based Code Amendments associated with Barcroft's Master Financing and Development Plan (MFDP), including background, site context, and implementation strategies.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: TfIvvyvYC172gI1N6jhU9
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting discussing the Barcroft Apartments Master Financing & Development Plan (MFDP) implementation.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: G7gAFyO0ch0P0ax8JcxSE
Memorandum on FBC & NFBC Amendments to support the Barcroft Land Use Analysis, including updates to the zoning regulations, Columbia Pike Initiative, and Neighborhoods Area Plan.
unknown 2024-12-06 ID: HBdX0FfEdXuqxYs85x1jt
This document outlines Arlington County's policy on transforming obsolete commercial office buildings. It addresses the economic and fiscal impacts of a declining office sector and proposes a regulatory framework for adaptive reuse and other tools to repurpose obsolete office buildings.
unknown 2024-11-01 ID: 6fd0xxmXzGV6wBbCyGWC2
A report detailing proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance for family day care homes in Arlington County, aiming to increase accessibility, availability, and quality of child care. The report suggests enabling by-right approval for family day care homes with 10-12 children and amending the S-D zoning district to permit child care centers.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: B9J7TqsZTosO72V3hxxUs
A policy document discussing the transformation of Arlington's office buildings through new regulatory approaches. It covers elements of policy change, zoning ordinance amendments, and streamlined processes to address the challenges of obsolete office supplies and declining office values.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: eFnrdtNfTobItQs1QxDDx
Public comments received during the Arlington County Planning Commission meeting regarding childcare in the S-D District and family day care homes.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: tVmBBcRf3MUIJ9JQyW9q6
Agenda for the Arlington County Long Range Planning Committee and Zoning Committee meeting discussing childcare in S-D district and transformation of obsolete office buildings policy.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: 3LFuABZ73YcNuQ8qvv7FA
Memorandum discussing the proposed County Board Policy on the transformation of commercial office buildings in Arlington. It includes details on a new adaptive reuse amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) aimed at addressing the oversupply of obsolete office space through policy, regulatory, and procedural frameworks.
unknown 2024-10-11 ID: WQOkhABZmqDvpeGhHeCtt
This memorandum discusses a zoning study in Arlington County to allow child care in the Special Development (S-D) zoning district and to permit family day care homes with 10-12 children as a by-right use.
unknown 2024-10-10 ID: e4NIhdvgYI01SODbKtaPz
This document outlines proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance for Arlington County, focusing on site plans, adaptive reuse amendments, affordable dwelling units, and additional building height and density regulations.
unknown 2024-10-01 ID: 4GgGosbOKjvRmyyl2UaQB
Discussion of proposed amendments to the C-O-Crystal City Zoning Ordinance related to building height measurements and policy guidelines.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: 5r4EhSYdzXvGIPsHWqrlm
The document discusses proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) to permit interior structural and limited exterior alterations in nonconforming multifamily and townhouse dwellings. It includes a background on the current ordinance, examples, and considerations for planning district policy and racial equity.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: xnSZIS0wDSxZqGQsn6gwa
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting, scheduled for July 16, 2024, including topics such as recovery residences and structural alterations to nonconforming dwellings.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: JaZetUcJkrOfgrJipkMvE
Public comments regarding the proposed zoning ordinance amendment for Recovery Residences in Arlington County.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: TEPKvc8ElppgRhiyXXFxs
This memorandum discusses a zoning study to permit by-right interior structural and non-expansionary exterior alterations in nonconforming multifamily and townhouse dwellings in Arlington County. The study aims to address the challenges posed by current zoning regulations for nonconforming properties and proposes amendments to provide greater flexibility for structural alterations.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: xJFdEViPf2wmYM45uSQpP
Memorandum discussing a proposed amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to explicitly allow recovery residences. The document outlines definitions, proposed zoning provisions, and analysis related to the inclusion of recovery residences in residential zoning categories.
unknown 2024-07-12 ID: KE6pa7O85FAuM5wAJt43W
This memorandum discusses the need to refine methods for establishing a 35-foot building height maximum for a subarea within the Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District. It identifies challenges with current height regulations due to topographical changes and proposes alternative height measurement methods to achieve the intended 3-story building form.
unknown 2024-07-12 ID: OCl9Jq8Ld62UuhjFRp1AP
This document outlines the provisions for additional density in the C-O Rosslyn Zoning District, including amendments to accommodate increased Metrorail capacity and new street segments. It discusses site plan approvals, community benefits, and implications for CoStar's relocation. The document also details community engagement and the anticipated schedule for public hearings.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: lyYBaiazf7cbUbTRvLrHo
Summary of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission (ZOCO) meeting on May 14, 2024, discussing provisions for additional density in the C-O Rosslyn zoning district and related zoning study objectives.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: chsmEsHddMSGOUPrm2rye
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for May 14, 2024, discussing provisions for additional density in the C-O Rosslyn District.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: ydZdfhIg7nBckiwssvBjg
Memorandum discussing proposed zoning ordinance amendment for the C-O Rosslyn District to allow additional density beyond the maximum 10.0 FAR under specific circumstances.
unknown 2024-05-10 ID: pKq6XIYTBQLwK81llyqbm
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting addressing outdoor visual entertainment in retail centers.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: MmzTWIyM2vpwo4n1wDW0I
Presentation to the Zoning Ordinance Committee (ZOCO) discussing amendments to the zoning ordinance for outdoor visual entertainment, aimed at removing regulatory barriers for market solutions, enhancing economic viability and fostering a sense of place in Arlington's commercial centers.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: IEmL6LUOgS9iTOYzPk9F5
The memorandum discusses a proposed amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to rebrand and amend provisions for large media screens as outdoor visual entertainment in urban regional and community shopping centers.
unknown 2024-04-12 ID: nWxk6CPo8UhopoRFcDjYp
Engagement analysis for the FY 2025 – FY 2034 Capital Improvement Plan in Arlington County, detailing community engagement efforts including demographics, participation by ZIP code, and key priorities such as streets and roads conditions.
unknown 2024-04-01 ID: TdThYnNRqIuMiLG8D4v84
Agenda for Arlington County Zoning Committee meeting discussing parking flexibility and outdoor visual entertainment in retail centers.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: mE0XcCj1EjCXlxlTHRaLG
The memorandum discusses proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) focusing on parking-related uses. It outlines changes to shared parking, off-site parking, and compact car spaces, and updates parking ratios for athletic or health clubs as part of the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative (CMRI) 2.0.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: VNxEenI68LW7mSozz9xIt
The Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative agenda outlines strategies to modernize Arlington's regulations to support economic shifts, focusing on parking regulations, both on-site and off-site.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: m95uFrRq1VWrNo2lOJqEL
The Comprehensive Plan of Arlington County guides coordinated development and sets high standards of public services and facilities. It serves as a decision-making tool for the County Board, the Planning Commission, and County Departments. The plan, established in 1960, now includes twelve elements addressing various aspects of county development and resource management.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: NawyKyF2ahw3P0VZyO70x
An ordinance to amend the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance Article 11.2 'CPN-FBC' regarding affordable housing in the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form Based Code Districts. It includes adjustments to income limits and terms for ownership affordable housing units, standards for condominium conversions, and incentives for creating affordable housing.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: icMb42VLI12G6jbJBhvFc
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for November 7, 2023, discussing technical corrections to the zoning ordinance, affordability requirements for elder care uses, and green building standards.
unknown 2023-11-07 ID: ly2RYqAhl5y7M2A7slJoA
This memorandum discusses the proposal for incorporating minimum Green Building Standards into the Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District Form Based Code (CP-FBC) and the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District Form Based Code (CPN-FBC). The document outlines the need for these standards to better align with Arlington County's Community Energy Plan and Green Building Incentive Policy.
unknown 2023-11-03 ID: eVJEiPZ7lubYg5GES94JP
The memorandum addresses proposed amendments to correct technical errors and inconsistencies in the zoning ordinance. The amendments focus on Scriveners’ Errors, Technical Corrections, and Clarifications without changing land use or zoning policies.
unknown 2023-10-27 ID: nVm9eyLJbtmydvYn1ykcY
A policy document discussing the use permits for public spaces, aiming to provide flexibility in zoning laws for Arlington County. It includes recommendations from the Public Spaces Master Plan (PSMP) and outlines a phased approach to implementing zoning changes, including increased height, reduced setbacks, and parking modifications.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: 6JINBYNVmg8TdrDuO80rq
Summary of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission (ZOCO) meeting discussing zoning ordinance amendments, use permits for public spaces, and affordability requirements for elder care uses.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: omGOmtVeqkh4wnI2R3YF2
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting, discussing use permits for public spaces design processes and affordability requirements for elder care uses under the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form Based Code.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: lJOqzPH3d9j8buaNsznQZ
The report discusses the proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) and the Neighborhood Form Based Code (N-FBC) to address affordability requirements for elder care uses. It includes the creation of a new 'Elder Care' use category, allowing cash contributions for affordability, and outlines the timeline for future meetings and approval.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: VvisrbGMNuCgWosism1Gc
Memorandum discussing proposed zoning changes for Arlington County's public spaces, aimed at increasing flexibility for public space development and design, with a focus on setbacks, height, and parking requirements.
unknown 2023-10-06 ID: VeGemvRMYGLtxKjhfwu2t
The document provides a comprehensive review of a proposed use classification system for zoning purposes, comparing characteristics, examples, and exclusions for each category against existing and proposed use tables.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: qKgcZUr2aziQZ5Y53n6h5
Minutes from a joint meeting of the Long-Range Planning Committee and Zoning Committee discussing updates on the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan and Langston Boulevard Area Plan.
unknown 2023-09-19 ID: NT9wwluEitrVsxkuYXH8M
Agenda for the joint meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Arlington County Planning Commission, discussing the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan Update and Plan Langston Boulevard amendments.
unknown 2023-09-19 ID: 3hTJHpWhI6Pz2iWnY689a
Memorandum discussing proposed amendments to the General Land Use Plan (GLUP), Master Transportation Plan (MTP), and Zoning Ordinance to implement the Langston Boulevard Area Plan in Arlington County.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: 6seBOaOMBK5n3M6J8SS8L
The Arlington County Sanitary Sewer Collection System Master Plan provides a comprehensive overview of the county's sewer system, including its history, ongoing programs, improvements since the 2002 master plan, and future plans for maintaining and upgrading the system to meet current and future demands.
unknown 2023-08-01 ID: bkA8gFBbQJ05w5ZBYp5oH
This document details Arlington County's annual budget cycle and related events, including development of the upcoming year's budget, closeout of the prior fiscal year, and activities related to the Capital Improvement Plan.
unknown 2023-07-01 ID: ZniDnhLWoXdTTMFVeeYtl
A memorandum from Brett Wallace, Principal Planner at Arlington County, detailing zoning ordinance amendments related to outdoor cafes as part of the Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) Study. The document discusses the impact of the Temporary Outdoor Seating Areas (TOSA) program during the COVID-19 emergency and proposes regulatory changes to incorporate successful elements permanently.
unknown 2023-06-06 ID: qMUGcIfS0WXwSPo4iHTVu
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting discussing the Pentagon City Sector Plan Implementation and the Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) Study.
unknown 2023-06-06 ID: ZdlvqdCX9yniNEQAwZLCA
The Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) Study conducted by the Zoning Committee focuses on examining the aspects of the Temporary Outdoor Seating Area (TOSA) program to incorporate into permanent outdoor café regulations. It aims to balance business interests with public needs, improve the outdoor café framework, and support restaurant recovery and resiliency.
unknown 2023-06-06 ID: xXLH9aiOh9RwRVWnbLbXH
The document provides policy guidance and zoning assessments for RA6-15 zoning and elder care building heights in Pentagon City. It includes an overview of the Pentagon City Sector Plan, zoning boundaries, permitted building heights, and ground floor uses.
unknown 2023-06-06 ID: rvzJFZIJBYyev8nlq5SwF
This memorandum discusses consistency with the Pentagon City Sector Plan related to permitted uses and building heights in the RA6-15 Zoning District. It identifies discrepancies in the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) that limit redevelopment more than intended by the Sector Plan and proposes amendments to align zoning standards with the Plan's vision.
unknown 2023-06-02 ID: ba9l7P1lnXAJ10G8gzxEr
Minutes from a Zoning Committee meeting discussing amendments to zoning ordinances affecting nonconforming two-family dwellings in Arlington County.
unknown 2023-05-18 ID: IXUPXlbry6kkNC12LVKwQ
The report discusses the Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) Study conducted by the Zoning Committee. It covers the purpose and goals, existing regulations, background of outdoor cafes, community engagement efforts, preliminary recommendations, and next steps for implementing new outdoor dining regulations.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: mXv6p47CSPrHDOJibUJNk
Agenda for the Zoning Committee of the Arlington County Planning Commission meeting held on May 9, 2023, discussing the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative and the Future of Outdoor Dining Study.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: JOzWV6JgZWUc1yQNDDKPG
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee meeting discussing the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative, including indoor recreation, audio-visual production and broadcast studios, and research & development.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: CJrXha0E2N8PSxCXQnXdL
Presentation on the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative focusing on indoor recreation, audio-visual and broadcast, and research and development. Discusses the rapid economic shifts affecting commercial spaces and the need for zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: ou7KiiWcfnlbMxss3T48Y
A memorandum discussing proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to include Research and Development and Audio-Visual and Broadcast Studio uses as part of the Office Use Category in permitted use tables. It outlines the reasoning behind these amendments as part of the Commercial Market Resiliency strategy and includes examples from other municipalities.
unknown 2023-03-10 ID: kEguP4A8dQqZD9IGNau34
A memorandum discussing a proposed amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to condense indoor recreation uses and allow for their expansion in various zoning districts, as part of the County's strategy to ensure commercial market resiliency.
unknown 2023-03-06 ID: MTo8qCXWzIGpYt4OBTEUt
A report by the Planning Commission – Zoning Committee on stormwater management zoning, focusing on increasing resiliency against flood risks through various strategies such as new capacity projects, increased requirements, and investment.
unknown 2023-01-17 ID: yDOPW6GgUBhBahQiIrR5W
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting, discussing zoning division text amendments and stormwater management.
unknown 2023-01-17 ID: VnM2AAeNjJKMugfEhxHdt
This memorandum discusses proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to address limitations regarding stormwater management facilities and public space features. It highlights the need for zoning flexibility to support the Flood Resilient Arlington initiative and the Public Spaces Master Plan.
unknown 2023-01-12 ID: WAHyaryYtMgawPtjPBw3l
FY23 Budget Engagement Overview for Arlington County, outlining participant demographics, methods of engagement, and prioritization of services.
unknown 2023-01-01 ID: ewcuYOf2gc9lwWc7eSXHl
The Profile 2023 report provides a comprehensive statistical outlook of Arlington County, combining data on population, housing, employment, development, transportation, and community services.
unknown 2023-01-01 ID: GOohdRzYTMGC8MNHhtwnp
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission meeting, discussing the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative – Phase 2.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: wMzc913Oj3oMVDDRSkWDG
Presentation to Zoning Ordinance Committee (ZOCO) on the Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative and proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) to accommodate changing uses in commercial spaces.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: OhUZDXoYwzZBNGHGZvqk5
The memorandum discusses proposed amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) that would affect use tables in commercial and mixed-use zoning districts. These amendments aim to incorporate new or amended uses such as Urban Colleges and Universities, Animal Boarding, Urban Agriculture, and various forms of Artisan Manufacturing.
unknown 2022-12-09 ID: Ta6LO5iHZoNwQB9aNKVSl
Minutes from the Zoning Committee Meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study, feedback on zoning options, parking requirements, and site area standards.
unknown 2022-11-30 ID: b13nAwXP5CeVFbhx74F9w
This document contains public comments and discussions related to the Missing Middle Housing Study in Arlington County. The focus is on zoning changes, public opposition, tree canopy impacts, parking requirements, housing affordability, and the alignment with Arlington's Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2022-11-30 ID: fUXHDy2jFw7ecIQGZEaUV
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting of the Planning Commission, discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study: Phase 3.
unknown 2022-11-30 ID: ZNrrOa7XQSYVDoRCLEqkQ
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study: Phase 3.
unknown 2022-11-16 ID: r2VII7YSS6DH9YCHbtlTZ
Minutes from the Zoning Committee Meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study, site diagrams, and design standards.
unknown 2022-11-16 ID: 87LGvgAIHyQejKfWFTjIX
Public comments received by the Arlington County Planning Commission's Zoning Committee regarding the Missing Middle Housing Study: Phase 3. Comments express concerns and support for proposed zoning changes aimed at increasing housing density in Arlington County.
unknown 2022-11-16 ID: zmzithwdp86JjWD4ixcbW
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study: Phase 3.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: IdSxveCk282vWJ2yTZbJ6
This document is a report from the Zoning Committee Meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study and various policy approaches on housing options, parking, design standards, and development caps.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: tSHqt4pzlNp6Q19c5zmb4
Public comments received by the Arlington County Planning Commission regarding the Missing Middle Housing Study: Phase 3, discussing various opinions on zoning amendments and housing diversity.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: T7LFBxjtYDYTPieAdWHrk
Public comments submitted to Arlington County Planning Commission regarding the Missing Middle Housing Study and proposed zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: Mnv4dze9ox47gcijAiDeA
Minutes from the Arlington County Planning Commission Zoning Committee meeting discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study, featuring public comments on zoning ordinance revisions and housing development proposals.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: YPpDx7CxcbtCVMrxbnJdv
This memorandum discusses the Missing Middle Housing Study in Arlington County, including background information, phases of the study, and proposed amendments to the General Land Use Plan and Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to expand housing options in lower density residential neighborhoods.
unknown 2022-10-31 ID: aPqUuQase5zABh6t2eD6F
A memorandum from the Arlington County Board to the Planning Commission discussing the Missing Middle Housing Study and related zoning text amendments.
unknown 2022-10-31 ID: H5Z8rxGB3Sv9PMiLpfmEy
Agenda for the Arlington County Zoning Committee (ZOCO) meeting on September 13, 2022, discussing Micro-Fulfillment Centers and Commercial Form Based Code Amendment.
unknown 2022-09-13 ID: Qz3sskRvrnkrp0VwvwXjx
The memorandum discusses a proposed amendment to the Town Center Regulating Plan map within the Columbia Pike Commercial Form Based Code (FBC). The amendment would change the Building Envelope Standards (BES) designation along the northern end of S. Lincoln Street from 'Local' to 'Main Street'. This change aims to enable a more efficient building footprint and consistent unit layout for a redevelopment project at 3401 Columbia Pike.
unknown 2022-09-12 ID: OWIXsGAUfrWe5oKCKOS94
This memorandum discusses a proposed amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to include micro-fulfillment centers in various zoning districts. It outlines the background, strategy, and public engagement process related to this amendment.
unknown 2022-09-09 ID: YmcO25rIYpWymJiY1wWZH
The memorandum discusses a proposed amendment to the Town Center Regulating Plan within the Columbia Pike Commercial Form Based Code, changing the Building Envelope Standards designation for the north end of S. Lincoln Street from 'Local' to 'Main Street'. This change is part of a redevelopment application for the property located north of Columbia Pike, between S. Lincoln Street and Glebe Road. The amendment aims to enable a more efficient building footprint and a desirable building façade, without altering existing height regulations.
unknown 2022-09-07 ID: NXe5Y7XZLQmOT141H0qVQ
Summary of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission (ZOCO) meeting discussing the Neighborhoods Form Based Code Amendment for the Haven Apartments.
unknown 2022-07-12 ID: qDBGegoZsXcMxEgozU0gN
Agenda for the Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission meeting held on July 12, 2022, discussing the Neighborhoods Form Based Code Amendment – Western Subarea Regulating Plan (The Haven Site).
unknown 2022-07-12 ID: SVjTKP01ppr4NK3BU0DuJ
The memorandum discusses a proposed amendment to the Western Subarea Regulating Plan within the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form Based Code (N-FBC) to designate the Haven Apartments as a Conservation Area. This designation aims to preserve open space, historic character, and housing affordability while enabling the site to become a sending site for Transfer of Development Rights (TDR).
unknown 2022-07-06 ID: mMfQ6IW2yJeua4ACpgKYv
Proposed budget for Arlington County for the fiscal year 2023, detailing allocations for energy projects, transportation initiatives, affordable housing, human services, and public safety measures.
unknown 2022-05-01 ID: nAFsUwpg20KKa1D77scSE
Adopted FY 2023 Budget for Arlington County outlining investments in various sectors including environment, transportation, affordable housing, human services, and public safety.
unknown 2022-05-01 ID: blcxFR0nCBHq4RKTxO0tC
The document outlines the fiscal year 2023 budget guidance adopted by the Arlington County Board, including allocations for targeted employee bonuses, support for human services nonprofits, addiction medicine consultancy, strategic funding pools for partnerships, engagement and placemaking efforts, a tree canopy study, and support for the developmentally disabled community.
unknown 2022-04-26 ID: GYaEZeDgQhMgwMUUkQbXf
Proposed FY 2023 budget for Arlington County, covering various initiatives across environment, affordable housing, human services, public safety, and transportation.
unknown 2022-03-01 ID: ox3F6Npa4A4Pc816KwjMa
The document outlines the County Manager's proposed FY 2023 budget for Arlington County. It includes a review of revenue growth, expenditure on public health and safety net services, workforce challenges, and budget priorities such as schools, climate change, affordable housing, and equity. The budget indicates a 7% increase in overall tax revenue and details significant allocations for county operations and Arlington Public Schools.
unknown 2022-02-12 ID: MEXCIvbHkCpkIsD9HDlQ8
Agenda for the Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Arlington County Planning Commission meeting held on February 8, 2022, focusing on the Clarendon Sector Plan Update implementation.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: dv6ITShGcHr9TLzFbo2WB
Summary of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission (ZOCO) meeting held on February 8, 2022, discussing updates to the Clarendon Sector Plan, proposed zoning changes, and public feedback.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: 1IlWqzIZmnuvZsUJQfk6D
Memorandum discussing proposed zoning ordinance amendments for the Clarendon Revitalization District, including updates to the Clarendon Sector Plan to reflect changes in land use, building height, and public space requirements.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: xIYJD2pBeDIhjkTRspjJe
Agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting discussing the Clarendon Sector Plan update, including proposed zoning ordinance amendments and related discussions.
unknown 2022-02-08 ID: VgkfeUFloAOfJrlfkbWCx
This document outlines proposed changes to the Clarendon Sector Plan and Zoning Ordinance Maps, including adjustments to street alignments, density, receiving sites, use mix, building height, step-backs, building preservation, streetscapes, build-to lines, and frontage types.
unknown 2022-02-04 ID: JVd1MZLBMgtCYB1FHLjBC
This document provides the final direction to the County Manager for the preparation of the FY 2023 budget, focusing on health, safety, and basic human needs. It includes guidelines for compensation increases, funding priorities, and long-term service delivery improvements.
unknown 2022-01-01 ID: UdT13p2gkqJ7vv1hDxoBi
Proposed zoning ordinance changes for the Pentagon City Coordinated Redevelopment District, outlining development guidelines, height, and density regulations.
unknown 2021-10-18 ID: xgoWushUSz3sxA69f2dEG
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Long Range Planning and Zoning Committees of the Planning Commission discussing the Pentagon City Planning Study. Topics included the study overview, draft plan summary, and implementation strategy.
unknown 2021-10-18 ID: 35w5ZP793qSiaOyK1qdjW
Agenda for the joint meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and Zoning Committee (ZOCO) of the Planning Commission, focusing on the Pentagon City Planning Study.
unknown 2021-10-18 ID: GcyludfRgy4DpOVlYwWp6
This document outlines key themes and responses to public comments for the new draft development plan for Pentagon City. It covers topics such as the vision for the area, biophilic design, tree canopy, green space, and transportation strategies. Equity considerations and implementation strategies are also discussed, with a focus on creating inclusive public spaces and diverse housing options.
unknown 2021-10-11 ID: Xnp7oqjDdyvYZa1ZPAWv6

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.