Accomack (County)
Agency Records
Showing 38 records from Accomack (County) (Agency ID: 50)
This document contains a detailed list of financial transactions, including expenses and deposits, for Accomack County. It includes various types of income and expenditure records, reconciled with the bank account ending balance.
Minutes of the town council meeting held on February 26, 2020, covering topics such as town ordinances, renovation of the town office, and Fourth of July celebration plans.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on July 24, 2019, discussing topics such as the demolition of the Town Hall, budget proposal, septic inspection, and community issues.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on May 22, 2019, in the Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers, discussing topics such as zoning variances, demolition and renovation of Town Hall, VDOT weed spraying, drainage issues, and the appointment of Richard Toft to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on April 24, 2019, discussing issues such as the guttering project, demolition and renovations of the Town Hall, temporary easements, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on March 27, 2019, discussing various town projects, citizen comments on infrastructure changes, and other administrative matters.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 27, 2019, discussing ditch cleaning project, new Town Hall conflict of interest, sewage bill, and auto decals.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on January 23, 2019, discussing issues such as ditch cleaning, voter registration, auto decals, the new Town Hall, and a potential food tax.
Minutes of the Accomack County Town Council meeting held on June 27, 2018, discussing the 4th of July parade, cleaning of the ditch, vehicle license fee, and the replacement seat on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on April 25, 2018, discussing various topics such as ditch cleaning, vehicle license fees, the Independence Day parade, and new Town Hall maintenance.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on March 28, 2018, discussing the relocation of town property to a new Town Hall, the issue of cleaning out ditches, and the vehicle license fee in lieu of decals.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 28, 2018, discussing topics such as ditch cleaning, vehicle license fee, new Town Hall lease, upcoming election, shrubbery trimming, over-grown grass issues, and annual Spring clean up.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on January 24, 2018, covering topics such as temporary easements, vehicle license fees, vandalism, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on May 24, 2017, discussing various community matters including appointments, property issues, and upcoming public hearings.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting including discussions on zoning ordinance amendments, property conditions, town signage, and community events.
Minutes of the Accomack County Town Council meeting held on March 22, 2017, discussing topics such as voting date changes, zoning ordinance amendments, FEMA flood insurance participation, and community events.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on July 27, 2016, discussing ordinance revisions, budget proposals, and property issues.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held at the Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers, discussing the July 4th parade, a proposed fencing ordinance, and Freedom of Information Act requirements.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on May 25, 2016, discussing zoning ordinance revisions, the annual 4th of July parade, and property maintenance issues.
Minutes from the Accomack County Town Council meeting held on February 24, 2016, discussing zoning ordinances, town clean up, unlicensed vehicles, town entrance signs, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on January 27, 2016, in Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers, discussing zoning ordinance revisions, town clean-up, unlicensed vehicles, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on July 22, 2015, discussing community issues, budget proposals for fiscal year 2015-2016, and other town matters.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 25, 2015, discussing various local issues including zoning appeals, weed control, and vehicle license fees.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on June 25, 2014, discussing the approval of previous meeting minutes and the annual 4th of July parade.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 26, 2014, covering discussions on election applications, town decals, streetlight issues, fire grant allocations, CD rates, garbage can notices, parking markers, and property issues.
Minutes of the Accomack County Town Council meeting held on July 24, 2013, discussing topics such as the budget for fiscal year 2013-2014, the annual 4th of July parade, and maintenance issues in the town.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on June 26, 2013, discussing topics such as zoning for an antique shop, town hall roof repairs, welcome signs, tax decal fees, and preparations for the annual 4th of July parade.
Minutes from the Accomack County Town Council meeting held on May 22, 2013. Topics discussed included administrative fees, roof repair, town entrance signs, demolition lien, annual cleanup, overgrown properties, town decals, pond hydrant, fire grant, and the 4th of July parade.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on March 27, 2013, discussing topics such as the demolition of a former funeral home, roof coating estimates, welcome banners, donations to fire companies, and annual clean-up.
Minutes of the town council meeting held on February 27, 2013, covering topics such as the status of a former funeral home demolition, zoning ordinance fee clarification, holiday decorations, automobile decal sales, and VDOT-related issues.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on January 23, 2013, discussing burned-out properties, administrative fees, and business licenses.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on October 24, 2012, discussing topics such as demolition of burned-out properties, administrative fees, annual leaf pick-up, and purchase of a sidewalk sign for notifying town residents of events.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on July 25, 2012, in Accomack County covering topics such as budget discussions, zoning issues, and waste removal contracts.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on June 27, 2012, discussing topics such as zoning requirements for a bed & breakfast, status of demolition properties, and preparations for the 4th of July parade.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 22, 2012, discussing re-bidding demolition projects, maintenance contracts, and filling positions.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on January 25, 2012, discussing topics such as a late sealed bid for demolition, overgrown shrubbery, holiday decorations, and vacancies on the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on October 26, 2011, discussing topics such as holiday lights, management of burned-out properties, financial decisions regarding a Certificate of Deposit, and scheduling of the annual leaf pick-up.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on April 27, 2011, discussing sidewalk maintenance, town clean-up, and issues with burned-out properties.