Roanoke (City)

Agency Records

Showing 46 records from Roanoke (City) (Agency ID: 42)

Minutes from the Roanoke City Public Schools Audit Committee meeting held on November 4, 2024. The meeting included the presentation of audit results for the June 30, 2024, annual financial report and school activity funds, and a report on city demographics, services, and costs.
unknown 2024-11-04 ID: KoyNJmJbr2f9mh3s2hxsf
Agenda for the Audit Committee of Roanoke City Council meeting held on September 4, 2024. Items include approval of minutes from June 5 meeting, Fire-EMS Overtime Audit, Risk Management Audit, Audit Committee Annual Report FY 2024, and Hotline Update through August 30, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-04 ID: zmQTyGFD24YNP4qWK71Zy
Minutes from the Audit Committee meeting of the Roanoke City Council covering various audits and financial reviews including Fire-EMS Overtime Audit, Risk Management Audit, and updates on GRTC's financial functions.
unknown 2024-06-05 ID: Jy9ZRPO04wlJceFcwLOgN
Minutes from the Audit Committee meeting of Roanoke City Council discussing various audit plans, updates on GRTC's financial function, and other city audit activities.
unknown 2024-06-05 ID: 7hcxhKQjNaGMiRvHNba6A
Agenda for the Roanoke City Public Schools Audit Committee Meeting on May 22, 2024, including approval of previous minutes, general audit plan for FY24, student testing follow-up audit, and proposed audit plan for FY25.
unknown 2024-05-22 ID: nN7JY1kwwjEltf0acZ9lJ
Minutes from the May 22, 2024 meeting of the Roanoke City School Board Audit Committee, discussing the general audit plan, student testing follow-up audit, preliminary discussions for the FY25 audit plan, and other business.
unknown 2024-05-22 ID: KQbIq9bKmVnY1OMQlIFdV
Minutes from the Audit Committee meeting held on February 15, 2024, covering the audit of HR benefits administration and a follow-up audit of gifted education.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: j8PFqIjCBEnKH3htEeXiS
Minutes from the Audit Committee of Roanoke City Council meeting held on December 18, 2023. Topics discussed include audit results for the June 30, 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, investigation of employee purchasing card use, hotline updates, and audit findings related to city council expenditures and tax and treasury system updates.
unknown 2023-12-18 ID: lH0CZe0c4rgwMMYouoBBE
Minutes from the Roanoke City School Board Audit Committee meeting held on February 16, 2023. The meeting covered several audit topics including HR Benefits Administration, Follow-Up Audit of Gifted Education, and other business.
unknown 2023-02-16 ID: zVQOufqL7J62tMAJWUgYu
City Council Agenda for the Strategic Planning Retreat with information on accessing full agenda and reports.
unknown 2022-09-29 ID: CAl8C1lwguYVsES5Rujy9
This document contains the City Council Agenda and Reports for the meeting on September 19, 2022. It includes links to the Council Action Agenda and other reports submitted to the City Clerk before the deadline.
unknown 2022-09-19 ID: vkdY1Kag7H4TvNoy1l3Yn
Minutes from the regular session of the Roanoke City Council held on September 6, 2022.
unknown 2022-09-06 ID: 1moUa8vxvbEf0DG8ZG4Wp
The document contains the agenda for the Roanoke City Council meetings on September 6, 2022, including the informal session at 9:00 AM and the regular session at 2:00 PM. It covers various communications, reports, and items for action, as well as announcements and presentations.
unknown 2022-09-06 ID: E7o6HOyATUPcUGua2Dc6k
Access the Roanoke City Council Agenda and Reports for the meeting held on September 6, 2022. Available documents include the Council Agenda, briefing documents, and the Council Action Agenda. Original documents can be inspected at the City Clerk's office.
unknown 2022-09-06 ID: 4viA9JALMcioXzCtWSt77
The document contains the agenda and associated reports for the City Council meeting on August 15, 2022, in Roanoke City. It includes scanned images of reports and communications submitted to the City Clerk.
unknown 2022-08-15 ID: c3Sg31GuiIciKsaJ1csQH
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council meeting on August 1, 2022, including discussions on safety, equity, transportation, gun violence prevention, and vacancies on boards and commissions.
unknown 2022-08-01 ID: xKgTDD61cnJ5LreAJMmvT
This document contains the agenda and reports for the Roanoke City Council meeting on August 1, 2022. It includes links to various reports and minutes from previous meetings.
unknown 2022-08-01 ID: DjcUEEraklmiZnkyikeFR
Minutes of the joint session of the Roanoke City Council and Roanoke City School Board discussing safety and security updates, equity in action updates, gun violence prevention efforts, and other city matters including closed sessions for personnel and property discussions.
unknown 2022-08-01 ID: MkdoOgjUgmAcIk0BQs0rj
Minutes of the regular session of the Roanoke City Council held on July 18, 2022, covering presentations on the annual public safety update, transportation projects, HUD Annual Plan, and various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2022-07-18 ID: s3icYc1TguUEjBaaTSsAD
Agenda and reports for the Roanoke City Council meeting on July 18, 2022, including briefings on fire-EMS and Williamson Road safety improvements.
unknown 2022-07-18 ID: kUOZLD3ooWTWHPoJtySsG
Agenda for the regular session of the Roanoke City Council on July 18, 2022, including presentations, hearings, and reports.
unknown 2022-07-18 ID: WkfBTxIZjh8BI0H01FrNr
Roanoke City Council agenda and reports for the meeting held on 06-21-22, including a briefing and previous minutes.
unknown 2022-06-21 ID: jMfGTfS6LNYfkPhUKCs4i
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council meeting on June 6, 2022, including items for action, briefings, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2022-06-06 ID: KaoUs6Tt1qnEfwF6VsZN1
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council regular session held on May 16, 2022, covering various topics including proclamations for Public Works Week and Bike to Work Day, discussions on general obligation bonds, and approvals for arts funding and strategic plans.
unknown 2022-05-16 ID: mCfBm09y0MoRJmZyqBy5G
Council Agenda and Reports for the City of Roanoke, including the Council Action Agenda for May 16, 2022, and minutes from April 4, 2022.
unknown 2022-05-16 ID: vKHN3lKZnbNfv8jkyb9DP
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council Regular Session on May 16, 2022, including public hearings, presentations, and reports on various city matters such as capital improvement projects and bond issuance.
unknown 2022-05-16 ID: lHQKkSRmaItloamgb4pGQ
This document outlines the agenda for the Roanoke City Council meeting held on May 9, 2022. It includes discussions and actions on the reaffirmation of the real estate tax rate, amendments to the FY 2023 fee compendium for library fines and fees, adoption of budget appropriations, and other ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: z8akwGEKTyzLwYFL0uNR4
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council meeting on May 9, 2022, discussing the adoption of the City's recommended Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget, reaffirmation of real estate tax rate, library fines, and capital improvement program update.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: zlBNeiN9CHMJveNxS3e8C
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council meeting on May 2, 2022, including items for action, announcements, and vacancies on various boards and commissions.
unknown 2022-05-02 ID: LBWhs98iEVYBrQ7E68qPc
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council regular session held on May 2, 2022. Discussions included vacancies on boards and commissions, school board trustee appointments, FY 23 budget briefing, gun violence prevention, and a language access plan.
unknown 2022-05-02 ID: bmGjut41x4bf2fw043q4U
Council Action Agenda for the Budget Public Hearing, including scanned images of reports and communications.
unknown 2022-04-26 ID: mM68WSaDZsT6HyAoHdPRK
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council meeting on April 26, 2022, including public hearings on the Recommended Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget and Proposed Real Estate Tax Rate Increase.
unknown 2022-04-26 ID: OOq7ky8c4z3MXLI5VQBPU
Roanoke City Council agenda for the recessed session held on April 26, 2022, which includes public hearings on the recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and the proposed real estate tax rate increase.
unknown 2022-04-26 ID: 8mOP3g6qgPFCrsnMmn2T6
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council meeting on April 18, 2022, including discussions on the School Board interviews, budget briefings, and public hearings.
unknown 2022-04-18 ID: 7mQjsbKpv9XqdehAIGBu8
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council meeting held on April 18, 2022, covering council appointments, budget discussions, public hearings, and resolutions.
unknown 2022-04-18 ID: dQkMetF5cwE44VMVhEwF6
The document contains the City Council agenda and reports for the meeting held on April 18, 2022. It includes links to the agenda and budget briefing documents.
unknown 2022-04-18 ID: yarzQ422Hp80FBDXj8g2g
Roanoke City Council agenda for the regular session on April 4, 2022, including items for action, presentations, and public hearings.
unknown 2022-04-04 ID: mXcUfe16TemY4qWNHIoiF
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council regular session held on April 4, 2022. Topics discussed included budget planning for FY 2022-2023, updates on gun violence prevention efforts, and the announcement of Fair Housing Month. The council also scheduled public hearings and discussed appointments to various commissions.
unknown 2022-04-04 ID: Qa8FlqYjHpB0104eyVRKe
Minutes from the regular session of the Roanoke City Council meeting held on March 21, 2022, covering various topics including recognition of police officers, public hearings, consent agenda items, and other city business.
unknown 2022-03-21 ID: xOLmBvgFnyuS4MptfDO9j
Minutes from the Roanoke City Council regular session held in joint with the Roanoke City School Board. Topics covered include strategic initiatives, student representation, COVID-19 measures, school uniforms, outsourcing, school funding, resource officers, youth violence prevention, and budget planning.
unknown 2022-03-07 ID: jHtRyS3QV7Ut2MhnNinOQ
Minutes from the regular session of the Roanoke City Council on February 22, 2022, including resolutions, proclamations, and public matters.
unknown 2022-02-22 ID: FJbACXm69rcz4YSsNclw9
City Council agenda with reports for the meeting on February 7, 2022. Includes links to the full agenda and scanned reports submitted to the City Clerk.
unknown 2022-02-07 ID: sE3TXsBQ49u8J1J1JXMy3
Minutes of the regular session of the Roanoke City Council on February 7, 2022, detailing discussions with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, updates on the EnVision Center, public housing safety, maintenance of housing communities, and the FY 2022-2023 budget process.
unknown 2022-02-07 ID: XtW7IR42w6RcsjKj10tLk
Agenda for the Roanoke City Council regular session held on January 3, 2022. Includes schedule, announcements, presentations, and items for action.
unknown 2022-01-03 ID: H1QreRhWSHzGob6jpSboE
Agenda and reports for the Roanoke City Council meeting held on January 3, 2022.
unknown 2022-01-03 ID: hwO1h47R9JmvPHHEhybjU
Minutes from the VAPDC Business Meeting held during the 2018 Summer Conference at Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center. Includes reports from the President, Treasurer, and Audit Committee, as well as election of officers and directors for 2018-2019.
unknown 2018-07-26 ID: J0tKBolTTC2g7r7wSTdVz