Radford (City)

Agency Records

Showing 59 records from Radford (City) (Agency ID: 40)

Minutes from the City of Radford Electoral Board public meeting discussing Envelopes 1A, election procedures, and budget concerns.
unknown 2024-12-09 ID: bumvrJ4fgf85gGG3NJzml
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board public meeting, including a risk limiting audit of the November 5, 2024 U.S. Senate election.
unknown 2024-11-20 ID: 22bUPUdXXCkxaiQiElJ6W
City of Radford Council Agenda for November 12, 2024, including items such as minutes approval, proclamations, public hearings, ordinances, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: D13UZ4y0ILPSQTSDzF1r1
Agenda for the Radford City Planning Commission Work Session on November 4, 2024.
unknown 2024-11-04 ID: AauqAZEEz0uPD9cUvCzhf
Agenda for the City of Radford Council meeting on October 14, 2024, including public comments, minutes approval, public hearing on vacation of right of way, reports, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2024-10-14 ID: HYngvUbpjJRyBobqk9nih
Minutes from the City of Radford Economic Development Authority regular meeting held on October 3, 2024. Key topics include financial review, approval of previous minutes, and proposals related to a materials management plan.
unknown 2024-10-03 ID: ytMGeAM1hdnFZiJ0vaJu2
Agenda for the City of Radford Council meeting on September 23, 2024, including proclamations, old business appointments, new business resolutions, and ordinances.
unknown 2024-09-23 ID: pMhRPNxPkxXxxr7vK1jV4
Minutes from the City of Radford Economic Development Authority regular meeting held on September 19, 2024. The meeting included a site visit to the Foundry property and approval of a proposal from Rakestraw Lawn Care Inc. for property maintenance.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: jEfwh9oK2JqXDdbW43FdA
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board meeting held on September 16, 2024, discussing upcoming election preparations, training for election officers, security measures, and administrative duties.
unknown 2024-09-16 ID: iurp6jHT5EgOYslItGNEe
Minutes of the Radford City Council meeting held on September 9, 2024, including discussions on Constitution Week, Patriot Day, a resolution for Carilion Clinic's kidney transplant services, a franchise agreement with Comcast, and real estate property tax relief.
unknown 2024-09-09 ID: yZspejdIMOYDkbOiAjgMQ
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board public meeting held on August 16, 2024, discussing voting system security plan, ADA compliance survey, election preparedness, and voter outreach efforts.
unknown 2024-08-16 ID: h2MJJC3GXkPGfV33gMA5F
Agenda for the City of Radford Council meeting including public hearings, presentations, reports, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-08-12 ID: 2aZHaKxrfeHRUe5d2ox1b
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on August 12, 2024, detailing discussions on topics such as community events, tax relief, franchise agreements, and appropriation ordinances.
unknown 2024-08-12 ID: gw2QjVMF1VlkFEXbzZ1Nj
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on August 12, 2024, covering topics such as Community Fest, property transfer to EDA, opioid litigation settlement, water plant chemical bids, and appropriation ordinances.
unknown 2024-08-12 ID: ku8hLjRIAoeEGIhwvLku8
Minutes from a regular called meeting discussing financial reports, a POP application by Sage Health, a storefront exploration partnership with the city and Radford University, and updates on the Foundry Master Plan.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: J6E0OUIbSm1JqDZMEyAgw
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority meeting discussing financials, POP application approval, storefront exploration, and an update on the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: XBXYeBpnSxL581Phnfkas
Minutes from the Radford Public Library Board meeting discussing old and new business, including the Strategic Plan, Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Lamplighters' Book Sale, Summer Reading Program, and budget updates.
unknown 2024-08-05 ID: Khy2WZxuimkss5yNn1CCL
Minutes of the Radford Public Library Board Meeting held on August 5, 2024. Topics discussed include approval of past meeting minutes, updates on the Strategic Plan, introduction of a new Teen Liaison, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, fundraising from a recent book sale, programming updates, budget discussions, and miscellaneous items.
unknown 2024-08-05 ID: CwobiML6YH1nPk2UCRrGn
Minutes of the public meeting of the City of Radford Electoral Board held on July 29, 2024, discussing electoral matters, equipment purchase, and personnel performance review.
unknown 2024-07-29 ID: TV5dv2I7ZGGVaL0dBw15k
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission meeting on July 15, 2024, including election of officers and discussion on zoning ordinance update.
unknown 2024-07-15 ID: 6M9VaKYe1dM6ybLnls8zT
Minutes from the Radford Planning Commission meeting held on July 15, 2024, discussing the nominating committee, zoning ordinance update on parking, and other matters.
unknown 2024-07-15 ID: JwufhnXtogkJQ3Zrr934e
Agenda for the City of Radford Council meeting on July 8, 2024, covering items such as budget discussions, ordinance approvals, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-07-08 ID: HxD1xTkPEWK0cDtjldSyw
Minutes from the Regular Called Meeting held on June 20, 2024, discussing hotel bond resolution, real estate transfer agreement, Radford Theatre, and updates from the director and board members.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: 2fZCNiWtWnHJ6z2P3G4bj
Minutes of the City of Radford Economic Development Authority regular meeting held on June 20, 2024, including discussions on a new hotel bond resolution and a real estate transfer agreement.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: Vv6dv5OTWUaBqAJJMrM0x
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board public meetings held on June 19, 20, and 24, 2024, including discussions on election canvass, closed meetings for personnel discussions, and provisional ballot processing.
unknown 2024-06-19 ID: woqOTaHuUbI5skamYUl46
Agenda for the Radford City Planning Commission meeting held on June 17, 2024. Includes call to order, determination of a quorum, approval of agenda, approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen comments, election of officers, approval of FY 2024 calendar, staff report, and member comments.
unknown 2024-06-17 ID: zWoLQPLeBrnlFsuQaAwg9
Minutes from the Radford Planning Commission meeting held on June 17, 2024, covering topics such as a nominating committee and approval of the FY 2024-25 calendar.
unknown 2024-06-17 ID: 4ykpW3xkLxHoHY69BxcxL
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on June 10, 2024, covering topics such as proclamations for Flag Day, Juneteenth, and Pride Month, a budget amendment for the School Board, and various ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-06-10 ID: dD3trXhGioLPUKSNUP8hd
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission work session, discussing zoning ordinance updates.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: QQgij6ygBd0kTrKqfLSms
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board meeting held on May 13, 2024, discussing reimbursement funds, equipment procurement, training, and upcoming elections.
unknown 2024-05-13 ID: Sp1QK3VE2fYqas4nlys2p
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on May 13, 2024, covering various topics such as appropriation ordinance, proclamations for National Police Week, Emergency Medical Services Week, and others, the Transit Strategic Plan, NRV HOME Consortium renewal, and more.
unknown 2024-05-13 ID: i55uAixqbkw97u37tSBqQ
Minutes of the Radford City Economic Development Authority regular meeting on May 9, 2024, discussing financials, POP applications, and bond payments.
unknown 2024-05-09 ID: Lfly8PvFQoIlQUZuDsIgf
Minutes from the Radford Public Library Board Meeting held on May 6, 2024. Topics discussed included new board members, recognition of library programs, strategic planning, library goals and accomplishments, survey results, summer reading program, budget discussions, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-05-06 ID: SGxxXX29W5iQlooY19peN
Minutes from the Radford Public Library Board Meeting held on May 6, 2024. The meeting covered old business, new business, library programming, budget discussions, and miscellaneous topics.
unknown 2024-05-06 ID: So3ZIZttcOzQdiYTyjNFz
Minutes from the City of Radford Economic Development Authority meeting held on April 25, 2024, discussing Radford Theatre updates and grant discussions for water and sewer hook-up fees for the Event Space/New River Distillery.
unknown 2024-04-25 ID: zJpf31f0PMPpN6mwvSylH
Minutes of the special meeting of the Radford City Council on April 25, 2024, discussing the FY 2025 budget, tax rates, and utility rates.
unknown 2024-04-25 ID: Drk7ACeD9fOwuNbr2QkWt
Agenda for the City of Radford Council meeting held on April 22, 2024, including topics such as budget discussions, ordinances, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-04-22 ID: mrspzXGVU8aOy1DH1NKpb
Minutes of the public meeting of the City of Radford Electoral Board held on April 17, 2024, discussing IT security, voter card updates, and preparations for the June 2024 Republican primary election.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: xY8NDwHYBikBowBzrsMbd
Agenda for the City of Radford Electoral Board meeting, including discussions on election security, general registrar's report, and new business items.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: OUzXwLKKYRMwUaI8MNJDV
Minutes from the special meeting of the Radford City Council discussing the proposed F.Y. 2025 budget and tax rates, including public hearings on budget ordinances.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: InGNTOSfTjrbx1OOKsIwS
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission meeting on April 15, 2024, including approval of a special use permit and zoning ordinance update.
unknown 2024-04-15 ID: QAgSjbGcYAtMfamscQ4EO
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on April 8, 2024, covering topics such as public hearings on water tank cell tower and rate changes, approval of resolutions and ordinances, and updates on community and economic development initiatives.
unknown 2024-04-08 ID: wcTAlWwfcvECqpC3IOLbX
Minutes of the Radford City Council meeting discussing citizen comments, proclamations, public hearings on a special use permit, ordinances, board appointments, and city projects.
unknown 2024-04-08 ID: IwiOWLpeBI0oifvl0vYxZ
City of Radford Council Agenda for March 25, 2024, including proclamations for Environmental Awareness Month, ordinances, appointments to boards, and special use permits.
unknown 2024-03-25 ID: fkIKPYwA3Ct8NkUAEVb2J
City of Radford Council Agenda for Work Session Meeting Number 2 of F.Y. 2023-2024, including discussion on the F.Y. 2025 Preliminary Budget.
unknown 2024-03-19 ID: F1PdRJiUiUv368bnrn8Tc
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission meeting on March 18, 2024, including requests for rezoning and special use permits.
unknown 2024-03-18 ID: 7mczPf5Ak1c9RZBKsgMRe
Minutes of the City of Radford Electoral Board meetings held on March 6, 8, and 11, 2024, to canvass the results of the primary elections, review mail-in ballots, and consider provisional ballots.
unknown 2024-03-06 ID: DTNpalPy9QjVLgcqKd1or
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission work session discussing the zoning ordinance update.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: quW61o8JHqsl0RDCi2EMQ
Minutes of the emergency meeting of the City of Radford Electoral Board, where officers of election were assigned, student engagement programs were discussed, and issues regarding precinct access and security were addressed.
unknown 2024-02-22 ID: MYBKo177yydpneRAhiy2A
Minutes of the Radford Planning Commission meeting held on February 21, 2024, discussing subdivision and rezoning requests, public comments, and related actions.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: ZYw36A194tVovYelKKjDE
Agenda for the City of Radford Planning Commission meeting held on February 21, 2024. Topics include subdivision requests, rezoning, and a special use permit.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: iBVr9WzWs95VHf9AEC1w8
Minutes from the City of Radford Economic Development Authority regular meeting held on February 15, 2024. The meeting included a guest speaker presentation by Joe and Sam Fortier discussing projects and challenges in Radford, updates on the REDI Agreement, and other city development topics.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: LYJ3rgYbESzlyVaT71XHo
Minutes from the City of Radford Electoral Board meetings held on February 5 and 12, 2024, discussing board operations, budget, staffing for upcoming elections, and training sessions.
unknown 2024-02-05 ID: VWmGSyx2E8LYIXKjIQzan
Agenda for the Radford City Council meeting scheduled for January 8, 2024, addressing topics such as proclamations, resolutions, and appropriations.
unknown 2024-01-08 ID: wlHHX75nghpRzwk1Ek49p
Minutes from the Radford City Council meeting held on January 8, 2024, including proclamations for Radford High School achievements, resolutions for citizen recognition, and appropriation ordinances for grants.
unknown 2024-01-08 ID: oPs7qMQ0dqSLRYu6IPtJ8
Minutes from the Radford City Recreation Commission Meeting on June 20, 2023, covering updates on canoe/tubing services, Joe Hodge Field renovations, July 4th events, banner policies, pickleball/tennis courts, and other recreational projects.
unknown 2023-06-20 ID: LlodfKjSCpELi3XNR1aGc
Minutes from the Radford City Recreation Commission meeting held on April 17, 2023. Topics discussed included updates on canoe and tubing services, field renovations, July 4th events, pickleball and tennis courts, and community gardens.
unknown 2023-04-17 ID: ELiJheHuNdjTvNRikzPSF
This document contains the minutes from the Recreation Commission meeting held on January 18, 2023. Key topics discussed include updates on Sunset Park, the Canoe/Tubing Program, renovations for Joe Hodge Field, planning for upcoming basketball tournaments, and addressing the feral cat issue at the Recreation Center.
unknown 2023-01-18 ID: pRoPTrMGLWZGnvoc8rgoI
Minutes from the Radford City meeting discussing the aquatic center's brochure distribution, grant opportunities for swim lessons, the vacant Facility Coordinator position, and suggestions to increase revenue and decrease expenditures.
unknown 2013-01-15 ID: IkmnFYGOArVWXN2caFwDP