Urbanna (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Urbanna (Town) (Agency ID: 313)
A form used by businesses in the Town of Urbanna to report and remit monthly tax on prepared food and beverages.
An employment application form for the Town of Urbanna, including sections for personal information, employment history, skills, qualifications, and references.
This document is the agenda for the Urbanna Town Council's monthly meeting held on November 14, 2024. It includes the order of proceedings, a public hearing on a special use permit, and a presentation by Delegate Keith Hodges.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session scheduled for October 24, 2024, including topics such as legal notification fees, waterfront property repairs, and closed meeting discussions.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council meeting scheduled for October 10, 2024, including reports, public comments, old and new business, and closed meeting discussions.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session on September 26, 2024, covering action items, project updates, and announcements.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on September 12, 2024. The meeting included approval of agenda, various reports, public comments, old and new business including audits, and announcements.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session held on August 22, 2024. Includes discussions on the Urbanna Oyster Festival Master Plan, parking and traffic restrictions, and public safety measures.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting on August 8, 2024, including public hearings on rezoning ordinances and a proposed bond issuance for water system improvements.
The Urbanna Town Council agenda for a public hearing and work session on July 25, 2024, discussing a special use permit for the conversion of a garage into an accessory dwelling unit at 201 Colorado Avenue.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting scheduled for July 11, 2024. Includes items such as call to order, roll call, approval of agenda, reports, public comment, and new business.
The Town of Urbanna's Town Council meeting minutes from June 13, 2024, include discussions on water rates, budget resolution, special use permits, and the DMV Select financial issues.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council's public hearings and monthly meeting, discussing ordinances, budget resolutions, and special use permits.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session, including discussion on museum security and the FY 2024-2025 budget.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council work session held on May 23, 2024, discussing the approval of the agenda, public comments, updates on museum security, FY 2024-2025 budget, DMV Select, and water rates.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting on May 9, 2024, including items such as approval of agenda, special recognition, reports, public comment, and new business.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council public hearing and work session, including discussion on Friends of Urbanna Memorandum of Understanding, town property access issues, July 4th band contract, and pool rules.
Minutes of the Town of Urbanna's Town Council work session held on April 25, 2024. Topics discussed include public comments on signage and access issues at Virginia Street, updates on the relationship with Friends of Urbanna, and actions related to the July 4th band contract.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council public hearing and monthly meeting, including discussions on ordinances regarding street signs and a special use permit.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna's Town Council meeting on April 11, 2024, including public hearings on ordinances related to street signs and special use permits.
The agenda for the Urbanna Town Council's public hearing and work session, including items on rezoning, fireworks alternatives, and the WiFi acceptable use policy.
Monthly meeting agenda for the Urbanna Town Council on March 14, 2024, including call to order, roll call, reports, public comments, and ordinances.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on March 14, 2024, discussing agenda approval, reports from town officials, public comments, and ordinances.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session, including public hearings on bond issuance and deed of trust, contract approvals, and project updates.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council public hearing and work session discussing bond issuance, the Lewis & Clark Circus contract, fireworks contract, comprehensive plan, and project updates.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on February 8, 2024, at the Town Council Chambers, covering various items including public comments, council comments, old business, and new business.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Public Hearing and Work Session where special use permits for a miniature pony and a new restaurant were discussed, along with an ordinance to raise the bad check fee.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council meeting and public hearing scheduled for January 25, 2024, covering topics such as special use permits and local ordinance.
Application for 2024 Town of Urbanna Business License, detailing ownership status, applicant information, business details, and fee structure based on gross receipts. Special instructions for contractors, builders, developers, architects, and engineers are included.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on December 14, 2023, including reports from the Mayor, Town Administrator, Treasurer, and various committees.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on November 16, 2023. The meeting included a public hearing on an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act.
Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting agenda including public hearings on amendments to the comprehensive plan and town code, reports from various committees, and other town business.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council special meeting scheduled for October 30, 2023, including a closed session to discuss and interview candidates for the position of Town Administrator.
Water service agreement application form for property owners in the Town of Urbanna, outlining terms and conditions for service, payment obligations, and potential reasons for service discontinuation.
A water service agreement for renters in the Town of Urbanna, detailing conditions, fees, and obligations for the provision of water services.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on October 12, 2023, covering topics such as VDOT projects, zoning amendments, short-term rental ordinances, and budget updates.
This document is the agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on October 12, 2023. It includes items such as reports from various committees, discussions on amendments to zoning ordinances, and new business including an audit and pool cover.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on September 14, 2023. Includes discussions on town beautification, a search for a new Town Administrator, planning commission appointments, and a possible change in the monthly meeting schedule.
Urbanna Town Council Work Session Agenda covering topics such as the Town Administrator search, zoning ordinance amendments, and meeting schedule changes.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session on August 10, 2023, including topics on the Virginia Tourism Strategic Plan, short term rentals, and action items like the Oyster Festival Master Plan.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council work session discussing various topics including public comments on ordinances, the planning commission report, and the approval of the 2023 Oyster Festival Master Plan.
Minutes of the Urbanna Town Council work session held on July 13, 2023, covering discussions on short-term rentals, FOIA policy, a resignation letter from the Town Administrator, and Planning Commission appointments.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on July 13, 2023, including items such as FOIA policy update and Planning Commission report.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on June 22, 2023. Includes items such as legislative updates, budget discussions, and committee reports.
Minutes of the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on June 22, 2023, discussing agenda approval, reports from various committees, public comments, and new business including resolutions and appointments.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council public hearing and work session held on June 8, 2023. The meeting covered topics such as a boundary line adjustment with Middlesex County and Ordinance 2023-02, which proposed increases in in-town water rates and marina slip and electric rates.
The agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session and public hearing on June 8, 2023, includes discussions on boundary line adjustment, water rate, and the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget.
Monthly meeting agenda for the Urbanna Town Council on May 25, 2023, including discussion and potential adoption of Ordinance 2023-01 related to zoning in the B-1 district.
Minutes of the Urbanna Town Council and Planning Commission joint public hearing and meeting. Topics include Ordinance 2023-01 related to zoning amendments, reports from various committees, and new and old business.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on May 11, 2023. Includes presentations, public comments, and action items.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council work session held on May 11, 2023, covering topics such as the VML essay contest, Taber Fund investment options, proposed zoning ordinance changes, and updates on various town projects.
Urbanna Town Council Work Session Agenda for April 13, 2023, including presentations, public comments, and discussion on town matters such as a pool update and Kent Street drainage.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Monthly Meeting, including a public hearing on the sale of the Old Town Hall located at 45 Cross Street.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on March 23, 2023, covering the approval of agenda, public hearings, various reports, new business discussions including kayak rental kiosks, and the Lewis & Clark Circus event.
Urbanna Town Council work session agenda covering topics such as drainage issues, feral cats, and a closed meeting on a public contract.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on March 9, 2023, covering topics such as public comments on feral cats, drainage issues, a proposed Code of Ethics resolution, and authorizing a public hearing for the sale of Old Town Hall.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council public hearing and monthly meeting, including reports from various committees and discussion of new business items.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on February 23, 2023. Topics discussed included the approval of the agenda, reports from the Town Administrator and committees, project status updates, financial recommendations, bid acceptance for well construction, public comments, and new business discussions.
The Urbanna Town Council Work Session Agenda for February 9, 2023, includes items such as a presentation on the UBI-Bristow Pavilion, public comments, Resolution 2023-RES-001 regarding issuance of bonds, and other council matters.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council work session on February 9, 2023, discussing resolutions, financial assistance, and construction projects.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting and public hearing held on January 26, 2023, at the Town Council Chambers.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on January 26, 2023. Discussed topics included interim financing for Well #6, a presentation by Davenport Investments, committee reports, a public comment session, and new business such as the fireworks contract and structural concerns of the Old Town Hall.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on January 12, 2023, including items such as passing of the gavel, distinguished service awards, and updates on the pool and boundary line adjustment.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Monthly Meeting and Public Hearing held on December 15, 2022, covering topics such as bond issuance for a new water well, reports from various committees, and new business including a floating pier purchase.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna's monthly council meeting where the issuance of bonds for a new water well was discussed, among other town activities.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting and public hearing on November 17, 2022. Includes discussions on Ordinance 22-03 regarding clutter and environmental regulations.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council meeting held on November 17, 2022. Topics discussed include the approval of Ordinance 22-03, which addresses the disposal of garbage, trash, and weeds, and the financial report on the Taber Fund.
The agenda for the Urbanna Town Council's monthly meeting held on October 27, 2022, covering various reports, public comments, old and new business, and a closed meeting session about a public contract.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on October 27, 2022.
Minutes of the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on October 13, 2022, covering topics such as the annual report, clutter ordinance, boundary line adjustment, finance committee updates, marina maintenance, and pool financing.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council meeting held on September 22, 2022, covering topics such as the approval of a special use permit, various committee reports, and discussions on new and old business including a proposed clutter ordinance and the Oyster Festival Master Plan.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on September 8, 2022, covering presentations, public comments, and reports.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on September 8, 2022, including reports from the Town Administrator, Treasurer, and discussion on various town matters.
This is the agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on August 11, 2022. It includes reports from the Town Administrator and Planning Commission, discussions on property standards ordinance and inspections, and action items such as approval of previous minutes and fund transfers.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on July 28, 2022, including reports, public comments, and new business items.
Minutes from the July 28, 2022 monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council, covering agenda approval, reports from town officials, public comments, and motions passed.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council meeting held on July 14, 2022, covering topics such as budget updates, boundary line adjustments, and planning commission reports.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council work session held on July 14, 2022, covering reports, public comments, and action items including the approval of minutes and boundary line adjustment.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Monthly Meeting held on June 23, 2022, including a public hearing on real property tax increase and discussion on the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget resolution.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Public Hearing and Work Session held on June 9, 2022. Topics discussed included water rate increases, budget for fiscal year 2022-2023, tax rates, and various town matters.
Urbanna Town Council work session and public hearing agenda, including discussions on water rate increases, fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, and real estate tax rates.
Minutes from the Town of Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on May 26, 2022, covering various reports, discussions, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Monthly Meeting scheduled for May 26, 2022, including items such as approval of agenda, reports from various committees, public comment periods, and new business items like a resolution for a 4-way stop and transfer of funds.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council meeting held on May 12, 2022, covering topics such as public comments, budget discussions, marina improvements, and planning commission updates.
This document is the agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on May 12, 2022. It includes items such as committee reports, a preliminary budget for FY 2022-2023, a boundary line adjustment update, and action items regarding the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission and Planning Commission appointments.
Minutes from the April 28, 2022 monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council. The meeting included discussions on the Bristow Community Pavilion project, presentations from the Middlesex County Volunteer Rescue Squad, and various reports and updates from the council and committees.
Agenda for the special meeting of the Urbanna Town Council on April 7, 2022. The meeting includes a public hearing on a proposed floodplain ordinance.
Monthly meeting agenda for the Urbanna Town Council, including reports, public comments, old and new business items.
Minutes of the Urbanna Town Council monthly meeting held on March 24, 2022. The meeting covered topics such as approval of agenda and previous minutes, cigarette tax allocation, various committee reports, funding approvals for local events, and new business discussions including a volunteer appreciation event and museum painting contract.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on March 10, 2022, including updates from the Town Administrator and Pool Committee, public comments, and action items such as approval of minutes and cigarette tax revenue allocation.
Minutes of the February 24, 2022 meeting of the Urbanna Town Council, including discussions on the Regional All Hazards Mitigation Plan, DMV Select, pool project, marina upgrades, HRSD sewer improvements, and various committee reports.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council work session on February 10, 2022. The meeting addressed the Virginia Street Dock/Pier project, public comments, and various administrative and infrastructure topics.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on February 10, 2022, including discussions on Marina updates, Taber Park Pool, and Virginia Street Dock/Pier.
Minutes from the January 27, 2022, monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council, discussing various town matters including committee reports, public comments, and resolutions.
Minutes from the January 27, 2022 Urbanna Town Council meeting, detailing roll call, agenda approval, committee reports, and resolutions passed.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Work Session held on January 13, 2022. Topics included approval of agenda and previous minutes, public hearing for USDA loan, reports from town committees, and new business discussions.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Monthly Meeting held on January 27, 2022, including reports, public comments, old and new business items such as USDA loan resolution, and announcements.
Agenda for the Urbanna Town Council Meeting on November 18, 2021, including reports, public comments, and discussions on various topics such as water system upgrades and a land exchange resolution.
Minutes from the Urbanna Town Council Educational Retreat held on October 30, 2021, discussing various topics including staff roles, the Comprehensive Plan, project priorities, FOIA regulations, and meeting structures.
Urbanna Town Council meeting agenda including a public hearing on the exchange of land parcels, reports from various committees, and resolutions.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.