Surry (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 8 records from Surry (Town) (Agency ID: 304)

The zoning ordinance for the Town of Surry, Virginia, establishes land use regulations, district definitions, and planning guidelines to promote public health, safety, and welfare. It includes provisions for land use, building regulations, and definitions of various terms related to zoning.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: VQG0w9BbGWw6vOtIOEAXk
This document outlines the regulations for signs within the Town of Surry, including definitions, permit procedures, general requirements, exemptions, temporary signs, prohibited signs, nonconforming signs, and special exceptions.
unknown 2007-03-13 ID: ZxDpEsZ6MWLeVfZ0mkven
This document outlines the Public Nuisances Ordinance for the Town of Surry, Virginia. It details the findings, purpose, definitions, and responsibilities related to abating public nuisances, including property maintenance, derelict vehicles, and trash receptacles.
unknown 2007-03-13 ID: t6KZaHXfpprUUCMPvBsBH
This document outlines the sign regulations for the Town of Surry, including definitions, permit requirements, general requirements, prohibited signs, and procedures for special sign exceptions.
unknown 2007-03-13 ID: x0EmUtmtqz5PHJ5Iir5Av
The Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Surry is a community guide for orderly growth and development, aiding public and private decision makers in promoting beneficial land use and public services. It includes an analysis of existing conditions and policy determinations to achieve community development goals.
unknown 2000-08-08 ID: VTzD1S95zekuuze81jVDq
An ordinance imposing and levying license taxes on business, trades, professions, occupations, vocations, callings, and activities within the Town of Surry, providing for the assessment and collection of taxes, and penalties for non-compliance.
unknown 1987-01-01 ID: EBXwUZlyn4ugnMoXtmiik
An ordinance to regulate the subdivision of property into lots, streets, alleys, and other public areas within the Town of Surry, Virginia. It includes provisions for the making and recording of plats, approval processes, and related regulations.
unknown 1977-03-10 ID: EYqU25OEvK1gMUQfPXDsY
An ordinance adopted by the Town of Surry to regulate the subdivision of property into lots, streets, alleys, and other public areas, and to provide for the making and recording of plats of such subdivisions and the certification of the same.
unknown 1977-03-10 ID: kX7rGnEBXSOiNCYRGnYWT