Shenandoah (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Shenandoah (Town) (Agency ID: 292)

This is an employment application form for the Town of Shenandoah, including sections for personal information, education, skills, employment history, and authorization for a background check.
unknown 2025-01-26 ID: lDldttJe21gnKcsDoW8nI
Minutes of the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission on November 12, 2024, regarding a request to close and vacate an alley between properties at 119 Liberty Avenue and 121 Liberty Avenue.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: 38CqdNX7qcYgVLjZXXWMp
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting of the Town of Shenandoah held on November 12, 2024, covering agenda items, committee reports, approvals, and correspondence.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: rUz84LcUqJI5tLwOGyDRz
The Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission held a joint public hearing to discuss a request by John W. Gordon to vacate an alley between his properties at 119 Liberty Avenue and 121 Liberty Avenue. The request was denied.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: fXLN88FQmBWXkvh86OBGg
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing on November 12, 2024, regarding the vacating of an alley way between 119 Liberty Avenue and 121 Liberty Avenue.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: 260hrKyM5jqlsVShIui25
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on November 12, 2024, covering topics such as award presentations, approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: wOL0x2FcP7fnAr0ZmT49e
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting held by the Town of Shenandoah on October 22, 2024. The meeting included discussions on various topics such as the approval of bills, treasurer's report, committee reports, and correspondence.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: gKbOlzJyBWXKNv25a23wR
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council regular meeting held on October 22, 2024, presided over by Mayor Clinton O. Lucas, Jr. The meeting covered various topics including approval of bills, a treasurer's report, correspondence, and updates on town services. Notable discussions included a proposed mural for the Town Museum, and a donation to the Shenandoah Fire Department.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: z7fyeLx4ksfft4OzYbPys
Regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council discussing various community and administrative matters.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: 4s1qr6dMJnPQo5BPn1amQ
Regular Town Council Meeting Agenda for Shenandoah scheduled for October 8, 2024, including various committee reports and approval of previous meeting minutes.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: 6OuanXH4nTFgNNvsVaBC6
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting held on October 8, 2024, including discussions on council committee reports, approval of bills, treasurer’s report, and correspondence.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: KugrY2HUvMBzoymERHvhy
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on September 24, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: 8sAIXyNRBUZk9zVhjmpWc
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on September 10, 2024, discussing various topics including approval of bills, treasurer's report, reappointment of planning commissioners, and other committee reports.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: Ymt0IiOk1IA9WNQkStKYe
Regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on September 10, 2024, covering various agenda items such as approval of bills, reappointment of planning commission members, and community concerns.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: VdtPgxjDtBXCivvoVVZ6T
Agenda for the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, including the election of officers and a public hearing for a variance request by Bluestone Designs LLC.
unknown 2024-09-04 ID: UfhOmNnoMe3L1Cdcuq2l6
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council meeting and public hearing on August 27, 2024, discussing town charter changes and other agenda items.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: BkKejTcTawNah3CrSf8EJ
Regular Town Council Meeting agenda detailing the session schedule, approval items, committee reports, and other business for the Town of Shenandoah.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: laUKMLQkdHiOZHl9twznH
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on August 27, 2024. The meeting included approval of previous minutes, bills, and treasurer's report, discussion on town charter changes and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: hScXtfnW3826Sfnl6ibJR
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing on August 27, 2024, regarding changes to the Town Charter. The hearing was presided over by Mayor Clinton O. Lucas, Jr., and included a unanimous vote in favor of the changes.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: HYH68krISGzleBdH2OY3f
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council regular meeting held on August 13, 2024. Discussions included approval of previous meeting minutes, approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence review, and various community and public service updates.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: R8CSMPuHay3c9sqYJ4u35
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on August 13, 2024, discussing various community and administrative matters.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: Eb2FGv0QmB6Kh3oMaffCK
Agenda for the regular Town Council meeting of Shenandoah on August 13, 2024, covering various committee reports, approval of minutes and financial disbursements, and reports from the Town Manager and Mayor.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: B0NLTK29BhnydwA4R72Ix
This document provides the water and sewer rate chart for the Town of Shenandoah effective from August 1, 2024, detailing the amounts payable for various water usage levels.
unknown 2024-08-01 ID: YMeKo5QcztmqpPSuabYQZ
This document provides the water and sewer rate chart for the Town of Shenandoah, effective from August 1, 2024. It includes the rates for various gallon usage amounts.
unknown 2024-08-01 ID: reTDaEEVyfzvtKpiQY2hJ
Joint public hearing by the Town Council and Planning Commission regarding a special use permit request by Charles Thomas for a home occupation construction business at 601 Second Street, Shenandoah, Virginia.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: Py5ApAQOpfg2QzLFOJ3Jn
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council, including a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission, addressing various town matters such as budget approvals, correspondence, and public inquiries.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: 6RfOGlP9RDG5x0v044ZOz
Agenda for the regular Shenandoah Town Council meeting on July 23, 2024.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: WrlLhbhOO0b5A5FP7nqz4
Joint public hearing minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission discussing a special use permit request by Charles Thomas for a home-based construction business.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: Z1NrvuLVjdv2FrHXpRIOX
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on July 23, 2024, including discussions on water and sewer, streets and public property, police and safety, taxation and finance, parks and recreation, and other town matters.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: 6a2gj7UP61wqc0Pqw4h3i
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing on July 9, 2024, discussing the water and sewer rate increase effective August 1, 2024.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: A3GGzoIM3m83GI7tKM2Mt
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on July 09, 2024, covering topics such as approval of previous meeting minutes, bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, water and sewer rates, and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: yzvq3V73HYhADUrbEHyBC
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing and regular meeting held on July 9, 2024, discussing the water and sewer rate increase and other town matters.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: u0iFkMiyArYZSMi1gbj91
Minutes from the Shenandoah Wireless Broadband Authority meeting held on July 09, 2024. The meeting included approval of previous meeting minutes and discussions on new and unfinished business.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: Qb2enBPRZzJWSCRfjmIdE
Agenda for the regular town council meeting of Shenandoah on July 9, 2024.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: aJp2AtedOqRH0TEfYd2hx
Minutes from the Shenandoah Wireless Broadband Authority meeting held on July 09, 2024, covering the approval of previous meeting minutes, discussion of new and unfinished business, and adjournment.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: 9FQK668yGxP6GYtnCY1Lw
Agenda and memorandum regarding the proposed water and sewer rate increase for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: Pk73SNEmOCgYerN7apw1v
This is a transient occupancy tax return form for businesses in the Town of Shenandoah. It must be filed monthly, even if no sales were made during the period, to report rentals and taxes due.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: Z9ACKh8j8mQcGEnlsX7Ws
A form for filing food and beverage tax returns in the Town of Shenandoah, detailing gross sales, exemptions, taxable receipts, tax calculations, penalties, and interest for late filing.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: cfc40UFUaM1FCNceilfJC
This document provides a comprehensive rate chart for taxes, user fees, business licenses, zoning, and equipment fees for the Town of Shenandoah, effective from August 1, 2024.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: hiWisViKoDpGNJnBNHSqE
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting of Shenandoah held on June 25, 2024, discussing various topics such as approval of bills, tax ordinances, infrastructure projects, and council member activities.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: 6ZmT8LAgj1ryhiIwHo0uX
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council regular meeting held on June 25, 2024. Topics included approval of previous meeting minutes, financial reports, council committee reports, and public correspondence.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: lYG4BwjtZMX4Od06jKNiE
Agenda for the regular town council meeting held on June 25, 2024, including approval of minutes, reports, and committee discussions.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: ejmpLRSHfqiR7tWZRJqHP
A special use permit request for a home occupation construction business at 601 Second Street, Shenandoah, Virginia. The permit is requested by Charles Thomas and will be reviewed by the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission.
unknown 2024-06-01 ID: K82qpirn2j0ErbbB1rg5l
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on May 28, 2024, detailing attendance, motions, votes, and discussions on various topics including awards, bills, correspondence, water and sewer issues, and community service.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: YM53hsBs8ilhwragkJOfi
The document contains the minutes of the regular Town Council meeting held on May 28, 2024. It covers various agenda items including approval of previous meeting minutes, financial reports, committee reports, new and unfinished business, and public concerns.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: p7wWOOEESLgqZEgoEtKUd
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on May 28, 2024, covering attendance, award presentations, approvals of bills and treasurer's report, correspondence, reports on various town matters, and new business discussions.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: aBZvi3GgBBizmUde6FU1x
Agenda for the regular town council meeting of Shenandoah Town on May 28, 2024. Includes call to order, pledge of allegiance, minutes approval, financial reports, and council committee reports.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: xOiy6IzOTVBSIp99Vghe6
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council regular meeting held on May 14, 2024, including resolutions, financial approvals, and committee reports.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: KAaw7MohdaCZeqiGZsSCt
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on May 14, 2024, including discussions on budget approvals, resolutions, and community matters.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: hBwoTKB1RL198Wwtt18u1
Agenda for the regular Town Council meeting on May 14, 2024, in Shenandoah, Virginia. Includes approval of minutes, disbursements, committee reports, and other town business.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: 6TmhcMMV1EpMHnHIbyqbO
Public hearing notice and details of the proposed budget for the Town of Shenandoah for the fiscal year 2024-2025, including expected revenues, expenditures, and changes in tax rates and fees.
unknown 2024-05-07 ID: vefjV6k5cnn8N3j333uRI
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on April 23, 2024, presided by Mayor Clinton O. Lucas, Jr. Discussions included transit funding, approval of bills, and various reports.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: PoSp0kTHkl27fji0yzToA
Agenda for the regular town council meeting of Shenandoah Town on April 23, 2024, including items such as approval of meeting minutes, disbursements, and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: CYvcQ1BpYYsVbJUIHuka3
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council on April 23, 2024. Discussions included approval of bills and treasurer's report, correspondence, water and sewer issues, streets and public property, taxation and finance, parks and recreation, industrial and economic development, community service, and personnel matters.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: WeuwgJ4iD1USvHb6EPxQs
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Shenandoah held on April 9, 2024, covering attendance, award presentations, approval of previous meeting minutes, various reports, and discussions on town matters.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: pfHfqzWGMUQF8jpFVU7gP
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council on April 9, 2024, covering attendance, award presentations, visitor presentations, approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: RawIYTNMcrnNKpuXoa7ib
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on March 26, 2024, covering attendance, public comments, approval of previous minutes, bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: 6rVuRVidem8sCQ1sZO1OH
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on March 12, 2024, covering topics such as parking, trash collection, property maintenance, and community events.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: WvnGQH33FZuqPj40n6Ucc
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on February 27, 2024, presided over by Mayor Clinton O. Lucas, Jr. Topics included a proposed shooting range, noise concerns from tractor trailers, community service presentations, and reports from various council committees.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: WAcfJ8qVh1Tw0CdjBDs6w
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on February 13, 2024, including discussions on community events, infrastructure projects, and various donation requests.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: wCKMAO3cB4fO94XaHOLZm
Minutes from the Town of Shenandoah Council meeting held on January 23, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including event planning, approval of bills, personnel changes, infrastructure updates, and public safety concerns.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: EVTKLrfYkdlxvkUEvW9CP
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on January 9, 2024, including discussions on bills approval, treasurer's report, correspondence, and various town projects and issues.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: 8y9dS8RnJXamqqCWsSORh
This document is a zoning permit application from the Town of Shenandoah, detailing requirements and information for new constructions and alterations.
unknown 2024-01-01 ID: hOc8G4vvWBFMb5bGpBYYI
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council meeting held on December 12, 2023. Discussions included approval of previous meeting minutes, bills, treasurer's report, staff changes, and various town projects and issues.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: 4Axy4SAg21ZJzUP7KcSDa
Minutes from the Shenandoah Wireless Broadband Authority meeting held on December 12, 2023, discussing approvals, business, and lease agreements.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: 5FiGupBjAAZKK2wZTfxL5
Minutes from the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and the Shenandoah Planning Commission to discuss a rezoning request from R1 to R3 for property owned by Shen-Elk Enterprises LLC.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: AFirHSMUnTAZVCZaVgt2p
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council meeting held on November 14, 2023, including attendance, approvals, and discussions on various topics such as finance, public works, and community events.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: 3LLmTBt40ZB4fjYQbliEQ
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on October 24, 2023, covering various topics including approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, water and sewer updates, and community service recognitions.
unknown 2023-10-24 ID: AqhoGDfaXesnyQ7ad2y5G
A rental agreement for the picnic shelter at Big Gem Park managed by the Town of Shenandoah, outlining rules, responsibilities, and fees.
unknown 2023-10-15 ID: 5Z6J8wKX6Brs4KbIGPf0R
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on October 10, 2023, covering various topics including the approval of previous meeting minutes, financial approvals, public works projects, personnel changes, and community events.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: NY9UsK2CQe4j1g6lh5onh
Rental agreement for the use of the Shenandoah River Park Gazebo and Picnic Area, including terms and conditions of use.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: ntfLq6DHVg5Th9UlMXGoc
A request for variance application form used by property owners or applicants to request zoning variances from the Town of Shenandoah Board of Zoning Appeals.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: W0FCRK8XuPxxanGI4vmiC
The document is a request for a variance application to be submitted to the Town of Shenandoah Board of Zoning Appeals. It includes instructions for applicants on providing information about property, owner details, and notifying adjacent property owners.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: MuprZQp57TKKwryCHOFfd
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on September 26, 2023. Topics include approval of previous minutes, approval of bills, treasurer’s report, subdivision request, and updates from various committees.
unknown 2023-09-26 ID: Ty9dcxAR15346F66gksHf
Minutes of the Shenandoah Planning Commission regular meeting held on September 20, 2023, discussing the approval of previous meeting minutes and a new subdivision request.
unknown 2023-09-20 ID: luuYVtXuFy4bEGc4XN8lc
Minutes from the Town of Shenandoah Council Meeting held on September 12, 2023. Topics discussed included Constitution Week proclamation, approval of bills, treasurer’s report, correspondence, and updates on various town projects.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: bXVEi19RjIFvUHwAmYyn6
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council meeting on August 22, 2023, covering topics such as approval of previous meeting minutes, approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence regarding lot consolidation, service dog fundraiser, VRSA safety grant, water and sewer updates, streets and public property, police communication equipment, taxation and finance, parks and recreation, industrial development, community service awards, unfinished business regarding town vehicles, new business on sewer plant staircase replacement, and updates on the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree project.
unknown 2023-08-22 ID: VVKNqqRsdJjXfAT1IZYAn
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Planning Commission on August 16, 2023, where a motion was approved to consolidate two lots on Liberty Avenue.
unknown 2023-08-16 ID: qjaI7RrdXbzWFpId2gAsU
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council on August 8, 2023. Discussions included trash service charges, vehicle and equipment conditions, police department budget, and public works issues.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: yH1O3de1uALSxKmDwBXWT
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council regular meeting held on July 25, 2023, covering topics such as zoning complaints, community service awards, infrastructure projects, and park development.
unknown 2023-07-25 ID: B5QHvVMnhlBzWfFb42c5N
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council on July 11, 2023. Topics discussed included approval of past meeting minutes, budget amendments, hiring of a part-time Assistant Town Manager, updates on town projects and issues, and a resolution to petition a writ of election to fill a council vacancy.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: gz3Du0GbMkPLcacIx2jaj
Application document for sewer service in the Town of Shenandoah, including details on fees, property address, and requirements for different types of service.
unknown 2023-07-01 ID: fjJmEBD0PdTnJ0tSQnuF9
Instructions for completing the water/sewer application for connections within and outside the town limits of Shenandoah.
unknown 2023-07-01 ID: O80GPsR5vdG5e9vlhwSUp
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing on June 27, 2023, discussing the Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget Amendment to incorporate funding from the Coronavirus Aid and Economic Securities Act.
unknown 2023-06-27 ID: zXcmphRiSXcP9ERhxUUFu
Regular meeting minutes of the Town Council of Shenandoah held on June 27, 2023, including discussions on rezoning requests, budget amendments, refuse removal bids, and other municipal matters.
unknown 2023-06-27 ID: BSUSGAkZxLS9IflwibJUp
Minutes from the joint public hearing of the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission regarding a special use permit request by Pamela Houck for a daycare at the community center.
unknown 2023-06-27 ID: yFQOJD8aksyvobvpoBaP4
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council on June 13, 2023, covering attendance, approval of bills, correspondence, and other council business.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: o1noe73heJRcoQXvXX62R
Minutes from the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission on June 13, 2023, regarding a rezoning request from Residential (R3) to Commercial for property at 107 Virginia Avenue.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: 1Y4TmIU10JfNEBEvCwOVX
Minutes from the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission joint public hearing regarding a special use permit request for a home occupation drafting design business by Timothy S. Seal.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: FJcrieMZNxbGlcJ2PnPJb
Minutes of the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and Shenandoah Planning Commission on June 13, 2023, regarding a rezoning request from Commercial to Residential (R2) for property owned by Superior Siding & Home Improvements.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: IjEpMgrtdcaj8VgPoiOgh
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council meeting held on May 23, 2023, including discussions on community presentations, approval of bills, treasurer's report, police matters, and other town business.
unknown 2023-05-23 ID: ap6I4rxbstiPi0kTvBfLc
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on May 9, 2023, discussing various local matters including funding for the Farmer's Market Manager position, museum timeline purchase, and infrastructure improvements.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: VkOernB3xFjMOdxqSSasK
Minutes of the joint public hearing between the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission regarding a special use permit request for the conversion of a church building into a 12-unit apartment building.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: h1SLysqRPBcZGAsXfQkd4
Minutes of the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission on April 25, 2023, to review and adopt the proposed updated Comprehensive Plan for 2022.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: ic8BzaWaKaEp4FThZ4Owx
The regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on April 25, 2023, covering topics such as budget approval, appointments, and community service.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: nu2qroCGjU8YJ7N7J69Rd
Minutes of the joint public hearing held by the Shenandoah Town Council and the Shenandoah Planning Commission on April 25, 2023, to discuss the rezoning request for the Shenandoah Assembly of God from R2 to R3.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: wZvltDv5rmjC93zghlPeG
Minutes of the Shenandoah Town Council public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2023/2024 budget, held on April 11, 2023.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: aQJh07hrI4KtVD9AT7Yoh
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on April 11, 2023.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: ZhRmDTJfKZER7ndQZ8ohY
Minutes from the joint public hearing of the Shenandoah Town Council and Planning Commission regarding a rezoning request from Industrial to Residential (R2) for property located at 402 S Second Street.
unknown 2023-03-28 ID: 7eNpGZPfGCznxkzSMb2vc
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Shenandoah Town Council held on March 28, 2023, covering attendance, approval of bills, treasurer's report, correspondence, ordinances, and public works updates.
unknown 2023-03-28 ID: oBeXqmxFpPvG5niS96W1h

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.