Hopewell (City)

Agency Records

Showing 55 records from Hopewell (City) (Agency ID: 29)

Agenda for the City of Hopewell City Council special meeting on December 3, 2024, including a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters and board and commission appointments.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: xhdyGTan972Kh4DjnO4Q6
Minutes of the special meeting of the Hopewell City Council discussing finance and treasurer reports.
unknown 2024-11-19 ID: PyDDp1pWjnrGSX3ih4sJU
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council on November 19, 2024, including motions, consent agenda, public hearing, and board/commission vacancies.
unknown 2024-11-19 ID: j0OwNaLPHe2Y1la3Z3cUI
Minutes from the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on November 18, 2024, including discussions on personnel matters and board appointments.
unknown 2024-11-18 ID: KmXGl3aSebeniBQV5UzUu
Agenda for a special meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on November 18, 2024, including a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters.
unknown 2024-11-18 ID: H1p7bpOne0WPGMjESRun7
Agenda for the City of Hopewell City Council regular meeting on October 22, 2024, including a closed meeting, work session, and regular meeting.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: e4UZUa4fFWBWvV244WGw4
Minutes from the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on October 22, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as remote participation, closed meeting discussions on personnel matters, appointment of Vice Mayor Gore to the Planning Commission, restrictions on P cards, the HR policy agenda, a forensic audit RFP, and presentations from the Robert Bobb Group.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: ExynRcNphWSMhjrHVHJLV
Minutes of the special meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on October 17, 2024, discussing personnel matters and legal consultations.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: joWq0WBv1ZgghvaCGA8nq
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on October 15, 2024, including discussions on closed meetings for personnel matters, the appointment of Bridgett Bowman to the Economic Development Board, and a report from the Finance Committee detailing fiscal year 2025 budgets, revenue trends, and surplus fund allocations.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: i5I9KJ4UgMw799TVI85Fw
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting discussing various topics including an economic development strategic plan, updates on classification and compensation study, conditional use permit, development application fees, emergency operations plan, and Virginia 250 preservation funds.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: jg1jO8Yf2hsf96FPefQsW
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on September 24, 2024, discussing various topics including zoning amendments, stormwater utility fees, and school budget appropriations.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: jba9o3zFyeipArlWSuNWf
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting discussing the finance committee report and treasurer's report, including budget actuals, revenue trends, bond ratings, and tax collections.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: XPoZZHoUuqxhmtWFmCJY1
Agenda for the special meeting of Hopewell City Council on September 17, 2024, covering finance committee reports and treasurer's report.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: WMJpDVzArHHlC1fBCDGso
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on September 10, 2024, discussing various motions, appointments, zoning issues, and budget requests.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: umuFXXM0CxpmTe9ysGRVS
Agenda for the City of Hopewell's City Council special meeting on September 3, 2024, including a closed meeting session to discuss personnel matters and board and commission appointments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: 4y5Ri7xsgs5HA0XPwFLFq
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on September 3, 2024, including motions for remote participation, closed session, and adjournment.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: pCOm8SUxJGO2gpXNbTfWD
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on August 27, 2024, discussing various motions, zoning ordinance amendments, legislative agenda, audit updates, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: TX0vvAIfVO2iLyuLeV2ec
Agenda for the Hopewell City Council meeting on August 27, 2024, including discussions on zoning amendments, cigarette tax ordinance, conditional use permits, and various city administrative matters.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: ZPMVax2VNtVhz6kaizNbc
Minutes from the Hopewell City Council meeting on August 20, 2024, covering finance reports, delinquent taxes, council discussions, and other city matters.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: TG15wE2HfSAIpc0sbHC19
Agenda for the Hopewell City Council Special Meeting on August 20, 2024. The meeting includes finance reports, announcements of board/commission vacancies, and adjournment.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: C9ogVNffSrC2VSCiXBjvm
Minutes of the July 24, 2024 Hopewell City Council special meeting discussing various topics including remote participation, closed meeting on public contracts, financial system implementation, and project management office updates.
unknown 2024-07-24 ID: fo3TZ8Ij8eJy9ZQHN9fwb
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on July 23, 2024, discussing appointments, conditional use permits, budget approvals, and community programs.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: 8vOT01Yot3wJc51pYUYdr
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council on July 23, 2024, including a closed meeting, work session, and regular meeting with various items such as conditional use permits, public hearings, and council communications.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: iJoV15VqmqHLvxm2l3Apx
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council Special Meeting discussing financial audits, sewer rates, city finances, and delinquencies.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: MQoBuNVlkfr6xVNTJiJTy
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council, including closed and open sessions, consent agenda, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: y3IHW6nQGTLNtdTmWS4ei
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on June 25, 2024. Discussions included personnel matters, wastewater allocation request from Prince George County, public hearings on zoning and school board vacancies, and resolutions of support for infrastructure projects.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: vw1PfNBdHrxvYMjGMsqzK
Agenda for the City of Hopewell City Council special meeting on June 20, 2024, including a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters and board vacancies.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: jUWMA6gJR3sWrOZMTicNp
Agenda for the City of Hopewell City Council regular meeting scheduled on June 11, 2024, including closed meeting, work session, and regular meeting items.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: faRUKPrBOgsCiCP9FQKiJ
Agenda for the City of Hopewell City Council regular meeting, including closed meeting, work session, and regular meeting items.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: KxwtO7V2aLSl7aCvN8iZC
Minutes of the May 23, 2024 Hopewell City Council special meeting discussing personnel matters and board appointments.
unknown 2024-05-23 ID: yZlxvWeABMqXAh9Tfbnfz
Agenda for the City Council Special Meeting in Hopewell, Virginia, including a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters and various board/commission vacancies.
unknown 2024-05-23 ID: h2lFIYtKTEgWz3cjKDolB
Agenda for the Hopewell City Council regular meeting scheduled on May 14, 2024, including closed meeting, consent agenda, public hearings, and regular business items.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: FdrBXyHn1zUiZiBFkQfAy
Hopewell City Council will hold a Special Meeting on May 8, 2024, to discuss the FY25 budget.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: 47Ket9dhsFQ4kMiwMwbq6
Agenda for a special meeting of the Hopewell City Council on May 7, 2024. The meeting includes a closed session to discuss personnel matters and public contracts, and addresses various board and commission vacancies.
unknown 2024-05-07 ID: t3WEK4Xgeu6LHEwkXaBH7
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on May 7, 2024, to discuss personnel matters, board and commission appointments, and public contract negotiations.
unknown 2024-05-07 ID: JdDnvM0wh38S0Ru1nRJPp
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on April 30, 2024, discussing budget issues and collaboration with the school board.
unknown 2024-04-30 ID: RgW2FwZmkd6ewj73wnPxW
Minutes of the April 23, 2024 City Council Special Meeting for Hopewell City, covering council attendance, motions passed, discussions on various topics including conditional use permits, school appropriations, and grant applications.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: 7Y9wfLDcMZCcYmBSvduMI
Agenda for the City Council special meeting in Hopewell, Virginia on April 16, 2024, focusing on the approval of proposed tax rates and the discussion of vacancies in various boards and commissions.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: juEcQ6xPMneO4UifqWxVy
This document is the agenda for a special meeting of the Hopewell City Council. It includes discussions on balancing the FY 2025 budget, vacancies in various boards and commissions, and reviews of financial reports through March 2024.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: aJMdmVPgZAZBlHkqUjBzs
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held to discuss proposed taxes and budget needs for FY25.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: KbMzk2AS14f5VjDlhq0Xn
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on March 28, 2024, focusing on department budget requests.
unknown 2024-03-28 ID: KhwHgtqfx08pyTJNRm53V
Regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council discussing various agenda items including city appointments, zoning ordinance amendments, and the adoption of a towing ordinance.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: l03miT5gQJ51ObUUd7EBF
Agenda for the Hopewell City Council special meeting and work session discussing expenditures, CIP budget, and board/commission vacancies.
unknown 2024-03-21 ID: a3ix8vaE5th98TpMwe9mD
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council on March 12, 2024, including closed meeting, consent agenda, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: nrcmiORqmVdwyxWzMSYSp
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on March 12, 2024. The meeting included discussions on various topics such as contract modification agreements, public hearings on right-of-way vacation and conditional use permits, and approval of city policies and budgetary allocations.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: PhR51v20abDPf37gwgMxI
Minutes from the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on February 27, 2024, including discussions on rezoning, budget appropriations, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: HyZdduNrxv1H85ORtHe2w
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on February 27, 2024, discussing budget revenue, tax propositions, and various city financial matters.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: t684z0TmnuWqRYTVt2tcu
Agenda for the City of Hopewell regular city council meeting on February 27, 2024, including a closed meeting, consent agenda, public hearings, and regular business items.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: L9fHog7qJCgnLXaybbeEw
Agenda for the City of Hopewell's special meeting on February 19, 2024, including discussions on the strategic plan, financial overview, and potential revenue sources.
unknown 2024-02-19 ID: 5SzPOYTd5wHT6MwIRzQKa
Minutes from the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on February 13, 2024, detailing motions, discussions, and public comments.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: rp0Xys7cyuBwP3KGtfe42
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council regular meeting held on January 23, 2024, covering various motions, closed session discussions, work sessions on zoning amendments, redevelopment proposals, and standard operating procedures.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: quiL8lHx7NcKHz8wVWGf1
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on January 22, 2024, discussing the participation of councilors virtually, a closed meeting about a public contract, and reconvening to open meeting.
unknown 2024-01-22 ID: Hp2ajD9qUzO1CII1aiDsH
Agenda for City of Hopewell City Council special meeting to discuss the diagnostic findings of the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: uscTfakJuniuSeXbOFuhz
Minutes of the Hopewell City Council special meeting held on January 18, 2024. Due to lack of quorum, the planning commission took over.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: HRADniLzx18M7JHrkJWLa
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Hopewell City Council held on January 16, 2024. Discussions included remote participation, closed sessions on personnel matters, developmental fees, rezoning proposals, finance reports, and citizen communications.
unknown 2024-01-16 ID: 3McqTuDfJeBliwPqVa2P9