Marion (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Marion (Town) (Agency ID: 249)
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on January 6, 2025, including reports from council members, the mayor, the attorney, and various staff members, as well as updates on special projects and infrastructure.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on December 16, 2024, including public hearings, presentations, and reports on special projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on December 2, 2024, covering topics such as sewer and waterline projects, real estate tax exemption for surviving spouses, and various special projects updates.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, covering public hearings on funding and ordinance amendments, public presentations, and a closed session.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on November 18, 2024, covering opening ceremony, approval of previous minutes and agenda, public hearings, public presentations, committee reports, and various staff reports.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, where various community issues were discussed, including a special use permit for 809 Hickory Lane, presentations from Emory & Henry University students, and public comments on local programs.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, discussing various topics including a rescue operation, a resolution in recognition of heroism, tax exemptions, public comments, and updates on town projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on November 4, 2024, covering opening ceremonies, approval of minutes and agenda, public presentations, committee reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, including discussions on rezoning requests, public hearings, public comments, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on October 21, 2024, including public hearings on rezoning, committee reports, and staff updates.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on October 14, 2024, discussing residential rental inspection guidelines and a tree ordinance.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing recent flooding, public comments, and administrative reports.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on October 7, 2024, including reports from council members, the Vice Mayor, and various departments on flood operations, special projects, and upcoming public hearings.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia held on September 16, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as a tourism update, public comments on traffic concerns, a Forestry Grant, and a sewer project.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on September 16, 2024, including public presentations, committee reports, staff reports, and updates on special projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Planning Commission meeting on September 9, 2024, including public comments and business items such as a church request and ordinance review.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on September 3, 2024, including opening ceremony, approval of minutes and agenda, public presentations, council member committee reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, discussing various community issues, public comments, and administrative updates.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on August 19, 2024, including opening ceremony, approval of minutes, public presentations, committee reports, and updates on various projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Town Council held in the Council Chambers on August 19, 2024. Topics included updates from Emory & Henry School of Health Sciences, the River Walk Extension Project, a proposed Hungry Mother Bike Trail, public safety concerns, and approval of various motions related to community projects and budgets.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on August 12, 2024, including items such as the Marion Tree Ordinance review, rezoning discussion, and proposed residential rental inspection guidelines.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission regular meeting discussing agenda approval, minutes approval, public presentations, introduction of a new Tree Commission member, updates on town code Chapter 76, and Residential Rental Inspection guidelines.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, held on August 5, 2024, discussing various topics including special use permits, public presentations, property discussions, and council appointments.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on August 5, 2024. Includes opening ceremony, approval of minutes and agenda, public hearings, public presentations, committee reports, vice mayor's report, attorney's report, staff reports, and town manager report.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, detailing motions, public presentations, promotions, rezoning requests, loan approvals, and other town matters.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on July 15, 2024, including topics such as rezoning requests, public presentations, committee reports, updates on special projects, and more.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing zoning changes, residential rental inspections, and maintenance of recreational areas.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting held on July 8, 2024. Includes roll call, approval of the agenda, consideration of minutes from June 10, 2024, public comment time, and business items such as rezoning requests and discussions.
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Marion Town Council discussing recreation projects, tax levy, Virginia Code adoption, and more.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing topics such as real estate tax rates, the budget adoption for 2024-2025, public presentations, and other community matters.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission meeting discussing rezoning requests, special use applications, and proposed campground guidelines.
Agenda for the Marion Town Planning Commission meeting on June 10, 2024, including items such as rezoning requests and special use applications.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on June 3, 2024, including public presentations, committee reports, budget discussions, and updates on various projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, covering discussions on budget allocations, public presentations, and closed session topics.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on May 20, 2024, including public hearings on the fiscal 24-25 annual budget and reports from various committees and staff.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission on May 13, 2024, discussing zoning issues, a special use permit for Savida Health, and campground regulations.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on May 13, 2024, including roll call, consideration of previous minutes, public comment, and discussion items such as campground regulations.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting scheduled for May 6th, 2024, covering opening ceremonies, public presentations, committee reports, budget discussions, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, held on May 6, 2024. Discussions included budget proposals, resolutions for Community Development Block Grant, recognition of National Police Week, and various public presentations.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, covering topics such as zoning ordinance updates, public hearings on rezoning and special use permits, approval of accounts, and passing of a revitalization resolution.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on April 15, 2024, including public hearings, committee reports, staff updates, and special projects.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting to discuss rezoning, campground regulations, flood plain ordinance, special use permit request, and revitalization area consideration.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission meeting held on April 8, 2024, discussing topics such as Savida Health's special use permit, Market Street rezoning, housing revitalization analysis, flood plain ordinance, campground regulations, and a special use permit for an in-home childcare service.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, covering topics such as public presentations, approvals, and updates from various departments.
The agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on April 1, 2024, including reports from council members, vice mayor, attorney, staff, and town manager. Special projects and updates on public works are discussed.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, held on March 18, 2024. The meeting covered approval of previous meeting minutes, a public presentation by police department and community members, financial accounts approval, and discussions on community projects and legal counsel.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on March 18, 2024, including opening ceremony, approval of minutes, public presentations, committee reports, vice mayor's and attorney's reports, staff reports, and town manager updates.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission meeting held on March 11, 2024, discussing topics such as a proposed animal crematory, Cedar Street right of way, Dragon’s Edge signage, and vacant commission seat candidates.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on March 11, 2024, including discussion items such as an animal crematorium, right of way vacation of Cedar Street, Dragon's Edge signage, a vacant planning commissioner seat, and a rental visual inspection recap.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, including the adoption of a resolution for a bond issuance.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting in Marion, Virginia on March 4, 2024. Topics discussed included a resolution for David Matney, a donation presentation, financial updates, animal control concerns, property abatement policies, an FY 2023 audit report, and various community service updates.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on March 4, 2024, covering various topics including public presentations, committee reports, and updates on special projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on February 20, 2024. Includes committee reports, staff reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, held on February 20, 2024, covering topics such as public presentations, finance committee referrals, and updates from various departments.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission meeting held on February 12, 2024, discussing the Warming Center, public opposition, and zoning issues.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on February 12, 2024, including roll call, consideration of minutes from January 8, 2023, public comments, warming center discussions, revitalization district discussions, and other business.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, held on February 5, 2024, discussing various topics including public presentations, financial reinvestment, and upcoming meetings.
Marion Town Council agenda for the meeting on February 5, 2024, including public presentations, committee reports, staff reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of a called meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing investments, sound issues at the Lincoln Theatre, District 3 operations, and personnel matters in closed session.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, including discussions on FOIA/COIA training, public presentations, public comments, and various motions on town operations.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on January 16, 2024, including a worksession on FOIA/COIA Training, public presentations, committee and mayor's reports, staff updates, and a closed session.
Minutes of a called meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, including attendance, invocation, pledge, closed session on personnel, and adjournment.
Minutes of a called meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, including closed sessions for personnel discussion.
Agenda for the Town of Marion Planning Commission meeting on January 8, 2024, discussing topics such as re-alignment of Inspection District 1, proposed town code program, rental property application, and accessory structure requests.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing zoning laws, property inspections, and new business including a zoning permit request.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting, including public presentations, committee reports, the mayor's and attorney's reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing various topics including resolutions, public comments, and committee motions.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia on December 18, 2023, including discussions on water line issues, Monuments Across Appalachian Virginia Proposal, public comments, and other town matters.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on December 18, 2023, including public presentations, committee reports, staff updates, and special projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission, including approval of agenda and previous meeting minutes, discussion on zoning laws revision, and new business regarding FOIA administration.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia held on December 4, 2023. Discussions included transportation shortfalls, zoning ordinance updates, and approval of an RBEG loan application.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on December 4, 2023, including approval of minutes, public presentation, committee reports, mayor's and attorney's reports, staff reports, assistant town manager report, and closed session.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing the revision and recodification of zoning laws, including rental inspections.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on November 6, 2023, covering approval of minutes, public presentations, committee reports, mayor's report, attorney's report, staff reports, zoning updates, town manager report, and closed session.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia. Discussions included updates on the Farmer’s Market, Halloween events, the Fire Chief position, and various other town matters.
Agenda for Marion Town Council meeting held on October 16, 2023, including public presentations, public hearings, council member reports, and updates on town projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission held on October 9, 2023, discussing zoning laws, setbacks, and welcoming a new commissioner.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on October 2, 2023, including approval of minutes, public presentations, reports from council members, mayor, attorney, staff, and town manager.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, including discussions on hospital updates, resolutions, and upcoming events.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on September 18, 2023. Includes opening ceremony, approval of minutes, council member reports, mayor's report, attorney's report, staff reports, and special project updates.
Minutes of the Marion Planning Commission meeting held on September 11, 2023, discussing zoning law revisions and new appointments.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on September 5, 2023, covering public presentations, public hearings on ordinance updates, various council member reports, mayor's report, attorney's report, and staff reports on economic development, zoning, special projects, and more.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing various topics including public presentations, grants, resolutions, and agreements.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on August 21, 2023. Includes council reports, public presentations, staff reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing zoning laws, election of officers, and BAUD project updates.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on August 7, 2023, covering public presentations, committee reports, staff reports, special projects, and closed session.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, held on July 17, 2023, covering agenda approvals, public hearings on special use permits and EMS rates, ordinance changes, and community issues such as sewer service reimbursement and food truck operations.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on July 17, 2023, covering public presentations, hearings, committee reports, staff reports, and special projects.
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Marion, Virginia, held on June 30, 2023. The meeting covered topics such as the adoption of the 2023-2024 budget, EMS task force proposal, setting new EMS rates, sewer project bond funding, and the adoption of the Virginia Code as amended. It also included discussions on tax levies and parking issues with Smyth County.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting scheduled for June 19, 2023, including approval of minutes, public hearings on the fiscal 2023/24 budget, committee reports, mayor's and attorney's reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing zoning laws, BAUD project progress, and special use permits.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on June 5, 2023, covering topics such as approval of minutes, public hearings on rezoning and special use requests, committee reports, mayor's and attorney's reports, staff reports, town manager's report, and closed session.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on June 5, 2023, covering topics such as rezoning requests, special use permits, public presentations, and various resolutions.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Marion, Virginia, discussing public presentations, public comments, resolutions, and various town projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on May 15, 2023, including public presentations, committee reports, and updates on special projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission, where discussions included rezoning requests, special use permits, and revisions of zoning laws.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting held on May 1, 2023, including committee reports, mayor's and attorney's reports, staff reports, town manager report, and updates on special projects.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on April 17, 2023, including public presentations, hearings on ordinance changes, committee reports, and special projects updates.
Minutes from a regular meeting of the Marion Planning Commission discussing zoning laws, the BAUD project, and the need for easier town code readability.
Agenda for the Marion Town Council meeting on April 3, 2023, including opening ceremony, approval of minutes, public presentations, public hearings, committee reports, mayor's report, attorney's report, staff reports, and town manager report with updates on special projects.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.