Lovettsville (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Lovettsville (Town) (Agency ID: 246)

List of boards, committees, and commissions for the Town of Lovettsville in 2024, including chairpersons and members.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: EIWvTUX6S8LPazHSCNYOs
Invitation to bid for the East Broad Way Improvements project, including roadway, sidewalks, lighting, storm drainage, and landscaping in Lovettsville, Virginia.
unknown 2024-10-07 ID: l1NTFSYalyqmCkWJVvHfU
The Town of Lovettsville, Virginia is seeking proposals from experienced and qualified event management service providers to plan and execute the annual Lovettsville Oktoberfest. The RFP outlines responsibilities including the management of food and beverage sales, entertainment, marketing, and logistics for the event scheduled for the last full weekend of September.
unknown 2024-09-30 ID: W6L3z9UK3k9T1SWtf8blR
This document provides definitions and rules of construction applicable to zoning and land use within the Town of Lovettsville. It includes definitions for various terms such as 'accessory apartment', 'agriculture', 'antique store', 'apartment', and 'automobile filling station'. It offers a comprehensive overview of the terms used within the zoning policy.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: IXw4E5CjLcKSwAJRbRKf2
Public hearing agenda for Phase 2A East Broad Way improvements in Lovettsville, detailing traffic volumes, project constraints, and design considerations.
unknown 2023-04-27 ID: L2ImzIQtdDLYqENM2sMy6
Notice of public hearing by the Lovettsville Town Council on the East Broad Way 2A Streetscape Improvements project, including project design, schedule, environmental document, and right-of-way requirements.
unknown 2023-03-23 ID: RArmq0ShIa1ZdWhwS6V8u
The 2023 calendar for the Town of Lovettsville, including Town Council and Planning Commission meetings, special events, and observed holidays.
unknown 2023-01-01 ID: sNC7c1ibWUkOLuYRt8orH
The Town of Lovettsville Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2023 provides information about the quality of drinking water, including sources, treatment processes, and contaminant levels compared to federal and state standards.
unknown 2023-01-01 ID: QbrBa33IJzFOd4h6KPvvg
This document is the Town of Lovettsville's Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for the calendar year 2022. It provides information about the quality of drinking water, sources, treatment processes, contaminants, and health standards.
unknown 2022-12-31 ID: 6LfK8aE3oGDeY0KOZTPez
The Town of Lovettsville's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 and the proposed 5-year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2023-2027. It includes the Town Manager's priorities, fiscal policies, and details on the General Fund.
unknown 2022-01-20 ID: CSbzAw2gOwH1aAKQl1FTe
The Town of Lovettsville's financial policy outlines the accounting, auditing, financial reporting standards, revenue management, budget management, cash and reserve management, and debt management strategies. It includes guidelines for the General Fund, Utilities Fund, and Events Fund, ensuring fiscal stability and prudent financial management.
unknown 2022-01-20 ID: SLRTGGxc2F7KuSXeGOI2S
This report provides information on the drinking water quality in the Town of Lovettsville for the year 2021. It includes details about water sources, treatment processes, contaminants, health information, and conservation tips.
unknown 2021-12-31 ID: Kid6qLqNMUURfOirCYl2i
The Lovettsville Transportation Master Plan outlines the policy foundation for local standards, regulations, capital improvements, and development proposals related to transportation. It includes public engagement insights, a list of improvement projects, and goals for the Town’s transportation networks.
unknown 2021-09-23 ID: lmspXa8dcGGhdi29PunK9
A market analysis presentation for Lovettsville, Virginia, assessing trade area definition, demographics, retail opportunities, and recommendations.
unknown 2021-03-15 ID: 5gthGmmTTwMOl08uxP7fM
This document is a financial and compliance report for the Town of Lovettsville, Virginia, covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. It includes the independent auditors' report, management's discussion and analysis, financial statements, notes to financial statements, and supplementary information.
unknown 2020-06-30 ID: sOT1C2XzgD2Y1LeyYBnDf
The FY21-FY25 Capital Improvement Plan outlines proposed projects and funding sources for various infrastructure improvements in Lovettsville (Town) over five years.
unknown 2019-12-19 ID: gGiDjS8gGzgqX3VLkuZhs
This Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for calendar year 2018 provides information about the quality of drinking water in Lovettsville, its sources, treatment processes, and compliance with federal and state standards.
unknown 2018-12-31 ID: bFZ1RuCKyFSWfV6BtswLw
This document is the Town Square Master Plan for Lovettsville, Virginia, prepared by Mahan Rykiel Associates in April 2018. It outlines the assessment, input, and concept for developing the Lovettsville Town Square Park and surrounding areas. The plan includes community feedback, design principles, and recommendations for improving connectivity, activity, and safety in the park.
unknown 2018-04-01 ID: citGQvjzb8Y8hVoz1No28
The Town Square Master Plan for Lovettsville outlines proposed developments and enhancements to the town square area, including infill development, traffic adjustments, public parking, and gathering spaces.
unknown 2018-03-01 ID: dYyntiKGSG8ef7hfwivtP
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting, including closed session, presentations, reports, and action items.
unknown 2018-02-08 ID: M89gLNqBPCJqB9rTLbX85
Agenda for the Policy Carryover Subcommittee meeting discussing rural policy area, redevelopment, growth management, and green infrastructure.
unknown 2018-01-09 ID: kewZiDHS2fnYjmKQ64PfH
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on December 20, 2017. Includes discussions on public hearings, approval of past meeting minutes, a report from the Planning/Zoning Administrator, and actions on conditional use permits.
unknown 2017-12-20 ID: SliUbEaKPNHNRRal77lPC
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on December 14, 2017, including reports, action items, and discussion points.
unknown 2017-12-14 ID: HHTEGYVBPCptfdRJJvkgw
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council meeting on November 16, 2017, including special programs, presentations, public comments, committee reports, and action items.
unknown 2017-11-16 ID: Z5NAGCogqIUD6MIH1AdgW
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on November 2, 2017, at the Lovettsville Town Hall. The agenda includes a call to order, presentations by Michelle Gowdy, comments from the public, review of minutes from previous meetings, information items, comments from the Mayor and Town Council, and adjournment.
unknown 2017-11-02 ID: Dim1McPkSjt8GYtOKJdJd
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing on October 12, 2017, including presentations, committee reports, financial report, and action items.
unknown 2017-10-12 ID: hVRGJcgPs2LItPqFwnlYj
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing held on October 12, 2017, covering closed sessions, community presentations, committee reports, financial updates, and action/discussion items.
unknown 2017-10-12 ID: Daq79q61WXFRyOQyOqhI3
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Regular Meeting held on September 14, 2017, including closed sessions, presentations, reports, and action items.
unknown 2017-09-14 ID: UEqFi1Fnnakgxyjv4jdk3
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing held on August 24, 2017. Topics discussed include public comments, committee reports, approval of previous meeting minutes, financial reports, town manager report, zoning amendments, code enforcement, infrastructure projects, and community events.
unknown 2017-08-24 ID: JF1SVy1WGDhjNfiIHzmJ5
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on August 16, 2017, covering topics such as election of vice chair, zoning ordinance amendments, and reports from commissioners.
unknown 2017-08-16 ID: 4yqwomKPbsgrnEHmkcrU6
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on August 2, 2017. The meeting included approval of previous meeting minutes, a zoning administrator report, discussion on zoning ordinance amendments, and reports on upcoming events.
unknown 2017-08-02 ID: bGev732qloJL14CvhYuea
Minutes of the July 13, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council. Topics included closed session for council vacancy, community presentations, committee reports, action items, and discussion items.
unknown 2017-07-13 ID: SvpjHjuQGOr1uJ1AnDY7x
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Planning Commission regular meeting held on July 5, 2017, covering topics such as election of officers, zoning ordinance amendments, and committee reports.
unknown 2017-07-05 ID: 2pZqgyB2EuHzJ7T5BcB37
This document is the financial and compliance report for the Town of Lovettsville, Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. It includes the independent auditors' report on financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, supplementary information, and compliance section.
unknown 2017-06-30 ID: NqJVFfqlQebnlTtTYnKrl
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on June 21, 2017, including discussions on zoning districts and committee reports.
unknown 2017-06-21 ID: 9JA3Vbz2esqTifh86wUr5
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Special Meeting on June 1, 2017, including presentations, public comments, agenda modifications, updates, and discussion of the FY 18 Budget & Schedule of Fees.
unknown 2017-06-01 ID: TnHG5YNtzIQ6O4K04OERa
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on May 18, 2017, including presentations, public comments, staff reports, action items, and closed session.
unknown 2017-05-18 ID: OzRUvwghl9tg6W9sFdVrp
Minutes from the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on May 17, 2017. Discussions included a wellhead protection support letter, a proclamation honoring Joseph Mueller, and various community activities.
unknown 2017-05-17 ID: IeX8EkEH0YK9V02dY1R8U
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council held on May 11, 2017, at the Lovettsville Town Hall. The agenda includes presentations, reports, action items, and updates.
unknown 2017-05-11 ID: ATpkPXWGTZ52VBkYLsACV
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing on May 11, 2017. Discussions included issues with water billing estimations, amendments to sign and child care home ordinances, public comments on inoperable vehicle enforcement, and approval of a performance bond for the Loudoun West Subdivision.
unknown 2017-05-11 ID: gVO0xpSFsXWdKFuGxRlWX
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on May 3, 2017, addressing zoning ordinance amendments, traffic impact analysis requirements, and zoning permits.
unknown 2017-05-03 ID: LrEEXo8KmOwceTV7OSF3d
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Special Meeting held on April 27, 2017, including action and discussion items such as setting a schedule of fees and budget for a public hearing, and town code on inoperable vehicles.
unknown 2017-04-27 ID: t7tz9wbUPZl9PdpOMoF8O
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting held on April 27, 2017. Topics discussed included a car show event proposal, public comments on code enforcement issues, and setting tax rate schedule and budget limits.
unknown 2017-04-27 ID: ioIk4Ckyip8aJTSWGvY7U
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Special Meeting scheduled on April 25, 2017.
unknown 2017-04-25 ID: TwnaXEnyGwzZ5iHpvC5Yx
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting held on April 25, 2017, covering discussions on the FY 2016 financial audit report and FY 18 budget work session.
unknown 2017-04-25 ID: FqepexnQAomc2OQFnfabI
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Regular Meeting and Public Hearing scheduled for April 6, 2017, including presentations, reports, and discussion items.
unknown 2017-04-06 ID: HbdclHUbeOn9HLMR1g7Vu
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing held on April 6, 2017, covering topics such as zoning ordinance amendments, community presentations, approval of previous meeting minutes, and budget discussions.
unknown 2017-04-06 ID: O8LlvSasewP6RVetG8BI3
This document outlines the rights of requesters and the responsibilities of the Town of Lovettsville under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It details how to make a FOIA request, the town's responsibilities in responding to requests, costs involved, and commonly used exemptions.
unknown 2017-04-06 ID: yiMSZPCIzu7Ssaag7valb
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting held on March 30, 2017, covering discussions on the FY 2018 budget and branding materials.
unknown 2017-03-30 ID: u2h3azbA1PvLS1MYItSST
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting on March 29, 2017, discussing the FY 2018 budget, technology for video and agenda management, and community survey plans.
unknown 2017-03-29 ID: uubxKQ304Vr2FMfOoG2d7
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council's regular meeting on March 23, 2017, including discussions on public comments, reports, action items such as the Keep Lovettsville Beautiful Proclamation, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Amendments, Clock Tower Faces, and a Budget Q&A session.
unknown 2017-03-23 ID: tEyN6MWP1tx2qZoWpXAL7
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting scheduled for March 23, 2017, covering reports, public comments, and discussion items.
unknown 2017-03-23 ID: pjjWsDaUCuPB4mmyfM9wG
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on March 9, 2017. Topics discussed include the American Diabetes Association Alert Day Proclamation, zoning ordinance amendments, various committee updates, planning commission reports, and the fiscal year 2018 budget presentation.
unknown 2017-03-09 ID: ajQUmeTp7i6b1LxykEXDP
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Regular Meeting on March 9, 2017, covering presentations, community reports, committee reports, action items, and informational items.
unknown 2017-03-09 ID: 2UPgCitKoCmkbUF8NWiPB
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on March 1, 2017, discussing zoning ordinance amendments, traffic impact analysis requirements, sign regulations, and amendments to bylaws and rules of procedure.
unknown 2017-03-01 ID: j2H0PhujAv7A8k8Zk5kLo
Minutes of the February 23, 2017 regular meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council, covering discussions on the water and sewer billing timeline, budget schedule for FY 2018, and various reports from town officials.
unknown 2017-02-23 ID: FsQjZHCFkc8rVWaCvQeiY
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on February 23, 2017.
unknown 2017-02-23 ID: bl6Zbu5DgtqutwnhV4WFc
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on February 9, 2017, including a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission. Topics discussed include amendments to the floodplain zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan, and various reports from town committees and staff.
unknown 2017-02-09 ID: mfkSdNNKKhLaCsglq5Czw
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council Annual Retreat held on February 4, 2017, discussing legislative and administrative procedures, budget priorities, and social media engagement.
unknown 2017-02-04 ID: SjglsJXX4etDp94lJInc5
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing held on January 26, 2017, covering discussions on community events, infrastructure needs, the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and other agenda items.
unknown 2017-01-26 ID: nFUaLohdcxgKrrKpufMT8
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Regular Meeting scheduled for January 19, 2017, at the Lovettsville Town Hall.
unknown 2017-01-19 ID: 7F12JEW6Quw8ciG7gVK2Q
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission meeting held on January 18, 2017, including discussions on zoning amendments, floodplain regulations, and annual reports.
unknown 2017-01-18 ID: f59Jpitatp5d3l3u6NWVa
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission and Town Council meeting discussing zoning amendments related to annexation, specifically for the Lovettsville Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company.
unknown 2016-12-21 ID: 3HQhZgygdfe0KqecHO6MR
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting scheduled for December 15, 2016.
unknown 2016-12-15 ID: uXRwyL8Q4fGQ2G7lsqan6
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on December 15, 2016, discussing topics such as public comments, water and sewer issues, and the comprehensive plan.
unknown 2016-12-15 ID: JT7sNLl0jhSIOBFnfvzZR
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council Special Meeting on December 8, 2016. Includes presentations, public comments, reports, and action/discussion items.
unknown 2016-12-08 ID: oN3t6aqtXfm6vTnwX2D6R
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission regular meeting held on December 7, 2016, discussing zoning amendments, annexation procedures, and changes to sign regulations.
unknown 2016-12-07 ID: 2zhCcdDphbo2aRuUVFsEA
Minutes of the Lovettsville Planning Commission's regular meeting and public hearing, discussing amendments to the 2011 Comprehensive Plan and other town activities.
unknown 2016-11-16 ID: dv2kMq07ZFzDpSK411xmF
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council Special Meeting held on November 6, 2016, focusing on a comprehensive plan review and various town planning and development issues.
unknown 2016-11-06 ID: kqOwxOC30L6tBlq1gcOnd
Agenda for the Lovettsville Mayor and Town Council Retreat focusing on the Comprehensive Plan Review, including discussions on economic development, housing, land use, transportation, public facilities, and utilities.
unknown 2016-11-06 ID: S8qOTvKYHjRMyc5VJIJTZ
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on November 3, 2016, including presentations, reports, and discussion items.
unknown 2016-11-03 ID: yjOUzLbN6cyQOrbdyb8a2
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on October 20, 2016, including presentations, reports, and action items.
unknown 2016-10-20 ID: 6r9uytyhhU6WeFvAFoGyq
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on October 20, 2016, including reports, public comments, committee updates, and discussions on various town matters.
unknown 2016-10-20 ID: kmcNSC8qgbRjLnnIQmu93
Minutes from the Lovettsville Planning Commission regular meeting held on October 19, 2016, discussing zoning administrator reports, sign regulation amendments, and other town planning activities.
unknown 2016-10-19 ID: oFZ5Ucvv65vx5VR2iMiCI
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on October 6, 2016, including discussions on budget amendments, community presentations, and committee updates.
unknown 2016-10-06 ID: iSolWU3Fjk76XzkBG3w8l
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council held on September 15, 2016, including discussions on Constitution Week proclamation, various committee reports, infrastructure projects, and budget amendments.
unknown 2016-09-15 ID: eFik8o8jLyb3fabAmn6fD
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on September 15, 2016.
unknown 2016-09-15 ID: gqzQt9JnOiq2iPmAEwNj2
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council scheduled for September 8, 2016, covering presentations, reports, budget discussion, and other town matters.
unknown 2016-09-08 ID: 4V1MQTrhGCrqZVICebli1
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on September 8, 2016. The meeting included presentations, community updates, committee reports, and a budget discussion.
unknown 2016-09-08 ID: 9u9otgk9S0bSZubzj6VG8
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on August 25, 2016. Includes presentations, committee reports, and discussion items.
unknown 2016-08-25 ID: eTrbi4sNgN2pHVh1V5P2d
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on August 25, 2016, discussing town issues including a fence dispute, noise ordinance amendments, and various community and committee reports.
unknown 2016-08-25 ID: Zdjvx6JhGMDH3qxdL5gjD
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting scheduled for August 11, 2016, including presentations, reports, and action items.
unknown 2016-08-11 ID: 9kdtHXxYMhhwp80mfX4Oh
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council held on August 11, 2016, covering presentations, reports, and actions taken by the council.
unknown 2016-08-11 ID: LucOsUNVBx0HIMTsNqvS2
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on July 28, 2016, covering various community and administrative topics including public safety updates, community concerns, committee reports, and council actions.
unknown 2016-07-28 ID: 9EDZJHxqFTbd3U6BSKblJ
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting on July 28, 2016, including presentations from the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office, community presentations, committee reports, staff reports, and discussion items.
unknown 2016-07-28 ID: lca80YqsJh3YAE1XoFrOp
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on July 14, 2016, covering discussions and decisions on water and sewer compliance, selection of a new auditor, election of Vice Mayor, and committee structures.
unknown 2016-07-14 ID: iH7OM4ukEEpuTTaOAZgv7
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting, including presentations, reports, and action items.
unknown 2016-07-14 ID: 5iuHPGshO6XpLTXDJ5NZZ
This document is a comprehensive financial and compliance report for the Town of Lovettsville, Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. It includes the independent auditor's report, management's discussion and analysis, financial statements, notes to the financial statements, and various supplementary information.
unknown 2016-06-30 ID: d3NbzhBoDS4mFjnBNDoZT
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting on June 23, 2016, including planning commission interviews, fiscal policy amendment, and FOIA officer designation.
unknown 2016-06-23 ID: TGWv9v4OzhjiS0vlWzYy3
This document contains the minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on June 16, 2016, covering various topics including committee reports, zoning ordinance reviews, and the FY 2017 budget vote.
unknown 2016-06-16 ID: THlDRoYRpCK1AgIql5qxY
Minutes of the regular meeting and public hearing of the Lovettsville Town Council held on May 19, 2016. Includes discussions on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, clock tower face options, and the need for immediate inspector support.
unknown 2016-05-19 ID: pAaPhjWhglidRawKWvwYO
Minutes from the Lovettsville Town Council's regular meeting and public hearing on May 12, 2016. Topics included a conditional use permit for a 7-Eleven, bike station plans, clock tower face designs, and a fiscal policy review.
unknown 2016-05-12 ID: 43y2JbPY2MuhhGSE3pL2x
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting and public hearing scheduled for May 12, 2016, at the Lovettsville Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company.
unknown 2016-05-12 ID: 3ZefnDHhnyqL4tF5oophj
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council meeting held on April 28, 2016, including discussions on zoning ordinance amendment, AT&T Short Hill Mountain application, budget options, and various committee reports.
unknown 2016-04-28 ID: hhqkjvMCt45PPlm0pAeYf
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council's special meeting on April 25, 2016, discussing the FY 2017 budget, potential establishment of a police department, and capital projects.
unknown 2016-04-25 ID: BfXr7HF6db9m6YVjPbmvH
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council special meeting held on April 21, 2016, discussing topics such as the viability of a town police department, street sign replacement materials, and the capital improvement plan.
unknown 2016-04-21 ID: swHZyFcSEhyMXtA2AI1gb
Minutes of the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on April 14, 2016, discussing various town matters including reports from committees, action items, and resolutions.
unknown 2016-04-14 ID: Fz7FRKfAJuegZdAnP5IDY
Minutes from the special meeting of the Lovettsville Town Council held on April 7, 2016, including discussions on market study results, zoning ordinance amendment, bond approval, and budget work session.
unknown 2016-04-07 ID: XpmmdYltcHFlCTmVBoRbf
Agenda for the Lovettsville Town Council regular meeting held on March 10, 2016, at the Lovettsville Town Hall. Includes reports from various committees and presentations from community entities.
unknown 2016-03-10 ID: cyo95zResx6Rxcd84y06y
The financial report for the Town of Lovettsville, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, including the independent auditors’ report, management’s discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, and supplementary information.
unknown 2016-02-16 ID: bS9sUnosA7USlTFSP8Mdp

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.