Franklin (City)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Franklin (City) (Agency ID: 24)

Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on December 9, 2024, including a public hearing on a General Obligation Note and various resolutions related to the city budget and other matters.
unknown 2024-12-09 ID: 4NgftHb6GIDKZxvy8fznN
Franklin City Council agenda for the regular meeting on November 25, 2024, including items such as the approval of October 28, 2024 meeting minutes, city manager's report, and council appointments.
unknown 2024-11-25 ID: Mu24PtjvCCsChQtDmw3G5
Franklin City Council agenda including presentations on RFP results, capital planning updates, and approval request for a battery energy storage system agreement.
unknown 2024-11-25 ID: ILTdnVe8aKt4VS2p8SkZo
Minutes of the Franklin City Council meeting held on September 23, 2024, covering various agenda items including introduction of new employees, approval of previous meeting minutes, budget amendments, and public comments.
unknown 2024-09-23 ID: 1AuM4RKgDO70qjkmLENFs
Agenda for the Franklin City Council Regular Meeting on September 9, 2024, covering approval of previous meeting minutes, proclamations for Hunger Action Month and Constitution Week, ordinances regarding erosion and sedimentation, and updates on old and new business.
unknown 2024-09-09 ID: ySHBAbUqWE9it4C2KBFmQ
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on August 26, 2024, including items such as public hearings on tax rate ratification, ordinances, budget amendments, and reports from boards and commissions.
unknown 2024-08-26 ID: h7VeF1sOoKv8UiYfzTZZa
Franklin City Council agenda covering work session topics, introduction of new employees, consent agenda for previous meeting minutes, public hearings on various matters, and ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-08-12 ID: c7lONujl0ZfL4fIUggJLh
Franklin City Council Agenda for July 22, 2024, including work sessions, recognition of employees, resolutions, ordinances, financial matters, and reports.
unknown 2024-07-22 ID: 5NoNpPHsssQWIAaVMKjt8
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on July 8, 2024, covering consent agenda approvals, ordinances and resolutions, financial matters, and other business.
unknown 2024-07-08 ID: SrvQ0WEYLcrqV6ooJWi1P
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on June 24, 2024, which includes items such as a resolution on opioid-related claims, budget amendments, zoning amendments, and updates on cemetery regulations.
unknown 2024-06-24 ID: 8IC85mAoMX8BdPTgf3UMj
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on June 3, 2024, covering topics such as budget adoption, resolutions for various awareness months and weeks, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: 73oIJQeGBwo8BFIZAYw01
The document is the agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on May 13, 2024, covering work sessions, regular meeting items such as resolutions for National Police Week, Foster Care Awareness Month, financial matters including FY 25 Budget hearings, and other council business.
unknown 2024-05-13 ID: a7rUZM8FF0nMNbzDIWvkV
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on April 22, 2024, including discussions on new employee introductions, approval of previous meeting minutes, resolutions for Child Abuse Prevention Month and other proclamations, financial matters, and reports from the City Manager and Council.
unknown 2024-04-22 ID: jh0DMo24kiEQo2EuoSDTh
Franklin City Council agenda for the meeting on April 8, 2024, including a budget work session, regular meeting with proclamations, resolutions, financial matters, and closed session.
unknown 2024-04-08 ID: KzfJ9CfJ8I9CnGFlTWkOh
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on March 25, 2024, including budget work session, consent agenda, financial matters, and closed session.
unknown 2024-03-25 ID: 9XNaribRq8SLwSdd4dI9U
This document is the agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on March 11, 2024, detailing items such as financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-03-11 ID: ZFgwtzyUKYe9CjXhorVa1
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on February 12, 2024, including consent agenda items, financial matters, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-02-12 ID: YnvmXUJuMeaebtpuK2TkN
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on February 26, 2024, covering consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed session.
unknown 2024-02-12 ID: cSzLkpjg3I6Lu5p7hrUVc
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on January 22, 2024, including closed session for school board interviews, budget work session, and regular meeting items.
unknown 2024-01-22 ID: g7T5AutsEBUs5bo0sAAhj
This document is the agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on January 8, 2024. It includes a work session with the Department of Historic Resources, a regular meeting with various agenda items such as budget amendments, policy discussions, and public hearings related to school board nominations and community development block grants.
unknown 2024-01-08 ID: mrSrFRznry90xnvTEIfvS
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on December 11, 2023, covering consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and a closed session.
unknown 2023-12-11 ID: NBpxJpbuqAu9ZTyLKOb3R
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting on November 13, 2023, including items such as consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and council/staff reports.
unknown 2023-11-13 ID: DD35IMIrIHxsnxdigZGKl
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting held on October 23, 2023, covering consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and reports.
unknown 2023-10-23 ID: W7Ty9lpPxHrM4UKvAzzki
Franklin City Council agenda for the meeting on September 25, 2023, includes work sessions, budget amendments, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2023-09-25 ID: KkWHTggzkcguBewqf4GCM
The agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on September 11, 2023, includes discussions on budget amendments, a food truck ordinance, and comprehensive zoning amendments.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: sttfxBP8Go9AUzLCbRPsg
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on August 28, 2023, covering topics such as zoning ordinance amendments, public hearings on food truck ordinance and comprehensive zoning amendments, and reports from the City Manager.
unknown 2023-08-28 ID: ZDEpKDB2AhCINO4BRrhG1
Franklin City Council agenda for the regular meeting held on August 14, 2023. It includes a consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business discussions, and reports from the City Manager.
unknown 2023-08-14 ID: wEWCp0pKuYaQbbOwxcdXC
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on July 24, 2023, including various agenda items such as financial matters, alley abandonment, and closed sessions.
unknown 2023-07-24 ID: idreOIPXyE1jWDmIOTBd7
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on July 10, 2023, including consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and reports.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: 52diyZL8hjaCGQceL6wAX
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting scheduled for June 26, 2023, including consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and adjournment.
unknown 2023-06-26 ID: cphRbdBxHAWRygSRE79Iv
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting scheduled for June 12, 2023, covering consent agenda items, financial matters, and reports.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: bNgR0enJsaY1d3cUOcHv1
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting scheduled on May 22, 2023, covering consent agenda items, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed session.
unknown 2023-05-22 ID: bVVyC62RJ4G3syv5eC5oR
Franklin City Council agenda for the regular meeting on May 8, 2023, including consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and reports.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: Erm6aKs1ncMYo9cAaqcLn
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on April 24, 2023, covering topics such as financial matters, old/new business, and various resolutions.
unknown 2023-04-24 ID: FgzWmFreJeLdEtTEPgnmx
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on April 10, 2023. Includes consent agenda items, old/new business discussions, council/staff reports, and details on a closed session.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: AB4wsG3IE8hJyDjSyILKo
Agenda for Franklin City Council meeting on March 27, 2023, including a budget work session, regular meeting items such as consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and council/staff reports.
unknown 2023-03-27 ID: nQHw0o5yPQTsOTQAmEloC
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on March 13, 2023, including budget work session, regular meeting items such as financial matters, old/new business, council and staff reports.
unknown 2023-03-13 ID: jDV5ASRYL15SjDajL2pMA
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting held on February 27, 2023, including items such as approval of minutes, introduction of new employees, financial matters, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2023-02-27 ID: Gaxl0WnAD2O1C4JiheOlR
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on February 13, 2023, including closed session, consent agenda, old/new business, and council/staff reports.
unknown 2023-02-13 ID: jASMcNA7owgllts7CEvZ6
Franklin City Council agenda for January 23, 2023, covering topics such as budget requests, financial matters, transit feasibility study, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2023-01-23 ID: dlCC5lvizH8gF0H2JggKH
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on January 9, 2023, including items such as swearing in ceremony, selection of Vice-Mayor, financial matters, and old/new business.
unknown 2023-01-09 ID: 9LP8nC9NIBzq9hRnAcHmp
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on December 12, 2022, including items such as consent agenda, financial matters, and old/new business.
unknown 2022-12-12 ID: HssdgygYSB6MffbVQwrY3
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on November 28, 2022, including work session with the Planning Commission, resolutions, financial matters, public hearing, and closed session topics.
unknown 2022-11-28 ID: zRwBmrfGLQVfeQMi19fTg
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on November 14, 2022, including closed session discussions, financial matters, resolutions, and various reports.
unknown 2022-11-14 ID: gTUfuZnEbMAZ3qzVrjMvq
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Franklin City Council on October 24, 2022, including consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and closed session topics.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: MwqUPDRl3kXD6X6K8OFyv
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on September 26, 2022, covering various topics such as the interview of architectural firms for the courthouse project, financial matters, and updates on the Blackwater Regional Library and Isle of Wight County Enterprise Zone Expansion.
unknown 2022-09-26 ID: r4d7UpbojwVuj92qJSS6Q
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on September 12, 2022, including regular meeting items, consent agenda, old/new business, reports, and closed session topics.
unknown 2022-09-12 ID: KnayepuVoS9Rl4GJTlEJc
The agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on August 22, 2022, including work session, regular meeting, consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, reports, and closed session details.
unknown 2022-08-22 ID: 8UglFT4rvdcXa2DiPmqf1
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on August 8, 2022, covering topics such as consent agenda approvals, old/new business discussions, and closed session details.
unknown 2022-08-08 ID: KQAUfTRMTlMyDzFPoAc2f
The agenda for the City of Franklin's City Council meeting held on July 25, 2022, covering various city matters including budget amendments, city manager evaluations, and public hearings on Langston Court lot sale and redistricting ordinance.
unknown 2022-07-25 ID: K4Y1bqHIlTBMiSwa95yAK
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on July 25, 2022, including topics such as budget amendments, closed sessions, and public hearings.
unknown 2022-07-25 ID: HLHRqoRhzID8FLcLcE3l6
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on July 11, 2022, including items such as the approval of previous meeting minutes, public hearings, ordinances, and reports.
unknown 2022-07-11 ID: u3sGfjH4F6rsAPwiao4bQ
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on June 27, 2022, including school board interviews, financial matters, resolutions, and budget amendments.
unknown 2022-06-27 ID: tF0yT3VChIwuSUv4wD2w4
Agenda for Franklin City Council meeting on June 13, 2022, including interviews, financial matters, old/new business, and closed session.
unknown 2022-06-13 ID: HOHqAUyAWmxS7G88ytwuS
Franklin City Council agenda for May 23, 2022, including a compensation study briefing, consent agenda items, public hearing for school board nominations, and various city resolutions.
unknown 2022-05-23 ID: OfEBEJJZWcN3oQ4V21yLT
Agenda for the City of Franklin's regular City Council meeting on May 9, 2022, covering consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and a closed session.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: 1ZFi5wLQfR7PFSWW4K0kr
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on April 25, 2022, covering topics like the STAR Performer Award, budget amendments, public safety radio system, redistricting, utility billing policy change, and several resolutions.
unknown 2022-04-25 ID: AEj927qZe6RivCWoYnBLt
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on April 11, 2022, including consent agenda items, old/new business discussions, council/staff reports, and closed session topics.
unknown 2022-04-11 ID: qZcFjahlits3EtoTsWccP
Franklin City Council meeting agenda for March 28, 2022, including budget work session, Red Cross overview, and crime report.
unknown 2022-03-28 ID: zCn4pTlxv1nSEmvfmAa28
Franklin City Council agenda for the meeting held on March 14, 2022, including discussions on budget amendments, state of emergency adoption, and resolutions honoring Black History Month, Benefits Program Specialist Month, and Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: bKlGiQ4iCXqhzvQCdfsSf
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting held on February 28, 2022, covering various items including a consent agenda, financial matters, reports, and a closed session.
unknown 2022-02-28 ID: nM1fF0OfWj6iV3VQwuXgp
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on February 14, 2022, including discussions on financial matters, resolutions honoring Black History Month and Benefit Program Specialist Month, and reports on boards and commissions.
unknown 2022-02-14 ID: R7BtHy9kCn8PWnwosGc5W
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on January 24, 2022, including presentations, financial matters, and discussions on redistricting.
unknown 2022-01-24 ID: P88rRbfF0ZZO3mbDoPblj
This document outlines the agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on January 10, 2022. It includes a redistricting work session, financial matters including budget amendments, old and new business such as agreements with the Virginia Department of Health, council and staff reports, and a closed session discussing appointments and prospective business in the community.
unknown 2022-01-10 ID: b0Vawn04jen3flwHPZU1P
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on December 13, 2021, covering various topics including financial matters, public hearings, and council reports.
unknown 2021-12-13 ID: OltVPpqkVBf7NBUMARHlV
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on November 22, 2021. It includes items such as financial matters, public hearings on Blackwater Park and Pretlow Industrial Park, and council/staff reports.
unknown 2021-11-22 ID: 1yT9FQOSTOAbvpQSnJBRs
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on November 8, 2021, including closed session discussions, consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, and public hearings.
unknown 2021-11-08 ID: 4zHJKG8zwCANWTgeAD5fe
This document contains various departmental reports for the City of Franklin for the month of October 2021, including building permits, code enforcement inspections, and zoning clearances.
unknown 2021-10-31 ID: 6QA5GFTPLVBkg1UmJW0q6
Franklin City Council agenda for the meeting held on October 25, 2021, covering closed session topics, financial matters, and public hearings.
unknown 2021-10-25 ID: CbrOCCQHiCQ9R2qdz4oqh
The document contains the September 2021 monthly reports for the City of Franklin, including building permit activity, property maintenance inspections, zoning clearances, environmental services, and more.
unknown 2021-09-30 ID: XqDiHqFL1moZ8287216GN
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on September 27, 2021, including consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and closed session items.
unknown 2021-09-27 ID: XbLZwbTvXZgnsZK2a09iY
Monthly departmental report for Franklin City for August 2021, including building permit activity, zoning clearances, and code enforcement inspections.
unknown 2021-08-31 ID: Wo2bi4qvvv7VBxRKuQaQJ
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on August 23, 2021, including consent agenda items, old/new business updates, council/staff reports, and closed session details.
unknown 2021-08-23 ID: Vt0xi2i5rQQqkJAiO6wSG
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on August 9, 2021. Includes closed session details, consent agenda items, financial matters, and reports.
unknown 2021-08-09 ID: yKDqTPoSJKNLgfC75paBh
This document is a detailed departmental report for the City of Franklin, covering various building permit activities and inspections for July 2021. It includes residential and commercial construction activities, demolitions, land disturbance permits, and zoning clearances.
unknown 2021-07-31 ID: wF03bggCBFIvzNRl8r0LP
The Franklin City Council meeting agenda for July 26, 2021, includes discussions on budget amendments, the American Rescue Plan Act, and the National Night Out proclamation.
unknown 2021-07-26 ID: fuMuwQUUoanGlTWp1BQuD
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on June 28, 2021, covering topics such as budget amendments, sinkhole repair grant acceptance, acquisition resolution, and updates on the Southampton County Courthouse.
unknown 2021-06-28 ID: dcq3IDuwCQliiLL0tLDe5
Minutes from the Franklin City Council meeting held on June 14, 2021, including discussions on the Race Relations Committee, law enforcement, education, home ownership, and political topics.
unknown 2021-06-14 ID: OaPlUqvaNT0TaYFDMcom7
This document contains various departmental reports for the City of Franklin for May 2021, including building permit activities, code enforcement inspections, and environmental services updates.
unknown 2021-05-31 ID: eBgfTbDE6i0tocBItKoBI
This document is the agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on May 10, 2021. It includes a work session, a regular meeting with items such as consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and council/staff reports. It also covers closed session items and a public hearing for the FY22 budget.
unknown 2021-05-10 ID: ZckQE0nlUeuYOAp2L2kIP
April 2021 monthly report for the City of Franklin, including building permit activity, code enforcement inspections, and environmental services updates.
unknown 2021-04-30 ID: 794Tz82vFekR2D0siNfSg
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on April 26, 2021, including consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed session topics.
unknown 2021-04-26 ID: ZOBNaSeUKc21E9FEoMV5d
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on April 12, 2021, including work sessions, consent agenda items, financial matters, and closed session topics.
unknown 2021-04-12 ID: XPOBl18kPWhMaDfSPPixs
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on March 22, 2021, including a budget work session and a regular meeting.
unknown 2021-03-22 ID: C88X4sZ01SMLVERYrqxak
Franklin City Council Agenda for the regular meeting on March 8, 2021, including a budget work session, financial matters, old/new business, reports, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2021-03-08 ID: uEHKi4tSSdYNlrN3iuxqg
This document contains various departmental reports for the City of Franklin for February 2021, including building permit activity, property maintenance inspections, zoning clearances, and a delinquent meals and lodging tax report.
unknown 2021-02-28 ID: QDs3H0jKLpC7UgqZJ6597
This document is the agenda for the Franklin City Council Regular Meeting on February 22, 2021. It includes the consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and reports from boards and commissions.
unknown 2021-02-22 ID: CUO7L0KivIEh66KrxMFUL
Franklin City Council agenda for the regular meeting on February 8, 2021, including financial matters, old and new business, and reports.
unknown 2021-02-08 ID: THn3jcKaJJ5hUYjUfpbnC
The document contains various reports for the City of Franklin for January 2021, including building permit activities, code enforcement inspections, and updates on zoning clearances and project statuses.
unknown 2021-01-31 ID: RLAGcjBm2Ap2YQ9XdxIve
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting on January 25, 2021, including budget amendments, COVID-19 updates, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2021-01-25 ID: KOT1NxCbQyuwOeO23Stgn
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting held on January 11, 2021, discussing financial matters, public safety, a courthouse update, and various community concerns.
unknown 2021-01-11 ID: 4rjJAS6AV6FCyjH7kuALc
This document contains several departmental reports from the City of Franklin, including building permit activity, environmental services, delinquent tax reports, and new business updates for December 2020.
unknown 2020-12-31 ID: GcSxiLlhemK8Pak8QR2Ct
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on December 14, 2020, covering consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed session topics.
unknown 2020-12-14 ID: Eb93gxAYciQ9AOk8LNS9V
The document includes various departmental reports for November 2020, such as building permit activity, property maintenance inspections, zoning clearances issued, and others.
unknown 2020-11-30 ID: IrkKuV4nBcUFBEC5sGfMy
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on November 23, 2020, covering topics such as consent agenda, financial matters, old/new business, and council/staff reports.
unknown 2020-11-23 ID: wuPY6F3mkABEOaYj3H9ml
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on November 9, 2020, covering various matters including financial amendments, updates on economic development, and closed session discussions.
unknown 2020-11-09 ID: GLtJn2BhLWg9IDdX0Hs9m
This document contains the building permit activity report for Franklin City for the month ending October 31, 2020. It includes details on residential and commercial construction, renovations, and other permits issued.
unknown 2020-10-31 ID: zSkrMzaTOud3nd19pUAJu
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Franklin City Council held on October 26, 2020, including consent agenda items, financial matters, old/new business, council/staff reports, and closed session topics.
unknown 2020-10-26 ID: HpOYYMWkKeCRvmJqOMWnG
Agenda for the Franklin City Council regular meeting held on September 28, 2020, covering topics such as budget amendments, resolutions, updates on the Franklin Redevelopment and Housing Authority, city noise ordinance, and gaming machines.
unknown 2020-09-28 ID: iA4aJ8xhsruKCx6Hq9SkW
Agenda for the Franklin City Council meeting held on September 14, 2020, covering topics such as budget amendments, personnel policies, a proposed no truck ordinance, and a public hearing on the removal of a Confederate monument.
unknown 2020-09-14 ID: CnBX2PuBc2Uw6l1pnI6is

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.