Falls Church (City)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Falls Church (City) (Agency ID: 23)
Agenda for the Board of Equalization hearing on January 16, 2025, held virtually in compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The meeting includes roll call, quorum establishment, and appeals hearings.
Agenda for the Board of Equalization Hearing conducted virtually by the City of Falls Church on January 14, 2025.
Agenda for the Board of Equalization hearing in Falls Church City, including appeals and meeting procedures.
Agenda for the City of Falls Church City Council Government Operations Committee Meeting, including closed session for performance reviews.
Arts & Humanities Council Meeting Agenda for December 19, 2024, including discussions on parklet naming, public art process, and statue relocation.
Minutes of the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on December 18, 2024.
Agenda for the Falls Church250 Committee Meeting, covering items such as adopting rules of procedure, electing officers, and determining future meeting schedules.
Agenda for the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meeting, discussing variance applications and other business.
Agenda for the meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation (CACT) to be held on December 11, 2024, at Falls Church City Hall. The meeting will cover topics including the adoption of the meeting agenda, review of previous meeting minutes, updates on the Smart City Program, and discussion of the 2024 CACT Annual Report.
Agenda for the joint meeting of the Housing Commission and HSAC to discuss Affordable Living Policy updates.
Joint meeting minutes of the Housing Commission and Human Services Advisory Council discussing feedback and updates on the Affordable Living Policy as part of the city's Comprehensive Plan.
Agenda for the Human Services Advisory Council meeting, including items such as approval of minutes, public comments, new and old business, and regional commission updates.
Agenda for the Housing Commission meeting scheduled for December 10, 2024, including call to order, roll call, approval of minutes, public comments, and updates from HHS staff.
Minutes of the City of Falls Church Housing Commission meeting held on December 10, 2024. Topics discussed included updates on affordable housing projects, challenges with renting units at different AMI levels, the Affordable Homeownership Program, and the Virginia Village long-term strategy.
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority meeting on December 3, 2024, including discussions on parklets, accessory dwelling units, and the FY '25 EDA draft budget.
Agenda for the Mayor's meeting with City Council staff to review the Council schedule and agendas, held virtually.
Agenda for the City Council Government Operations Committee Meeting, including call to order, roll call, vacancy report, employee survey action plan update, next steps, and adjournment.
Agenda for the City of Falls Church City Council Economic Development Committee meeting, discussing updates on EDA, parklets, Winter Wonderland Event, Restaurant Week 2025, marketing, and commercial vacancies.
Minutes of the Falls Church City Council Economic Development Committee meeting discussing updates on EDA, Winter Wonderland Event, Restaurant Week 2025, and commercial vacancy rates.
Agenda for the Human Services Advisory Council meeting, including meet and greet with the new Police Chief, updates on Welcoming Falls Church, and community services fund grant update.
Agenda for the Arts & Humanities Council Meeting in Falls Church, covering new business presentations and ongoing projects.
Agenda for the Environmental Sustainability Council/Energy Transition Subcommittee meeting on November 21, 2024, including topics such as public comments, CIP Quarterly Update, and discussions on Waste to Energy Potential Bill and Accessory Dwellings.
DRAFT Meeting Minutes from the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on November 20, 2024.
Agenda for the Affordable Living Policy Update Workgroup meeting in Falls Church, VA, detailing welcome, review of plans, recommendations, and adjournment.
Agenda for the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting on November 20, 2024, covering various topics including the legislative agenda, library reports, and liaison reports.
Agenda for the Mayor's meeting with City Council staff to review council schedule and agendas.
Agenda for the City of Falls Church City Council Budget & Finance Committee Meeting on November 15, 2024. Includes call to order, roll call, first quarter report for FY2025, financial policies, and other business.
Agenda for the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on November 14, 2024, discussing variance applications and other business.
Agenda for the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation (CACT) meeting, covering topics such as HAWK signals, CIP quarterly updates, NTC prioritization, legislative program requests, paving program funding, and annual report review.
Agenda for the City Council Appointments Committee Meeting in Falls Church, detailing candidate interviews for various board and commission appointments and reappointments.
Agenda for the Advisory Board of Recreation and Parks meeting including items like call to order, receipt of petitions, minutes approval, reports, and updates on various projects.
Agenda for the City of Falls Church City Council Legislative Committee Meeting on November 12, 2024, discussing topics such as the VML Adopted 2025 Policy and Positions, local and regional board recommendations, Arlington County Tenant Notice Bill, and more.
Agenda for the Aurora House Citizens’ Advisory Committee meeting, including call to order, approval of minutes, Group Home Manager’s Report, scholarships, new business, and adjournment.
Agenda for the Retirement Board meeting on November 7, 2024, covering various topics including actuarial valuation, retirement plans review, policy updates, and future meeting dates.
Mayor’s Agenda Meeting with City Council staff to review the Council schedule and agendas. Meeting is open to the public and virtual access is provided via Microsoft Teams.
Agenda for the City Council Financial Policies Overview Meeting, including call to order, roll call, financial policies discussion, other business, and adjournment.
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority meeting on October 29, 2024, discussing various topics including financial terms review, parklets update, and the FY '25 draft budget.
The agenda for the Mayor's meeting with City Council staff in Falls Church to review the Council schedule and agendas. The meeting is virtual and open to the public as more than two City Council members may attend.
Minutes of the Falls Church City Council Government Operations Committee meeting discussing the city website, conflicts of interest, and next steps.
Agenda for the City Council Economic Development Committee meeting, discussing various updates including commercial business, mixed-use development, and EDA work plan.
Agenda for the City Council Budget & Finance Committee Meeting discussing the FY2025 Budget Amendment and other business.
Agenda for the Environmental Sustainability Council/Energy Transition Subcommittee meeting held on October 17, 2024 in the City of Falls Church.
Agenda for the Arts & Humanities Council Meeting scheduled on October 17, 2024, at Falls Church City Hall and virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Minutes from the City of Falls Church Human Services Advisory Council meeting held on October 17, 2024. Topics included dental clinic eligibility changes, affordable living policy update, homelessness workgroup, community services fund grant timeline, and Senator Salim's visit.
Agenda for the Mayor's meeting with City Council staff to review the Council schedule and agendas, held virtually on October 16, 2024.
Agenda for the Urban Forestry Commission meeting in Falls Church on October 16, 2024, including call to order, roll call, approval of minutes, public comments, and updates.
Minutes from the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on October 10, 2024, in Falls Church City Council Chambers. Discussed old and new business including variance applications for screened-in porch construction with lot coverage and setback issues.
Agenda for the Retirement Board meeting scheduled on October 10, 2024, including items such as roll call, virtual attendance approval, petitions, review and approval of draft minutes, and annual mandatory fiduciary training.
Minutes of the Council Appointments Committee Meeting held to interview prospective candidates for appointment to boards and commissions, discuss applicants and/or reappointments, and conduct exit interviews with previous board and commission members.
Agenda for the City Council Appointments Committee meeting including candidate interviews and reappointment requests.
Agenda for the meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation in Falls Church, VA. The agenda includes items such as adoption of the meeting agenda, review of previous meeting minutes, changes to CACT membership, and public comment. Information items related to the Missing Links Program and Sidewalk Repairs are also included.
Agenda for the Housing Commission meeting in Falls Church, covering topics such as the Affordable Homeownership Program, VA Village updates, and Affordable Living Policy progress.
Minutes from the City of Falls Church Housing Commission meeting held on October 8, 2024. Discussions included updates on the Affordable Homeownership Program, Virginia Village, Affordable Living Policy progress, and other housing-related topics.
Minutes from the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation meeting discussing metro funding, EV charging stations, stop sign compliance, sidewalk projects, and traffic calming measures.
Agenda for the Historical Commission meeting of Falls Church City, covering topics like Historic Falls Church Tourism and Parklet Naming with updates on the 250 Celebration.
The Mayor's agenda meeting with City Council staff to review the Council schedule and agendas. The meeting may be attended by more than two City Council members and is open to the public.
Agenda for the Environmental Sustainability Council/Energy Transition Subcommittee meeting in Falls Church on September 26, 2024.
Meeting minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Council/Energy Transition Subcommittee discussing various sustainability initiatives, updates on government operations energy action plans, community energy action plans, and legislative priorities.
Minutes of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation meeting covering topics such as policy adoptions, Bicycle Master Plan updates, and traffic calming prioritization.
Minutes of the Housing Commission meeting discussing affordable housing updates, homeownership programs, Virginia Village project status, affordable living policy, and upcoming meeting with a senator.
Agenda for the Human Services Advisory Council (HSAC) meeting scheduled for September 19, 2024, including adoption of agenda, approval of minutes, public comment, new business updates, and joint meeting details.
Agenda for the Housing Commission Meeting of Falls Church on September 19, 2024, including updates on affordable homeownership and policy discussions.
Minutes of the Human Services Advisory Council meeting held on September 19, 2024, to advise the City Council on human services delivery to Falls Church residents.
Minutes of the Council Budget and Finance Committee meeting held on September 19, 2024, discussing the FY2024 year-end results and other financial matters.
Joint meeting agenda for the Human Services Advisory Council and Housing Commission, discussing City of Falls Church programs, council strategic priorities, 2025 General Assembly preview, affordable living policy, and possible state code changes.
Minutes of the Council Budget and Finance Committee Meeting held on September 19, 2024, discussing FY2025 Budget Amendment and other business.
Minutes from the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on September 18, 2024.
Draft meeting minutes for the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on September 18, 2024.
Agenda for the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, covering topics such as policy updates, library report, and liaison reports.
Minutes from the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on September 18, 2024. Topics included the introduction of the new Library Director, policy updates, and various library announcements.
City Council Appointments Committee Meeting Agenda discussing new applicants and reappointments for various boards and the draft CCJB resolution.
Agenda for the Advisory Board of Recreation and Parks meeting on September 11, 2024, discussing topics such as annual election of officers, sport court use, and no smoking campaigns.
Agenda for the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting scheduled for September 12, 2024, including variance applications and other business.
Draft agenda for the City of Falls Church Electoral Board meeting on September 5, 2024, including topics such as officer of elections appointments, preparation for upcoming elections, and other board items.
Mayor's Agenda Meeting with City Council staff to discuss the Council schedule and upcoming meeting agendas. This virtual meeting is open to the public.
Minutes of the Mayor's agenda meeting with staff held on August 28, 2024, discussing scheduling items for the City Council's agenda, including various work sessions, proclamations, and committee meetings.
Agenda for the Historic Commission Meeting discussing historic Falls Church tourism and updates on the inventory of historic houses.
Agenda and supporting documents for the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting held on August 21, 2024. Includes agenda, board roles, draft bylaws, policies for virtual and remote participation, draft 2025 meeting schedule, draft meeting minutes for July 17, 2024, and library statistics.
Agenda for the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on August 21, 2024. Includes details about the meeting schedule, election of officers, adoption of bylaws, and other board business.
Agenda for the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation meeting, discussing various topics including the Bicycle Master Plan Update and Capital Bikeshare Promotion.
Minutes of Mayor's agenda meeting with staff to discuss scheduling items on the City Council's agenda.
Minutes of the Falls Church City Council Government Operations Committee meeting held on July 25, 2024. Topics discussed included a vacancy report and public engagement for city projects.
Agenda for the City Council Government Operations Committee Meeting in Falls Church City on July 25, 2024, covering topics like vacancy report and public engagement for city projects.
Minutes from the City of Falls Church Affordable Living Policy Work Group meeting, tasked with updating the recommendations and goals of the 2019 Affordable Living Policy.
Agenda for the Affordable Living Policy Update Workgroup meeting, discussing themes like Unhoused and Wraparound Services, Funding, and Governance.
Agenda for the Arts & Humanities Council meeting on July 18, 2024, covering topics such as public art presentations, updates from the Economic Development Office, and storm drain presentations.
Agenda for the Environmental Sustainability Council/Energy Transition Subcommittee meeting, including discussions on managing leaves, zoning amendments, and bike master plan updates.
Minutes from the Human Services Advisory Council meeting, covering discussions on services for seniors, affordable housing, transportation programs, and updates on City Council workplan initiatives.
Agenda for the Human Services Advisory Council (HSAC) meeting scheduled for July 18, 2024, covering new and old business, including topics such as services for seniors, city council workplan initiatives, and affordable living policy.
Minutes of the Mayor's agenda meeting with staff to discuss scheduling items on the City Council's agenda.
Minutes from the Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on July 17, 2024, in Falls Church, VA. The document includes discussions on library projects, reports, and plans.
The Mayor's Agenda Meeting with City Council staff to review Council schedule and agendas. The meeting is virtual and open to the public.
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority meeting discussing a prospective acquisition of real property.
Mayor's Agenda Meeting with Staff to review the Council schedule and agendas. The meeting is open to the public and allows for electronic participation.
Agenda for the virtual meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Transportation (CACT) held on July 10, 2024.
Minutes from the Mayor's Agenda Meeting held on July 10, 2024, discussing various upcoming City Council agenda items, committee meetings, and contract previews.
Agenda for the Falls Church Housing Commission meeting on July 9th, 2024, including an annual business meeting and a regular meeting covering topics such as the Housing Commission Charter, elections, accessory dwellings, and updates on various housing programs.
Minutes from the Falls Church Housing Commission meeting held on July 9, 2024. The meeting covered elections, public comments on housing resolutions, discussions on accessory dwelling units, affordable homeownership programs, Virginia Village updates, and the Affordable Living Policy.
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority meeting including updates on projects, discussion of Restaurant Week 2025 funds, and upcoming meeting dates.
Agenda for the Historic Architectural Board meeting discussing HARB’s authority and future goals.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.