Farmville (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Farmville (Town) (Agency ID: 207)
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting on December 18, 2024, including public hearings on conditional use permits and rezoning requests.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on December 18, 2024, discussing conditional use permits and rezoning requests.
Notice of public hearing by the Farmville Planning Commission to discuss zoning cases including conditional use permits, rezoning requests, and zoning text amendments.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville scheduled on December 11, 2024. Includes items such as employee recognition, updates, public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a mobile restaurant, finance reports, approval requests for resolutions and policies, and discussions on new business.
Minutes from the Town of Farmville Council meeting held on December 11, 2024, covering agenda adoption, employee recognition, update from Prince Edward County administrator, and a public hearing on a conditional use permit for a mobile restaurant.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting, including items such as public hearings, employee recognition, finance reports, and policy updates.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting held on December 11, 2024, including public hearings, employee recognition, and updates from the county administrator.
This is the agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting held on December 11, 2024, including public hearing for a conditional use permit, finance reports, and requests for approval of various resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville's Town Council meeting on December 11, 2024, including an employee recognition, public hearing for a conditional use permit, consent agenda items, finance report, and new business.
The agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting includes a public hearing on a conditional use permit, finance reports, and new business items such as resolution approvals and policy updates.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on December 11, 2024, including public hearings, employee recognition, finance reports, and requests for resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on December 11, 2024, including topics such as employee recognition, public hearing for a conditional use permit, finance reports, and approval requests.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on December 11, 2024, covering topics such as employee recognition, public hearings on conditional use permits, finance reports, and updates on policies.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on December 4, 2024, including discussions on various topics such as future development, financial reports, policy updates, and utility rate reports.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Farmville Town Council, including audit presentation and agenda adoption.
Minutes from the Farmville Town Planning Commission meeting addressing the rezoning of approximately 0.278 acres from B-3 to R-2.
Minutes of the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting discussing the zoning ordinance amendment regarding fences in residential areas.
The minutes from the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting, detailing discussions on a proposed zoning amendment concerning fences.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held on June 20, 2024, in the Town Council Chamber of Farmville. The meeting involved the approval of agenda and minutes, discussions related to a conditional use permit (CUP24-003) for an automobile repair service, and the staff's recommendations for the permit.
Minutes from the Farmville Planning Commission meeting where Resolution RES24-001 was adopted to amend the Farmville Town Code regarding fences in zoning and subdivision regulations.
Minutes of the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on January 17, 2024, with elections of officers and approval of the agenda and previous meeting minutes.
Minutes from the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on January 17, 2024, including elections for officers and approval of the agenda and prior meeting minutes.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on October 12, 2022, including public hearings on a conditional use permit and proposed changes to the town charter.
The Town of Farmville Town Council agenda for the meeting on October 12, 2022, includes public hearings, a public comment period, and requests for approval of resolutions and permits.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting on October 12, 2022, discussing conditional use permits, proposed charter changes, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on October 12, 2022, including public hearings on conditional use permit and proposed changes to the town charter, approval of minutes and finance report, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting, including public hearings, approval requests, and reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on October 12, 2022. It includes topics like public hearings on a conditional use permit and charter changes, along with approvals for finance reports and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on October 12, 2022, including public hearings for a conditional use permit and proposed changes to the town charter.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on October 12, 2022, including public hearings on a conditional use permit and proposed changes to the town charter, approval of minutes, finance report, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on October 12, 2022, covering public hearings on conditional use permits and proposed charter changes, approval of financial reports, resolutions, and staff and committee reports.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville held on October 12, 2022, covering public hearings, consent agenda, finance report, old and new business including resolutions and permits.
This document is the agenda for the Town Council meeting held on October 12, 2022, addressing issues like a conditional use permit, proposed charter changes, and use of ARPA funds.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on September 21, 2022, covering regular proceedings, public participation, public hearings including a conditional use permit, and discussions on new and old business.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on September 21, 2022, to discuss various matters including public hearings, ordinance amendments, and staff updates.
The Town of Farmville Town Council agenda includes the introduction of new employees, proposed changes to the town charter, a public hearing on Ordinance No. 212, public comment period, various requests for approval including adoption of resolutions and finance report, as well as appointments to the Farmville Industrial Development Authority.
The agenda for the Town of Farmville Council meeting on September 14, 2022, including proposed charter presentation, ordinance amendments, resolution adoptions, and various reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on September 14, 2022, including presentations, public hearing, and adoption of various ordinances and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Council meeting held on September 14, 2022, including public hearings on ordinances and resolutions.
Minutes from the Farmville Town Council meeting held on September 14, 2022. The meeting included an introduction of new employees, a presentation of the proposed Town of Farmville Charter, a public hearing on Ordinance No. 212, and approval of the consent agenda.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on September 14, 2022, covering topics such as the introduction of new employees, presentation of the proposed Town Charter, public hearings, adoption of ordinances and resolutions, and staff reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on September 14, 2022, including presentations, hearings, resolutions, and budget transfers.
The agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on September 14, 2022, includes topics such as the introduction of new employees, presentations of the proposed town charter, public hearing on ordinance amendments, and various resolutions concerning budget transfers and the American Rescue Plan Act funds.
Town of Farmville Town Council agenda discussing ARPA funds allocation and other matters.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on September 7, 2022, including discussions on ARPA funds for various projects.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on September 7, 2022, including discussions on ARPA funds allocation for playground equipment, splash pad, crash barrier, and Moton Museum overlay district.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on September 7, 2022, discussing ARPA funds allocation for projects including Wilck's Lake Playground Equipment, Splash Pad, Public Works Crash Barrier, and the Moton Museum Overlay District.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on August 17, 2022. Topics include approval of previous minutes, public participation, staff updates, and discussion of new and old business.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held in the Town Council Chambers of Town Hall, covering topics such as staff updates, consideration of zoning text amendments, and new business items.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, for the Town of Farmville.
Agenda for Town of Farmville Town Council meeting, including public hearings on zoning changes and ordinance amendments, financial reports, and discussions on town development.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022 in Farmville.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Council meeting on August 10, 2022, covering topics such as ordinance amendments, financial reports, and discussions on infrastructure and authority vacancies.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, including public hearings, approval requests, and discussions.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting on August 10, 2022, including ordinances on height and sign regulations, public comment period, and discussions on paving and development authority vacancies.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council Meeting on August 10, 2022, covering public hearings on ordinances, finance report, and discussions on paving and other town matters.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, covering public hearings on zoning changes, ordinance amendments, and other town matters.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, covering topics such as changes to height and sign regulations, rebates for water/sewer system connections, and discussions on town affairs.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, including public hearings on zoning text amendments and discussions on various topics such as the adoption of ordinances and the authorization of a contract with Nash Surveying Services.
Minutes of the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, including public hearings on changes to height and sign regulations, and an amended ordinance establishing rebates for water/sewer connections.
This document is the agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville held on August 10, 2022. It includes various ordinances, public comments, finance reports, discussions about parking lot paving, work session cancellation, and voting on a contract authorization.
The document details the proceedings of the regular meeting of the Farmville Town Council held on August 10, 2022, including public hearings on changes to regulations and updates on local projects.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Council meeting held on August 10, 2022, including public hearings, ordinance approvals, and discussions.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting on August 10, 2022, which includes public hearings on zoning amendments, finance reports, and discussions on town developments.
Agenda for the Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on July 20, 2022, including items such as the introduction of a new planning commissioner and ordinance amendments.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on July 13, 2022, covering resolutions, approvals, and reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering topics such as approval of consent agenda, finance report, resolutions, and closed session regarding town property.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Farmville Town Council held on July 13, 2022.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on July 13, 2022. The agenda includes items such as the invocation, pledge of allegiance, public comment period, approval of consent agenda, finance report, old business including resolution adoption, new business including utility adjustment requests, and several reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on July 13, 2022, covering items such as resolution adoption, utility adjustments, finance reporting, and council meeting date approvals.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, including items such as call to order, public comments, approval of previous minutes, finance report, old business regarding utility adjustment policy, new business items, staff and committee reports, and comments by the mayor and council members.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville on July 13, 2022, including topics such as resolutions, financial reports, public comments, and committee reports.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville on July 13, 2022, covering various administrative topics, including resolutions and finance reports.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of the Town of Farmville, including items such as resolutions, finance reports, and appointments.
Farmville Town Council meeting agenda detailing items such as the invocation, finance report, old and new business, including resolutions and utility adjustments.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on July 13, 2022, including resolutions, finance report, and public comments.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Farmville Town Council held on July 13, 2022, including public comments regarding the Immigration Centers of America (ICA)-Farmville and approval of the consent agenda.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, detailing items such as public comments, finance reports, resolutions, and committee reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting including public comments, approval requests, and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, including items such as adoption of resolutions, requests for utility adjustments, and approval of meeting dates.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering topics such as a resolution to revise the utility adjustment policy, a grant resolution, and various reports and approvals.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, at the Council Chamber of the Town Hall.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering topics like utility adjustment policy, grant resolutions, and council appointments.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, including call to order, public comments, and various requests and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Farmville on July 13, 2022.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering old and new business, reports, and other items.
This document is the agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022. It includes items such as public comments, consent agenda approval, finance report, resolutions for utility adjustment policy and industrial revitalization fund grant, and staff reports.
Town Council meeting agenda for the Town of Farmville scheduled on July 13, 2022. Items include adoption of resolutions, approval of finance reports, and public comment session.
The agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, including items such as public comments, finance report, resolutions, and various request approvals.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, discussing utility adjustments, adoption of resolutions, and other council matters.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering public comments, consent agenda including draft minutes and finance report, adoption of resolutions, and committee reports.
Agenda for the Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, including items such as public comments, consent agenda approval, finance report, resolutions, and staff reports.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting on July 13, 2022, including items such as resolutions, finance report, and public comments.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting held on July 13, 2022, covering topics such as consent agenda approval, finance report, utility adjustment policy, and an industrial revitalization fund grant.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Town Council meeting, covering topics like public comments, finance report, resolutions on utility adjustment policy and industrial revitalization fund grant, and closed session for property acquisition or lease.
Farmville Town Council work session agenda covering topics like community development fee schedule, police vehicle capital lease, and amendments to the zoning ordinance.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Council Work Session covering discussions on community development fee schedule, police vehicle lease program, school zone speed monitoring, utility adjustment policy, and zoning ordinance amendments.
Minutes from the regular work session of the Farmville Town Council held on July 6, 2022. Discussions included introduction of new police officers, community development fee schedule, and adoption of a resolution for the Police Vehicle Capital Lease Program.
Minutes from the regular work session of the Farmville Town Council held on July 6, 2022, covering introductions of new police officers, a discussion on community development fee schedules, and the adoption of a resolution for a police vehicle capital lease program.
Agenda for the Town of Farmville Planning Commission meeting held on June 15, 2022. Includes call to order, roll call, public participation, and public hearings on zoning text amendments.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.