Exmore (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 67 records from Exmore (Town) (Agency ID: 206)
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on October 7, 2024, covering various reports, budget amendments, and new and old business discussions.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Exmore Town Council held on September 9, 2024, covering topics such as financial reports, new business, budget amendments, public works, and zoning issues.
Minutes of the Joint Meeting between the Town Council and Planning Commission of Exmore, Virginia, discussing future developments, zoning changes, and housing projects.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, held on August 5, 2024, discussing various topics including the approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen comments, town manager's report, financial report, new and old business, police report, public works, water and sewer report, and zoning issues.
Minutes of the regular Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, held on July 1, 2024. Topics included approvals of previous meeting minutes, financial reports, reappointment of EDA representative, KEVCOR sewer project payments, budget amendments, police report, public works, water and sewer updates, and scheduled meetings.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held in Exmore, Virginia, covering topics such as budget amendments, police reports, public works, and various ordinances.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting and public hearing on tax equalization held on May 20, 2024, at the J. Guy Lawson Municipal Building.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting and budget public hearing held on May 6, 2024, in Exmore, Virginia. Discussions included budget amendments, ARPA fund expenditures, appointments to the Planning Commission, and various reports from town departments.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on April 1, 2024. Topics discussed include budget approval, citizen comments on short-term rentals, financial reports, and new business such as budget amendments and tax equalization.
Minutes from the budget work session and regular meeting of the Exmore Town Council on March 4, 2024. Topics discussed included the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-2025, resolution of appreciation for Tankard Bradley Doughty, financial reports, zoning issues, and updates on the sewer project.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on February 5, 2024, covering topics such as the Eastern Shore Rail Trail, sewer equipment damages, financial reports, and policy updates.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, including public hearings, citizen comments, financial reports, new business discussions, and zoning issues.
Minutes of the Town Council public hearing in Exmore, Virginia, regarding the issuance and sale of a $3,200,000 sewer revenue bond.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting and public hearings for the Town of Exmore, Virginia, held on December 4, 2023. Discussions included Ordinance No. 228 on dogs running at large, Ordinance No. 227 on sewer rates, financial reports, a USDA loan opportunity, and other town matters.
Minutes of the Exmore Town Council meeting held on November 6, 2023, including discussions on DHCD funding for sewer improvements, public comments, financial reports, and resolutions supporting Northampton County on short-term rentals.
Minutes from the special meeting and public hearing of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, discussing appropriations for a sewer project and DHCD funding.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on October 2, 2023. The meeting covered topics such as budget amendments, sewer projects, police reports, and upcoming events.
Minutes of an emergency meeting held by the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, on September 27, 2023, to approve a requisition for USDA related to the town's sewer system amid a pending government shutdown.
Minutes from the Town Council public hearing and regular meeting of Exmore on September 11, 2023, covering topics such as VRA funding, budget amendments, sewer project updates, and citizen comments.
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, discussing topics such as sewer system updates, resolutions, community concerns, and financial reports.
Minutes of the regular Town Council meeting held on July 3, 2023, covering topics such as amendments to the agenda, approval of previous minutes, town manager's report, financial report, police report, public works report, and discussions on Ordinance No. 220 and draft ordinances related to sewer disposal and food trucks.
Minutes of the regular Town Council meeting held on June 5, 2023, in Exmore, Virginia, covering various topics such as resolutions, financial reports, public comments, and updates on town projects.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting and budget public hearing held on May 1, 2023, including discussions on the 2024 budget, financial reports, resolutions, and updates on town projects.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on April 3, 2023, in Exmore, Virginia, including discussions on the sewer contract award, financial reports, planning commission, and police report.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on March 6, 2023. Topics discussed include approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen comments on billboards, the town manager's report, financials, new and old business such as noise ordinance revision and 2024 budget, and reports from the police and public works departments.
Minutes of the Budget Work Session for the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, discussing the draft 2024 budget with mentions of inflation affecting departmental accounts.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on February 6, 2023, covering topics such as approval of previous meeting minutes, town manager's report, financial report, new and old business, police report, zoning report, and scheduled meetings.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on January 9, 2023, covering topics such as budget discussions, financial reports, updates on the sewer project, and police activities.
Minutes of the regular Town Council meeting held on December 5, 2022, including discussions on sewer rates, 3D printing project, financial reports, and other town matters.
Minutes of the public hearing held by the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, discussing proposed sewer rates under Ordinance No. 225.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on November 7, 2022, covering topics such as financial reports, sewer project updates, and ordinance approvals.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on October 3, 2022, covering public hearings, financial reports, new business, ordinances, and updates on various projects.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting on September 12, 2022, covering public hearings on water connection fees and interim financing for a sewer project, financial and police reports, and other town business.
Minutes of the Exmore Town Council meeting held on August 14, 2022, covering topics such as the approval of previous minutes, citizen comments on a new sewer system, financial reports, new ordinances, and updates on town projects.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Exmore, Virginia, highlighting attendance, approvals, citizen comments, police promotions, financial reports, land sale, zoning changes, and updates on public works projects.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on June 6, 2022, covering approvals of previous minutes, financial reports, new and old business discussions including the sewer project, traffic ordinance updates, and citizen comments.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Exmore, Virginia, held on May 2, 2022. Topics include mandatory sewer hook-ups, revisions to ordinances, financial reports, and updates on the sewer project.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on April 4, 2022, covering public hearings on trash collection fees and the FY 2022-2023 budget, citizen comments, town manager and financial reports, and new and old business discussions.
Minutes from the regular Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, held on March 7, 2022. Topics discussed include approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen comments, town manager and financial reports, new and old business, police and public works reports, and scheduled meetings.
Minutes from the Town Council Budget Work Session held on February 15, 2022, discussing budget adjustments, employee raises, police training, and council pay increases.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on February 7, 2022, covering topics such as approval of previous minutes, introduction of new employees, financial reports, revision of ordinances, and other town matters.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, discussing various issues including budget work sessions, sewer project updates, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town of Exmore Town Council Meeting originally scheduled for January 3, 2022, but rescheduled to January 10, 2022, due to inclement weather.
Minutes of a special meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, discussing the funding for the sewer project, with approvals for the Resolution of Governing Body and the Loan Resolution of Public Bodies.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting and public hearing of Exmore, Virginia, covering discussions on USDA funding for a sewer project, grant management, and other town matters.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on November 18, 2021, discussing financial reports, hazardous duty pay for employees, sewer project funding, and other town matters.
Minutes of the Town Council Work Session discussing costs, funding, and potential cuts related to a planned system in Exmore.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held in Exmore on October 4, 2021, covering topics such as the approval of previous minutes, a website presentation, town manager's report, financial report, updates on new and old business, police report, and public works report.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on August 2, 2021, covering topics such as financials, new business including GPS and GIS software purchase, funding for a new police car, updates on Ordinance No. 215, sewer project, grinder pump agreement, VDEQ loan, and public works.
Minutes from the regular meeting and public hearing of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on July 12, 2021. The meeting covered topics such as the Comp Plan revision, financial reports, new and old business relating to sewer projects, and citizen comments.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, including discussions on property conveyance, budget approval, and updates on the sewer project.
Minutes from the regular meeting and public hearing of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on May 3, 2021. Key topics include the approval of previous meeting minutes, the town manager's report, financial report, updates on the sewer project, police report, public works report, and zoning report.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Exmore, Virginia, held on April 5, 2021. The meeting included approval of previous minutes, citizen comments, town manager's report, financial report, new business discussions including approval of employee handbook, discussion of comprehensive plan updates, sale of town-owned property, and budget advertisement. Police and public works reports were also covered.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on March 1, 2021. Discussions included utility relief funds, town drainage issues, financial updates, and new business nominations.
The Town of Exmore Town Council Meeting scheduled for February 1, 2021, was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on January 4, 2021, in Exmore, Virginia. Discussions included approval of previous minutes, financial reports, new and old business, updates on various projects, and a public hearing on the DHCD/CDBG application for a sewer project.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, held on December 7, 2020. The meeting included discussions on public hearings for DHCD/CDBG and USDA Rural Development Grant for sewer projects, financial and police reports, and new business including the purchase of a street sweeper.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, held on November 2, 2020. The meeting covered topics such as approval of previous minutes, citizen comments, a report from the town manager, financial reports, new and old business, updates on various projects, police and public works reports, and scheduled future meetings.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on October 5, 2020, discussing various topics including citizen comments, financial reports, updates on projects, and other town matters.
Minutes of the Exmore Town Council meeting held on September 14, 2020, including discussions on budget amendments, mutual aid agreement resolution, and updates on town projects.
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Exmore, Virginia, held on August 3, 2020, covering various topics including approval of past minutes, financial reports, public hearings on bonds, and updates on public works.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting of Exmore, Virginia, held on July 6, 2020. The meeting included discussions on budget amendments, reports on the well and sewer projects, financial summaries, and departmental updates.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held in Exmore, Virginia on May 4, 2020. Discussion topics included approval of previous minutes, financial reports, business relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, updates on well and sewer projects, and scheduling of a public budget hearing.
The Town Council Meeting for Exmore scheduled for April 6, 2020, was cancelled due to Governor's Executive Orders related to COVID-19.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting and public hearing of Exmore, Virginia, held on March 2, 2020. Discussions included the sale of town property, budget work session, revitalization resolution, and updates on the well and sewer projects.
Minutes of the budget work session of the Town Council of Exmore, Virginia, discussing the proposed budget for FY 2020-2021, including decreases in revenue from police fines and possible increases in utilities and demolition costs.
Minutes from the Exmore Town Council meeting held on February 3, 2020, covering topics such as budget drafts, sewer and well projects, changes to the personnel manual, and a discussion on USDA funding for a sewer PER.