Elkton (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Elkton (Town) (Agency ID: 205)
Reorganizational meeting of the Elkton Town Council discussing organizational business and a closed session for consultation with legal counsel regarding probable litigation.
The reorganizational meeting scheduled for January 6, 2025, was canceled due to inclement weather. The agenda items will be transferred to the next Town Council meeting on January 21, 2025.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on December 16, 2024, detailing the order of proceedings including oaths of office, public comment, committee reports, and unfinished and new business.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting scheduled for November 18, 2024, including roll call, adoption of agenda, public comments, committee reports, town manager's report, town attorney's report, unfinished business, and closed session.
Notice of cancellation for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for November 5, 2024.
An agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting detailing a variety of items including public hearings on bond issuance, consent agenda, committee reports, and closed sessions.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held on October 21, 2024, covering topics such as resolutions for revenue bonds, committee reports, and new business items.
Revised agenda for the Elkton Town Council Community Meeting, including discussions on water rate plan and fund allocation for Elkton Downtown Marketplace.
Agenda for the Town of Elkton Council Committee Meeting scheduled for October 7, 2024.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for October 8, 2024, now rescheduled to October 7, 2024.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on September 16, 2024, including public hearings on land sales and a water rate plan, committee reports, and other town business.
The Town of Elkton Council Meeting minutes detail the proceedings of the meeting held on September 16, 2024, including public hearings on land sales and a water rate plan, the announcement of an innovation award, and various committee reports.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council Committee meeting held on September 3, 2024, including reports from various committees, a closed session, and the town manager's report.
Notice of a public hearing by the Elkton Town Council on a proposed five-year water rate plan to ensure financial sustainability and eligibility for State grants and loans.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held at the Elkton Area Community Center on August 19, 2024. It includes reports from various committees, recommendations from the Elkton Planning Commission, and closed session items.
The document provides a detailed budget for the Town of Elkton for FY 2025, including revenues and expenditures across various departments such as General Government, Community Center, Street Maintenance, Sanitation, Recreation, Police, Electric, Water, Sewer, and Cemetery.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for September 3, 2024, now rescheduled to September 10, 2024.
Notice for the Elkton Cemetery Advisory Commission meeting on August 12, 2024 at Elk Run Cemetery.
Notice of public hearing by the Elkton Town Council on August 19, 2024, to discuss a proposed five-year water rate plan effective September 1, 2024. The plan aims to ensure long-term financial sustainability of the water utility and eligibility for State grants and loan funding.
Minutes from the Town of Elkton Community Meeting held on August 5, 2024, discussing various topics such as water infrastructure improvements, economic development projects, and upcoming community events.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council special meeting held on July 30, 2024, for interviews with potential candidates for employment.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council special meeting held on July 29, 2024, for interviews with potential candidates for employment.
Special council meeting of the Elkton Town Council held on July 29 and July 30, 2024, for interviewing prospective candidates for employment in a closed session.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on July 15, 2024, covering topics such as public utilities, parks and recreation, policy and personnel, special projects and economic development, finance, and public safety.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held on July 15, 2024, including various committee reports, public hearing schedules, and staff reports.
Minutes from the Town of Elkton Council Committees meeting held on July 1, 2024. Topics discussed included finance, special projects, economic development, public safety, utilities, and personnel policies. Various projects and community issues were also addressed.
Notice of cancellation for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for July 2, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for August 6, 2024.
Minutes from the town council meeting held on June 17, 2024. The meeting included discussions on rezoning requests, updates to the town's comprehensive plan, and various committee reports.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on June 17, 2024, including public hearings on rezoning requests and updates to the town's comprehensive plan.
The 2024 Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Elkton outlines the guidelines for community development, addressing future goals, land use policies, infrastructure improvements, and historical context.
Minutes of the Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting held on June 13, 2024, discussing employment-related issues.
Minutes from the Town of Elkton Council Committees meeting held on June 3, 2024, discussing various committee reports and the Drinking Water Project.
Council Committees Meeting scheduled by Mayor Joshua J. Gooden on June 3, 2024, at the Town Hall to discuss various committee matters.
Proclamation by the Town of Elkton declaring May as Police Appreciation Month, recognizing the sacrifices and contributions of police officers and encouraging community involvement.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council meeting held on May 20, 2024, covering topics such as public comments, adoption of agendas, town manager's report, committee reports, ordinances, proclamations, and resolutions.
Elkton Town Council Agenda for the meeting scheduled on May 20, 2024, including items such as adoption of agenda, public comments, consent agenda, committee reports, unfinished and new business, proclamations, and a resolution regarding street maintenance funding.
Resolution by the Town of Elkton to request maintenance funding for certain streets meeting minimum standards as per Section 33.1-44.1 of the Code of Virginia.
A proclamation by the Town of Elkton declaring May as Nurses Appreciation Month to recognize the invaluable contributions of nurses.
An ordinance proposing a budget for the Town of Elkton, Virginia for the fiscal year 2024-2025. It includes appropriating funds for public purposes, adjusting rates, fees, and taxes, and continuing in effect all ordinances relating to taxes, licenses, fees, service charges, costs, and other charges, except as modified.
Bid document for the development of new groundwater wells for the Town of Elkton, Virginia, including instructions to bidders, bid form, and project specifications.
This document certifies the distribution of the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for the Town of Elkton, detailing the methods of distribution and availability to the public.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council Work Session held on May 6, 2024, discussing utility rate increases, the FY24/25 budget, rezoning requests, and other town matters.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for May 7, 2024, now rescheduled to June 17, 2024. The meeting will be held in the large event room at the Elkton Area Community Center immediately following the joint public hearing.
A public hearing notice for proposed water rate changes to be held on May 6, 2024, at the Elkton Area Community Center.
Minutes from the Town of Elkton Council Meeting held on April 15, 2024, discussing topics such as the FY25 budget, inoperable vehicle ordinance, and the Police Assistance Pact.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council budget retreat discussing the proposed FY 24/25 budget, budget presentation, water project, and other financial matters.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council Budget Retreat held on April 1, 2024, at the Elkton Area Community Center. The agenda includes the adoption of the agenda, a FY 25/25 budget presentation, and a closed session.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on March 18, 2024, including presentations, public comments, reports, unfinished and new business, and a closed session.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council meeting held on March 18, 2024, discussing various topics including the FY25 budget, public works, and committee reports.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council Community Meeting discussing town agenda adoption, unfinished and new business including a proposal for design of drinking water lines, library updates, and appointment of cleaning services.
This document outlines the budget for the Town of Elkton for the fiscal year 2024, detailing revenues and expenditures across various departments and services.
Budget document for the Town of Elkton for the fiscal year 2023, detailing revenues and expenditures across various departments and services.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for March 5, 2024, now rescheduled to April 15, 2024. The meeting will be held at the EACC following a public hearing.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on February 20, 2024, including discussions on ordinance amendments, committee reports, and new business initiatives.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on February 20, 2024, including public hearings, adoption of agenda, consent agenda, reports from town manager and attorney, committee reports, unfinished and new business.
Special council meeting of the Elkton Town Council to discuss employment candidates and possible litigation.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council Special Meeting held on February 8, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. The meeting included interviews with potential candidates for employment and discussions on possible litigation.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on February 5, 2024, covering various infrastructure projects and new business items.
Notice of date and location change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting, rescheduled to February 20, 2024, to be held at EACC.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council Meeting held on January 18, 2024, which included discussions on a cable television franchise, updates on water and sewer projects, and the Elkton Downtown Marketplace.
This document is the agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting scheduled for January 16, 2024. It includes items such as public hearings, presentations, the adoption of the agenda, and reports from the Town Manager and committees.
Elkton Town Council meeting and public hearing rescheduled due to inclement weather.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Planning Commission meeting held on January 2, 2024. Topics discussed include the approval of previous minutes, recommendation for child care center zoning changes, and review of attendance policy.
This document outlines the by-laws for the Town of Elkton Planning Commission, including its purpose, membership, officer selection, duties, committees, meetings, voting procedures, and public hearings.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting, including reports, unfinished business, new business, and closed session details.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Elkton Town Council held on December 18, 2023, covering various topics including the adoption of agendas, public comments, staff reports, committee reports, and new business such as the Elkton Downtown Marketplace, ARPA tax relief, and the USDA Drinking Water Resolution.
Minutes of the special meeting of the Elkton Town Council held on December 14, 2023, discussing public contract negotiations and employee performance.
Minutes from a special meeting of the Elkton Town Council on December 14, 2023, discussing a contract for the Elkton Downtown Marketplace and employee performance.
Notice of cancellation for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for December 5, 2023.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held on November 20, 2023, covering public hearings on special exceptions and rezoning, committee reports, and new business.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting originally scheduled for November 7, 2023, rescheduled to November 20, 2023. Meeting to be held at Town Hall 173 W. Spotswood Avenue following the joint public hearing at EACC 20593 Blue and Gold Drive.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Planning Commission meeting held on November 20, 2023. Topics discussed include approval of October 3, 2023 minutes, special exception permit for short term rental at 504 4th Street, zoning recommendations for boundary line adjustments, and proposed revisions to short term rental regulations.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on November 20, 2023, covering topics such as public hearings on a short-term rental permit and rezoning, committee reports, a procurement policy update, and donations to the police department.
Minutes from the special meeting of the Elkton Town Council held on October 30, 2023. Topics included scheduling a joint public hearing with the Elkton Planning Commission, committee meetings for Special Projects and Economic Development, Parks & Recreation, and Public Utilities, and a closed session for discussion of public contracts and personnel matters.
Minutes of the special council meeting held by Elkton Town Council on October 30, 2023. The agenda included scheduling a joint public hearing with the Elkton Planning Commission, committee meetings on special projects, economic development, parks & recreation, and public utilities, and a closed session under Virginia Code for discussion on the award of public contracts and employment matters.
Notice for the Elkton Cemetery Advisory Commission meeting on October 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Town Hall, Elkton, VA.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on October 16, 2023 at the Elkton Area Community Center.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on October 16, 2023, covering topics such as public comment on town finances and wastewater treatment plant, various staff and committee reports, and new business including procurement policy and credit card changes.
The Elkton Town Council will hold a community meeting on October 2, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at Riverside Park.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council Community Meeting held on October 2, 2023, covering reports from town officials and upcoming events.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council meeting held on September 18, 2023, covering various committee reports, public comments, and new and unfinished business.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held on September 5, 2023, at the Elkton Area Community Center.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council Work Session held on September 5, 2023, covering topics such as drought conditions, committee reports, proclamations for the Special Olympics and Constitution Week, and new business including a special exception permit for a short-term rental.
Agenda for the bi-monthly committee meetings scheduled on August 28, 2023, at the Town Hall/Jennings House.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on August 21, 2023, including items such as presentations, public hearings, consent agenda, reports, and closed sessions.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on August 21, 2023, covering agenda items such as public hearings, committee reports, and new business including the adoption of a records management policy and a real estate contract.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting, rescheduled to August 21, 2023. The meeting will be held at Town Hall following a joint public hearing at EACC.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council community meeting held on August 7, 2023, including new business items and closed session topics.
Elkton Town Council agenda for the meeting on August 7, 2023, which includes discussions on special exception permits for short-term rentals at 17140 Mt. Pleasant Road and 133 North Street.
Revised agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on July 17, 2023, including presentations, reports, and closed sessions.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting held at the Elkton Area Community Center on July 17, 2023, which includes various reports, presentations, and discussions on new and unfinished business.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting, rescheduled to August 1, 2023.
This document is the financial report for the Town of Elkton, Virginia, for the year ended June 30, 2023. It includes auditor's reports, basic financial statements, required supplementary information, and a compliance section.
Notice of the Elkton Cemetery Advisory Commission meeting to be held on June 6, 2023, at Elk Run Cemetery. The commission will collect flags placed for Memorial Day.
Agenda for the Elkton Town Council meeting on June 5, 2023, covering public hearings on the fiscal year budget, utility rate increases, and land development amendments.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Planning Commission meeting held on June 5, 2023, discussing various ordinances, boundary line adjustments, rezoning, resignations, and officer elections.
Minutes of the Elkton Town Council Work Session held on June 5, 2023. Discussions included public hearings on budget and rate increases, adoption of agenda, service agreements, and closed sessions.
Notice of date change for the Elkton Planning Commission meeting, rescheduled from June 6, 2023 to June 5, 2023. The meeting will be held at Town Hall following the joint public hearing at 6:00 pm.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Council meeting held on May 15, 2023, covering topics such as budget discussions, proclamations for National Police Week and National Public Works Week, and several ordinance amendments.
Minutes from the Elkton Town Planning Commission meeting held on May 9, 2023, discussing topics such as subdivision requests, short-term rental regulations, code amendments for B-1 district, sign code updates, and home occupation approvals.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.