Duffield (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 2 records from Duffield (Town) (Agency ID: 200)

Summary of the board meeting held on August 18, 2020, where the agenda was approved, an emergency was declared for the Cliff Mountain area of Duffield, and the meeting was adjourned to September 2, 2020.
unknown 2020-08-18 ID: jBGh82C5Q75CRO8MgFXKw
Minutes from the Duffield Town Board meeting held on August 1, 2018, covering agenda approvals, building permit fee waiver for Fairview Apostolic church, various fund authorizations, closure notice for East Carters Valley Solid Waste Center, and authorization for School Resource Officer application.
unknown 2018-08-01 ID: hgeKOpVru9cx8w3PjjoMQ