Covington (City)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Covington (City) (Agency ID: 19)

Notification of a called meeting of the City Council of Covington to be held on January 6, 2025, for the purpose of reorganizing the City Council.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: 2HBaSjkTIL2maGNBW9c45
Notification of a called meeting for the Covington City Council to hold a reorganization.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: Rhxe0oWPMiiYhKjpTFOBW
Notification of a called meeting for the City of Covington Council to hold a reorganization of City Council on January 6, 2025.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: UO6nywvO8sXNyUyEB14Qn
Notice of a called meeting of the City Council of Covington for reorganization purposes.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: o7obyJvBMhXDTX7rH3Vjs
Notification of a called meeting of the City Council of Covington to hold a reorganization and conduct necessary business.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: FO38aQNS1464mZJOgpOhB
A notice for a Called meeting of the City Council of Covington scheduled on January 6, 2025, for the purpose of council reorganization.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: N9NpytixDugh4Gudx8wYw
Notification of a called meeting of the City Council of Covington on January 6, 2025, for the purpose of reorganization and any related actions.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: toznGFDhgylsZt5Yl8mAJ
Notification of a called meeting for the reorganization of the City Council of Covington.
unknown 2024-12-23 ID: I1lqAZ30IKDvNGL6K6G0e
Agenda for the City of Covington work session including citizen comments, city manager report, public hearing on alcohol license tax amendment, and resolution on opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: hIbr34k2YoFYgGKMd5hP3
Agenda for the City of Covington council work session on December 3, 2024, including discussions on a public hearing for amending alcohol license taxes, a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments to the League of Older Americans Advisory Council.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: kV3ljIGPDIGrbGB7pD7Iu
Agenda for the work session of the Council for the City of Covington on December 3, 2024, including a public hearing on amending section 10-262 regarding alcoholic beverages, a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments to the League of Older Americans Advisory Council.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: IwiKdCuNstxd3sLnaHRx7
Agenda for the work session of the Council for the City of Covington on December 3, 2024, including a public hearing on amending alcohol license taxes and consideration of Resolution R-24-35 on opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: UjIJaJaqjeIM1ybeMUUZ3
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on December 3, 2024, including a public hearing on amending Section 10-262 regarding alcoholic beverages, and consideration of Resolution R-24-35 on opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: FsX1UcAz0b8GNOvSxsqlM
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on December 3, 2024, including public hearing on alcohol license tax amendment and resolution on opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: LGlDd11SpNfcUVqvvulU6
Agenda for the work session of the City of Covington Council, including public hearing on amending alcohol license tax, consideration of a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments to advisory councils.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: ahY9XTRU76ff0NRevFRHh
Agenda for the work session of the Covington City Council, including public hearing on alcoholic beverages, a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: HG0GLa7yP0AlXFbKlyHTr
The agenda for the work session of the Covington City Council on December 3, 2024, includes citizen comments, a report from the city manager, a reception for the mayor and vice mayor, a public hearing on alcohol license tax, and consideration of opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: BB4xLQYlBMMUDmpDiaPcz
Joint called meeting of the City Council of Covington with the Covington Planning Commission to discuss special exception and rezoning requests.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: rx9Kzxfd6GxzhaWKaFUdw
Joint called meeting of the Covington City Council with the Covington Planning Commission to discuss a special exception request by Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board for a Crisis Intervention Center and a rezoning request by Christ United Methodist Church.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: 9032dAP9EzeSrXYlWsfqA
Notification of a joint called meeting of the City of Covington Council with the Covington Planning Commission to be held on November 19, 2024, for a public hearing on special exception and rezoning requests.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: XurmmTRLq1mg6izCQOCiy
Notice of a joint called meeting of the Covington City Council and the Covington Planning Commission to be held on November 19, 2024, for a public hearing on applications including a special exception request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board and a rezoning request by Christ United Methodist Church.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: JroeHJGbSaqY25n2qwZui
Notification of a joint called meeting of the Covington City Council with the Covington Planning Commission to discuss a special exception request and a rezoning request.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: LzFCDKxViz4oLjb0KxALZ
Notification of a joint called meeting of the City of Covington Council with the Covington Planning Commission to discuss a special exception request and a rezoning request.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: dr0fsPG5bgdnaJCc8BJoX
Joint called meeting of the Covington City Council with the Covington Planning Commission to discuss special exception and rezoning requests.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: uufquE4FXbSrqu4Ekro5x
Notification of a joint called meeting of the Council for the City of Covington with the Covington Planning Commission to be held on November 19, 2024. The agenda includes a public hearing for a special exception request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board to open a Crisis Intervention Center and a rezoning request by Christ United Methodist Church.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: vamUOcM3enxanxN1OVIok
Agenda for the work session of the Covington City Council, including public hearings on business license tax revisions and appropriations for Alleghany Regional Commerce Center, as well as consideration of various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: gCpORMzrME14gz8LIbqEY
Agenda for the work session of the Covington City Council held on November 5, 2024. Topics include public hearings on business license tax revisions, appropriations for the Alleghany Regional Commerce Center, and various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: zCqzx4AxDmWNr8fnskF4P
Agenda for the Covington City Council work session on November 5, 2024, including public hearings on business license tax proration and appropriations for the Alleghany Regional Commerce Center Pad Site Construction, recognition of retirements, and consideration of various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: iY8SMDfRz8EopyXZZ4j6I
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on November 5, 2024, covering topics such as business license tax revisions, appropriation resolutions, recognition of retirements, various ordinances and resolutions, and new business.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: naEcxqyKEXZFRk7dmtT7i
Agenda for the City of Covington work session held on November 5, 2024. Includes public hearings on business license taxes and an appropriation resolution for Alleghany Regional Commerce Center Pad Site Construction. Several resolutions and ordinances are also on the agenda.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: K6dAwgMc1rFczVRS4YeZt
Agenda for the City of Covington Council work session on November 5, 2024, including public hearings on business license taxes and appropriations related to Alleghany Regional Commerce Center. Recognition of retirements and consideration of various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: lVNkcYKNLReNOBmNQmdwo
Agenda for the City of Covington's work session on November 5, 2024, including public hearings on business license taxes and appropriations related to Alleghany Regional Commerce Center. Several resolutions and ordinances are to be considered.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: vOiFspaD2uL3GFn8TIkko
Agenda for the work session of the City of Covington Council, including public hearings on business license taxes and appropriation resolution for Alleghany Regional Commerce Center, recognition of retirements, and consideration of various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: ZtNGt99fcDZcwpPtCjldD
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington on October 8, 2024, including approval of minutes, recognition of retirement, and consideration of resolutions and appointments.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: EB7lLGGE33fZw4TsmR5qj
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on October 8, 2024, including items such as approval of minutes, a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments to the Social Services board.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: TTmBpfK1Mx1DbxvLyp9yY
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on October 8, 2024, including approval of minutes, recognition of retirement, discussion of opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: L8ZUlPSWsqEXASSxJaGGT
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on October 8, 2024, covering agenda approval, citizen comments, council appointments, proclamations, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: 4HbQudNyWM8LwUgiJM7tY
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on October 8, 2024, including citizen comments, approval of previous minutes, recognition of retirement, and consideration of resolutions and appointments.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: DIBWzfPWUyohTpfXo7Z9E
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City of Covington Council on October 8, 2024, including items such as approval of minutes, recognition of retirement, and consideration of a resolution on opioid settlement recoveries.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: G1bLL984Yj6BucOwH3Kac
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on October 8, 2024, including approval of minutes, recognition of retirement, reports, resolutions, and appointments.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: 8ut8OXdo4v2weSup8Cc2D
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on October 8, 2024. Discussions included citizen comments, recognition of Tim Yancey's retirement, city manager's report, a proclamation for 'Extra Mile Day', appointments to the Social Services board, and approval of resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: S9boLlgK4HLaC9489T1wD
Agenda for the regular meeting of Covington City Council held on October 8, 2024, including approval of minutes, recognition of retirement, resolution on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointment to the Social Services board.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: mmt2p2gZHTQAfIopSU3We
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on October 8, 2024. Includes approval of agenda, citizen comments, consent agenda, recognition of retirement for Tim Yancey, report of city manager, consideration of Resolution R-24-26 on opioid settlement recoveries, and appointments to the Social Services board.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: rQJwg6ookuxlbnpIbq55c
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Covington Council held on October 8, 2024, detailing discussions and decisions on various local issues including citizen comments, arts council updates, appointments, and proclamations.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: PeROLr2ELLyhRjx6Y5qi5
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on October 8, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including citizen comments, reports from the city manager, recognition of retirements, proclamations, appointments to the Social Services board, and approval of resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: gHHxKlh2BI1dovO2e2EEj
Minutes from the work session of the City Council of Covington, Virginia, held on October 1, 2024. Topics discussed include zoning issues, noise complaints regarding fireworks, public works updates, and community events.
unknown 2024-10-01 ID: jpT36o5xruktIygdXNCCv
Minutes from the City of Covington's work session on October 1, 2024, covering topics such as zoning issues, citizen concerns about fireworks, city manager's report on city activities, and new business.
unknown 2024-10-01 ID: OCjyOSRnQVh9ruX6l0M76
Notification of a called meeting for the City of Covington to discuss a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: a9dZ0XBE414tpTZb38k48
Notification of a called meeting of the City of Covington Council to discuss a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board from R-3 to C-2.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: PTelyyRtV0TKWncWGhEVG
Notice for a called meeting of the Council for the City of Covington to discuss a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: NbZI7nzvLhKajawmA1CKX
Notification of a Called Meeting of the City Council of Covington to discuss a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: ZeL3f5diziZmhINFInf4u
Notification of a called meeting of the Covington City Council to discuss the rezoning request of the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: wo1dk5dTW0U6EeSzaYfuu
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City of Covington Council on September 10, 2024, including public hearing on rezoning requests, citizen comments, appointments, and consideration of ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: KYTmVtAFdGcep5DXdHLCP
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on September 10, 2024, including public hearing on rezoning, appointments to boards, and consideration of ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: EwvdVAZlGPqc5Mrdp1glv
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council discussing public hearing on rezoning requests, citizen comments on local issues, recognitions, and city manager's report.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: HLnz0jByGegFeNIxGzaCk
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on September 10, 2024. Includes a public hearing on a rezoning request, citizen comments, appointments to boards, and consideration of ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: 2Potzd94Zr9T3a6c0puUd
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council, including public hearing on rezoning requests, appointments to boards, and consideration of ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: uvEOdRbumWGa1KgnSfXIu
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington on September 10, 2024, including public hearing on rezoning, citizen comments, consent agenda, appointments, ordinances, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: 3KXpFSPtFNo9c5CO9Ifrp
Minutes from the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington held on September 10, 2024, discussing topics such as a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board, public safety recognitions, and various resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: itIEh4H7UWgNEDL4ZvIqJ
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on September 10, 2024, discussing topics such as a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board, the condition of the city's vehicle fleet, and various resolutions including those related to opioid settlement recoveries and capital improvements.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: xngSeQOCSoFikton8lcMt
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on September 10, 2024. Discussions included a public hearing on a rezoning request by the Alleghany Highlands Community Service Board, citizen comments, recognitions by the Director of Public Safety, and various resolutions and ordinances.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: DRpyMuOICwPRY2NujZLZC
Agenda for the work session of the City of Covington Council on September 3, 2024, covering topics such as rezoning requests, opioid settlement recoveries, school capital improvements, and re-appropriations.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: ylmxStNsm2alC6yap4GZb
Agenda for the work session of the City of Covington Council, including items for the regular meeting on September 10, 2024. Topics include public hearing for rezoning requests, resolutions on opioid settlement recoveries, school capital improvements, and re-appropriations, as well as appointments to boards.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: qamRv6HtCRLDjNBdz0dht
Agenda for the work session of the Covington City Council, including public hearings, ordinances, resolutions, and appointments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: LMuiy6IUVO06n1nlmot0K
Minutes from the City of Covington work session held on September 3, 2024, discussing topics like rezoning by the Community Services Board, wastewater treatment project resolution, bridge inspections, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: X8ocwVynLRFrg18mUYAqr
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on September 3, 2024, including items for the regular meeting on September 10, 2024, public hearings, ordinances, resolutions, and appointments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: CltMXrIPNAOgyKoIk4r33
Minutes from the City of Covington council work session held on September 3, 2024. The session included citizen comments, discussions on rezoning, events, and infrastructure projects.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: Rb50o1xZUVbRQN4MBJU7V
Minutes from the Covington City Council work session held on September 3, 2024, discussing agenda approval, citizen comments, rezoning concerns, upcoming events, and infrastructure projects.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: e3HWMW80XdacXs2wBGJvF
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on September 3, 2024, including public hearing, ordinances, resolutions, and board appointments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: uXqY7i2i93DF68e4wRhWn
Minutes of the work session held by the City Council of Covington on September 3, 2024. Topics included public comments on rezoning, celebration events, infrastructure projects, and the addition of a supplemental resolution related to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: ycEM4lgAAt4vhojTAHJ7M
Agenda for the City of Covington work session on September 3, 2024, including public hearings, ordinances, and resolutions to be considered, as well as appointments to various boards and a closed session for legal consultation.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: TIoT1Spb1Fu4MTIBzy0tl
Agenda for the work session of the City Council of Covington, Virginia, held on September 3, 2024. Includes public hearing on rezoning request and consideration of various ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: YAdHKSWm3MNrvyADNyPX4
Agenda for the City of Covington Council work session on September 3, 2024, covering topics such as rezoning requests, opioid settlement recoveries, school capital improvements, and re-appropriations.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: 7OWdpzKvbutQyI21Z2cNJ
Minutes from the City of Covington Council work session held on September 3, 2024. Discussions included citizen comments on local issues, the Wastewater Treatment Plant project, upcoming events, infrastructure updates, and a closed session regarding legal consultation.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: iPEtjka9h32IS7zzo9TYQ
Agenda for the work session of the City Council of Covington, Virginia, including items for the regular meeting, public hearings, ordinances, resolutions, and appointments.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: Jtgd1MFz7R3nZnFLJLWtg
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City of Covington Council on August 13, 2024, including reports, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 8Zq7D38euNtTujhRkuTlI
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on August 13, 2024, covering various topics including citizen comments, reports from the city manager, school updates, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: grPHhusR8GjnDdncQswVD
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024, including citizen comments, reports, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 5xrVay4RTXMiMkOEzf0om
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington scheduled for August 13, 2024, including resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: LowZbcZI7g3b7xxYQ025C
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including citizen comments, reports from the City Manager, updates from Alleghany Highlands Public Schools, approval of ordinances and resolutions, and discussions on new and old business.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: pFcrvgOFLuhpRuPKqmTiR
Minutes of the regular meeting held by the City Council of Covington on August 13, 2024, covering topics such as public comments, reports from the city manager, updates on city projects, school board updates, and resolutions passed.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: FsLF1n7cawkgcDysV2hdb
Minutes of the regular meeting held by the City Council of Covington on August 13, 2024, discussing various city matters including infrastructure projects, school updates, and community events.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: N1qkITkB9YcpJ5A9TdqFV
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024, including reports, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 427W6LApDkEHXn6QVoR2K
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024, including items such as citizen comments, consent agenda, reports, ordinances, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: IaNqmFQmc5nfzX0V43vZN
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on August 13, 2024, including resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: uEm5pamZoC1M646efXqrq
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington scheduled for August 13, 2024, including reports, resolutions, appointments, and closed session topics.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: EncyttpwJ1TV3RFex6bx2
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on August 13, 2024, covering agenda approvals, citizen comments, reports from the City Manager, school updates, resolutions, appointments, and new business discussions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: SKtP1WuT5gGe86vykzWkH
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024, including reports, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 5Z3wIrZCMlgBTSsnax4jW
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on August 13, 2024, including discussions on school updates, resolutions, appointments, and closed sessions for legal consultations.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: vFWuDyx5MycusOUUyOMCs
Minutes from the regular meeting of the City of Covington council held on July 9, 2024. Discussions included opioid settlement resolutions, community events, and various city projects.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: rFGWKTvpHza3CMYrU82fs
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on July 9, 2024, including approval of resolutions related to opioid settlements, reports from the city manager, and discussions on city projects and appointments.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: 8RHQra4tTVWRX93oyed24
Minutes from the regular meeting of the City of Covington Council held on July 9, 2024. Key topics discussed include the approval of resolutions related to opioid settlements, upcoming community events, and updates on various city projects.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: VikhqqjhYn3EyzA6VZEyj
Minutes of the regular meeting held by the City of Covington Council on July 9, 2024, including approval of resolutions, appointments, and reports from the City Manager.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: Naz3TRbauKf2wIMTOf9Fs
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington held on July 9, 2024, covering approvals of agenda, citizen comments, city manager reports, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: bd5CF1iG0k54wEcD5OBHN
Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council of Covington on June 11, 2024, including resolutions, ordinances, and appointments.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: oPfUwF38GKC3C5ug9WCaM
Regular meeting agenda for the City of Covington Council on June 11, 2024, including resolutions, ordinances, and appointments.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: xECAG4kazY8665JlcgYn5
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Covington City Council held on June 11, 2024, including reports from the City Manager, approval of ordinances and resolutions, and appointments to regional boards.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: nkxChBjy7QOP10pOR6nwT
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council on June 11, 2024, including resolutions and ordinances to be considered, as well as appointments to various commissions.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: TWYHBUa32hHHJv4skhwNo
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Covington City Council, including resolutions, ordinances, and appointments.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: 4STJGoD4hESjocM7ca5Rm
Agenda for the City of Covington's regular council meeting to be held on June 11, 2024, including resolutions, ordinances, and appointments.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: OtwvaChJkOtI8i9rM48X6

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.