Colonial Beach (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 43 records from Colonial Beach (Town) (Agency ID: 188)

Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting agenda, including zoning ordinance amendment for maritime resort definition and emergency purchase of IT server for the police department.
unknown 2024-12-18 ID: S2JjLyBlUhKNuAa5dNz8C
Agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on December 12, 2024. Includes items such as approval of the meeting agenda, public comments, special presentation on flood and stormwater management, and discussions on the Capital Improvement Plan and zoning text amendments.
unknown 2024-12-12 ID: HmMRh3C5pbcTEZXgzyhBe
Agenda for the Town Council Work Session held on December 4, 2024, covering resolutions, budget amendments, grants, and holiday proclamations.
unknown 2024-12-04 ID: m7w8plMrK1OFbFFM6ZwBX
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council Regular Meeting, including resolutions, presentations, and public hearing announcements.
unknown 2024-11-20 ID: U3WyFsjhjn3CHmmiQbKUB
An agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on November 14, 2024. It includes items such as approval of minutes, public comments, old and new business, updates to the work plan, and discussions on zoning text amendments.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: X1GEJ8pa6AIMCYiqcN3wz
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council meeting and joint work session with the Planning Commission, covering topics such as personal property tax relief rates, zoning text amendments, and the capital improvement plan.
unknown 2024-10-02 ID: gF7cuMv6uiBEescekjuUC
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council meeting on September 18, 2024, including resolutions, presentations, public hearings, and updates on various projects.
unknown 2024-09-18 ID: Ba1mkuWNh5Mk9tKBM6XFm
The agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting held on September 12, 2024, included discussions on parking, floor area ratio, higher density residential use, inclusionary housing, and the capital improvement plan.
unknown 2024-09-12 ID: YdZmyTHPfMtd6wnxE0gsq
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting held on August 21, 2024, including resolutions to amend and appropriate the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget for recruitment and retention, and park projects, as well as a resolution for the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget regarding the required local match for Colonial Beach Public Schools.
unknown 2024-08-21 ID: jCpflHpTrkDI1ugcIBSdD
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting held on August 21, 2024. The meeting covered various topics including remote participation approval, budget amendments, public comments, and updates on ongoing projects.
unknown 2024-08-21 ID: s5voF4HxTL80SK3CK7bsN
Agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on August 8, 2024, discussing zoning text amendment for maritime resort definition and remote participation policy.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: bwUa7deFX48IC2xpGN0ib
Minutes from the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session on August 7, 2024, discussing budget amendments, DEQ monetary assessments, and various community projects.
unknown 2024-08-07 ID: IiBzwFbpFW80o7Kcf6tUT
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council work session held on August 7, 2024, including resolutions to amend the FY 2024-2025 budget for DEQ monetary assessments, gateway signage, and public works storage building.
unknown 2024-08-07 ID: fcUBUUQPQXrUxKMRa0QXV
Agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on July 11, 2024, including discussions on a zoning text amendment to define 'Maritime Resort' and public comments related to RV camping.
unknown 2024-07-11 ID: KVtAh5vbu0CFBNGKzVu8w
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Regular Meeting discussing budget amendments, tax increases, public comments, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: amWe8KkB1FliV9hpZ3xWt
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting on June 20, 2024. Topics include resolutions amending the FY23-24 budget, updates on public works, a conditional use permit application, and discussions on tax rate changes.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: yrtGT8OgubtwKkvC6tLsH
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Special Meeting held on June 11, 2024, to discuss the proposed FY 2025 budget. Discussions included budget allocations, contract services, and staffing decisions.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: YxZR2lAkbgZtsWaCeULt1
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council Special Meeting, including discussion and adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and related resolutions.
unknown 2024-06-05 ID: CbVXD8iMgxs3n1gfxMP34
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session held on June 5, 2024, covering discussions on budget, tax rates, public comments, resolutions, and planning issues.
unknown 2024-06-05 ID: N1ePESvxAiw3Xd7wtTmyR
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting on May 15, 2024, including budget amendments, ordinance discussions, and reports.
unknown 2024-05-15 ID: HqPfN0RyvF13mDGn8TMH5
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting discussing resolutions, budget presentations, public comments on various issues including dogs on the beach, and ordinances related to zoning and water/sewer fees.
unknown 2024-05-15 ID: LGEUgMnGgcGiracZGikql
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session held on May 1, 2024, discussing public hearings for transient and meals tax, water and sewer fees, and FY25 budget and tax rates.
unknown 2024-05-01 ID: azktu9goSA2qcmopSJnJ9
Colonial Beach Town Council work session agenda including budget amendments, ordinance discussions, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-05-01 ID: kjDl7tjr2zMIL7hiWmQtq
Agenda for the Town Council Regular Meeting of Colonial Beach held on April 17, 2024, including budget presentations, resolutions, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: ziHvprcWnXbPyQ9xHVtSS
Minutes from the Colonial Beach Town Council Regular Meeting held on April 17, 2024, discussing topics such as budget presentations, zoning text amendments, and various resolutions.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: 8tPaFbvwPapBwsWgtnEnL
Minutes from the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on April 11, 2024, including discussions on the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2024-2025 and Zoning Text Amendment 24-02.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: F2xnt582KjWNPlKb7S6Vs
Agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on April 11, 2024, covering topics such as capital improvement projects, zoning amendments, and FOIA training.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: GDfTQRo8wlYxSj4Loy0pT
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council work session on April 3, 2024, including discussions on zoning text amendments, budget presentation, and ordinances.
unknown 2024-04-03 ID: pviYQD2tcHX5hwg6OoX6N
This document outlines the agenda for the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission's special meeting, including the discussion and adoption of the Planning Commission Work Plan for 2024-2025. It includes updates on zoning ordinances and future projects.
unknown 2024-03-28 ID: bXn1rFDO2iRGjcqKktgCd
Minutes of the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting held on March 28, 2024. Discussions focused on the development of the Planning Commission Work Plan for 2024-2025, with an emphasis on housing issues, zoning updates, and public comments from local residents.
unknown 2024-03-28 ID: SMiH1FpTsp2R0ZLwzUVm5
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council regular meeting, including proclamations for Autism Awareness Month and Women’s History Month, updates on town management, and considerations for Marina Way designation.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: msaq0A7aUxBAKwLXNELKi
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session held on March 6, 2024, including discussions on various topics such as procurement, appointment of town manager, wastewater treatment plant operations, and community announcements.
unknown 2024-03-06 ID: 7dxGxi0SOO5K6qkDXBa1Y
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session held on March 6, 2024, including presentations, public comments, and discussions on zoning amendments and the appointment of a town manager.
unknown 2024-03-06 ID: kaSA3yaZOjoDTISeZYSP2
Minutes of the special meeting held at Town Center, Colonial Beach on February 26, 2024.
unknown 2024-02-26 ID: C24z4tvpYQJG3HyBFwsQJ
Minutes of the special meeting held at Town Center in Colonial Beach.
unknown 2024-02-26 ID: CX4XbEKphz070cQyvcL4j
Minutes for the special meeting held at Town Center in Colonial Beach, VA.
unknown 2024-02-26 ID: oduRI0VmBnvp0DtSg4vYI
This document is the agenda for the regular meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council held on February 21, 2024, covering topics such as budget amendments, asset forfeiture, strategic planning, and recognition of volunteers.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: gWE8p4Q5XmHCTnIo1sUcT
Minutes from the Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission meeting on February 8, 2024, covering topics like zoning text amendments, committee appointments, and work plan discussions.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: 2SgXx3YiuXhOxzILzLhhG
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session held on February 7, 2024, covering agenda approval, Black History Month proclamation, Downtown Colonial Beach presentation, Moonshot Missions update, FOIA training, public comments, ordinance amendments, budget resolutions, and closed meeting sessions.
unknown 2024-02-07 ID: g8wPSok98JGe8XtPpoES5
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council work session held on February 7, 2024, including reports, presentations, public comments, and discussions on ordinances and resolutions.
unknown 2024-02-07 ID: n9t09g85Sx0kbl2i4FXNx
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council Regular Meeting held on January 17, 2024. The meeting included the approval of the agenda and consent agenda, council member announcements, a town manager update, presentations from the Comprehensive Annual Audit Financial Report and Westmoreland County Supervisor, public comments, unfinished and new business including the adoption of budget resolutions, and adjournment.
unknown 2024-01-17 ID: mRkBv1zPdJBBlWzhdhdY9
Minutes of the Colonial Beach Town Council work session held on January 3, 2024, covering various agenda items including amendments to the agenda, election of Vice Mayor, liaison assignments, and resolutions establishing the meeting schedule and adopting 2024 bylaws and rules of procedure.
unknown 2024-01-03 ID: V7Vfb19fXRkvXapyXF5Q9
Agenda for the Colonial Beach Town Council work session on January 3, 2024, including election of Vice Mayor, liaison assignments, and resolutions regarding the town council meeting schedule and bylaws.
unknown 2024-01-03 ID: t41EtsQMT9d8cySOzEpcW