Coeburn (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 63 records from Coeburn (Town) (Agency ID: 187)

Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town of Coeburn council held on February 12, 2024, discussing various reports, new business items such as the Pro Med Ambulance Company, food trucks, and a service agreement for solid waste collection, as well as old business and closed session topics.
unknown 2024-02-12 ID: W8uSP4oI2bd3jt1m2rdzK
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Coeburn Town Council on January 8, 2024, covering topics such as public expressions, banking services proposal, and departmental reports.
unknown 2024-01-08 ID: OuwVAvJsfeYALKMw1H4Ni
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Coeburn Town Council on November 16, 2023, discussing budget and spending issues, updates from the Town Treasurer, and the adoption of a new personnel document for the police department.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: jD1hoSKQ1Zaanom0XOb0D
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town of Coeburn Council, detailing public expressions, closed sessions, department reports, and council comments.
unknown 2023-11-13 ID: oBiBImMEwTSu7NhzoMIye
Minutes of the special called meeting of the Coeburn Town Council held on November 1, 2023, discussing the appointment of an interim chief of police and other council matters.
unknown 2023-11-01 ID: SaYZwNh4dHDvunPx5N14H
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Town of Coeburn Council held on October 23, 2023, discussing various town issues including water disconnection procedures, budget concerns, and project updates.
unknown 2023-10-23 ID: DDAoFVotXsw4lEtft3p1H
Minutes from the Coeburn Town Council regular meeting held on October 10, 2023, discussing topics such as public safety reports, financial concerns, and management issues.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: F4nTD74nMAKaxCps4GQHq
Minutes of the Town of Coeburn workshop meeting held on September 25, 2023, discussing town finances, public works updates, and procurement for professional services.
unknown 2023-09-25 ID: v7PLzqgS8Z12EdW14oIdr
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town of Coeburn council held on September 11, 2023, covering topics such as public works updates, financial reports, community events, and resolutions.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: 4BgKMPcSsuWPirO3BrTwJ
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Coeburn Town Council on August 28, 2023. Topics discussed include road repair on Elm Avenue, reports from various departments, and financial matters.
unknown 2023-08-28 ID: TAQQ7dsT0HYDPYHg6Y6Sl
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on August 14, 2023, in Coeburn, VA, covering various reports, discussions on purchasing a new fire department vehicle, road repairs, and other town matters.
unknown 2023-08-14 ID: VFlJXIgAFVGWRiBt7vr8H
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn Council Workshop Meeting held on July 24, 2023, including reports from various departments and discussions on town issues such as road conditions and upcoming events.
unknown 2023-07-24 ID: WuYOiN7Dd3Ye8snZAN68j
These are the minutes from the regular council meeting held on July 10, 2023, in Coeburn, VA. The meeting covered reports from the Fire Department, Police Department, and Town Manager, as well as discussions on public works, the upcoming Back to School Block Party, and other town matters.
unknown 2023-07-10 ID: DGizmcAE8bbxoyFG8byGj
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Coeburn Town Council on June 26, 2023, discussing agenda approval, reports from various departments, budget approval for FY 23-24, increased utility rates, and personnel document approval.
unknown 2023-06-26 ID: ubEBZ4WZ3AgSGJ95ySNuP
Minutes of the regular council meeting held on June 12, 2023, in Coeburn, VA. The meeting included reports from the fire and police departments, discussions on public works, water plant issues, and various community projects.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: Jdaj1viyuul9QrpRnD1mo
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn public hearing on June 12, 2023, discussing the proposed 2023-2024 town budget, water and sewer rate increases, and personnel document voting procedures.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: FyaSPcgzTtDamBLIr1wys
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's special called meeting on May 22, 2023, covering topics such as the agenda approval, old and new business discussions, public expression, and budget review.
unknown 2023-05-22 ID: glPrJEO6r03kPBiAFIr1I
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on May 8, 2023, at the Town of Coeburn, discussing various topics including public expression, department reports, and new business items.
unknown 2023-05-08 ID: gT3YnqoLz36PMywpgOlMY
Agenda for the Coeburn Town Council Special Called Meeting on April 24, 2023, including call to order, roll call, invocation, pledge of allegiance, public expression, reports from various departments, new and old business, and adjournment.
unknown 2023-04-24 ID: TbWxzGC7Hhz6K1pV53fSu
Agenda for the Coeburn Town Council public hearing and regular council meeting scheduled for April 10, 2023, at 6:30pm. The agenda includes call to order, roll call, invocation, pledge of allegiance, public expression, new business regarding abandonment of town property, council comments, and adjournment.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: Z3317gCvRbvG2U2w5QKMo
Minutes from the regular Coeburn Town Council meeting held on April 10, 2023. Discussions included public expressions, reports from various departments, new business items such as the petition to destroy town records, and a resolution.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: IbCFKds51XuzLbvLbUsvx
Minutes of the Town of Coeburn public hearing meeting held on April 10, 2023, discussing the abandonment of town property on Fifth Street.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: WVNUDc8zILNuU6vWLZ17k
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on April 10, 2023, in Coeburn, VA. The document includes reports from various departments, discussions on new and old business, and public expressions.
unknown 2023-04-10 ID: RnUzdatwN0pTS6x0I9FR7
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn Workshop Council Meeting held on March 27, 2023, including discussions on public expression, new and old business, reports from various departments, and a time and attendance policy.
unknown 2023-03-27 ID: B6DRO9ghTNJCmTtP3eEdZ
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's council workshop meeting held on March 27, 2023. Topics discussed included public expressions of concern about property and crime, updates on the town's website, police department purchases, water plant updates, and new business including historical marker dedication and pool equipment purchase.
unknown 2023-03-27 ID: nwXbCkM3WErqynmdcBsCo
Minutes from the regular council meeting of the Town of Coeburn held on March 13, 2023. Discussions included public expressions, new and old business, departmental reports, and financials.
unknown 2023-03-13 ID: k4EwRINOfDpqkb5FbzzlH
Minutes from the Coeburn Town Council Regular Meeting held on March 13, 2023, covering topics such as public expression about town appearance, reports from the fire and police departments, updates on public works projects, and resolutions.
unknown 2023-03-13 ID: UjptCYri2XQW0mddbYRgI
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's workshop meeting on February 27, 2023, covering reports from various departments, discussions on public works, financial updates, and public expressions.
unknown 2023-02-27 ID: 34c8SIOiR2rKqGgJIsbZo
A resolution by the Town Council of Coeburn recognizing Eastside High School's One-Act Play participants for winning the State Championship in the One-Act Play 1A State competition for nine consecutive years.
unknown 2023-02-13 ID: NIVdZW5IZ8QeMiD429nJG
Minutes of the special called meeting for the Town of Coeburn held on January 23, 2023. The meeting included appointments, public expressions, discussions on bicycle rally, purchase of defibrillators, and reports from various departments.
unknown 2023-01-23 ID: OgOokTGhIWeNjVYysGWZT
Minutes from the Biennial Organizational Meeting of the Coeburn Town Council held on January 3, 2023, including the election of the Mayor and Vice Mayor, adoption of procedures, and other organizational matters.
unknown 2023-01-03 ID: 8voHNf6auSAna1KvuyUvD
Minutes from the regular town council meeting held in Coeburn on December 12, 2022. Discussions included public expressions of concern, reports from various departments, and new business items such as moving a generator and setting a date for a reorganizational meeting.
unknown 2022-12-12 ID: mdSlez9AUNmvci5Bxo5hv
Minutes from the regular council meeting of the Town of Coeburn held on November 14, 2022, discussing various town matters including public expressions, departmental reports, new business decisions, and old business follow-ups.
unknown 2022-11-14 ID: O8cmHl7dJqJ9PSKOyFLtt
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn workshop meeting held on October 24, 2022, including discussions on public works, floodplain violations, and the Virginia Main Street program.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: fZq1MxJbXsLvOCPhzIhxE
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn council workshop meeting held on October 24, 2022, discussing public expression, approval of agenda, reports from various departments, and new and old business.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: vJ8weBLsZbcHMVDgbuIGJ
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town of Coeburn Council held on October 11, 2022. The meeting included public expressions from residents about local issues, reports from various departments, discussions about new business including the purchase of computers and community meetings, and a closed session to discuss legal matters.
unknown 2022-10-11 ID: 1K8Ifamk3jn8n2PHRBt2W
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's workshop meeting held on September 26, 2022, covering various reports, new and old business, and council comments.
unknown 2022-09-26 ID: yNruZzHxjEsiPxGlH4dQB
Minutes from the regular council meeting held in Coeburn, VA on September 12, 2022. The meeting included discussions on public expressions, new business resolutions, reports from various departments, and council comments and concerns.
unknown 2022-09-12 ID: 5jOa5PbCZHcOBD8m27fop
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Town of Coeburn on September 12, 2022, where updated ordinances were discussed and adopted.
unknown 2022-09-12 ID: DTjdKpNBamd4cIcxCdkBv
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's special called meeting held on August 22, 2022, discussing public expression, police and public works reports, budget amendments, and various town maintenance issues.
unknown 2022-08-22 ID: tKVRkmJD8g5l2IDW9d0p7
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on August 8, 2022, covering various reports, discussions on public works, ordinances, and community issues.
unknown 2022-08-08 ID: oY9mLGfCiLAXf6UP1OaC1
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn council workshop meeting held on July 25, 2022. The meeting included public expressions, reports from various departments, discussions on new and old business, and a closed session.
unknown 2022-07-25 ID: Du3kFGCQYG099ypcqw13s
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's Biennial Organizational Meeting on July 1, 2022, including elections for Mayor and Vice Mayor, appointments of key positions, and adoption of procedural rules.
unknown 2022-07-01 ID: m5aO5wyIzyRXnxAI7rlIR
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's Special Called Meeting held on June 27, 2022. Discussions included budget approval, utility rate increases, personnel document approval, and updates from various departments.
unknown 2022-06-27 ID: jSsp1yMh759Gu1CeQ3cby
Minutes of the public hearing held by the Town of Coeburn to solicit public input for the FY 2022-2023 proposed budget and utility rates increase.
unknown 2022-06-13 ID: vUdXsQbDiiBQ0no69XPN3
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn regular council meeting held on June 13, 2022, discussing agenda items such as budget adjustments, public works updates, and equipment purchases.
unknown 2022-06-13 ID: 3IVpslxyiPPi68JG1K6UD
Minutes from the Coeburn Town Council workshop meeting held on May 23, 2022. Discussions included reports from departments, budget review for FY 22-23, and issues concerning public works and park maintenance.
unknown 2022-05-23 ID: 4vnbHtvtJlOiayX8xeMSK
Minutes from the regular council meeting of the Town of Coeburn on May 9, 2022, including reports from various departments and discussions on topics such as the purchase of rescue gear, the status of public works projects, vehicle fleet management, and budget review.
unknown 2022-05-09 ID: qqU3epmXRnco0zab68LRi
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn workshop meeting held on April 25, 2022. Discussions included public expressions about awning replacements, Enterprise Fleet Management, issues with Paycom, and the FY2022-2023 budget review.
unknown 2022-04-25 ID: 1VsRVBKCJNFD4HnDECwZM
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on April 11, 2022, in Coeburn, VA. The meeting covered various reports from town departments, discussions on ARPA funds, updates on public works, and new and old business items.
unknown 2022-04-11 ID: r4lO7LUn9wVbSNwiWLE69
Minutes of the regular council meeting held on March 14, 2022, discussing various town matters including financial reports, public works updates, appointments, and other new business.
unknown 2022-03-14 ID: ak3z7xxYbychTwCSXFJ0a
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's special called meeting on February 28, 2022. Discussions included sidewalk safety concerns, public works updates, CESF Grant for police overtime, and various town projects.
unknown 2022-02-28 ID: YIiIbml2Zvcy2yp6phfnV
Minutes from the regular town council meeting held on February 14, 2022, including reports from public works, treasurer, and police department, discussion on town projects, and resolutions passed.
unknown 2022-02-14 ID: PIoEl5iOSLw1HPyYYTdAD
Minutes from the Coeburn Town Council workshop meeting held on January 24, 2022, discussing various town management and operational issues.
unknown 2022-01-24 ID: NCgtGZHVzWGJyGA0NLi7B
Minutes of the regular council meeting held on January 10, 2022, discussing various town matters including public works, police and fire department reports, financial updates, and new business.
unknown 2022-01-10 ID: vz9KiaPVLUg1nDxvhtRF8
Minutes from the Special Called Meeting of the Town of Coeburn Council on April 22, 2019. Topics discussed included public works projects, police department staffing, budget matters, and a resolution regarding town bank account signatories.
unknown 2019-04-22 ID: KC9qMMPo4iN62rrUi5QcM
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Town Council of Coeburn held on April 8, 2019, covering various reports, approvals, and discussions.
unknown 2019-04-08 ID: gPWJ5g8698SJnvQsdh9NC
Minutes from the budget workshop meeting held by the Town of Coeburn to discuss the proposed FY20 budget.
unknown 2019-03-16 ID: kGUig6El5CQHjH8udKEKv
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Coeburn Town Council held on March 11, 2019. Discussions included public expressions, approval of the agenda, reports from various departments, resolutions, and the resignation of the town manager.
unknown 2019-03-11 ID: H9VJ2BW7zyIkQIu72y0LQ
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's Special Called Council Meeting held on February 25, 2019. Key topics included a resolution honoring Charles C. McConnell, the Appalachian Mural Trail presentation, updates on public works and police department activities, and discussions on budget and audits.
unknown 2019-02-25 ID: mUQTCdbpCL9JlY8tLL8kB
Minutes from the Coeburn Town Council regular meeting held on February 11, 2019, discussing public expressions, town management reports, public works, budget considerations, police activity, and new business.
unknown 2019-02-11 ID: YTUvg5i0UVElYdt0WtnQm
Minutes from the Town of Coeburn's council workshop meeting on January 28, 2019, detailing various reports and discussions, including public works, budget discussions, police and fire department updates, and other town matters.
unknown 2019-01-28 ID: 34HwkcebJbPDzFyGxFnOv
Minutes from the regular council meeting held on January 14, 2019, covering reports from various departments, budget discussions, and community concerns.
unknown 2019-01-14 ID: IVfGYKIvTN2UEKELD91J1