Bridgewater (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Bridgewater (Town) (Agency ID: 163)

The agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 10, 2024, covering various committee reports and topics including finance, ordinance, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: vYwrdMLTEzAZnTjygPEiD
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 10, 2024, including sections on finance, ordinance committees, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: wSNh9r5zAFHeLjj0rpchO
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on November 12, 2024, covering various topics including finance reports, ordinances, public works, recreation activities, community relations events, and economic development initiatives.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: dKMlwwwwehmfaAMvNxFPR
The agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on November 12, 2024, includes various committee reports and discussions on topics such as finance, public works, recreation, and community relations.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: Jk04Asy5bHxldmR3gC1nF
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on November 12, 2024, including committee reports and community updates.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: r5ef2ZA4MnyQ9tY7GMmOW
The Third Phase Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan for the Town of Bridgewater, detailing strategies for meeting pollutant reduction targets under the MS4 permit, including the construction of the Oakdale Park Wet Pond.
unknown 2024-11-01 ID: 7Gx0Y2BaFEnwJtuJwcsON
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on October 8, 2024, discussing finance reports, design-build guidelines, lead and copper inventory, Grove Street sewer repair, and community events.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: aiVUwL7YqxU6Wfc9I72wv
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on October 8, 2024, including various committee reports and public works updates.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: H70vH3fmNCbcs1gfzV0mP
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on September 10, 2024, covering topics such as finance reports, ordinance revisions, public works updates, and community relations.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: L2Im2HbWrxQeZXRQVoQDV
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on September 10, 2024, including public hearings, finance and ordinance committee reports, administrative reports, and community relations updates.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: rtd7PMtHWJqZDzLddF1eM
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on September 10, 2024, covering topics such as bicycle safety, financial reports, ordinances on parking and zoning, public works, community events, and economic development initiatives.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: rpP8xpHsz1sTxYwwKAkin
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on September 10, 2024, including public hearings, reports, and committee updates.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: McQsjXtsCUUFEjv764i4S
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on August 13, 2024, including reports from finance, ordinance, administration, public works, recreation, and economic development committees.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: VRizUd9HgFcTEu0sZaaFw
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on August 13, 2024. Topics include the approval of the July Treasurer's Report and bills, discussion on the Fountainhead Subdivision Community Development Block Grant, updates on public works and recreation activities, and announcements about upcoming community events.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 5OXc5SJL0p83chZ9j8CrS
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on August 13, 2024, including invocation, finance and ordinance reports, administrative report, public works, recreation commission, community relations, economic development, and mayor's report.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: gqnTaf0jXgICMe6u3YRtF
Minutes of the Bridgewater Industrial Development Authority meeting held on July 24, 2024, where a new Chair was elected, a proposed lease agreement was considered, and the FY25 budget was adopted.
unknown 2024-07-24 ID: C9N9eQwY7biu0BBfLPCng
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on July 9, 2024, including oaths of office, finance and ordinance reports, public works, recreation commission, and community relations.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: uFQkgbNzLVY2z7k3SZJmn
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on July 9, 2024, discussing various topics including financial reports, infrastructure projects, community events, and administrative updates.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: QrH97I8kIRcBOxz2Qcrr6
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Town of Bridgewater, Virginia for the year ended June 30, 2024. Includes independent auditor's report, financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, and supplementary information.
unknown 2024-06-30 ID: BiJQq6yH4drTJj3C3ilLM
Minutes from the Town of Bridgewater Council meeting held on June 11, 2024, detailing discussions on finance, ordinance amendments, public works, recreation projects, and community relations.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: X2upV76fjYyjdrxynV6O4
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on June 11, 2024, covering various topics including finance reports, budget amendments, updates to the comprehensive plan, public works projects, and community events.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: Uq2dY3a5kQdxP1DcsWTLJ
The report provides detailed information on the quality of drinking water in Bridgewater, including test results for various contaminants, compliance with state and federal regulations, and efforts to maintain safe water standards.
unknown 2024-06-01 ID: T8rjzSGSdzBWFHlZLJsVi
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting scheduled on May 14, 2024, including a joint public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan and various committee reports.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: WR6ga6toXHjCPmh8KOlBw
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on May 14, 2024, covering various committee reports, ordinances, financial matters, and community events.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: 2kcfb90mJt2IS86MKm0nt
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on May 14, 2024, covering finance reports, fiscal ordinances, and delinquent accounts.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: ENOyK1rBcohiatLLQJOQx
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on May 14, 2024, including a joint public hearing on the comprehensive plan, finance and ordinance committee reports, public works and recreation commission updates, and community relations and economic development discussions.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: 7f7H6aGb3OgNyG9T7JukD
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on May 14, 2024, covering topics including a public hearing on the FY24 Budget Amendment, various ordinances, and reports from committees.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: qjOX5iqG4bU2fv9iyQ89u
The MS4 Program Plan for the Town of Bridgewater, Virginia, covering permit years 2024-2028, outlines strategies for public education, involvement, and participation in stormwater management. It includes outreach programs for pet waste management, lawn care, vehicle maintenance, and more. The plan also details public participation activities such as stream clean-ups and educational events like Wildwood Days.
unknown 2024-05-01 ID: NrCvyciAEuvEjKrLYUbme
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council's public hearing on the FY 2025 budget and related issues, including utility rate increases, infrastructure projects, and financial strategies.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: z5pNiQlLb14rRewW0yODP
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on April 9, 2024, discussing various topics including Generations Park, finance reports, public works updates, recreation activities, and community events.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: 2FoMDDqnW8rBaqgUfnCDN
This document outlines the agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on April 9, 2024, including various committee reports, updates on public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: N5tVaxPrDKw7kXQ5gFmE5
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on April 9, 2024. Topics include invocation, finance and ordinance committees, administrative report, public works and recreation, community relations and economic development, and mayor's report.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: 1NmW199abWNjOexg1Fnxd
Minutes of the Bridgewater Industrial Development Authority meeting discussing lease agreements for Generations Park and 423 North Main Street.
unknown 2024-03-18 ID: HLSikMJYUNCgB0LMGrTFa
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on March 12, 2024, covering topics such as the February Treasurer's Report, zoning decisions, budget overview, public works updates, and recreation activities.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: kwDGNCuA1WJ5AdmpxIFkF
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on March 12, 2024, covering committee reports, administrative updates, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: WMDnSTsDQiOsQDcGD7N5f
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on March 12, 2024, including reports from various committees and a public speaking session.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: gdBj5rkqZRsXl1Tcn7xqZ
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on February 13, 2024, including a public hearing on proposed amendments to Title 6 – Signage and reports from various committees.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: SxNMmfNoyN1w2StA3GsWp
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on February 13, 2024, discussing topics such as a community event by the Sons of Blackwater, financial reports, and public concerns.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: B9IpDJIkGeSUBAPvEEueW
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on January 9, 2024, including public hearings on comprehensive plan update and disposition of town-owned properties.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: GfNgBHPGchQYrt7UxLnXm
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on January 9, 2024, covering topics such as organizational meeting logistics, finance reports, ordinances, administrative reports, public works, recreation, community relations, economic development, and the mayor's report.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: fBGkGkTweczL4p1E8yTsG
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on January 9, 2024, including public hearings, finance reports, and various committee updates.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: Qe7tidhe1Nsl29mMZmJXx
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on February 13, 2024, including public hearings, reports, and committee updates.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: bKYMt8t2dEeS8G15Nwruy
The comprehensive plan outlines the historical development, current state, and future goals for the Town of Bridgewater. It covers key aspects such as the natural environment, population growth trends, housing and land use, and public services.
unknown 2024-01-01 ID: wvrVdSorm2MshcF8bVx53
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 12, 2023, which includes a public hearing on conditional rezoning, finance and ordinance committee reports, administrative updates, and community relations and economic development discussions.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: q6fkUObZyY4YU5nc65ofq
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on December 12, 2023, covering topics such as finance reports, ordinance revisions, real estate sales, Veterans Park dedication, and conditional rezoning decisions.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: MaPKdXB8Lpd6cMcfcAqYb
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 12, 2023, including public hearing on conditional rezoning and reports from various committees.
unknown 2023-12-12 ID: DCNKpYAWxGfMC3DgbFW7X
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on November 14, 2023, covering topics such as the approval of October Treasurer's report and bills, the presentation of the town audit, and the purchase of real property for Riverwalk.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: Fel1sXYUQhWzwPE3OZpij
Agenda for Bridgewater Town Council meeting on November 14, 2023, including public hearing on possible sale of land, reports from various committees, and updates on town projects.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: QCRgmW0m1gf19DDTInDSM
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on November 14, 2023, covering topics such as finance, ordinances, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-11-14 ID: RW7iGNGFk9P8f5DcKI6sZ
The Town of Bridgewater's MS4 Annual Report for the reporting period of July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, detailing the stormwater program to manage stormwater runoff quality.
unknown 2023-11-01 ID: Jp91oipV1C11lQs2K8CEd
The MS4 Program Plan for the Town of Bridgewater outlines the comprehensive strategy for managing stormwater runoff in compliance with the Virginia Stormwater Management Program. This plan includes public education, illicit discharge detection, and pollution prevention measures.
unknown 2023-11-01 ID: f6jti1JZPiqhH0jHuhEaZ
This document provides guidelines and suggestions for proper disposal of old batteries and scrap tires, as well as best practices for vehicle maintenance to prevent pollution of local water bodies like the North River and the Chesapeake Bay.
unknown 2023-10-23 ID: 6nraCRXn1ksMnHgBmZTY9
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on October 10, 2023, covering topics such as finance reports, ordinance for Ashby Street vacation, public works updates, and community events.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: pMZJZSCyOnpc0Tjo5BRy5
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on October 10, 2023, including topics such as finance, ordinance, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: 6EXCugiBXctpql6mXnE2o
This document outlines best management practices for automotive repair shops in Bridgewater, VA, to prevent pollution and protect water quality.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: X2WVVbF29mX4zE6vixXAW
This document establishes the Parks and Recreation Commission for the Town of Bridgewater, outlining its composition, appointment of members, terms, powers, duties, and organizational rules.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: EA08IDXjk30PZZCQG5P0w
This report from the Town of Bridgewater's Department of Stormwater Management outlines the environmental and health benefits of properly managing pet waste. It highlights how pet waste can contaminate water supplies and spread diseases, and provides guidelines for proper disposal.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: PJXvcOX1L5N5DqwhNo3HZ
A report listing available commercial properties in Bridgewater, including addresses, contact information, and whether they are for sale or lease.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: O14p7vCARxhkUK1nK8hbB
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on September 12, 2023, including public hearings, committee reports, and proclamations.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: BhlJKy8ANXnVTU1k6TKdk
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on September 12, 2023, discussing issues such as nuisance properties, finance reports, bill payments, and personal property tax relief.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: nY12LzDiUIWNYAKNnowb4
This document is the agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on September 12, 2023. It includes a public hearing on a wireless tower lease amendment, finance and ordinance committee reports, administrative and public works updates, and a mayor's report.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: 6NDRJGpvbLHTNmnEDbCK1
Minutes and agenda from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on September 12, 2023. Discussions included finance reports, ordinance amendments, public works projects, and community relations.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: QqV7kJ3q9RPnPESglIMq2
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting scheduled on August 8, 2023, including discussions on finance, ordinance committees, administrative reports, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: rE7hMnbyCYcJYKz6zApoE
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on August 8, 2023. Discussions included updates on the Long Range Transportation Plan, finance reports, and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: xvsJL6I0gR6cdQMLhngpG
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on August 8, 2023, covering reports and updates on finance, ordinances, administrative matters, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: KXy4BozhR0iZxgGkJx3cR
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on July 11, 2023, covering oaths of office, financial reports, and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: KzevGs1acUFGYIqPQaWNi
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on July 11, 2023, including public hearings, committee reports, and other council business.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: YU5bpd91OinueEp2wPImP
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Town of Bridgewater, Virginia, for the year ended June 30, 2023. This document includes the independent auditor's report, management's discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, supplementary schedules, and compliance sections.
unknown 2023-06-30 ID: X8pNch1jPFFZcM9LPDZbN
The MS4 Annual Report for the Town of Bridgewater outlines the stormwater management program to manage the quality of stormwater runoff discharged from the MS4. It includes details on public education and outreach, public involvement, illicit discharge detection, construction runoff control, post-construction management, and pollution prevention.
unknown 2023-06-30 ID: n0QtWro5S0Yt8TqNI9G43
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on June 13, 2023, including public hearings on the possible sale of real estate and textual amendments to the zoning code, reports from various committees, and a mayor's report.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: hhXaEozGlGD5pf4y4aTl3
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on June 13, 2023, including public hearings, committee reports, and administrative updates.
unknown 2023-06-13 ID: xhLboxhEBpZxbNihnTi5I
Minutes from the Bridgewater Industrial Development Authority meeting held on June 12, 2023. Key topics included the adoption of the FY2024 budget, appointment of Chair and Vice Chair, potential property sales, and acknowledgment of Jason Burkholder's service.
unknown 2023-06-12 ID: lZRwJQIlQRzJBFKwoSN1K
Annual report detailing the quality of drinking water provided by the Town of Bridgewater, including compliance with EPA guidelines and results of water testing for various contaminants.
unknown 2023-06-01 ID: bM3c2pzZu2AazGJd646sv
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on May 9, 2023, including public hearings, committee reports, and a closed session.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: 4UrG7uIhTfVli40T8Cwei
The agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on May 9, 2023, includes public hearings on Title 19 updates regarding food trucks and zoning amendments, reports from various committees, and other council business.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: ZKJp943hMakn8X5uHn1NX
Minutes of the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on May 9, 2023, covering finance reports, bills, fiscal ordinances, and food truck regulations.
unknown 2023-05-09 ID: fCfVNZ6OIW6xO0oHuMwpb
The 2023 Budget Report for the Town of Bridgewater, outlining financial allocations and priorities for various departments including streets, water & sewer, parks & recreation, and police.
unknown 2023-04-26 ID: 48TDcYpf1EqvRyH4zJxNq
The Town of Bridgewater 2024 Budget Report outlines the financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year, highlighting key revenue sources, expected expenditures, and strategic projects. Notable aspects include no planned tax increases, utility fee adjustments, and ongoing infrastructure projects like the Riverwalk Phase II and Gen-Oak Connector.
unknown 2023-04-25 ID: wHy7ey8sYMC0C0kbeaRNB
The 2025 Budget Report for the Town of Bridgewater outlines financial plans, infrastructure projects, tax rates, utility fees, and community initiatives for the fiscal year. It includes detailed revenue and expenditure projections and discusses the town's financial strategies and community development plans.
unknown 2023-04-23 ID: 139ohXHUjNqk4SfyyIBew
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on April 11, 2023, including reports and discussions on finance, ordinances, public works, and community relations.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: cF9eP9Y22B96aS88NRWAf
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting scheduled on April 11, 2023, covering topics such as finance reports, ordinances, administrative reports, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: FYVbGZi7DhFQJRJ1GkiXX
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on April 11, 2023, covering topics such as finance reports, tax rate ordinance approval, and discussion on the purchase of real estate at 423 North Main Street.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: XS5nuyFRoxx3ZxM2k7HYs
This document provides information on creating rain gardens to address drainage and erosion problems, as well as tips for conserving water and proper lawn care practices to protect the North River and Chesapeake Bay.
unknown 2023-04-01 ID: pkLlwov9OqD9tywG6gciH
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on March 14, 2023. Key topics included approval of the February Treasurer's Report and bills, adoption of a new connection fee methodology for water and sewer connections, an update on Oakdale Pond, and a first look at the budget.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: jg3VIiiQeTJNH1Dv7qQlO
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on March 14, 2023. The meeting includes a public hearing on Title 11, reports from various committees, and a potential closed session to discuss the purchase of real property for a public street.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: efq914Q83uIUcPrrCldzM
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on March 14, 2023, including items such as the public hearing on Title 11, Water and Sewer Connections, finance and ordinance reports, administrative report, public works and recreation updates, community relations, and economic development discussions.
unknown 2023-03-14 ID: 2LBjphBsfXSZ1cOOT9nBF
Minutes of the Industrial Development Authority meeting in Bridgewater, Virginia, on February 27, 2023, discussing a resolution to amend bonds issued to Bridgewater Retirement Community.
unknown 2023-02-27 ID: uB1HnBY7qBe3QmDVXdKHM
This document contains the agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on February 14, 2023. The agenda includes a public hearing on a budget amendment for FY23, reports from various committees, and other town council activities.
unknown 2023-02-14 ID: xllb0vqsLBQcoy2bhKsEq
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on February 14, 2023, discussing financial approvals, budget amendments, and zoning ordinance updates.
unknown 2023-02-14 ID: 9xIY1HqNKgJ6REZulvwZW
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on February 14, 2023, covering topics such as budget amendments, finance and ordinance committee reports, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-02-14 ID: MQSBylDNpptw9UyowEm9C
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on January 10, 2023. Topics discussed included the administration of the oath of office, approval of an ordinance related to council logistics, updates on the Brent Berry Food Drive, and comments regarding a feasibility study for a new grocery store.
unknown 2023-01-10 ID: a3zOsG3ZUlSrAX4KO3GEX
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on January 10, 2023, covering topics such as public hearings, finance, ordinance, administrative reports, public works, recreation, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2023-01-10 ID: naSkD2s3a5l5x82EcSlBs
The agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on January 10, 2023, including administration of oath, public hearings, committee reports, and mayor's report.
unknown 2023-01-10 ID: JFkXkkJHPXNiEhFvabvgo
Bridgewater Town Council agenda for December 13, 2022, including a public hearing on the possible sale of real estate, finance and ordinance committee reports, administrative report, and other council activities.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: vF45xOSCq0kauUbojcPg4
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 13, 2022, including a public hearing on the possible sale of real estate at 429 North Main Street and reports from various committees.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: EUrRZOCEbelsp4eeWNf1e
Minutes from the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on December 13, 2022, covering finance reports, ordinance updates, and the approval of a resolution for the Oakdale Pond project.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: xEXlovQC2uFyIEGq3zNbL
Minutes from the regular session of the Bridgewater Town Council on November 9, 2022, covering finance reports, audit presentation, and administrative updates.
unknown 2022-11-09 ID: NZAlcq9oUX7pX5S7jstqj
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on November 8, 2022, including a public hearing on the possible sale of real estate at 429 North Main Street and various committee reports.
unknown 2022-11-08 ID: uOc5JgfWJ44dR7J6kLzow
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting held on November 8, 2022, including a public hearing on the possible sale of real estate and reports from various committees.
unknown 2022-11-08 ID: OvEBNJb87MXu3En53rxOg
Agenda for the Bridgewater Town Council meeting on October 13, 2022, including topics such as special use permits, condemnation of property, finance reports, ordinances, public works, community relations, and economic development.
unknown 2022-10-13 ID: yG31vr2pcQOPP1TkBPyIm

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.