Bluefield (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Bluefield (Town) (Agency ID: 156)
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council regular session on December 10, 2024, including a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission and discussions on conditional use permits and budget amendments.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting in Bluefield, Virginia on November 19, 2024, discussing a conditional use permit for a new stadium at Graham High School, budget amendments, property purchases, and various reports.
Agenda for the Bluefield Town Council meeting on September 24th, 2024, including joint public hearing, regular session, and executive session.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on August 27, 2024. Topics discussed include the removal of an unsafe structure resolution, financial reports, budget amendments, rezoning actions, and citizen comments.
Agenda for the Town Council of Bluefield, Virginia regular session on August 27, 2024, including a public hearing on the repeal of the Unsafe Structure Resolution, rezoning discussions, budget amendments, and reports.
Minutes of the Town Council of Bluefield, Virginia meeting held on July 23, 2024, discussing executive sessions, public hearings on zoning amendments, financial reports, presentations, citizen comments, and police and town manager reports.
Minutes of the special called executive session of the Bluefield Town Council held on June 28th, 2024. The meeting included a motion to enter executive session, a certification of the session, and the appointment of Dr. Don Scott to a vacated town council seat.
Agenda for the Town Council of Bluefield, Virginia, special called meeting with executive session to discuss the investment of public funds.
Minutes from the Special Called Meeting of the Bluefield Town Council with Bluefield University, including attendance, motions, and executive session details.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Bluefield, Virginia on December 18th, covering topics such as potential contracts, acquisition of real property, citizen's requests, committee reports, and new business.
The Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the Wintercreek Collection System Replacement project in Bluefield, Virginia. Prepared for The Sanitary Board of Bluefield, it includes project scope, location, system description, and cost estimates.
The document details the minutes of the Town of Bluefield's council meeting held on December 10, 2019. Key discussions included the adoption of a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution, issues regarding a proposed companion animal ordinance, and various town reports and public comments.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on December 10, 2019. It includes the call to order, invocation, approval of agenda, consent agenda, citizen requests, committee reports, unfinished and new business, citizen comments, town manager's report, council comments, and attorney report.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield council meeting, including a public hearing on bond issuance for water treatment plant upgrades, budget amendments, and discussion on Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council Work Session held on November 12, 2019. Topics discussed include opioid litigation settlement proceedings, charter amendments, updates on the Fincastle project, and upcoming community events.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting held on November 12, 2019. Includes work session discussions, resolutions, committee updates, donation requests, and upcoming events.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on October 22, 2019. Topics included the approval of the amended agenda, Census Awareness Day proclamation, CProp Grant Resolution of Support, and discussions on public works and community events.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting on October 22, 2019, including public hearing on a proposed ordinance, new business reports, and various community events.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on October 8, 2019, covering various topics including the town manager's report, council comments, and the attorney's report.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting on October 8, 2019, including public hearings, reports, and an ordinance reading.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on September 24, 2019, covering topics such as charter amendments, companion animals, political signs, committee reports, new business, and ordinance readings.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on September 24, 2019, discussing various topics including economic development updates, public hearings on charter changes and companion animal ordinance, and reports on infrastructure projects.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting on September 10, 2019, including work sessions on charter amendments, companion animals, and political signs, as well as reports, resolutions, and ordinances.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on September 10, 2019, discussing various topics including budget amendments, public hearings, and ordinance readings.
The agenda for the Town Council Meeting of Bluefield on August 27, 2019, includes work sessions, public hearings on bond issuance and real estate disposal, and reports from the Town Manager.
The minutes document the proceedings of the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on August 27, 2019, including approvals of agenda, citizen requests, paving project updates, donations, and other community matters.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Bluefield held on August 13, 2019. It outlines the schedule including call to order, invocation, approval of agenda, citizen requests, committee reports, unfinished business, new business, town manager's report, citizen comments, council comments, attorney report, executive session, and adjournment.
Minutes of the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on July 23, 2019, including discussions on budget amendments, community events, and recognition of Lesley Catron.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting of Bluefield, Virginia on July 23, 2019, including public hearing on FY 19/20 budget amendment, resolution for budget amendment, and ordinances.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on July 9, 2019. Topics discussed include a resolution recognizing the Princeton Rescue Squad, scheduling a public hearing for disposal of properties, reappointment to the Cemetery Commission, community clean-up event, ordinances on refuse and weeds notice, and approval of convenience type businesses.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on July 9, 2019, including reports, new business, and votes on ordinances.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield council meeting held on June 25, 2019, covering topics such as budget amendments, citizen comments, and reappointment of the Town Clerk.
The document contains minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on June 25, 2019. Key discussions included the approval and adoption of the FY 2019/2020 Budget Ordinance, reappointment of the Town Clerk, and scheduling of upcoming events. The meeting also involved a closed executive session.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on June 11, 2019, discussing budget amendments, a resolution to appoint E. Stephen Lilly to the Industrial Development Authority, and various citizen comments and council reports.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting on June 11, 2019, including a work session on the budget, public hearing on the proposed FY 2019/2020 budget, committee reports, and a vote on budget amendments.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting on May 28, 2019, including discussions on budget amendments, acquisition of Fincastle on the Mountain, and updates on various town projects.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on May 28, 2019. The meeting covered various agenda items including budget amendments, citizen comments, reports on ongoing projects, and the approval of resolutions and ordinances.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield's Council Meeting on May 14, 2019, including public hearings on proposed acquisitions, budget amendments, and other town business.
Minutes from the Town of Bluefield's regular Town Council meeting on May 14, 2019, covering topics such as special presentations, budget amendments, paving updates, grant discussions, and community initiatives.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting held on April 22, 2019, including special presentations, committee reports, and upcoming events.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a rescheduled Town Council Meeting on April 22, 2019. The meeting covered various agenda items including approval of the agenda, a special presentation for the Shane Gunter Adult Learning Scholarship Recipient, Town Manager's report, and discussions on FOIA/COIA updates. Resolutions regarding budget amendments for economic development and property damage reimbursement were also discussed.
Agenda for the Town Council Meeting of Bluefield on April 9, 2019, including a joint public hearing on a proposed ordinance for boundary line adjustments, budget amendments, and various reports.
Minutes of the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on April 9, 2019. The meeting covered budget amendments, citizen concerns about EMS response times, and upcoming community events.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on March 26, 2019, covering topics such as executive session, resolutions honoring athletes, Little League updates, a Makerspace project, donation requests, and zoning ordinances.
This document is the agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on March 26, 2019. It includes various agenda items such as approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen requests, committee reports, new business discussions, and scheduled votes on zoning ordinances.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting on March 12, 2019. Topics included approval of agenda, consent agenda, community clean-up day, fire truck financing resolution, wrestling resolutions, time-off requests, and zoning ordinance discussions.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield council meeting on March 12, 2019, including discussions on financing terms, zoning ordinances, wrestling resolutions, and time-off requests.
Minutes from the Town of Bluefield's Town Council Work Session Retreat held on March 5, 2019, discussing various projects, economic development, and infrastructure improvements.
Minutes of the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on February 26, 2019, including presentations, resolutions, and reports.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on February 26, 2019. Includes work sessions, citizen presentations, committee reports, and other council business.
The agenda for the Town of Bluefield's council meeting on February 12, 2019, includes a work session on the proposed FY 19/20 budget, joint public hearings on zoning ordinances, various reports, citizen requests, special presentations, and votes on resolutions and ordinances.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on February 12, 2019, covering budget amendments, new business, reports, and various ordinances and resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield's Town Council Meeting held on January 22, 2019. Includes items such as budget amendment, ordinances on zoning, rules for public comments, and other town business.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on January 22, 2019, covering topics such as IDA update, budget amendment, and scheduling of public hearings for zoning ordinances.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting held on January 3, 2019. Includes oaths of office, committee reports, town manager's report, attorney report, council comments, and executive sessions.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on January 3, 2019, covering oaths of office, approval of agenda, resolution authorizing lease of 501 Virginia Avenue, citizens' comments, and other council business.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on December 11, 2018, in Bluefield, Virginia. The meeting included discussions on audit reports, IDA member appointments, federal and state grants, resolutions, and departmental updates.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield council meeting on December 11, 2018, including consent agenda, special presentations, committee reports, unfinished and new business, and reports.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting held on November 27, 2018. Includes call to order, invocation, approval of agenda, special presentations, committee reports, new business, and attorney report.
The document contains the minutes of the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on November 27, 2018. Key topics discussed include budget amendments, citizen requests, special presentations, and various ordinances and resolutions.
Minutes of the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on November 13, 2018. Key topics discussed include committee reports, citizen comments, attorney reports on cemetery and unsafe buildings ordinances, and resolutions for property acceptance and special events ordinance.
This document is the agenda for the Bluefield Town Council Meeting held on November 13, 2018. It includes a joint public hearing on the proposed rezoning of Sexton Hill, various ordinance discussions and votes, and updates from town committees.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting on October 23, 2018, including work session on Water Capital Improvement Project, special presentations, budget amendments, and upcoming town events.
The Town of Bluefield held a Town Council Work Session on October 23, 2018, where discussions included options for a water project with funding from the Virginia Department of Health.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on October 23, 2018. Topics included the swearing-in of officers, budget amendments, a financing resolution with BB&T, and various community updates.
Agenda for the Town Council Meeting of Bluefield on October 9, 2018, including sessions, citizen requests, and reports.
Minutes of the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on October 9, 2018, covering various topics including citizen requests, committee reports, and council business.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on September 25, 2018. Topics included a special presentation for Lieutenant Pete Beavers, rezoning discussions, citizen comments on public works, the Town Manager's report on various issues, and council comments.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council Meeting on September 25, 2018, including public hearing on Virginia Water Fund Supply Revolving Fund Project, rezoning discussion, and special events ordinance.
Minutes from the Town of Bluefield's Council meeting held on September 11, 2018, covering various topics including traffic updates, donation requests, and discussions on a special events ordinance.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council Meeting on September 11, 2018, including invocation, approval of agenda, committee reports, and various discussions and votes.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on August 28, 2018, covering topics such as traffic issues on Tazewell Avenue, budget amendments, and community events.
Town of Bluefield council meeting agenda including a joint public hearing on proposed rezoning, budget amendments, and reports.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting on August 14, 2018, including special presentations, committee reports, new business, and resolutions.
Minutes of the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on July 24, 2018, discussing term limits, digital signs, Warhawk sign update, grant resolution, school resource officer grant, and the Mobile Food Truck Ordinance.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield's council meeting on July 24, 2018, including discussions on a mobile food truck ordinance, term limits, and project funding resolutions.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting held on July 10, 2018, covering various topics including rezoning updates, new business reports, and ordinance discussions.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on July 10, 2018, covering discussions on rezoning, property donations, LED sign approvals, subdivision of land, and community events.
Agenda for the Town Council meeting in Bluefield, Virginia, including public hearings, ordinance amendments, and budget discussions.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on June 26, 2018, covering citizen comments, council actions on sign ordinance amendments, IDA bond resolution, cigarette tax, budget adoption, and upcoming events.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on June 12, 2018, discussing various topics including budget amendments, rezoning proposals, community events, and citizen comments.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council meeting held on June 12, 2018. Includes public hearing on a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise, budget discussions, and various resolutions.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on May 22, 2018, discussing various town matters including trail development, rezoning, and citizen concerns.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting held on May 22, 2018, including public hearings on proposed cigarette tax increase and FY 2018/2019 budget, citizen comments, and various reports.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a work session to discuss the town's budget, including increases in water and trash rates, cigarette taxes, and employee raises. Issues related to the Fire Department, Transit, Cemetery, and Vehicle Maintenance were also covered.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield council meeting held on May 8, 2018. Includes work session on budget, invocation, approval of agenda, consent agenda, citizen requests and presentations, committee reports, budget amendments vote, citizen comments, town manager's report, council comments, attorney report, and executive session.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on May 8, 2018, in Bluefield, Virginia. Topics discussed included budget amendments, a Police Officer Appreciation event, and a potential increase in cigarette tax.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Town Council meeting on April 24, 2018, including work session topics, public hearing on proposed bond issuance for Hockman Pike Relocation Project, and various reports and resolutions.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on April 24, 2018, covering topics such as community clean up, little library update, Graham Transit Drug & Alcohol Policy resolution, Bond Issuance for Hockman Pike Relocation Project, and various reports and updates.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council Work Session held on April 24, 2018, discussing budget items including water fund rate increases, cigarette tax, employee raises, and public service adjustments.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council meeting held on April 10, 2018. Topics discussed include Field Fest updates, budget amendments, mobile visitors center, telecommunications franchise, and property acquisitions.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council meeting held on April 10, 2018, including invocation, committee reports, and votes on various issues.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council meeting held on March 27, 2018, including citizen requests, special presentations, committee reports, unfinished business, new business, and the adoption of several ordinances.
Agenda for the Town of Bluefield Council meeting, including work session topics, resolutions for Graham High School wrestlers, and various ordinances.
Minutes from the Bluefield, Virginia Town Council Work Session held on March 27, 2018, discussing budget and tax rates, health insurance changes, water fund issues, and potential tax increases.
This document contains the minutes of the Town Council Meeting of Bluefield held on March 13, 2018. It includes discussions on term limits, planning commission membership, budget amendment, and various ordinances.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a regularly scheduled meeting on March 13, 2018, where various topics were discussed including budget amendments, resolutions for local wrestlers, and multiple ordinances. The meeting included reports from the town manager, a special presentation by the new SWCC President, and citizens comments addressing local issues.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a Work Session on March 13, 2018, discussing the insurance contract, cigarette tax, and budget considerations. Topics included potential increases in deductible, employee salary adjustments, and tax implications.
Minutes from the Bluefield Town Council Work Session held on February 27, 2018, discussing budget and insurance changes, potential term limits for elected officials, and the impact of insurance increases on town employees.
The Bluefield, Virginia Town Council held a Work Session on February 27, 2018, discussing budgetary issues, specifically the increase in insurance costs and potential solutions like a raise in the cigarette tax or employee pay increases. They also discussed term limits and the potential need for a constitutional amendment to allow localities to set term limits.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.