Buena Vista (City)

Agency Records

Showing 4 records from Buena Vista (City) (Agency ID: 15)

Agenda for the Rockbridge CERT meeting on December 9, 2024, including reports, upcoming events, and training sessions.
unknown 2024-12-09 ID: CgK52jIRIJ9T1uzHYLJR1
Agenda for the Rockbridge CERT meeting held on November 12, 2024. Topics include approval of previous meeting minutes, after-action reports, upcoming training sessions, and planning for future meetings.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: mhCHME6rDP67i5iEfzvdn
Agenda for the Rockbridge CERT meeting held on June 11, 2024, covering topics such as emergency responder programs, vehicle updates, shelter operations, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: AckkAdHnomVeHzVIQ9HUW
Minutes from the Rockbridge CERT meeting held on March 12, 2024, covering volunteer training, team updates, new business, and old business.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: OWU6a8dlETeSQPT5Iza0p