Bedford (Town)

Agency Records

Showing 25 records from Bedford (Town) (Agency ID: 149)

Agenda for the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting on November 7, 2024. Topics include approval of minutes, zoning ordinance text amendments, and comprehensive plan.
unknown 2024-11-07 ID: aNtWuDj1NfYXCS2JYB1Xe
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority in the Town of Bedford, including approval of minutes, financial reports, grant discussions, and policy considerations.
unknown 2024-10-11 ID: sWf6KGQFaBkAY82ttHOmk
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on September 5, 2024, discussing the rezoning request by Ranbowellen, LLC for Governor’s Hill Section 3, concerns from citizens, and other agenda items.
unknown 2024-09-05 ID: y4CaYAbd5WafMj7AauKfu
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Economic Development Authority meeting discussing property acquisitions, financial reports, and agreements.
unknown 2024-08-09 ID: F3u9e0avV0hIhaYY2uOqL
Minutes from the Bedford Town Planning Commission meeting held on August 1, 2024. The meeting covered rezoning and conditional use permit requests, updates on the Comprehensive Plan process, and other town planning matters.
unknown 2024-08-01 ID: XnRD27uqN58cmLUlMOM2A
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting on July 2, 2024, including approval of previous minutes, staff reports, and new business such as a sign modification request and a comprehensive plan meeting.
unknown 2024-07-02 ID: rxY2d0ZSLDhnBZYh6s3bE
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on July 2, 2024. The meeting discussed the Bedford Lutheran Church sign modification request, public comments about reopening a community swimming pool, and the comprehensive planning process.
unknown 2024-07-02 ID: m9O8v5v0rs3lnhOGLAzX6
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on June 6, 2024. Topics discussed included zoning text revisions for 'Homestays' and 'Digital Signs', updates on definitions and regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan process.
unknown 2024-06-06 ID: PxC3VQ7zDY6YT8Dlboql4
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Redevelopment & Housing Authority regular meeting on May 9, 2024, including approval of minutes, budget review and adoption, and strategic plan discussion.
unknown 2024-05-09 ID: mduHTqE0Nz7LNHTDEvYFK
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on May 2, 2024. Discussions included pawn brokering, zoning ordinance amendments, and the comprehensive plan process.
unknown 2024-05-02 ID: k2dzGsU6nGckKWuyz9CVf
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Economic Development Authority meeting held on April 12, 2024, discussing budget approvals, incentive applications, and updates on ongoing projects.
unknown 2024-04-12 ID: mJmvGBA8QdTDKLRsyfqM9
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Bedford Economic Development Authority, covering budget review, incentive applications, and reports.
unknown 2024-04-12 ID: uRdvceQ9IILaS20t5Sa43
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Planning Commission Organizational Meeting held on April 4, 2024, including election of officers and approval of minutes.
unknown 2024-04-04 ID: BE3n56pgL7LkXtdv2TxeZ
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on April 4, 2024, including election of officers, approval of previous minutes, reports on zoning ordinance amendments, and discussion on temporary sign compliance.
unknown 2024-04-04 ID: ImvLWFEKbOVSYZmXiYQlG
Minutes from the Bedford Town Redevelopment and Housing Authority meeting held on March 14, 2024. The meeting covered approval of previous minutes, financial reports, strategic plan discussions, and updates on property management issues.
unknown 2024-03-14 ID: k8wz0FMRY94Bwv1yPUol9
Minutes of the Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on March 7, 2024, where conditional use permits for a bed and breakfast lodging and a multifamily development were discussed.
unknown 2024-03-07 ID: Da7dIHN1i2UKvK5L5wVBy
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Economic Development Authority meeting held on February 9, 2024. The meeting covered topics including approval of previous meeting minutes, reports from town staff and attorney, discussion of performance agreement extension for Waukeshaw Development, and a proposed childcare initiative.
unknown 2024-02-09 ID: zRAKNQBbkZaNovT0BKoGz
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Redevelopment and Housing Authority regular meeting on February 8, 2024, discussing financial reports, property updates, and strategic plan schedules.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: EYDuSj1RnOHFp0LoqY75w
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Redevelopment & Housing Authority meeting on February 8, 2024.
unknown 2024-02-08 ID: a9CC4wq7znE7A3ItegD5l
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Economic Development Authority meeting held on January 12, 2024, discussing various topics including financial reports, incentive requests, and a business incubator feasibility study.
unknown 2024-01-12 ID: fsNzuRA3l7SG4BMK67wqs
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Redevelopment & Housing Authority organizational meeting on January 11, 2024. Includes election of officers, approval of minutes, citizen comment, and adoption of purchasing policy.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: WlUeXL1CUtw0L71DwcQEv
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Redevelopment & Housing Authority organizational meeting, including election of officers and adoption of purchasing policy.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: VS404dUbh5HFkFqKnT8Qq
Minutes from the Town of Bedford Redevelopment and Housing Authority's organizational meeting held on January 11, 2024. Topics included election of officers, approval of previous minutes, financial reports, property issues, and adoption of a procurement manual.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: 5btI1ktOkBewn7BuhptRK
Minutes of the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting held on January 4, 2024, discussing bylaws amendments, annual report, inclement weather policy, and comprehensive plan process.
unknown 2024-01-04 ID: rHdnopqNqOknzYI5nT4t9
Agenda for the Town of Bedford Planning Commission meeting on January 4, 2024, including approval of minutes, staff and committee reports, new business actions, and public comments.
unknown 2024-01-04 ID: Zp3pe8e3zoOp2QC2htEnl