Accomac (Town)
Agency Records
Showing 100 records from Accomac (Town) (Agency ID: 143)
Reconciliation report for the Taylor Bank Money Market account, period ending 10/31/2024, for the Town of Accomac.
Reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account for the period ending October 31, 2024.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on October 23, 2024. Discussions included the adoption of a Cigarette Tax Ordinance, old parole building issues, ARPA funds usage, and updates on the court green restoration. The meeting also covered the need for ordinance updates and responses to previous meeting questions.
Reconciliation report for Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank accounts for the period ending 10/03/2024.
A reconciliation report for the Taylor Bank Checking Account of the Town of Accomac for the period ending September 30, 2024. The report includes details of checks, payments, deposits, and credits cleared within the period.
Reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank Money Market account for the period ending 09/30/2024.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on September 25, 2024, discussing topics such as the comprehensive plan, DARE Program donation, resilience planning, cigarette tax, upcoming meetings, Christmas celebration, stationery, email issues, public comments, and approvals.
Reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account for the period ending 08/31/2024, reconciled on 09/16/2024 by Nicole Kennedy.
A balance sheet comparison report for the Town of Accomac as of September 1, 2024, detailing current assets, liabilities, and equity.
Reconciliation report for Town of Accomac Taylor Bank Money Market account for the period ending 08/31/2024.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on August 28, 2024, discussing the 2024-2025 budget, real estate tax increase, town ordinances, and community issues.
Reconciliation report for Taylor Bank checking account of the Town of Accomac for the period ending 07/31/2024. The report includes details of checks, payments, deposits, and credits.
Reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank Money Market account for the period ending July 31, 2024.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on July 24, 2024. The meeting discussed topics such as the Troyer special use permit, updates on the court green project, plans for the Accomac Primary School, the Shred-it event, ordinance rewrites, a motion to purchase new American flags, and approval of the June 2024 meeting minutes and revenue & expenditure reports.
This document is a reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account, detailing transactions including deposits and expenses for the period ending June 30, 2024.
Reconciliation report for Taylor Bank Money Market account for the period ending June 30, 2024.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting held on June 26, 2024, discussing old and new business including the Planning Commission's report, financial decisions regarding CDs, and preparations for the 4th of July parade.
Reconciliation report for the Taylor Bank Money Market account for the Town of Accomac, detailing deposits and credits for the period ending May 31, 2024.
A reconciliation report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account, covering transactions cleared and uncleared as of May 31, 2024.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on May 22, 2024. Discussions included special use permits, planning for the 4th of July parade, grant money allocation for sewage systems, and public comments on town maintenance.
A financial report detailing transactions for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank Checking Account for the period ending April 30, 2024. Includes expenses, deposits, and other financial activities.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on April 24, 2024, discussing topics such as speeding complaints, special use permits, budget considerations, and ordinance enforcement.
This document is a financial report detailing the transactions for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account for the period ending March 31, 2024. It includes deposits and expenses with corresponding dates and amounts.
Bank statement report for the Town of Accomac's Taylor Bank checking account for the period ending March 31, 2024, detailing deposits and expenses.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on March 27, 2024, covering topics such as special use permits, Courthouse Green grant application, ordinance rewrites, and upcoming community events.
Bank statement reconciliation for Taylor Bank Money Market account, including cleared balance and deposits.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on February 28, 2024, discussing issues such as special use permits, a resolution for a traffic study on digital speed signs, funding for garden projects, demolition of the McCoy property, and planning for the 4th of July parade.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on January 24, 2024. Discussion topics included the restoration of Debtor's Prison, traffic issues, special use permits, restoration projects, appointment of Claire Salvaggio to the Planning Commission, and the purchase of office equipment.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on November 29, 2023, discussing public comments, zoning ordinances, restoration of the Courthouse Green, the Debtor's Prison project, and the upcoming Ole Fashioned Christmas event.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on October 25, 2023, discussing various town issues, including website updates, special use permits, ordinance enforcement, and new contracts.
This document is a special use permit application for the Town of Accomac, including information about the applicant, property, and required signatures for approval.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on September 27, 2023, covering public comments, old and new business, and motions.
A detailed profit and loss financial report for the Town of Accomac covering the period from September 2023 to August 2024, including income sources and expenses.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting on August 23, 2023, covering public comments, approval of the new budget, sewer system extension, property taxes, and other new business.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held at the Town Hall, covering public comments, budget approval, sewer system extension, and other town matters.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on July 28, 2023, discussing public comments, new rules for meetings, property concerns, speeding issues, proposed budget changes, and local events.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on June 28, 2023, discussing public concerns, old and new business, motions, and approvals.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting held on May 24, 2023, covering topics such as public comments, website updates, speeding issues, the 4th of July ceremony, zoning planning representatives, and approval of minutes and reports.
Statement by Mary Dahlke at the public meeting regarding the application of Steven and Jeanette Troyer for a Special Use Permit in the Town of Accomac.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on April 26, 2023, discussing topics such as neon signs at the Old Edmonds Building, speeding in town, a new sewage system, an update on Accomac School, and the town website.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on March 22, 2023, discussing topics like neon signs, Accomack Primary School updates, town website design proposal, Debtor's Prison repairs, and town clean-up plans.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on February 22, 2023, covering topics such as neon signs, historical structures, walking tour book project, town website responsibilities, and sidewalk repairs.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on January 25, 2023, discussing public comments, old business such as the ESV A Chamber of Commerce Grant Funds and Save the School project, new business including sewage funding and speed ordinance, and general discussion on sidewalks and vacant council member position.
Minutes of the public meeting of the Town of Accomac held on November 30, 2022, where the Food Tax Ordinance was adopted and updates on various grants and new business were discussed.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac's monthly scheduled meeting held on October 26, 2022. The meeting covered the approval of previous minutes, discussion on the Food Tax Ordinance, and planning for upcoming events.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on September 28, 2022, discussing public comments, wildlife rehab project, trespassing concerns, sewage funding, ordinance rewrites, and approval of minutes and financial reports.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on July 27, 2022, covering topics such as ARPA funding, town sewage, grant funds, ordinance violations, and the FY 2022-2023 budget.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac Council Meeting held on June 22, 2022, discussing topics such as ditch clean-out options, ARPA funds, tourism grant funds, town hall renovations, chicken ordinance amendments, food tax ordinance development, and July 4th parade planning.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on May 25, 2022, discussing topics such as public comments on expansion plans, town hall renovation updates, and approval of previous meeting minutes.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac's call meeting on May 10, 2022, to discuss changes to the animal ordinance and concerns regarding the historic status of Accomac Elementary School and Bailey Hall.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on April 27, 2022, covering various topics including public comments, town hall renovations, chicken ordinance enforcement, demolition of the Old Accomac School, and financial reports.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting held on March 23, 2022, discussing public comments, school board decisions, street light maintenance, town cleanup, and flag replacement.
Minutes of the Town of Accomac council meeting held on February 23, 2022, covering public comments, old and new business, motions, and general discussions.
Minutes from the Town of Accomac council meeting on December 2, 2021. Topics included council member resignations, appointment of new members, and town office renovations.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on October 27, 2021, discussing council member resignations, town office renovations, updates on derelict properties, ordinance reviews, and plans for the Christmas celebration.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on August 25, 2021, discussing the budget for 2022, use of ARPA grant funds, speeding issues, updates on derelict properties, and real estate and personal property taxes.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on August 25, 2021, discussing the 2022 budget, property appearances, vehicle decal costs, town office renovation, Rent-A-Cop service, and various town maintenance issues.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on July 28, 2021, covering discussions on property appearance, Alzheimer's Awareness Group display, flags, town office renovation, decal sales, ARPA grant, and residential trash pick-up.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on June 23, 2021. Key topics included preparations for the July 4th Parade, property compliance issues, and community support requests.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on May 26, 2021, discussing topics such as Rent-A-Cop services, town office renovation, and the 4th of July celebration.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting held on April 28, 2021, covering topics such as ditch maintenance, speed control, insurance coverage, and spring clean-up.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on March 24, 2021, discussing various topics including financial support for the Tasley Volunteer Firehouse, town ordinances, zoning violations, hiring a police officer, a Litter Grant, and easements.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting held on February 24, 2021, discussing renovation updates, ordinances, community issues, and grant opportunities.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on January 27, 2021, at the Tasley Firehouse, covering topics like swearing-in ceremony, town office renovation, ditch maintenance, and town decals.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on October 28, 2020, discussing ditch maintenance, agreements with contractors, and other town affairs.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting held on September 23, 2020, discussing topics such as ditch maintenance, renewal of a Certificate of Deposit, garbage pick-up, Christmas wreaths, and renovation updates.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on August 26, 2020, discussing bank changes, budget approval, CARES Act funds, ditch maintenance, and town clean-up.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on July 22, 2020, discussing topics such as town taxes, budget, grants, and clean-up efforts.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on June 24, 2020, discussing topics such as town office renovation, property maintenance, and the cancellation of the July 4th parade.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on May 27, 2020 in Accomac, VA. The meeting discussed issues such as the resolution of a septic system problem, overgrown grass at a property, a dog running at large, upcoming election, town clean up, and the July 4th parade. Renovation of the town office was also discussed.
Minutes of the special Town Council meeting held on April 22, 2020, discussing old and new business in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minutes of a special meeting called to discuss various issues including overgrown properties, town elections, renovation of the town office, town decal sales, and a litter grant.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on November 20, 2019, discussing the inclusion of the Town of Accomac in the Hampton Roads Sanitation District.
Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on October 23, 2019, covering topics such as old and new business, town ordinances, and town hall renovation.
Minutes from the Town Council Meeting held on September 25, 2019, covering topics such as garbage pickup, speeding concerns, business development, and community events.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 28, 2019, discussing budget proposals, levies, and other town matters.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting discussing the July 4th parade, demolition and renovations to the Town Hall, cleaning of a ditch, street sweeping by VDOT, an open septic system, and over-grown properties.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on October 24, 2018, discussing various town matters including election polling location, HVAC for new Town Hall, temporary easement for ditch project, fall leaf collection, holiday decorations, and a new ordinance regarding election of the mayor and council.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on September 26, 2018, discussing various topics including HVAC estimates, ditch cleaning, fiscal accounts, and Halloween observance.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 22, 2018, discussing budget adoption, tax levy, Board of Zoning Appeals appointment, and vehicle license fee.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on July 25, 2018, discussing topics such as ditch cleaning, vehicle license fee adjustments, election date change, budget proposal, and the adoption of an ordinance to move elections to November.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on May 23, 2018, discussing easements, the 4th of July parade, over-grown properties, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on October 25, 2017, discussing topics such as temporary easements, the town's Christmas event, auto decals and vehicle license fees, new town entrance signs, a commission fee increase, town hall renovation, waste removal costs, and overgrown properties.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on September 27, 2017, discussing topics such as a proposal from Davis Disposal, participation in FEMA's flood insurance program, street maintenance issues, and financial reports.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 23, 2017, discussing various matters including appointments, property purchase, and budget adoption.
Resolution for the Town of Accomac to purchase property at 23367 Front Street, Accomac, Virginia to be used as the Town Hall from the County of Accomack for the sum of Ten Dollars.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on July 28, 2017, discussing various matters including budget proposals, donations to the community band, FEMA flood insurance program participation, and zoning ordinances.
Minutes of the joint public meeting of the Town Council and Planning Commission held on June 28, 2017. Discussions included proposed ordinance amendments, the 4th of July parade, FEMA flood insurance program participation, and issues like overhanging trees and speeding.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on February 22, 2017, in the Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers, discussing topics like town clean up, vehicle license fee, and an art festival.
Minutes from the Accomac Town Council meeting on October 26, 2016, discussing participation in the National Flood Insurance Program, holiday events, public safety issues, and zoning ordinance amendments.
Resolution by the Town of Accomac to comply with the National Flood Insurance Program regulations and to manage floodplain-related issues.
Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on September 28, 2016, in Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers covering topics such as town ordinances, FEMA flood insurance, Halloween curfew, standing water issues, Christmas holiday plans, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 24, 2016, discussing the budget for 2016-2017, tax levies, citizen comments on various issues including flood insurance and mosquito control, and a closed executive session.
Minutes from the Town Council meeting held on April 27, 2016, in Accomac, Virginia, discussing issues such as mobile and modular home definitions, unlicensed vehicles, decal sales, weed spraying, and citizen comments.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on March 23, 2016, discussing topics such as the definition of 'family', distinctions between mobile and modular homes, no parking markers, unlicensed vehicles, and streetlights.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on October 28, 2015, covering topics such as the library expansion and proposed revisions to zoning ordinances.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on September 23, 2015, in the Accomack County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers, discussing ordinances, planning commission updates, weed spraying, waste receptacles, and financial reports.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on August 26, 2015, including discussions on the budget for the year 2015-2016, tax levies, and town ordinances.
Minutes of the Accomac Town Council meeting held on June 24, 2015, discussing topics such as recycling bins, July 4th parade details, property maintenance issues, and complaints about local wildlife.
Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on April 22, 2015, discussing weed control, zoning appeals, fire grant funds, and other matters.
Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.