York (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from York (County) (Agency ID: 141)

Agenda for the York County Chesapeake Bay Board public meeting scheduled for January 22, 2025. The meeting includes approval of minutes, public hearing on Chesapeake Bay exceptions and appeals, and election of officers.
unknown 2025-01-22 ID: fcodjTJVd0FXlhgQM89gZ
Agenda for the York County Wetlands Board meeting scheduled for January 9, 2025, including applications for various shoreline stabilization projects along Chisman Creek and the York River.
unknown 2025-01-09 ID: sFCzf1Vs8rePsVewuLgRR
Agenda for the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting on December 18, 2024, including new business, old business, and discussions on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness.
unknown 2024-12-18 ID: Wav4CidlIMqHM7pUmuIRe
Agenda for the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors, including presentations, public hearings, and resolutions on various matters.
unknown 2024-12-17 ID: ukZtRtDh5ysXh3Y3PVKEt
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on December 11, 2024, covering topics such as public hearings on zoning ordinance amendments and establishment of a tourist home.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: O28AM5t5sBnkFdVrwXXpX
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on December 3, 2024, including presentations on the FY 2024 financial report, capital improvements, and zoning ordinance requirements. The agenda also covers various tax refund requests, contract authorizations, and personnel matters.
unknown 2024-12-03 ID: aGxSQUYdwWb2BxTa3esjB
Agenda for the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting discussing new and old business, including an application for a new wooden picket fence at 114 Ballard Street.
unknown 2024-11-20 ID: PWssPniyjU0eO4R2suHsQ
Agenda for the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on November 19, 2024, covering topics such as service recognition, legislative updates, utility plans, and purchase resolutions.
unknown 2024-11-19 ID: U7zhNot834ylfI81Fh82f
Agenda for the York County Towing Advisory Board meeting, covering topics such as ordinance content, fee schedules, and preparation for a work session with the Board of Supervisors.
unknown 2024-11-18 ID: dmuwcjF3WpJzmhbsW7tyg
Minutes of the regular meeting of the York County Planning Commission held on November 13, 2024, discussing applications including a request for a tourist home permit and zoning ordinance amendments for data centers.
unknown 2024-11-13 ID: mNM4Gg4U1tupXpYWi1cbD
The agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting on November 13, 2024, including public hearings on a tourist home application and zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-11-13 ID: eogoUPpqJtC1WZ7rQOhls
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Senior Center of York, covering financial reports, committee reports, old business, new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-11-13 ID: MpkdsNxE89UitDILMFFKn
The agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, including presentations, new business considerations, financial reports review, and closed meeting procedures.
unknown 2024-11-12 ID: 4D7xAb3p08ZWccj5DAoVV
Agenda for the York County Arts Commission meeting held on October 24, 2024, at the Yorktown Library. Topics include approval of previous minutes, updates on the Williamsburg Area Arts Commission, orientation for new members, and election of officers.
unknown 2024-10-24 ID: DmZdivMtyNvV2XpuqsrYD
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, including presentations, new business regarding grant fund replenishment, and financial reports.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: xzwcOy22mf2GRyGpGhGbP
Minutes from the October 22, 2024 meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, including presentations, new business discussions on grant funds replenishment, financial report, and various updates from the Deputy County Administrator and Economic & Tourism Development staff.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: WM8ypcHsFVyKpcqbt9egP
Agenda for the York County Towing Advisory Board meeting held on October 21, 2024, including discussion of ordinance content, fee schedules, and preparation for a work session with the Board of Supervisors.
unknown 2024-10-21 ID: kC6idfklF7kR6Eifq3faL
Agenda for the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting on October 16, 2024, including applications for certificates of appropriateness and other business items.
unknown 2024-10-16 ID: npbJf2mA5cYwYQ3lnkYcY
Minutes from the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors, detailing discussions on various issues including public hearings on tourist home applications, franchise agreements, and home occupation regulations.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: nFtUolVUIEND1BzDrs9O3
Minutes of the York County Planning Commission meeting held on October 9, 2024, discussing Application No. PD-59-24 by EAH LLC to amend the York County Zoning Map for a mixed-use development.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: J9hCYj7yolKhBzO5bBbZ4
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on October 9, 2024, including public hearings on zoning map amendments and mixed-use development proposals.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: cym4R1s0kBq05XKmOBS13
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Senior Center of York on October 9, 2024.
unknown 2024-10-09 ID: v6nF8wUnawm9khKZHYXUy
Minutes from the York County Arts Commission meeting held on October 1, 2024. The meeting included elections of officers, discussions about funding for the 2026 fiscal year, and updates on events.
unknown 2024-10-01 ID: JrHOQNIV9kZqrUQvdhMSM
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on October 1, 2024, including presentations, consent calendar items, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-10-01 ID: SEAKz2Ynj54hNQ5tlEz23
Minutes from the meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, held on September 24, 2024. Discussions included collaboration with York County Chamber of Commerce, funding for a Marketing Grant program, lease agreements, and updates on various economic and tourism initiatives.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: LWLFhODqYA6fYUxptfUWO
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, including presentations and new business discussions.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: GWF50lpqxOY7bCgLphbAQ
A notice regarding the cancellation of the York County Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting originally scheduled for September 18, 2024, due to no applications being submitted.
unknown 2024-09-18 ID: NMy1tsGLjy7B7fBFNRW8R
Minutes from the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on September 17, 2024. The meeting included presentations from Dominion Energy and the Eastern Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority, public hearings, and discussions on various county matters.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: 1CkWCG6YsGdeszKButouQ
Agenda for the York County Towing Advisory Board meeting held on September 16, 2024, at the YPSO Classroom, York Poquoson Sheriff’s Office.
unknown 2024-09-16 ID: wBwPfgDkY1rCbVTEeJcLs
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors at the Senior Center of York, covering financial reports, committee reports, old business, and new business.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: q6I9iPWhwWUUaZo6zM72l
Minutes from the Senior Center of York Board Members Meeting held on September 11, 2024, covering topics such as approval of previous minutes, financial report, facility operations, program updates, health programs, and announcements.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: Vwl5YyIXFfTfCGkQBwnt8
Minutes from the York County Planning Commission meeting held on September 11, 2024, discussing various applications including a Special Use Permit for a tourist home and amendments to zoning ordinances for data centers.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: h2f245iHcUurg0V1lSt3I
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on September 11, 2024, including items such as public hearings on a special use permit for a tourist home and zoning ordinance amendments for data centers.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: WWP0zsCn9vOkm1kBbpVok
Agenda for the York County Arts Commission meeting held on September 5, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-05 ID: SSzlWUF9kulMjbrECtnAF
Minutes of the York County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 3, 2024, which included discussions on the potential establishment of a Business Advocate position, zoning text amendments, and other county matters.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: fGoXngTjLaMhRu70yJL5Q
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 3, 2024, including discussions on business advocacy, zoning text amendments, and a resolution for purchasing a dump truck.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: oH00YINvFbHObb5WYyKAZ
Agenda for the York County Beautification Committee meeting covering financials, Trex benches, market events, Clean Business Awards, and calendar themes.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: nVroxro689VVITrENLEes
Meeting minutes for the York County Beautification Committee held on August 27, 2024, covering topics such as the treasurer's report, allocation of Trex benches, upcoming events like Yorktown Market Days and BugFest, and Clean Business Awards.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: R9b1rsXHVE83HH6cfqfEO
Agenda for the York County Towing Advisory Board meeting held on August 26, 2024. The meeting includes discussions on necessary qualifications for tow providers and planning the schedule of regular meetings.
unknown 2024-08-26 ID: lqoyxxRXrS82LDAABIBzx
Agenda for the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors on August 20, 2024, including presentations, public hearings on various applications and ordinances, consent calendar items, and future business.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: uHiOve0DWoz7Nqud9kJ0Z
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on August 20, 2024, covering topics such as volunteer service recognition, citizens' comments, county attorney and administrator reports, matters presented by the board, consent calendar approvals, and several public hearings including those related to zoning amendments and parking restrictions.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: qY4DpozL8nqSHylZv1pGt
The York County Planning Commission did not hold a meeting on August 14, 2024.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: zVFZZcuiWs2xcmpSxR2Nc
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors work session held on August 6, 2024, covering topics such as The Berkley Group's staffing study presentation, landscaping and buffer requirements in the zoning ordinance, home-based business updates, and other board discussions.
unknown 2024-08-06 ID: 7ck54XoXKOv3RA4ZRRVgK
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, including presentations on upcoming events and the York County Chamber of Commerce, financial reports, and approval of previous meeting minutes.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: mAD2T6evBvP8sU9FrvNE3
Minutes from the York County Arts Commission meeting held on July 17, 2024, discussing final reports for 2024 grants, liaison assignments, and non-compliant groups.
unknown 2024-07-17 ID: tuQIXsyKm6SGy13dVSAcx
Agenda for the York County Arts Commission meeting on July 17, 2024, including approval of minutes, discussion of old and new business, and scheduling of the next meeting.
unknown 2024-07-17 ID: njUjSlvMnD5E9nYVZ3F8N
Minutes from the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting held on July 17, 2024, discussing applications for certificates of appropriateness for signage changes at Yorktown Apartments and Coastal Thirst.
unknown 2024-07-17 ID: eNvWVno3NMdYWZdN6o2xJ
Minutes from the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on July 16, 2024. Discussions included community concerns, infrastructure projects, and administrative reports.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: gHyJ3YTloKA6iHizM6Tpe
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors at the Senior Center of York, including reports, old and new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: niN66ZwFfkNUeMMju8t7b
Minutes from the York County Planning Commission meeting held on July 10, 2024, discussing amendments to the York County Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, including topics such as wetlands definitions, political sign regulations, and ice vending machine specifications.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: aOHOhkzRd2H2H9OOqOLXw
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on July 10, 2024. Includes call to order, roll call, pledge of allegiance, approval of minutes, election of officers, citizen comments, public hearings on subdivision and zoning ordinance amendments, old business, new business, staff reports, committee reports, commission reports, and adjournment.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: 3DlpTX9qlDAtpP286oaBr
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority meeting held on June 25, 2024, discussing topics like election of officers, a commercial property demolition grant, operating budget, resolutions, and various reports.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: l8HolLeHXakcM9KO8jsGa
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors meeting including presentations, public hearings, and resolutions on various county matters.
unknown 2024-06-18 ID: VbTLTbGcFxAEDvceJvM4q
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on June 18, 2024. The meeting covered various presentations, public hearings on zoning amendments, home occupations, and agreements with American Cruise Lines and Coastal Seaplanes.
unknown 2024-06-18 ID: IUjZBbm4HvbcSt0sQI0tn
Minutes from the York County Planning Commission regular meeting discussing several applications for Special Use Permits including auto/truck rental, marina signage, and accommodations at Williamsburg Golf Club.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: oVGWOnrVkIUfUsgjzzQtr
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on June 12, 2024, discussing special use permits and other planning matters.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: X3ydmIyjvkzm7PFpmu3LZ
Minutes of the Senior Center of York Board Members Meeting held on June 12, 2024, covering various reports, committee updates, and new business discussions.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: L3khVzzw8bhmALzz4Trbj
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Senior Center of York, covering topics such as financial reports, committee reports, old business, new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: Ranargl4pdqWXXR1bhRqz
Agenda for the York County Beautification Committee meeting on June 11, 2024, covering topics like the treasurer's report, Trex benches, markets, and recycling campaigns.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: 38CrIqaGD1S6qOci9JZor
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of York County, Virginia on June 4, 2024. The meeting includes a work session, multiple resolutions on funding and agreements, and discussions on various county matters.
unknown 2024-06-04 ID: 8AZTUgaLaYAaDirWh16lF
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors work session on June 4, 2024. The session focused on proposed changes to the zoning ordinance concerning home occupations. Topics included amendments to allow more flexibility for home-based businesses while maintaining neighborhood character, parking regulations, and the special use permit process.
unknown 2024-06-04 ID: 3UFowigTsEgyiZDGEmltV
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, held on May 28, 2024. Topics discussed included updates from the William & Mary Entrepreneurship Hub/Launchpad, grant changes, and comments from various officials.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: o1Csx5HqYWdHIq9UiyxeI
Minutes of the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on May 21, 2024, including discussions and resolutions on youth awards, transportation projects, firearms sales permits, and video monitoring systems on school buses.
unknown 2024-05-21 ID: lDchHzmvj66I4NvEGWj3M
Minutes of the Board Members Meeting for the Senior Center of York held on May 15, 2024.
unknown 2024-05-15 ID: RoEMW5WxbPL2YnsQPWcA8
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Senior Center of York held on May 15, 2024.
unknown 2024-05-15 ID: aNjjJP4tbXYXVmonrOXyK
Notice of cancellation for the York County Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting originally scheduled for May 15, 2024, due to no applications being submitted.
unknown 2024-05-15 ID: KSFNkxJD7nNisUAJzrjfz
Agenda for the York County Beautification Committee meeting including financial reports, upcoming events, and project updates.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: n0QBQ2pFkYeD6lLNDGvap
Minutes from the York County Beautification Committee meeting held on May 14, 2024, covering topics such as Trex benches, market days, promotional items, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: QQd1y8sWSi0Cw6cFR3Fd5
Minutes from the York County Planning Commission regular meeting held on May 8, 2024. Topics discussed include approval of previous meeting minutes, citizen comments on a proposed cluster subdivision, public hearings on zoning map amendments and a request for establishing a tourist home, and review of the Capital Improvements Program.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: Ayf0dfJ6IM5VqtUBsxQR6
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on May 8, 2024, covering topics such as zoning map amendments, tourist home approvals, and capital improvements program certification.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: wr889Qfqr3CZdqu6kVaBR
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority meeting discussing grant agreements, financial reports, and upcoming business initiatives.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: nHKiNaJDivAvXp6MMrhNj
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County, Virginia, held on April 23, 2024 at York Hall East Room. The agenda includes a citizen comment period, discussion on Maramy Investments grant modification, financial reports, and other administrative comments.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: A4sOZryErCAQGK9H87OlK
Notice of cancellation for the York County Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting originally scheduled for April 17, 2024, due to no applications being submitted.
unknown 2024-04-17 ID: q6ZuowBCVdOoZjb6jqixh
Minutes from the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on April 16, 2024, covering presentations, citizen comments, public hearings, and discussions on budget and community issues.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: 99VUYrtMGqa835DlumXUM
Agenda for the Regular Meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors, including public hearings on special use permits, resolutions, budget discussions, and county code amendments.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: eX9hhBKfaR2JcDbuNk1PY
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on April 10, 2024, discussing special use permit applications for various properties.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: kCMEJ45RMhbUuGVC1dvf8
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Senior Center of York, scheduled for April 10, 2024. Includes items such as financial reports, committee reports, old and new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: MGVB4tm4SAuNgtbiduKMZ
Minutes of the Senior Center of York Board Members Meeting held on April 10, 2024. Discussions included financial reports, committee updates, old and new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: mHvAJda0dtM2X6sGVNc8J
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors at the Senior Center of York, covering topics such as financial reports, committee reports, old business, and new business.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: kkc2fdpKVskNWwtF0Y90M
Agenda for the York County Beautification Committee meeting, including topics such as the Treasurer's Report, Trex Benches, 2024 Markets, production of shirts, calendar planning, and BugFest.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: 4f1qMvGFHtGmYgym5WJR9
Minutes of the York County Beautification Committee meeting held on April 9, 2024, discussing financial status, volunteer needs for Yorktown Market Days, Trex benches, and upcoming events like BugFest.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: xRjRCudJ3sMcA3Cect3dT
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 2, 2024, covering topics such as the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget, community services funding, waste management, and short-term rentals.
unknown 2024-04-02 ID: XwhGkvAZllR3bcXGQshhV
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors meeting including work session on the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget, updates from previous meetings, approval of minutes, housing voucher program renewal, emergency home repair program grant application, and endorsement of fair housing principles.
unknown 2024-04-02 ID: aPodUFyv4KbRuKNVmw5FT
Minutes of the York County Arts Commission meeting held on March 27, 2024, discussing old and new business including grant applications and partnerships.
unknown 2024-03-27 ID: u8R6aqDtJeKjMKlUbJru4
Minutes from the March 26, 2024 meeting of the Economic Development Authority of York County. Topics included property transfer resolution, financial report, county administrator comments, economic development updates, and closed meeting discussions.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: Gi5I47LszVqhmginIjHBR
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority's regular meeting in York County, Virginia, including presentations, new and old business, financial reports, and comments.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: kv1vGtHOE1slaqYZhsAGU
Agenda for the York County Arts Commission Grants Review Meeting held on March 21, 2024. Includes items such as minutes review, grant requests, liaison list, and VA Commission for Arts recommendations.
unknown 2024-03-21 ID: aZVbYtuMYMPRe0xY9plz9
Agenda for the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting on March 20, 2024, including applications for certificates of appropriateness and other committee business.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: ng7HpEEXcVhQrbF50sPeC
Minutes of the Historic Yorktown Design Committee meeting held on March 20, 2024, discussing the approval of signage for Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shop at 332 Water Street.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: Uj9p2w9qapWYHCQkDLIoV
Minutes from the Senior Center of York Board Members Meeting held on March 13, 2024, covering roll call, approval of minutes, financial report, committee reports, old and new business, and announcements.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: rGE88BW8e0mNuqQJewr9i
Minutes of the York County Planning Commission meeting held on March 13, 2024, discussing various applications including the replacement of dockmaster's office and restrooms, a new office building, and a special use permit for a tourist home.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: DOF6FAP9n8FFbN5NF4CJA
Agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on March 13, 2024, including public hearings and special use permit applications.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: f81Funxt0k4lICwg6d5Jy
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors work session discussing short-term rentals, solid waste fees, and senior center transportation.
unknown 2024-03-05 ID: pTgKmBnUvsn7vzlpU7XdB
Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 5, 2024, including work session topics such as short term rentals, solid waste fees, and senior center transportation. Also includes approval of minutes, commendation of Employee of the Quarter, and other items.
unknown 2024-03-05 ID: XHmgyhQDZlsRPbnzbtkMQ
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on February 20, 2024. Topics discussed include proclamations, tax assessments, the Head Start Program, senior transportation, and a public hearing on vacation and conveyance of Mariners Way street right-of-way.
unknown 2024-02-20 ID: Lg8IyIeA3sOZgxM06bQnc
This document is the agenda for the York County Planning Commission meeting held on February 14, 2024. It includes items such as call to order, roll call, public hearings, and reports.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: sDVV2yjRayt8uEeLSIHTK
Minutes of the York County Planning Commission meeting held on February 14, 2024, discussing rezoning application PD-59-24 for a proposed mixed-use development called Marquis Crossing. The meeting addressed public comments, school capacity concerns, and fiscal impacts.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: WT3bHubJwjTPOyBrq5xkO
Minutes from the York County Beautification Committee meeting held on February 13, 2024. Topics included the Treasurer's Report, feedback on the calendar, the Trex bench program, participation in Yorktown Market Days, and upcoming events such as the Clean Business Breakfast, Great American Cleanup, and BugFest.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: l8NmM1MpDtc1RyBmTEa73
Minutes from the regular meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors held on February 6, 2024. The meeting included a work session with a quarterly update from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and a discussion on the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for FY 2025.
unknown 2024-02-06 ID: SxxnCscbelj5q2g3FnQ2u
Minutes from the York County Board of Supervisors' adjourned meeting and annual retreat held on February 2, 2024, including discussions on strategic priorities, budget considerations, and team-building exercises.
unknown 2024-02-02 ID: wvNU5gYcIbGDWck0bx3iT

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.