Rockingham (County)

Agency Records

Showing 35 records from Rockingham (County) (Agency ID: 125)

Agenda for the Rockingham County Planning Commission Meeting on January 7, 2025, discussing rezoning requests, ordinance amendments, and reports.
unknown 2025-01-07 ID: W82p0ry47woisdyNUzIQp
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on December 11, 2024, covering topics such as approval of previous minutes, recognitions, financial reports, public hearings on special use permits, and closed meetings.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: gcmPTtCeSmBXAEOg2LOQE
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 13, 2024. Topics discussed include approval of previous meeting minutes, presentations and reports from various departments and committees, public hearings on special use permits and rezonings, and closed meeting discussions.
unknown 2024-11-13 ID: yl9KgQLv4PgtL5SWdGhi5
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 23, 2024, covering topics such as financial policy changes, rezoning requests, transportation updates, and community development discussions.
unknown 2024-10-23 ID: YoJqQUyAdv2M9r59p6p4v
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 25, 2024, including discussions on various reports, committee updates, public hearings on rezoning and special use permits, and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: qs8YtZInpanoNDwk6j53n
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on VDOT projects, GVFD donation concerns, budget amendments, ordinance amendments, and rezoning requests.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: jXuPNXBF8cki4YNvn41u3
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2024, discussing various reports, resolutions, public hearings, and ordinances.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: 6ezkCuRLYnVcz96pTxBF3
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 11, 2024, covering approvals, reports, resolutions, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: 9P1NUch6xBeYqif3RvOjE
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors held on September 11, 2024. Topics included the approval of previous meeting minutes, VDOT updates, resolutions, contracts, and public hearings on special use permits and revenue share ordinance.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: 4ADf3RCodqp8vvvkk28dL
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 28, 2024, covering agenda items including approval of previous minutes, recognition of achievements, reports from the Virginia Department of Transportation, staff and committee reports, public hearing on rezoning request, closed meeting, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-08-28 ID: H3mEKRDjsskREJ1XK8JkO
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 14, 2024, covering topics such as VDOT updates, tax collection reports, personal property tax relief, resolutions on drought conditions, and supplemental appropriations.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: Nkls1NRbayOUd96ZZnOsP
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 14, 2024. The meeting included reports from various departments, public hearings on special use permits and ordinance amendments, and discussions on county projects and contracts.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: GxpTz4EAvV3sc2AT9P7ED
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors held on July 24, 2024, covering topics such as approval of minutes, reports from the Virginia Department of Transportation and Department of Conservation and Recreation, recognition of retirement, contract negotiations, public works updates, and public hearings on rezoning and special-use permits.
unknown 2024-07-24 ID: znB0j2WIGimuaIbZb1R4t
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 10, 2024, including discussions on closed session certification, VDOT SMART SCALE resolutions, a presentation by United Way, and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Stone Spring Urban Development Area Plan.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: vVP3aEX5VuwzkbGWqP4Gm
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 26, 2024. The meeting included the approval of minutes, an ordinance proposal for C-PACE financing, a resolution on opioid settlement participation, staff and committee reports, public hearings on rezoning and ordinance amendments, and the enactment of a cigarette tax ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-26 ID: YDyZKgeUfdVwf7LVQkZON
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 12, 2024, discussing the Secondary Road Six-Year Improvement Program and the enactment of a cigarette tax ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: B6c9GwdPTXVI9gbgAveWG
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 22, 2024. Discussions included transportation projects, rezoning requests, ordinance repeals, and budget appropriations.
unknown 2024-05-22 ID: pzFmmjAi4vzCybKTuhhdA
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 22, 2024, covering various reports, public hearings, ordinance repeals, and other county business.
unknown 2024-05-22 ID: m2d6CRLH8L8xFvW4nt2yD
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 8, 2024. The meeting included reports, ordinance discussions, public hearings on rezoning and agricultural district withdrawal, approval of special use permits, and a resolution for a community development block grant.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: pPMIDt2vy8vn06a8gYaMF
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on May 8, 2024, covering various topics including approval of previous meeting minutes, economic development discussions, introduction of high school students, public works updates, community development updates, public hearings on special use permits, and a community block grant application.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: BcwLS1aIBCqEN7HLrVBbb
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 24, 2024. Discussions included resolutions on naming a memorial bridge, street additions, Middle River Regional Jail Authority's bond issuance, ending a local emergency, adoption of the FY2024-2025 budget, and updates on various county projects.
unknown 2024-04-24 ID: n1X9RNDaNYqEaKYAyw4mo
Minutes of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 24, 2024, discussing various topics including staff reports, committee reports, special use permits, community development block grant application, budget adoption, resolutions, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-04-24 ID: FunaIBbSoaVBx0UKRJipa
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 24, 2024, including discussions on budget proposals, public hearings, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-04-24 ID: RveIshUeCmueDNIx7xWmh
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on April 10, 2024, where discussions included the approval of previous minutes, public hearing on the proposed 2024-2025 budget and Capital Improvement Plan, and public comments from various community organizations.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: eL97PMB0Wr3aQyByd3ycX
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 27, 2024. Discussions included the approval of the budget proposal for FY2024-2025 for Rockingham County Public Schools, a resolution declaring a local emergency due to wildfires, adoption of tax rates for the fiscal year, and other county matters.
unknown 2024-03-27 ID: pz63VOPhAAKP6VZWnZhjS
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 27, 2024, including discussions on fiscal year 2024-2025 budget proposal, public hearings, resolutions, and committee reports.
unknown 2024-03-27 ID: VBJn6P0h6FChtcOaWuWoF
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 13, 2024, covering topics such as special use permits, budget appropriations, and departmental reports.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: 5ulm8CiglcrdwJqyQ9hFP
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on March 13, 2024. The meeting included updates on various topics such as Virginia Department of Transportation projects, special use permits, rezoning requests, and reports from the County Administrator and staff.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: M7v9wZxmWPudZEqMtbcU1
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors, covering reports from VDOT, updates from Massanutten Technical Center and Blue Ridge Community College, staff reports, committee reports, discussions on Frazier Quarry's special use permit, and a rezoning public hearing.
unknown 2024-02-28 ID: aC8kfWOd2yYG5dbJycIJP
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors held on February 14, 2024, covering various topics including approvals of minutes, reports from county departments, discussions on economic development programs, and special use permit hearings.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: U1Oj1b5OUI7mAEZhBNKpb
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 14, 2024, covering reports from various departments, public hearing on rezoning, committee reports, and a closed meeting session.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: xsSdNS8RTPJEOmhN8XR9Y
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2024. Items discussed included public hearings on rezoning and special use permits, budget amendments, the Crossroads Field House project, and committee appointments.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: CCrFuWXHCY9ZXeG9VL9i7
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 10, 2024, detailing the agenda, reports, and public hearings discussed.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: QECvIaRTyXONht6psM2Uc
Minutes from the Rockingham County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting discussing an appeal by Stephanie L. Yager regarding zoning violations related to keeping donkeys on her property.
unknown 2021-12-06 ID: jCkNc9QmWgduDG31Zi4ao
This document reports on the calculated active COVID-19 case rate in Rockingham County. It includes a conservative rate and an alternative, less conservative rate.
unknown 2020-07-15 ID: HOy7KrCo2d9cem197KUPl