Patrick (County)

Agency Records

Showing 48 records from Patrick (County) (Agency ID: 115)

Patrick County Recreation Committee meeting minutes discussing personnel matters, budget recommendations, and updates on basketball programs.
unknown 2025-01-06 ID: WUgqfZq6X2fi2253py5xr
Agenda for the organizational meeting of the Patrick County Board of Supervisors held on January 6, 2025, at the Patrick County Administration Building in Stuart, VA. The meeting includes the election of board officers, adoption of rules, approval of the meeting schedule, and a closed meeting on contract matters.
unknown 2025-01-06 ID: YxGV1K6nzHcN5A1360KoK
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting, covering topics such as finance reports, grant programs, and updates on business development.
unknown 2024-12-11 ID: 3OFkWNZ98Slfa5WLv6SXo
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on November 19, 2024, including discussions on solar policy and ordinance, application development, and training. It also mentions the approval of the previous meeting minutes from October 15, 2024.
unknown 2024-11-19 ID: 4bjW7K32XSZ1hK4JTwzVz
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting, covering topics such as finance reports, grant programs, and elections.
unknown 2024-10-23 ID: ffOt7LNTTyl1beNnWGoLU
Agenda for the Quarterly Business Meeting of the Patrick County Public Service Authority on October 22, 2024, covering financial reports, operational updates, and membership in utility associations.
unknown 2024-10-22 ID: lOBIO1KtcT7QX9M0VWuih
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on October 15, 2024, covering old business such as the Berkley Group's presentation on the Solar Policy and Ordinance Update, and new business regarding roles for the West Piedmont Planning District Commission's comprehensive plan.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: 6tRA2DVkPFN0IfkLQSm8x
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority meeting of Patrick County held on September 25, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as financial reports, business retention goals, updates on joint meetings with the Board of Supervisors, and discussions on various projects including Cockram Mill and the Martin Farm Road Property.
unknown 2024-09-25 ID: D0lYLk5O7RgEsyrLmI8XV
Minutes from the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on September 19, 2024, discussing marketing efforts, budget expenditures, and various community events.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: iMeVfSO5A0k9NcvbjNQwX
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on September 17, 2024, including old and new business items.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: eImrAI1yxzZsgR9s1WvLV
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for August 20, 2024. Includes opening session, amendments, approvals, updates on solar facilities, draft commission applications, substantial accord determinations, and public comment period.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: FKWCb5dElksLQejGlS4PU
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on August 20, 2024. The meeting included discussions on the Advance Injection Study related to the Fairy Stone solar project and updates on solar policies. Also included were introductions and planning for future training presentations.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: OQGLmwOPheONkauZHaoSc
Minutes from the joint meeting between the Economic Development Authority and the Board of Supervisors of Patrick County, discussing economic growth and collaboration.
unknown 2024-08-19 ID: KC3IGS54yPw6zPtui57iD
Meeting agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County, including a joint discussion with the Board of Supervisors and EDA Facilitators.
unknown 2024-08-19 ID: QJsraGankayqSPgRUpJ6x
Minutes from the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on August 15, 2024, discussing funding requests for local events, marketing strategies, and financial reports.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: XVUCJCYJa8F7j0OGGkXCa
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting on July 24, 2024, including topics such as finance report, old business, new business, and executive session.
unknown 2024-07-24 ID: INgtbHTvLV0IaB7VIg2tk
Agenda for the Organizational Business Meeting of the Patrick County Public Service Authority including election of officers, approval of agenda and minutes, financial and operational updates, and public comment.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: o8ZnEqrDbsgVOha4HL7IB
Minutes from the Patrick County Public Service Authority Organizational Meeting held on July 23, 2024, including elections, resolutions, financial reports, and operational updates.
unknown 2024-07-23 ID: 4Mq2O7jZs1P20bUXULeMt
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting discussing the Comprehensive Plan, Solar Ordinance, and related issues.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: JIHqI9kR85ouQ3sb71HsZ
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting on July 16, 2024, including discussions on solar facilities, battery storage, and comprehensive plan revisions.
unknown 2024-07-11 ID: JmIjeKHUaxAtDprw5e2x8
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority meeting for Patrick County held on June 26, 2024, discussing agenda amendments, approval of previous minutes, finance report, landscaping issues, training funding request, and closed meeting protocols.
unknown 2024-06-26 ID: rLidowDiVKruakl5v6Oog
Agenda for the Patrick County Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on June 26, 2024, discussing topics such as CSA Pool Reimbursement, Kinship Funds, and FAPT Concerns.
unknown 2024-06-26 ID: XmGGAGs9IyMtz3F2GX4uj
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Patrick County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, discussing ordinances and a comprehensive policy for large-scale solar development.
unknown 2024-06-18 ID: JCwv4vHJNsLOMadYECsCM
Agenda for the business meeting of the Patrick County Planning Commission and joint meeting with the Patrick County Board of Supervisors held on June 18, 2024.
unknown 2024-06-18 ID: 8pR1ihJU6C7ULwO1OsPmn
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting held on May 22, 2024. Topics discussed included the financial report, VaCorp FY25 insurance renewal, a pipeline feasibility study, Viasat memorandum of lease, and a closed meeting on a commercial real estate lease purchase agreement with Ten Oaks.
unknown 2024-05-22 ID: lWfYPTc9okU1DkbiMfS6y
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on May 21, 2024, at the Patrick County Veteran's Memorial Building.
unknown 2024-05-21 ID: weeCB2ewZrotTMurugMs3
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on May 21, 2024. The meeting included discussions on the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, a survey for Curtis & Mildred Spence, and Battery Energy Storage Facilities.
unknown 2024-05-21 ID: NnITaxxuKxzpMuWHhagvn
Minutes from the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on April 25, 2024, covering topics such as event sponsorships, marketing strategies, and financial reports.
unknown 2024-04-25 ID: xYp5C71N4PH0v3QUyjiTJ
Minutes of the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on April 25, 2024, discussing sponsorships, marketing efforts, and financial matters related to tourism.
unknown 2024-04-25 ID: IFxIgglWehggmPFu0X0n3
Agenda for the Patrick County Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on April 24, 2024. The document includes roll call, approval of previous minutes, and discussion of various reports and updates.
unknown 2024-04-24 ID: LaFbSBbcWBB3aR130rBwr
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting on April 24, 2024. Topics include approval of facade grants, funding for training and travel of the Economic Development Director, and insurance renewal proposal.
unknown 2024-04-24 ID: Y9O8klCYuQEfpmMT5d8Ri
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting on April 16, 2024, discussing new business including a solar ordinance revision.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: sJ28bDDR1lmdfHm8DKOKA
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on April 16, 2024, discussing the Solar Ordinance, view sheds, balloon tests, and updates to the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: YJP6hWi0DNmxxzg2Bx7cK
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting held on March 27, 2024. Topics discussed include facade grants, financial reports, public comments, and economic development incentives.
unknown 2024-03-27 ID: X3N6QCsfdnLaQMxbWdV29
Minutes from the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on March 21, 2024, discussing sponsorship requests for local events, marketing efforts, and budget concerns.
unknown 2024-03-21 ID: FjWuaOcbznkT8kuQo0qQY
Agenda for the Patrick County Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on March 20, 2024.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: iXLp3r4RPoAhwXvNWw8GS
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission Sub-Committee Work Session discussing revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and Solar Ordinance.
unknown 2024-03-19 ID: ANzjI4CqrkwLufCGmAL6c
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority meeting held on March 13, 2024, discussing the agenda, executive session on commercial real estate, and resignation of the EDA Director.
unknown 2024-03-13 ID: I1KiOE1ZoOWa8UhNyrXfI
Agenda for the Patrick County Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on February 21, 2024. Includes roll call, old and new business discussions, and closed session details.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: TjEaMrWOW9phqGvtLYr4s
Minutes from the Patrick County Planning Commission Sub-Committee Work Session and Public Hearing held on February 20, 2024. Discussions included revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, approval of Milestone Towers cell tower at Patrick County High School, and the review of Moscato Solar, LLC's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2024-02-20 ID: nHo5HFv7wSWZeO55qN5JV
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on February 20, 2024, including public hearings on a cell tower at Patrick County High School and the Moscato Solar, LLC project.
unknown 2024-02-20 ID: cZ0lzQCQXQgSFUcZUFerM
Minutes of the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on February 15, 2024, covering topics such as marketing reports, finance and tourism reports, public comments, and updates on old business.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: l1P0QKaE9DlkdS2zjG8NE
Minutes from the Economic Development Authority meeting of Patrick County held on February 13, 2024, where no quorum was present to transact business.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: FWcRPjt3uPJnofO0NLkpD
Agenda for the Quarterly Business Meeting of the Patrick County Public Service Authority, covering financial reports, operational updates, and old business items such as the Virginia Department of Health waterworks permit and utility agreements.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: 8Bs4OCZd9XDcOVRtGkBSE
Minutes from the Patrick County Tourism Advisory Council meeting held on January 18, 2024. The meeting covered the approval of the agenda and minutes, public comments on tourism advertising grants, updates on various events, marketing and finance reports, and new business motions.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: PoP6LxPAGxZfEYVrSlyTm
Agenda for the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on January 16, 2024, discussing new and old business, including the election of new officers and a comprehensive plan conformity review.
unknown 2024-01-16 ID: mKypFixb2MjwiwsBScVju
Minutes of the Patrick County Planning Commission meeting held on January 16, 2024, discussing appointments, a cell tower installation, and a public hearing for a solar facility.
unknown 2024-01-16 ID: Y23DwM5leAtOVL5dvs6DY
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Patrick County meeting, discussing topics such as meeting time changes, finance report, old and new business including façade grants and RV resort, and an executive session on commercial real estate.
unknown 2023-03-27 ID: LDMLMl8W7NaHdENApDmNY