Page (County)

Agency Records

Showing 85 records from Page (County) (Agency ID: 114)

Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including budget changes, public comments, and closed session topics.
unknown 2024-12-16 ID: c7qaZ5ODVa6AmjIO0xnMe
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission regular meeting, including a public hearing on proposed zoning ordinance amendments for camping yurts, domes, and tiny home dwellings.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: UYPNpXO5IbJQciXqGe3kt
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of Page County, Virginia, held on October 28, 2024. Key topics discussed include the Farming/Agriculture Subcommittee, a proposal for a meat processing facility, housing study plans, and a business resource fair.
unknown 2024-10-28 ID: cqn1LdYMlBeRNmuWoOhO8
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors held on October 21, 2024. The agenda includes presentations, budget changes, action matters, consent agenda, old and new business items, and public comments. Specific items include budget appropriations, a review of festival ordinance amendments, and a special use permit review.
unknown 2024-10-21 ID: 9UxqzCZIEJ6Qqe2usDS0k
Agenda for the work session of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on animal control services, updates from the Department of Social Services, a review of a special use permit, and a presentation on Shenandoah River water testing.
unknown 2024-10-07 ID: w8ceJisu3npYCzHQJg2HQ
Minutes of the Page County Board of Supervisors work session on October 7, 2024. Topics discussed include the Animal Control Services Agreement, compensation for Sheriff Cubbage, funding for a Social Services case aide position, review of a Special Use Permit for Jeremy Baldwin's campground, and a presentation on Shenandoah River water testing.
unknown 2024-10-07 ID: yMAtw8DisQavt5Z6M55DQ
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on September 24, 2024, discussing various planning and zoning issues, including subdivision ordinance amendments, zoning ordinance amendments, and a special use permit for Brookside Restaurant and Gift Shop, Inc.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: QyKdcJFPxpFKjcgl5nGqe
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission work session held on September 24, 2024. Topics include adoption of minutes, subdivision of land ordinance amendments, special use permits, and zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-09-24 ID: xVD2aMxztNa5addlUZzKR
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority held on September 23, 2024. Key topics discussed included updates on farming/agriculture projects, housing study grants, and new business initiatives.
unknown 2024-09-23 ID: aJisRcIYOkAW2dV25bSOO
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority on September 23, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-23 ID: j3AUpyqoJLSVPKFaqZVIm
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors held on September 16, 2024.
unknown 2024-09-16 ID: ebmgG3o1vyLbszWGNnGxv
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on September 16, 2024, covering topics such as the adoption of agenda, special use permit for Hills & Valley, LLC, rezoning request for Lucas Homes, LLC, subdivision ordinance amendments, and a budget amendment.
unknown 2024-09-16 ID: EZMP8CLIWeoxHVeyCRPvu
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council, discussing agenda adoption, approval of previous minutes, bylaw amendments, remote participation policy, TOT request for Shenandoah Museum and Welcome Center, and SEO report.
unknown 2024-09-11 ID: SzgMNij9HNi9eex4cXgzw
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting on August 27, 2024, discussing a special use permit application for a recovery treatment center at Brookside Restaurant & Gift Shop, Inc., and various public comments for and against the proposal.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: XpvpFMlnJf83F2YybJFDL
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting discussing a special use permit for Brookside Restaurant and Gift Shop, Inc. to operate a recovery treatment center.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: fOaEhxd1f7V5JZsSff3Ve
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority held on August 26, 2024, discussing various topics including the agriculture subcommittee's plans, housing grant approval, and economic updates.
unknown 2024-08-26 ID: LA4CCKUaRJCcPcVQbxFSi
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors, covering topics such as budget changes, rezoning requests, and ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-08-19 ID: KWEC11BwWhdCdotEqGTqY
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on August 19, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as land use nuisance abatement, budget changes, board and commission appointments, rezoning requests, and amendments to the subdivision ordinance.
unknown 2024-08-19 ID: d7eSmj7MWQQI0N2U6bCug
Minutes from the Page County Tourism Council meeting held on August 14, 2024, discussing topics such as the sports complex, visitor center operations, marketing initiatives, and part-time assistance for the economic development and tourism department.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: WcZsYFCgYRCaCVfJozPtd
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council on August 14, 2024.
unknown 2024-08-14 ID: Z9CUwllqTTS2BAhrtAw72
Agenda for the work session of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on special use permits, opioid abatement funding, and various county updates.
unknown 2024-08-05 ID: AnMnnQZj7OQUHcwZXMR1P
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors work session held on August 5, 2024, covering topics including special use permits, Adult Recovery Court updates, landfill issues, animal control, open burning restrictions, and the spongy moth suppression program.
unknown 2024-08-05 ID: It92TbBHMyzgwHQNHKYys
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission work session discussing a special use permit for Brookside Restaurant and Gift Shop, Inc. to operate a recovery treatment center.
unknown 2024-07-31 ID: TnXrTKeonjAj1Jeu0S8Gg
This document is the agenda for the Page County Board of Supervisors' regular meeting held on July 15, 2024. It includes discussions on budget amendments, zoning ordinance amendments, bond financing, and various reports and requests.
unknown 2024-07-15 ID: kU2Es3C48FhEiw9TG7T8P
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on July 15, 2024, discussing the visitor center, budget amendments, zoning ordinance amendment for quarry operations, and bond financing for Valley Health.
unknown 2024-07-15 ID: hE8tSjlPYjwn70EvqbcQu
Minutes of the Page County Tourism Council regular meeting held on July 10, 2024. Topics included election of officers, remote participation policy, visitor guide distribution, visitor center update, and new business proposals.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: m0kli94d2r05S1PdQqVUf
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council on July 10, 2024, covering topics such as election of chairperson, visitor center updates, TOT requests, and various reports.
unknown 2024-07-10 ID: CScEa4g9CBahic5Tltr46
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on July 9, 2024, discussing rezoning applications, special use permits, and public comments on short-term rental policies.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: SST10HYIpucBvOcdjqkx3
Agenda for the Page County Board of Supervisors Work Session on July 1, 2024, including resolutions on bond financing, intersection safety project endorsement, and opioid-related claims settlement.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: xZuMMvDS0q2hlffVdb95T
Minutes from the work session of the Page County Board of Supervisors held on July 1, 2024. Topics discussed include electronic participation, bond financing for Valley Health, the US 340 and Route 731 Intersection Safety Project, an opioid-related settlement, and the future of the Visitor Center.
unknown 2024-07-01 ID: BWeiW7PR0fI1ODK782lyl
Work session agenda for the Page County Planning Commission, including discussions on a special use permit and various ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-06-25 ID: 98aYXF0wSWZboCOgvxhsc
Agenda for the Economic Development Authority of Page County meeting held on June 24, 2024. The agenda includes approval of minutes, treasurer's report, subcommittee updates, and new business initiatives.
unknown 2024-06-24 ID: jBI4eSa24qzG1ZiDUCEOR
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on June 17, 2024, covering topics such as special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, budget changes, and supplemental appropriations requests.
unknown 2024-06-17 ID: OllQjcYwpdCVf8fVxhgFj
Agenda for the Page County Board of Zoning Appeals regular meeting on June 18, 2024, including public hearing for variance applications by Bobby Kling and Todd & Mike Purdham.
unknown 2024-06-13 ID: QT6OVhGBHSEYVfywxVsra
Minutes from the Page County Tourism Council's regular meeting held on June 12, 2024. Topics discussed include the Page Valley Visitor Guide reprint, Stanley Loves Families campaign, TOT request by Friends of the Shenandoah River, visitor center relocation, and grant awards.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: RpnJLchYsIk1xYqQXttiE
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council on June 12, 2024, including action matters, old and new business, and reports.
unknown 2024-06-12 ID: bJrNxWG2i6Pjrqjo9s7KB
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on June 11, 2024, covering topics such as rezoning, special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, subdivision ordinance amendments, and discussion on non-conventional dwellings and short-term tourist rentals.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: yuo0SyVJar7IXYsu5XS2h
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission regular meeting held on June 11, 2024, covering topics such as zoning ordinance amendments, special use permits, and comprehensive plan discussions.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: 3wIU2e3rgnEo4HXWIr0sP
Minutes from the June 11, 2024, meeting of the Page County Planning Commission, including discussions on special use permits, subdivision ordinance amendments, non-conventional dwellings, and short-term tourist rentals.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: nfT4iOjr4t3w7FUD9Zqyr
Minutes of the Page County Board of Supervisors work session held on June 3, 2024, including discussions on VDOT's Secondary Six-Year Plan, special entertainment permits, and amendments to the festival ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: YgdySjZgY9X2iYb5eKrvj
Agenda for the Page County Board of Supervisors work session on June 3, 2024, including closed session on legal matters, public hearing on VDOT Secondary Six-Year Plan, special entertainment permits, hazard mitigation plan adoption, and review of festival ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-06-03 ID: uivNXgq2mdJObj3doFNa7
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority on May 28, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as the approval of the agenda, treasurer's report, updates from the farming/agriculture and housing subcommittees, a proposal for a financial database, and comments by members regarding spongy moth control efforts.
unknown 2024-05-28 ID: wSa2c2OY1A05bxvgEj71G
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors, covering topics such as public hearings on special use permits and rezoning requests, budget changes, and zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-05-20 ID: vLnCAZviMCDech46akUIu
Minutes of the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on May 20, 2024. Topics discussed include special use permits, rezoning requests, zoning ordinance amendments, budget changes, board appointments, and recognitions.
unknown 2024-05-20 ID: WvAnLnumD6MuYuBeV9Aic
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on May 8, 2024, covering topics such as TOT rate update, Virginia Tourism Corp. 2023 grant campaigns, Spring visitor newsletter, and Director’s report.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: d4EdeGyvqaQqvjLEbT4xg
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on May 8, 2024. Topics included the transient occupancy tax rate update, TOT request for the Luray Triathlon, Virginia Tourism Corp. 2023 grant campaigns, and updates on various events and marketing efforts.
unknown 2024-05-08 ID: BliYxAqAiKOIbDmCAvkvN
Agenda for the work session of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including discussions on special use permits for banquet facilities, budget adoption, and public hearings on taxation ordinances.
unknown 2024-05-01 ID: ksoL2iPVh0jLQfbrqfzX3
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on April 23, 2024, covering topics such as the adoption of previous minutes, upcoming priorities, and discussions on the Comprehensive Plan and zoning.
unknown 2024-04-23 ID: DoH19pmXpqZEvFtFIPPPT
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority held on April 22, 2024. The meeting included discussions on Opportunity Zones, housing and agriculture subcommittee updates, and reported financial activities and updates from the Page County Economic Development Department.
unknown 2024-04-22 ID: mt2G2XWKr5nxtRgy8I7Gr
Minutes from the Page County Economic Development Authority's regular meeting held on April 22, 2024. Topics discussed included updates on Opportunity Zones, housing and agriculture subcommittees, and a proposed increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax.
unknown 2024-04-22 ID: 3GJzG8z9YhCcaaT659snq
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including public hearings on the 2024 tax rates and FY 2024-2025 budget, presentations, and action matters such as budget changes and special use permits.
unknown 2024-04-15 ID: D7PSSvIx5IwqpJ6U1pHbO
This document contains the agenda for the April 16, 2024 board meeting of the Page County Board of Social Services. It includes details about the meeting location, time, and the topics that will be discussed during the meeting.
unknown 2024-04-11 ID: Q3qQHaJto4IjLJKl9Sj2I
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on April 10, 2024, covering action matters, old and new business, and reports.
unknown 2024-04-10 ID: VfitOSDrXkd8BzPpUCPZM
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on April 9, 2024, discussing topics including special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, and citizen comments.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: mbwd3KHXD3Lzc4AZEfQCP
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission regular meeting, covering adoption of previous meeting minutes, special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, and reports.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: 3clmuGJfnUMg2FdVt0yU4
Minutes of the Page County Board of Supervisors work session held on April 1, 2024, discussing reassessment proposals, amendments to the Transient Occupancy Tax ordinance, and budget considerations.
unknown 2024-04-01 ID: E8U1JMRFIPATu4kLV2Apn
Agenda for the Page County Board of Supervisors work session including a moment of silence, pledge of allegiance, closed session on legal matters, discussion of requests for proposals for the reassessment, and budget work session.
unknown 2024-04-01 ID: wuKvtoBufSx9W2U8yqd4M
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors budget work session held on March 28, 2024. Discussions included the FY 2025 budget review, addressing a $1.3 million deficit, and a motion to advertise a proposed 5% increase to the Transient Occupancy Tax.
unknown 2024-03-28 ID: xJaXTN3j8y6ayAtsDOM6P
The agenda for the Page County Planning Commission work session held on March 26, 2024. Topics include public hearings on special use permits, rezoning applications, and zoning ordinance amendments.
unknown 2024-03-26 ID: LI3blOslLIQlEVmtn1J73
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of Page County held on March 25, 2024, at the Page County Government Center in Luray. The meeting covered financial reports, a presentation by People Inc., updates on the Mixed-Use Program application, and a proposed financial database project.
unknown 2024-03-25 ID: x1qcG1pycLCKjTc9fjTKG
Agenda for the Page County Economic Development Authority meeting held on March 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
unknown 2024-03-25 ID: ZridF4t8RbSQ4ru8tezmF
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on March 20, 2024, covering action matters, old business, new business, and various reports.
unknown 2024-03-20 ID: POmz0yfRkbzW2BWzVSJUT
Minutes of the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on March 18, 2024, covering topics such as special use permit requests, budget discussions, resolutions, and special entertainment permits.
unknown 2024-03-18 ID: z1SQRLj6TTicK2BOsBryw
Minutes of the special meeting held by the Economic Development Authority of Page County on March 11, 2024. The meeting included a planning session led by the Northern Shenandoah Valley Regional Commission to update the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.
unknown 2024-03-11 ID: XbopB5OSmJBw1ftQsyABj
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors Work Session held on March 4, 2024, discussing topics such as school resource officer funding for the Town of Stanley, proposed landfill tipping fee increases, and a special use permit application.
unknown 2024-03-04 ID: WnqlJtP5o4uV3542jivBk
Minutes from the February 27, 2024, Page County Planning Commission meeting. Discussions included a special use permit application for a banquet facility, a rezoning application, and a zoning ordinance amendment regarding quarries.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: 2FjD5zI4JGipEQ0IY8MmB
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission work session including public hearing on special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, and reports.
unknown 2024-02-27 ID: LOPHwIMNzchRk8SA0Dih1
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of the County of Page, Virginia, held on February 26, 2024. The meeting included a special presentation by Mary Sullivan from the Virginia Talent and Opportunity Partnership and discussions on new business, including the election of 2024 officers and updates from the Page County Economic Development Department.
unknown 2024-02-26 ID: DUQFzgB43A6Hy9pLUbKa1
Agenda for the Luray-Page County Airport Authority meeting including elections, financial overview, and project discussions.
unknown 2024-02-21 ID: 1VqQzU4AIU0EoJO552vEn
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on February 20, 2024, covering topics such as the budget amendment, public comments on zoning issues, and special use permits.
unknown 2024-02-20 ID: gNbJ1Uv0pJ3DX9YJ3SXsZ
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Board of Supervisors held on February 20, 2024, including a public hearing on budget amendments, action matters, and reports.
unknown 2024-02-20 ID: 7Ag1vqEosrPH7mrh8Vbt5
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on February 14, 2024, discussing budget amendments, tourism updates, and grant programs.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: gxQYNNGX58AY0m7XZcvUj
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on February 14, 2024, discussing budget amendments, marketing campaigns, and upcoming events.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: imt8kZS5dqIbfhXbIhAh7
Agenda for the Page County Board of Supervisors work session covering topics such as school resource officer funding, a proposed landfill tipping fee increase, and a special use permit application for expanding a campground.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: o3MeLeqwdmDacbiUF9ErN
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council on February 14, 2024, discussing budget amendments, tourism summit reports, marketing updates, and TOT requests.
unknown 2024-02-14 ID: smZaMrfhL6SlGs6Zw9rtZ
Agenda for the Page County Planning Commission regular meeting on February 13, 2024, covering topics such as zoning ordinance amendments, special use permits, and reports from various subcommittees.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: vkxvbE2xxo7B5HCvnaoRF
Minutes from the February 13, 2024, meeting of the Page County Planning Commission. Topics discussed include zoning ordinance amendments for event venues and quarries, special use permits, and proposed state legislation.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: xfpLyyz669geJfBP29zoT
Agenda for the work session of the Page County Board of Supervisors, including updates on broadband projects, audit presentations, awards, cultural center plans, and closed session discussions on real property, legal matters, and public contracts.
unknown 2024-02-05 ID: CSHChlTSF5NiPLWCrJEZP
Minutes from the Page County Planning Commission meeting held on January 23, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as the adoption of the agenda, public hearings for special use permits, discussions on recent proposed state-level bills, zoning ordinance amendments, and reports from subcommittees.
unknown 2024-01-23 ID: l9WTZd6jIh3tKF9B0zWw4
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority held on January 22, 2024, discussing various subcommittees, updates on mixed-use programs, housing studies, internship partnerships, and tourism efforts.
unknown 2024-01-22 ID: Ko0TGnvFAgb6nrdaKAqvA
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Economic Development Authority of Page County, Virginia, held on January 22, 2024. Topics included updates on farming and agriculture initiatives, housing studies, a mixed-use program application, and the Virginia Talent and Opportunity Partnership.
unknown 2024-01-22 ID: vMch9Yag5Liu9mcuQnRXG
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Page County Tourism Council held on January 17, 2024, covering topics such as the approval of previous meeting minutes, budget requests for digital marketing, updates on tourism initiatives, and other council business.
unknown 2024-01-17 ID: t1b82iafDst3ZL9Zwa9RY
Minutes from the January 9, 2024 meeting of the Page County Planning Commission, covering adoption of minutes, board reports, special use permits, zoning ordinance amendments, and subcommittee reports.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: c3iGVyA1iwgJtz8sosdTu
Minutes from the Page County Board of Supervisors work session held on January 2, 2024, covering topics such as the adoption of the Rules of Procedure, nomination of Vice Chair, approval of the 2024 meeting schedule, support for a transportation study grant, review of a special use permit for campground expansion, and planning commission appointments.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: eQauvzdtLhyJ18oeFt6R4
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Page County Economic Development Authority held on November 27, 2023, discussing various subcommittees, updates on the mixed-use program, and department updates.
unknown 2023-11-27 ID: 67H19OUeCzR0PadlArZFH