Nottoway (County)

Agency Records

Showing 100 records from Nottoway (County) (Agency ID: 112)

Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 19, 2024, covering approvals, public hearings, department reports, and various business matters.
unknown 2024-12-19 ID: x7dhWv2q4wZhcSfCp0jdj
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 5, 2024, including public hearings for the disposition of property at 186 Reservation Road and 1200 Darvills Road.
unknown 2024-12-05 ID: FaqPFE7n4KHggmQDwei7x
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County held on December 5, 2024. Topics discussed include the approval of the agenda, public hearings on the sale of properties at 186 Reservation Road and 1200 Darvills Road in Blackstone, and discussions on other county properties and projects.
unknown 2024-12-05 ID: N0L6HsyTNfIlQHNxNotOs
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on November 21, 2024, discussing agenda items such as the Solar Ordinance, building permits, departmental reports, and other county matters.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: Ck8M2mb3GhnEviwVy4y1H
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 21, 2024, detailing the schedule, public hearings, department reports, and other business items.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: wC2JheJQ548uNuwAIRHjL
This document is the agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 21, 2024. It includes a list of topics to be discussed such as public hearings, department reports, and new business items.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: uKMA7wZFFLGvaTtz7YCjK
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 17, 2024, covering agenda approval, delegations from the public, public hearings on special exceptions and the comprehensive plan, presentations, department reports, and various new and unfinished business items.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: TqTG6O41hEPinMS5V00qW
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on October 17, 2024. The meeting included discussions on the legislative update, public hearings on special exceptions, departmental reports, updates on the animal shelter, and consideration of new and unfinished business including a blight ordinance.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: dysjPKcdj1ofMfEGO6RSW
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 17, 2024, covering various topics including public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business, and consent items.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: 8S9pT1Ril7KpdZnrLuNAt
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 19, 2024. Includes approval of minutes, public hearings on real estate tax abatement, blight ordinance, and real estate sale, as well as reports from various departments and constitutional officers.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: kxgQoJXUIKYLRpXKw9ybo
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 19, 2024, covering topics such as real estate tax abatement, blight ordinance, department reports, and new business items.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: JDFf3BNJv3Hl3fBlSsCUA
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, covering topics such as the radio system project financing, public hearings on real estate tax abatement and blight ordinance, department reports, and decisions on new and unfinished business.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: ELgY0lRAyJV7bFwCQngio
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, covering topics such as public hearings on special exceptions and reassessment cycles, department reports, and new and unfinished business.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: fweCeo65Az3NZfvzfYJBj
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 15, 2024, covering public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business, and other county matters.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: 8oiPzY9Wstih88MKapDg2
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 18, 2024, covering reports, public hearings, unfinished and new business, and other county matters.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: FLLr5m3YbffU918i76Gbp
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 18, 2024, including agenda items, public hearings, department reports, and presentations.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: 8ZvqSGrmwk2GRstzuw6de
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on July 18, 2024, including discussions on the agenda, department reports, unfinished and new business, and consent items.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: l6EuuB1wvAsJKVKGMVaGl
This document contains the budget for Nottoway County for the fiscal years 2024 and 2025, detailing revenues and expenditures across various departments and funds.
unknown 2024-07-03 ID: kE3WlCUsYU2iPAlwM60ku
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors discussing the budget for fiscal year 2024-2025, tax levies, and financial challenges.
unknown 2024-06-27 ID: W760LBlx4M0YdUkTHCKn7
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting focused on the adoption of the budget for Fiscal Year 2025.
unknown 2024-06-27 ID: AgkRUfL0Y5RDgdJWqf4Xg
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 20, 2024.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: jku0q0ONYINhfjsmacIGG
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 20, 2024, including public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, department reports, and unfinished business such as the adoption of a solar ordinance.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: yMYKYDG6bBjZ3gqycpQRy
Minutes of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 20, 2024, discussing various topics including the FY25 budget, solar ordinance, tax rates, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: l1AaVFo19NTbV5l1Xy3Zv
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on June 20, 2024. Topics discussed include the FY25 budget, public hearings on land use amendments, department reports, and new business including resolutions and employee recognitions.
unknown 2024-06-20 ID: qnDwkiHXbROdWOLkYJmP5
Agenda for the Nottoway County Planning Commission regular meeting, including a public hearing on the Ware Comprehensive Plan General Future Land Use Map Amendment and special exception requests by Dustin Trebilco.
unknown 2024-05-21 ID: GSi5IctdGWlFVTiHSIWfU
Nottoway County Planning Commission regular meeting agenda discussing amendments to the comprehensive plan, special exception requests, and planning procedures.
unknown 2024-05-21 ID: grgQeh3VwNVGI224QGjda
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 16, 2024, including public hearings on VDOT Secondary Six Year Plan and Business License Fee/Rates Increase, department reports, unfinished business, and new business items.
unknown 2024-05-16 ID: 8tYs3iMqdLbpmylmffrEG
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on May 16, 2024, covering topics including public hearings on the VDOT Secondary Six Year Plan and business license fees, departmental reports, and discussions on budget adjustments and tax rates.
unknown 2024-05-16 ID: no824pz8OGJEP51EFdm3c
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 18, 2024, covering presentations, department reports, constitutional officer reports, unfinished business, new business, consent items, and more.
unknown 2024-04-18 ID: T10yuxYT3f66Opr4FoCvk
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on April 18, 2024. Discussions included a resolution of appreciation, public hearings, departmental reports, and new business such as business license fee increases and a blight ordinance update.
unknown 2024-04-18 ID: Nn44oGKgXRTZFWqQRASes
Agenda for the Nottoway County Planning Commission's regular meeting, including consideration of special exception requests for light commercial use by Dustin Trebilco and updates on planning procedures.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: hmtWlvg8YPUlvFb8NspVu
Agenda for the Nottoway County Planning Commission regular meeting, including considerations for special exceptions and planning procedures.
unknown 2024-04-16 ID: YzAgzCMvmYuwFNewEIRjs
Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda including approval of previous minutes, special presentations, department reports, unfinished and new business items, and consent items.
unknown 2024-03-21 ID: LGkdAHacRXuEaLOu06wo2
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Planning Commission held on March 19, 2024. It includes discussions on special exception requests and updates on planning matters.
unknown 2024-03-19 ID: w56kTTSJ5p0rBGwZKWkIo
The memorandum addresses agenda items for the Nottoway County Planning Commission meeting, including the special exception request by Cherry Tree Timber, LLC for a hunting club and campground, and discussions on public comments regarding the solar ordinance.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: 1F1qsrViEAeVmxo3jDK6B
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors worksession on February 22, 2024, covering topics such as the Prince Edward Survey, audit results, county pay period, and solar discussion.
unknown 2024-02-22 ID: RsIwHjWhrUSWtRvaEwFXl
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 22, 2024, including reports, public hearings, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-02-22 ID: QqYOdezsvB5ZL1kIidoZo
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 22, 2024. Topics discussed include the approval of the agenda, a boundary survey with Prince Edward County, audit results, payroll options, solar ordinance discussion, and a shelter project in Burkeville.
unknown 2024-02-22 ID: BUhdEfz3tx5zj5nDGL1cj
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 15, 2024. The meeting included agenda approvals, department reports, public delegations, and discussions on various county projects and issues.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: gXLIcLepxD7w21Ya4Lcjk
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 15, 2024, including items such as rezoning requests, department reports, and new and unfinished business.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: 8ZfFj8esNWq5UmFAsTwcu
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on February 15, 2024. The meeting includes reports from various departments, public delegations, discussions on county projects and issues, and decisions on county administration.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: yfFCHUT99gUnPfknPLul1
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on February 15, 2024, including public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business.
unknown 2024-02-15 ID: 7UvqVsYqDGV7NWXu0v6Ac
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors worksession, including a closed session on personnel matters, presentation on landfill options, and discussion on solar ordinance public hearing.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: BE8vJ9aH2sqHq4T6vyl8L
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting including approval of previous minutes, public hearing, and new business items.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: FpNQkW7EuVeQdhrjE5yQY
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority discussing budget reports, lease renewals, property management, and other business matters.
unknown 2024-02-01 ID: h7sm3CGOQyNKVe0KmNNUu
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on January 18, 2024. Topics discussed include approval of agenda and minutes, public delegations, presentations on the Public Safety Radio Communications System, department reports, unfinished and new business, and committee appointments.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: yhARbyaVubmunk5tQWGxi
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on January 18, 2024. Includes welcome, public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business, consent items, and comments from board members.
unknown 2024-01-18 ID: PkfOvfNdhubLIALmWZECU
Minutes from the January 11, 2024 meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, covering topics such as the Victim Witness Program, animal shelter construction, worksessions location, VACo Local Government Day, social services vehicle, court safety, resolutions of appreciation, upcoming projects, and committee setups.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: WWIHVQ9ZnyRVQebLUs0sq
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors worksession held on January 11, 2024, discussing topics such as the Victim Witness Program, animal shelter, worksessions location, court safety, social services vehicle, VACo Local Government Day, and resolutions.
unknown 2024-01-11 ID: UopBPiMJxZw2OFXFYV3Z7
The memorandum discusses a special exception request by Cherry Tree Timber, LLC for establishing a hunting lodge/game preserve and campground on Lewiston Plank Road, Nottoway County. It addresses zoning and land use issues, concerns about site conditions, and agency comments. The document includes considerations for the special exception permit and recommended conditions for approval.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: G1qu9rOBILZwaatbH4QwS
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors Organizational Meeting held on January 2, 2024, including the election of officers, setting of meeting dates, appointments to community boards, discussion on solar ordinance, and closed session.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: QmDG3ewPHkmgpQIanHHkY
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on January 2, 2024. The meeting included the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, setting the schedule for monthly meetings, and various appointments to community boards and committees.
unknown 2024-01-02 ID: 4yb0MSV4uKWYuXiMLCe7f
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on December 21, 2023, covering employee recognitions, public hearings, department and constitutional officers reports, unfinished and new business, consent items, correspondence, and a closed meeting session.
unknown 2023-12-21 ID: np1aCIgzjvBvc1iJ5CaRp
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on December 21, 2023. The meeting included agenda approvals, employee recognitions, resolutions of appreciation, public hearings on lease agreements and ordinances, department reports, and new business considerations.
unknown 2023-12-21 ID: lZisdwsxfmvJXPYaWTb9b
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting covering topics such as department reports, public hearings, resolutions, and appointments.
unknown 2023-12-21 ID: B8DxqdWFeBJy6niYYHLmA
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting to be held on December 21, 2023, at the Nottoway County General District Courtroom. The meeting will cover public hearings, presentations, department reports, and other business.
unknown 2023-12-21 ID: sfQkVrVECEfz4apjBG6AL
Agenda for the continued meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors, including a closed meeting for personnel matters.
unknown 2023-12-14 ID: F1H7Un89TC1o4I5EX8kSt
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors Worksession on December 14, 2023.
unknown 2023-12-14 ID: MNm1rO7Pcvc2z5pPsZOpf
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting on December 7, 2023, covering approval of minutes, public hearing, and lease agreements.
unknown 2023-12-07 ID: iZbLDnZ3ixNermP5CvjMn
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority discussing lease renewals, property sales, and maintenance issues.
unknown 2023-12-07 ID: N0S6nH9xyx09Lyxnux43I
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on November 16, 2023, covering approvals, public hearings, department reports, and new business items.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: dlQ6mZYoZg14PI7bxHgwR
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia. Topics include solar farms, budget figures, animal shelter updates, broadband progress, tax equalization, and various department reports.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: V9ZpDcO01qG2cq0fGbeU7
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 8, 2023. Topics include building permit fees, school system drawdown, animal shelter, a closed meeting on the public radio communications system, employee compensation, and comments from board members.
unknown 2023-11-08 ID: VAB3E1XrZkNTNkemevKDT
Minutes from the October 19, 2023, regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors, discussing various topics such as solar ordinance, budget shortfall, animal shelter plans, communication systems, and departmental reports.
unknown 2023-10-19 ID: GxGUKs7rzriu2Wqsz9RJm
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 19, 2023, at the Nottoway County General District Courtroom.
unknown 2023-10-19 ID: 2QahYOU9zX06SKyhbyFbB
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on October 5, 2023, discussing various leases, Halloween events, and other business.
unknown 2023-10-05 ID: rdplWy4WCozisWM7J2Hsb
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 21, 2023, covering topics such as rezoning applications, school budget amendments, department reports, and new business items including contract amendments and appropriations.
unknown 2023-09-21 ID: qKG0Hr1MEFQQuH6vsYlkF
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on September 21, 2023, discussing topics such as the Tyson Food Closure, Crewe Water Line, rezoning requests, school budget amendments, and various public and department reports.
unknown 2023-09-21 ID: 4Gq6DwZwLCP2LeZzjSXDB
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors worksession and special meeting held on September 14, 2023, at the Emergency Operations Center in Nottoway, VA. Topics include solid waste options, parks and recreation options, MOU with schools, and a closed meeting for personnel matters.
unknown 2023-09-14 ID: h723OICfzHhFMG6HeGQBr
Minutes from the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors special meeting held on September 5, 2023. Items discussed include approval of the agenda, the interim county administrator's report, a study by Davenport, a bowling alley lease, and staffing issues.
unknown 2023-09-05 ID: fTEjsQSaXdTkbGHO6m8hf
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority, discussing property conveyances, lease renewals, and future meeting schedules.
unknown 2023-08-16 ID: 5cKDrX9oZuO6DAkK68pcm
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 16, 2023. Includes special presentations, public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business, and more.
unknown 2023-08-16 ID: gFuJGzxqR7OVhMtnzON1S
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting on August 16, 2023, including topics such as public hearing for SVCC property conveyance, approval of minutes, and new business regarding leases and meeting schedules.
unknown 2023-08-16 ID: iC3M57OmtBRKn2nWHcraq
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on August 16, 2023, discussing public hearings on special exceptions, school surplus property, boundary line adjustments, and various reports.
unknown 2023-08-16 ID: OKmaQmW3soCm0EDgMIIla
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on August 11, 2023, detailing the proceedings of a closed meeting and subsequent certification.
unknown 2023-08-11 ID: OPCfWPeHwCewabRNpfQnE
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors worksession held on August 10, 2023. Topics include delinquent tax collection, solid waste phase II study options, and future animal control organization.
unknown 2023-08-10 ID: 2yt8KYDVXW9eV8tLdpEAn
Minutes of a continued meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County, Virginia, held on August 8, 2023, including a closed session and resolution certifying the meeting.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: 17XeUrKDaufFX61dEAipn
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting held on August 2, 2023, including items on school finances and a closed meeting for personnel and litigation matters.
unknown 2023-08-02 ID: nx5i6zvE2V80YNJfagXT3
Minutes from a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Nottoway County discussing school finances, the transition of accounts payable and payroll to the school system, and a closed meeting for personnel matters.
unknown 2023-08-02 ID: vHyncOQumvCAnWr3HecTr
Nottoway County General Fund Revenue Budget for the fiscal year 2024, detailing revenue projections and requests across various tax categories.
unknown 2023-07-25 ID: MCbNmX7Jd1xgyPVRPJae7
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority held on July 25, 2023. Discussions included personnel matters, closed session certifications, and an increase in salary for the LRA Manager.
unknown 2023-07-25 ID: m2oNM3LfetrwuS0VDOzae
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority continued meeting held on July 25, 2023, at the Emergency Operations Center in Nottoway, VA.
unknown 2023-07-25 ID: SkgsfbUSclWxOMs3StbaD
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on July 20, 2023. Includes items such as public hearings, department reports, and unfinished and new business.
unknown 2023-07-20 ID: hbK2gqOA9JGMJH95V6sML
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on July 20, 2023, in Nottoway County, covering approval of agenda and minutes, unfinished and new business, staff reports, informational items, and a closed meeting.
unknown 2023-07-20 ID: A8IcTF0x0Bz0fN1WQ4xOF
Minutes of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on July 20, 2023, discussing agenda approval, minutes adoption, meeting scheduling changes, property value assessment, maintenance updates, and new business.
unknown 2023-07-20 ID: hKubwq3HyupjyC4mWUFId
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on July 20, 2023, at the Nottoway County General District Courtroom. The agenda includes approval of the agenda and minutes, unfinished and new business, staff reports, informational items, and a closed meeting.
unknown 2023-07-20 ID: PODI8Z9JvVVgX31giQgH4
Minutes from a regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on July 20, 2023. The meeting covered approval of agendas and minutes, public delegations, public hearings on a special exception and the comprehensive plan, department reports, unfinished business regarding an animal shelter and boundary line adjustments, new business on surplus school property and committee appointments, and budget updates.
unknown 2023-07-20 ID: pgv6e2iDkYiTa8PyKhGeY
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority worksession held on July 13, 2023. Includes call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance, approval of the agenda, closed session, and comments from members.
unknown 2023-07-13 ID: rayhfE2GuqytVarLNoLkd
Minutes of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on July 13, 2023, discussing the acquisition and disposition of real property.
unknown 2023-07-13 ID: A9UHBYdWnQsH3vDOMX6Jo
Annual financial report for Nottoway County, Virginia, detailing financial activities, statements, and audit results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023.
unknown 2023-06-30 ID: p6O14BKRDO56J9GEvfWq1
Minutes from a special meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors, where the board convened in a closed session to discuss the appointment of an Interim District I Supervisor.
unknown 2023-06-20 ID: rRU2DofCZsY7kxDzqLaAa
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors special meeting on June 20, 2023, including closed session for discussion of prospective candidates for appointment.
unknown 2023-06-20 ID: kRQT9BlYd8trcT1iou46F
Minutes of the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on June 15, 2023, discussing agenda approval, approval of previous minutes, disposal of surplus equipment, funding for water heaters, electrical work for food trucks, office relocation, and scheduling of future meetings.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: ZvfeZQFDtDJytn9F21qLT
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 15, 2023, covering various topics including public hearings, department reports, unfinished and new business, and a closed meeting session.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: dz76naNSVkLYfHx13FxMv
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors held on June 15, 2023. The meeting covered various topics including election of a chairman, public hearings on special exceptions and courthouse security fees, budget adoption for fiscal year 2023-2024, and a discussion on boundary line adjustments.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: H41i9W4JgMsMPxNYQVrBw
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on June 15, 2023.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: TUkjZ2rmNZlc2BIdnXw8Z
Agenda for the Fort Pickett Local Redevelopment Authority meeting held on June 15, 2023, discussing topics such as approval of agenda and minutes, surplus property, lease actions, and staff reports.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: C51RLnkq58nA69VhLD8yX
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 15, 2023, covering topics such as election of chair, public hearings on special exceptions and courthouse security fee increase, presentations, department reports, approval of minutes from previous meetings, and unfinished and new business.
unknown 2023-06-15 ID: 1S3yuKBnmpnMPuLD16IfB
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors budget worksession held on June 8, 2023, covering topics such as the Family Mentoring Program, a Solid Waste Study report, and a discussion on a Board vacancy.
unknown 2023-06-08 ID: FaAODvYPe2sepcRWH1rqE
Agenda for the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors Budget Public Hearing on June 1, 2023.
unknown 2023-06-01 ID: GQ4zqz7e4XwzlgbzwrOsb

Showing the first 100 records. Use the search function to find specific documents.