Northumberland (County)

Agency Records

Showing 61 records from Northumberland (County) (Agency ID: 111)

Minutes from the Joint Finance Committee meeting discussing the retrospective of the 24/25 budget process, a quarterly review of budget management, and considerations for zero-based budgeting in the next process.
unknown 2025-01-07 ID: mNPAD7e4sqa9zoLNotM9b
Final Audited Financial Report for the County of Northumberland for the year ended June 30, 2024.
unknown 2024-12-20 ID: lXkfhLTRTYd477SQPAMbN
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on December 19, 2024, including public hearing items and work session discussions.
unknown 2024-12-19 ID: a1HEBAGNNXnkhlzB79fSf
Minutes of the Northumberland County Electoral Board meeting held on December 10, 2024 discussing election experiences, officer issues, IT problems, voting equipment, and the FY 25-26 budget.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: Rr3vLnh63XVTR8AYDvHVT
Minutes of the special called Board of Supervisors meeting in Northumberland County, Virginia, including closed session discussions on employment matters and board displeasure with audit services.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: yHQKpz9IS2qxWIh8fvbuC
Minutes of the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on November 21, 2024. The meeting included public hearings for a conditional use permit for a boathouse, discussion on rezoning requests, and other agenda items.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: kTNZIswuk3ry0ivuuIV27
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting on November 21, 2024, covering public hearings on zoning requests and work session items.
unknown 2024-11-21 ID: KWgym0NQZATxxZbtbiqYh
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors held on November 19, 2024. The meeting included discussions on closed meeting procedures, termination of a local burn ban, amendments to supplemental appropriations, and denial of bids for a school drainfield project.
unknown 2024-11-19 ID: Lihy3StbgkAeSTvPS64iF
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors held on November 14, 2024. The meeting included discussions on school board funding, supplemental appropriations, and updates from various county departments.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: iZVQaHWwjg4k3uiU8mqF5
Minutes from the Northumberland County Electoral Board's series of meetings held in November 2024 to review election results, including the canvass of votes, provisional ballot review, and a Risk Limiting Audit.
unknown 2024-11-06 ID: Rb6Cv4sL35td8Zfxw3dSW
Minutes of the Special Called Board of Supervisors Meeting in Northumberland County, covering closed session discussions, contract awards, employment decisions, and the declaration of a local emergency burn ban.
unknown 2024-10-24 ID: B4YWKrEIVeuHQJRC1lhJn
Minutes of the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on October 17, 2024, discussing agenda approval, commissioners' comments, staff reports, citizens' comments, public hearings on zoning ordinance revisions related to solar energy facilities, and work session items.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: t4aFJ1TYPylJ0bvwuZ5GT
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on October 17, 2024, covering topics such as revisions to the zoning ordinance regarding solar energy facilities and discussions on the comprehensive plan and water access development.
unknown 2024-10-17 ID: fbiRNDgXYrrrvaH3fYfNk
Agenda for the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting scheduled for October 15, 2024.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: BTfSAVUZKTeeXxQNsLGG7
Minutes from the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on October 15, 2024. Topics discussed include the review of previous meeting notes, updates from commissioners, executive director's items, county administrator's corner, and current projects.
unknown 2024-10-15 ID: 5q5m7K2nQJWRyP5CNX1iw
Minutes from the regular monthly meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors, covering approvals of agenda and minutes, updates from various departments, and discussions on budget appropriations and other county matters.
unknown 2024-10-10 ID: hzVBiZpISKlfaTf6tRvd9
Minutes from the Northumberland County Electoral Board meeting held on October 8, 2024. Key topics include early voting, L&A testing, ballot preparation, election day setup, officer training, equipment updates, budget status, canvas completion, and a risk limiting audit.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: RWKNdjbiE6odzq4jBO2lt
Minutes from the Northumberland County Wetlands Board meeting held on October 8, 2024. The meeting covered various applications for shoreline projects including riprap revetments and bulkheads.
unknown 2024-10-08 ID: Q5ccWMKByZy2qwlrxHFNH
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting on September 19, 2024. Includes work session items such as discussions on solar energy facilities, zoning ordinance changes, and comprehensive plan revisions.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: io5MVg7vlFYij2VhaeuLG
Minutes of the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on September 19, 2024, discussing revisions to the agenda, zoning ordinance updates, solar energy facility buffer zones, storage container regulations, and public access improvements.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: Ce70kqgQnMbZCeKlMQDX9
Minutes of the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on September 17, 2024, covering topics such as a discovery session on the American Junior Golf Association Tournament, agenda review, meeting notes, and various corners for commissioners and county administrators.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: i9tWMM6Ye85kfYJcofbOT
Minutes of the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on September 17, 2024, covering topics such as the American Junior Golf Association Tournament, tourism in the Northern Neck region, and local business support.
unknown 2024-09-17 ID: 8v0LyXnY9sWNkI3QsL6ms
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors held on September 12, 2024, including discussions and resolutions on various topics such as the Northumberland Rescue Squad's sixtieth anniversary, First Responders Day, Fire Prevention Week, and supplemental appropriations for the School Board and Sheriff's Department.
unknown 2024-09-12 ID: 1dx2tlmyZOMa4qxucpyVS
Minutes of the Northumberland County Electoral Board Meeting held on September 10, 2024, discussing the November ballot status, L&A Testing, precinct officer assignments, election officer training, Risk Limiting Audit, US Vote Foundation contact request, ADA compliance, and budget review.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: ZE9i8KtCOzZQDaOWLEzwk
Minutes of the Northumberland County Wetlands Board meeting held on September 10, 2024, discussing various applications for riprap installations along creeks and shorelines.
unknown 2024-09-10 ID: pMRs3oAcfBrHM5Ajjbtgv
Minutes of the Northumberland County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on September 3, 2024, detailing variance requests and approvals.
unknown 2024-09-03 ID: 9rXMwSlq5Oipxq4mVakOS
Minutes of the Electoral Board meeting discussing the request for election information from The Republican Party of Virginia, ADA compliance, and preparations for the upcoming elections.
unknown 2024-08-27 ID: bfmEwSPByOX3DowoSiYrO
Minutes from the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on August 20, 2024. Topics included visits to local businesses, student certification costs, Habitat for Humanity collaborations, and upcoming county events.
unknown 2024-08-20 ID: fD4DbhchGRKG14kjkMBrZ
Minutes from the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on August 15, 2024, covering topics such as comprehensive plan review for solar energy facility projects, business license requirements, and public water access at Hampton Hall Landing.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: LTYDkYslaZQDtx3hNdVUO
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting on August 15, 2024, including work session items such as business license requirements and county-owned property analysis.
unknown 2024-08-15 ID: hI75an9UUmN6lV0efzly8
Minutes of the Northumberland County Electoral Board meeting held on August 13, 2024. Topics discussed included equipment repairs, L&A testing dates, ballot orders, officer training, ADA compliance, emergency preparedness, and the Governor's Executive Order on Vote Integrity.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: 1oiDMZsQEHDN4PrLyeqTN
Minutes of the Northumberland County Wetlands Board meeting held on August 13, 2024, discussing various applications for shoreline work involving riprap revetment and bulkhead replacements.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: UiGCaikyHWvQDkIfYfwwn
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors held on August 8, 2024, covering various administrative items, presentations from the library and schools, updates from VDOT, and public comments.
unknown 2024-08-08 ID: K1rU4eWaqSxqlSWBhcUt3
Minutes from the Northumberland County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on August 6, 2024, where a variance request for a property at 821 Riverview Drive was approved.
unknown 2024-08-06 ID: BypzO6Aw8co8X1f8OBob2
Minutes from the Special Called Board of Supervisors Meeting covering topics such as budget amendments, opioid abatement fund requests, and county property evaluations.
unknown 2024-07-25 ID: HEtK4k8nmQMe5zLxfUAfc
Minutes of the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting held on July 18, 2024. Topics discussed include the pros and cons of requiring a business license, updates to the Comprehensive Plan, and solar energy facility guidelines.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: jvUgSx5KaI3qiBvHY09Yh
Agenda for the Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting on July 18, 2024. Includes items such as approval of minutes, work session on business license requirements, and comprehensive plan revisions.
unknown 2024-07-18 ID: CFzZzt5XbOZCsX2IY7K4P
Minutes of the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on July 16, 2024. The meeting covered topics such as employee availability, ARPA tourism project closure, budget approval, broadband expansion, and citizen engagement initiatives.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: ZbkSVWnhMPBqFPVBt7SUF
Minutes of the Northumberland County Economic Development Commission meeting held on July 16, 2024, covering topics such as ARPA project closure, kayak brochure, internships, and the budget for 2024/2025.
unknown 2024-07-16 ID: Hj715YQRIqdXmw4FERCo2
Minutes from the regular monthly meeting of the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors held on July 11, 2024. Topics discussed include school budget updates, a local emergency burn ban, wastewater treatment agreements, and regional emergency radio systems.
unknown 2024-07-11 ID: 3L0AagCJdJ0WUJ1JTVUyk
Minutes of the Northumberland County Electoral Board meeting held on July 9, 2024, discussing topics like registrar's performance evaluation, IT needs, election officer training, voting systems security plan, equipment repairs, and capital improvements.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: vnLIp01lh3Ht1KFn0mu8o
Minutes from the Northumberland County Wetlands Board meeting held on July 9, 2024, including discussions and approvals of various shoreline and pier projects.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: J8sdwI4wL2QxnYIetxjc9
The document outlines the proposed budget for Northumberland County, Virginia for the fiscal year 2024-2025, detailing revenue and expenditure estimates across various departments and services.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: BThV2zjaXp8JngCYTjzS6
The document outlines the approved budget for Northumberland County, Virginia for the fiscal year 2023-2024. It includes detailed estimates of revenues and expenditures across various departments and services.
unknown 2023-07-01 ID: dE2C8Vl6NUDYBqFPFgcHW
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. Includes management discussion, basic financial statements, supplementary and statistical information, and compliance reports.
unknown 2023-06-30 ID: 81KZq6FGcftmWFJimTpzH
This document contains the proposed budget for Northumberland County, Virginia for the fiscal year 2023-2024. It includes summaries of revenue and expenditure estimates, departmental expenditures, and major revenue sources.
unknown 2023-01-01 ID: LqGxYkLNVUEt6ODjACOvu
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Northumberland County FY 2022-2023 budget, including revenue and expenditure estimates, department allocations, and financial summaries.
unknown 2022-07-01 ID: NEPPFCDsLbQjX3JDREoOo
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. The report includes financial statements, notes, and supplementary information.
unknown 2022-06-30 ID: LR9UMIRWq3SXYDzrYoTDq
This document outlines the proposed budget for Northumberland County, Virginia for the fiscal year 2022-2023. It includes detailed revenue and expenditure estimates, comparisons with previous fiscal years, and budgetary allocations across various departments and services.
unknown 2022-01-01 ID: D5equcBOYzk6tkD265vSW
The document provides a detailed budget for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year 2021-2022. It includes revenue and expenditure estimates, departmental allocations, and a summary of financial changes from the previous fiscal year.
unknown 2021-07-01 ID: FM21TS4uo0zXDAcNzjOWs
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021, including financial statements, management's discussion, analysis, and auditor's reports.
unknown 2021-06-30 ID: A1Q4cf1Eq420sVdRXJk9Z
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. It includes independent auditors' reports, management's discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, notes to financial statements, required supplementary information, and other supplementary information.
unknown 2020-06-30 ID: OpP1WMpdyyi0u7MAO8tus
The FY 2020-2021 budget document for Northumberland County, Virginia, detailing revenue and expenditure estimates, changes from previous years, and budget allocations for various departments.
unknown 2020-01-01 ID: MIl691jdpYnzEvyxjKAPl
This document outlines the expenditure and revenue estimates for Northumberland County for the fiscal year 2019-2020. It includes detailed budget allocations for various departments and services.
unknown 2019-07-01 ID: Ry7bpbSHnHBjEw0aOfrtZ
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019. Includes statements of net position, activities, revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, along with notes to financial statements and supplementary information.
unknown 2019-06-30 ID: GcX0ChBAaG3vs1YxxCrRN
Northumberland County's fiscal year 2018-2019 budget detailing expenditure and revenue estimates across various county departments and services.
unknown 2018-07-01 ID: 3J0GfXXQO0ZwViiRM6yMy
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia, covering the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. Includes independent auditors' report, financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, and other supplementary information.
unknown 2018-06-30 ID: qJQcuZ2oec6FMUhhmQTB3
Northumberland County's Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget detailing expenditure and revenue estimates across various departments and services.
unknown 2017-07-01 ID: kYhqRE1Ny99a06K01DYXe
Annual financial report for Northumberland County, Virginia for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017. Includes financial statements, management discussion, analysis, and auditor's reports.
unknown 2017-06-30 ID: dvJ9mBtfUuKjOQdEslZER
The document provides a detailed overview of Northumberland County's budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017, including expenditure and revenue estimates across various departments and functions.
unknown 2016-06-30 ID: UZoI88SFQXjVTj0gGY00B
Northumberland County, Virginia FY 2015-2016 budget detailing expenditure and revenue estimates.
unknown 2015-01-01 ID: 7xiiIEBUCH4Yf67dsInxf