Nelson (County)

Agency Records

Showing 94 records from Nelson (County) (Agency ID: 108)

Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, including public comments, consent agenda, presentations, and public hearings.
unknown 2024-12-10 ID: aqdWPbzLTsgUfDQ1sY16B
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on November 14, 2024, including public comments, consent agenda items, presentations, and reports.
unknown 2024-11-14 ID: R2kcSx84k7kSnkJ2Ag06j
Announcement for the Firefighter Academy course offering certifications in Virginia as FF1, Hazmat Ops, FF2, Firefighter Rescue and Survival, and EVOC. The course will take place at Tuckahoe Clubhouse, Nellysford, Virginia from November 5, 2024, to May 24, 2025.
unknown 2024-11-05 ID: nsYfcnPT4AKo11R5EER7O
Nelson County Planning Commission Meeting Agenda including public hearings for special use permits and discussions on short term rentals.
unknown 2024-10-23 ID: VxFxapFZjcqH71doCjsBr
Nelson County Administrator's report covering topics such as VDOT meetings, the DSS building site evaluation, Region 2000 Solid Waste Authority expansion proposal, ACRJ opioid use disorder program, county facility maintenance projects, Larkin water capacity evaluation, digital inclusion planning grant, meals and lodging tax collection, and Hurricane Helene damage reporting.
unknown 2024-10-07 ID: zIBbh9shNLcT2lKvajJZP
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 19, 2024, discussing financial policies, year in review, board goals, and budget process.
unknown 2024-09-19 ID: t2flkOz2OGq2XhKWBE9jG
The Nelson County Sheriff's Office, in partnership with the Nelson County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, has announced stricter enforcement of speed limits to reduce motor vehicle accidents and improve road safety.
unknown 2024-08-30 ID: 6TYGllJKDtB9cmKUTpX0p
Joint Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission kickoff meeting for updating Nelson County's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to modernize and improve regulatory documents. Includes agenda and project overview.
unknown 2024-08-28 ID: K4y05SXhPfbFMP95vu08l
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 13, 2024, covering public comments, consent agenda including resolutions on minutes approval and budget amendment, presentations by VDOT and Animal Control, new and unfinished business including Lovingston Sewer Project, Wild Rose Solar Waiver, Rockfish Valley Fire & Rescue Loan forgiveness, and property conveyance authorization.
unknown 2024-08-13 ID: n3LDDosZJsvYNGN6Or2Kr
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on July 9, 2024. The meeting included public comments, resolutions, a VDOT report, and a presentation on the Larkin Property Water and Sewer Capacity Analysis.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: nXmOPLHaBYVZCxUj6TwYj
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors on July 9, 2024. It includes a call to order, public comments, consent agenda, recognition of retiring treasurer, presentations, new and unfinished business, reports, and closed session.
unknown 2024-07-09 ID: WkDX7EPx1Xf0Z93Z3sBdM
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting, including resolutions and presentations on various topics such as budget amendments, opposition to Aqua Virginia rate increase, and VDOT reports.
unknown 2024-06-11 ID: mgORoVg5ZR8iKQxmlWGkk
Agenda for the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, including a public hearing on the proposed FY24-25 County Budget.
unknown 2024-06-04 ID: UWSqQvrATAyAX0eEjMFTm
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, including public comments, resolutions on budget and opposition to Appalachian Power Company's rate increase, proclamations for Older Americans Month and Poppy Day, presentations on the CEDS Plan, FY23 Audit Report, Nelson Heritage Center updates, and new business discussions.
unknown 2024-05-14 ID: FwfiiVzoQrPvWXws63ySY
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the FY25 budget, social services, debt service scenarios, and school funding.
unknown 2024-04-22 ID: eYFw4ktt8r2o03kwE1Jua
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the FY25 budget, including staff updates, social services funding, debt service scenarios, and school division funding.
unknown 2024-04-18 ID: Yu9oq0ElxmtkpLMV3zUba
Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital announces a no-cost farm stand providing fresh, local, farm-raised food to the Nelson community from April to October 2024.
unknown 2024-04-15 ID: FlFyykYfe3XEiQtdw20Jy
This document contains the agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting held on April 9, 2024. The agenda includes public comments, consent agenda resolutions, presentations, and discussions on various county matters such as budget amendments and water conservation projects.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: ZcmleopcAPuFJeyCyUu9q
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on April 9, 2024, including resolutions, new business, presentations, and public comments.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: Wr5zPzGDKdHOaR9QVLI4H
The document outlines the proposed budget for Nelson County for the 2024/2025 fiscal year. It includes anticipated revenues and expenditures for various funds such as the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and School Division Budget. The document also announces a public hearing scheduled for June 4, 2024, to discuss the proposed budget.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: 6Km58CZhIushtQWq0FjlI
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on April 9, 2024, including discussions on public comments, consent agenda resolutions, VDOT presentations, project financing, and more.
unknown 2024-04-09 ID: CDn0v2hILgnCMxluF6ZQi
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors covering topics such as budget discussions for various community programs and funding requests, including MACAA, CIC, Emergency Services, and ECC staffing.
unknown 2024-03-22 ID: eqk9hqjxwA2xu2ckY2MsX
Minutes of a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the FY25 Budget Review, including health insurance plans, expenditure reviews, and capital outlay items.
unknown 2024-03-15 ID: DfCxd1HXVuDcETWysyaZP
County Administrator’s Report for March 12, 2024 Board Meeting covering topics such as the comprehensive plan, TAP grant applications, sidewalk improvements, truck restrictions, library kiosk, and a solar project special exception.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: ieFs1jpl4xHRzgWud9YYs
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 12, 2024, including resolutions, proclamations, presentations, and new business items.
unknown 2024-03-12 ID: vxHxlrD4oIbCE9BgK4KYb
Agenda for the Nelson County Planning Commission meeting on February 28th, 2024, including officer elections, meeting minutes review, and presentation on the Wild Rose Solar Project.
unknown 2024-02-28 ID: NjiYVb6GRhwmJJOyuKjtl
Minutes from the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 13, 2024. Topics discussed included public comments, budget amendments, VDOT reports, a comprehensive safety action plan, and project financing for county and school projects.
unknown 2024-02-13 ID: w6IGgsf8Jny7dRG7zHFI3
A community engagement meeting report discussing phosphorus monitoring and reduction strategies for Black Creek and Hat Creek watersheds. The report includes various scenarios for phosphorus reduction, a discussion on shifting to a watershed restoration plan, and outlines next steps for implementation.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: UQCaNFFVSnry78U5L2MRw
Agenda for the Hat and Black Creek Community Engagement Meeting at Nelson Memorial Library, Lovingston VA, focusing on watershed restoration plans, sediment and phosphorus reduction goals.
unknown 2024-01-10 ID: 31p9L1BlW0EgJUDHKUbNR
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on January 9, 2024, including reorganization of the board, public comments, consent agenda, presentations, and new business.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: lT9KJJcIHi33q4vV6JFkJ
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on January 9, 2024, including the reorganization of the board, public comments, and various presentations and resolutions.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: Hw9q8WBUabyhFyH0sEOKW
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting scheduled for January 9, 2024. Includes reorganization of the board, public comments, consent agenda, presentations, and new & unfinished business.
unknown 2024-01-09 ID: sK8NyjtrFURvJqQhOgrRa
Announcement for a community and partner education event on the importance of blood donation for sickle cell patients, hosted by the Nelson Heritage Center and American Red Cross.
unknown 2024-01-07 ID: PTlIJItG0hvS0vkgoHfyS
Nelson County is preparing to adopt the Nelson 2042 Comprehensive Plan with public hearings scheduled for review before adoption. The Plan addresses land use, development, natural environment, transportation, and resource utilization in Nelson County.
unknown 2024-01-04 ID: TNNKCrWu4wv4SQogaN04b
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors special called meeting. Topics include Nelson Heritage Center renovation financing and Sheriff's Department leadership transition.
unknown 2023-12-04 ID: 15KAlfR6gcJ0oYno9lnVu
Minutes from the special called meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, discussing the Nelson Heritage Center renovation financing and Sheriff's Department leadership transition.
unknown 2023-12-04 ID: 9yn5MB9GCrwoZYuQ5PS9k
Invitation to a Sickle Cell Lunch and Learn Community & Partner Education Event hosted by the Nelson Heritage Center and American Red Cross.
unknown 2023-11-17 ID: eLkrouiDz8hNwlWk5RBz6
Resolution R2023-74 by the Nelson County Board of Supervisors declaring a local drought emergency and enacting a ban on open air outdoor burning due to dangerously dry conditions.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: j1JgiAoNYLZBhhkc3nVj8
An emergency ordinance enacted by Nelson County Board of Supervisors to ban open air burning due to extremely dry conditions posing a fire threat.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: APC4qy9wOlvOTzeDLNzQE
An emergency ordinance enacted by the Nelson County Board of Supervisors to impose a local burn ban due to extremely dry conditions posing a substantial fire threat. The ordinance prohibits making fires in public and private places and outlines penalties for violations.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: 9cBLSkdl5qN0KOmHO2DpB
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on November 16, 2023, including resolutions, presentations, and other business.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: UPoiQsP86csSHZOI8cIbk
Minutes of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting held on November 16, 2023, covering public comments, consent agenda, resolutions on budget and emergency ordinances, and presentations including a proposed solar development by Savion, LLC.
unknown 2023-11-16 ID: YCR6nIhZSugHgguQ7XvWa
The second annual Care Fair hosted at Rockfish Valley Community Center features over 30 exhibitors providing resources and information for aging individuals and caregivers. Highlights include free COVID-19 and Flu vaccines, presentations on elder law and senior health care, and resources for veterans and families.
unknown 2023-11-09 ID: VHpUmoat8aADDCjKjrO8b
Agenda for the Route 151 Corridor Study Project Alternatives Input Meeting to discuss transportation improvements along Route 151 from Afton Mountain Road to 2.3 miles south of Beech Grove Road.
unknown 2023-11-01 ID: wcCX1D6XZB9A23UqIEtmf
Announcement of public workshops for the update of Nelson County's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, which will address strategies from the Nelson 2042 Comprehensive Plan.
unknown 2023-10-22 ID: f2Q6KIGCYYxyiokXThmLC
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors on October 10, 2023, discussing public comments, budget amendments, proclamations, VDOT reports, special use permits, and other county business.
unknown 2023-10-10 ID: otwZ4uTJ33oA3ZFd66O42
Delay in the completion of the FY 2023-2024 audit for Nelson County due to staffing issues with the pre-audit provider.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: qxdIfzreVrJtM9Hbocwgq
This document outlines the proposed conditions for a Special Use Permit application by Wild Rose Solar Project, LLC to construct a large solar energy system in Nelson County, Virginia. It includes conditions related to the construction, operation, and decommissioning of the solar facilities.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: Uh7ab6zwCFG6YnCJPcree
A report presented to the Nelson County Board of Supervisors detailing water and sewer capacity analysis for the Larkin Property, including future development demands and recommendations for water sources and reservoir development.
unknown 2023-10-01 ID: tYQ8GQfMpgSB2HBDAxR3V
Minutes of the joint meeting between the Nelson County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, discussing resolutions and public hearing plans.
unknown 2023-09-28 ID: 4DAwiSvOOjLjRhJZwZgzj
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 12, 2023, covering resolutions, budget amendments, reports, public hearings, and other business items.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: VTUX0Wo1dYQNIYh8h4Jdq
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on September 12, 2023, in the General District Courtroom, Lovingston, Virginia. The meeting included public comments, consent agenda approvals, presentations on legislative agendas and VDOT reports, and discussions on various resolutions and funding requests.
unknown 2023-09-12 ID: wt9UcTsiGA4BB4pZyLKnx
This document is a report prepared for the Board of Supervisors meeting on September 11, 2023. It covers various topics including the Comprehensive Plan, Virginia Outdoors Foundation PTF Grant for Sturt Park, Piney River Solar, LLC Special Exception, FY24 State Budget, Opioid Abatement Authority Grants, Route 151 Corridor Study, FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and DSS Building/Calohill Site update.
unknown 2023-09-11 ID: 6gNsDqeMrdrxUDItTs1Xh
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on September 6th, 2023.
unknown 2023-09-06 ID: Wo7QB9il3iGQGiofKSJ5W
Agenda for the Nelson County Planning Commission meeting held on August 23rd, 2023. Includes review of previous meeting minutes, public hearings for special use permits, and other business.
unknown 2023-08-23 ID: SZwizgR5IpLvfoDwFmV0O
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the master plan work session for the former Larkin property, including site plan options for recreational development and infrastructure considerations.
unknown 2023-08-23 ID: G0ZxBXIOBTavBHupKCK9w
Agenda for the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 23, 2023. The meeting includes a master plan work session for the former Larkin Property, discussing site plan options D and E, cost comparisons, and other business.
unknown 2023-08-23 ID: yekcNP4JxPAN39d74wo2B
Agenda for the Nelson County Planning Commission meeting held on August 23rd, 2023, covering items such as public hearings for special use permits and discussions on the comprehensive plan.
unknown 2023-08-23 ID: IbsQpewJHTDxpFuohGu9s
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on August 8, 2023, discussing public comments, consent agenda items, resolutions, presentations, and new business related to county operations and infrastructure.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: khYosXZkqmLlE2xlRQ10U
Agenda for the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors on August 8, 2023, including resolutions, public hearings, and budget discussions.
unknown 2023-08-08 ID: CTnyuklx7eon8UHnJLPLw
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the master plan for the former Larkin property, including site plan options for recreation, residential, and conservation uses.
unknown 2023-08-02 ID: GhhUqBvlQO6JH70JrzlmM
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors on July 11, 2023. The meeting included public comments, approval of the consent agenda, resolutions honoring Officer Wagner, discussions on automated speed enforcement in school zones, and consideration of amendments to the transient occupancy tax rate.
unknown 2023-07-11 ID: x01aatdIMPqb0R8dG6kmT
Minutes from the Nelson County Joint Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors meeting discussing updates to the Comprehensive Plan, community feedback, and strategies for development.
unknown 2023-06-29 ID: uWwtYrMd9nPavPXKOgjcu
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, covering topics such as the FY24 budget work session, salary adjustments, debt service, and discussions on the Transient Occupancy Tax.
unknown 2023-05-24 ID: EpA2OCrLVzOc1IiiXo5KH
This document outlines various board and commission appointments and their terms, including the MACAA Board of Directors, the Agricultural & Forestal District Advisory Committee, the Nelson County Economic Development Authority, and others. It provides details on the roles, responsibilities, and meeting schedules of these boards and committees.
unknown 2023-05-13 ID: zB31r9VApnkjSxkBwf0QT
A siting agreement between Nelson County and Wild Rose Solar Project, LLC for the development of a solar facility, addressing financial compensation, project impacts, and payment structures.
unknown 2023-04-15 ID: B4wjittYDVkakPdnXSyfA
Minutes of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on April 11, 2023, covering public comments, consent agenda, public safety, road planning, opioid abatement funding, and the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program.
unknown 2023-04-11 ID: 6ZWL7N4ojmo5EPSU4HJ4C
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing FY24 budget allocations and various departmental requests.
unknown 2023-04-03 ID: ifXiyw6Stit2Q0cnl1btG
A comprehensive guide provided by the Central Virginia Small Business Development Center in collaboration with the Nelson County Economic Development Office, detailing the process of registering a business in Nelson County, Virginia. It includes steps for registering with federal and state agencies, obtaining necessary licenses, and understanding business entity types.
unknown 2023-04-01 ID: GzUTK6DWNVMfoBe0s3fjz
Meeting minutes from the Nelson County Joint Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors discussing topics such as recycling expansion, housing issues, economic impacts of forestry and logging, inclusion of Wintergreen in outdoor recreation planning, and strategies for addressing housing stock and short-term rentals.
unknown 2023-03-15 ID: mSxBrKEJfvCH8LEmPPCP5
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Nelson County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors discussing topics such as recycling program expansion, wildlife action plan, economic impacts of forestry, housing stock, and manufactured housing.
unknown 2023-03-15 ID: Xxva7WqMtRnOOS1umRm06
Minutes from a special called meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the master plan for the former Larkin Property, focusing on recreation, housing, and development priorities.
unknown 2023-03-07 ID: ViCzMrWTm3GwWypu855C5
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors on February 14, 2023, covering public comments, resolutions, VDOT reports, Route 151 Corridor Study, Compensation Study Results, and Debt Capacity Update.
unknown 2023-02-14 ID: Hrcet43AsBleuaJpWVimb
The County of Nelson, Virginia announced a delay in the completion of the FY 2022-2023 financial audit due to severe health issues within their pre-audit provider's organization. The estimated completion date of the audit is now set for February 16, 2024.
unknown 2023-01-31 ID: QY31JcMaOGwrK3b2OGIW2
Minutes from the joint meeting of the Nelson County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors discussing population trends, economic development, and community planning.
unknown 2023-01-18 ID: 6RYlePFB8dVbdl3BegGIu
Minutes from the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on January 10, 2023, discussing board reorganization, public comments on transportation, budget amendments, and various reports, including a proposal for the Larkin Property development and JAUNT transit services expansion.
unknown 2023-01-10 ID: iDe89ySRxu0UPu9qnrhCx
Minutes from the Nelson County Board of Supervisors regular meeting held on December 13, 2022. The meeting included public comments on a special use permit application for a restaurant in Nellysford, various resolutions, and presentations from VDOT, JABA, PVCC, and Firefly Fiber Broadband.
unknown 2022-12-13 ID: IzS7rYbAMYFON9VqjlK9F
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing various topics including capital improvements, partnerships with YMCA, recreation facility needs, and timberstand improvement proposal.
unknown 2022-11-29 ID: YQDqgTISpRjv12b0LN2Wb
Minutes of the joint meeting between Nelson County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission discussing the Comprehensive Plan Update and the GAP – Accessibility and Planning Technical Assistance Grant.
unknown 2022-10-25 ID: fb8LFVnr9ozmSgrwgvAvQ
Minutes from the Nelson County Joint Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 25, 2022. Discussions included a GAP Accessibility and Planning Technical Assistance Grant, Resolution 2022-60 endorsement, and a Comprehensive Plan update with public engagement results.
unknown 2022-10-25 ID: 50KuIsAIVI2N9S1liju4c
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors and the School Board discussing budget, capital improvement plans, and community goals.
unknown 2022-10-24 ID: Z9w42HhY7wtXsCr50lXXs
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on October 11, 2022, covering topics such as public comments, the proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, community projects, educational reports, and transportation updates.
unknown 2022-10-11 ID: UHm84dHwjzs3gtNJhDqqC
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on September 13, 2022, discussing public comments on Route 151, various resolutions, and presentations on Route 151 Corridor Study, TJPDC 2023 Draft Legislative Agenda, JAUNT, and the Agricultural Complex Feasibility Report.
unknown 2022-09-13 ID: ZE4WJ35tgKvzt0Zs5f3r7
Minutes of a special called meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors to discuss capital improvements, specifically focusing on the development of a recreation center and associated facilities.
unknown 2022-09-07 ID: VdzS9x8rNGAkZrTyy3iPc
A corridor improvement study analyzing the operational and safety characteristics of Route 151, aiming to improve accessibility, operations, and safety for all modes of transportation in the Nellysford community.
unknown 2022-07-31 ID: FKG5TLpUPBZQupItfk6xE
Minutes from the Nelson County Board of Supervisors meeting discussing the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, lease revenue financing schedule, and other business.
unknown 2022-05-18 ID: yFIHrMF7R2jk2WE2HQE99
Minutes from a regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, covering topics such as public comments on tax increases, budget amendments, and various resolutions.
unknown 2022-05-10 ID: xkSLIHoKHcVdHOLQpn8bZ
Minutes from a continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, employee health insurance options, new debt capacity, tax rates, and capital projects.
unknown 2022-03-15 ID: vCna5eS8Y5cIT6VoCjb9q
Minutes from a regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on March 8, 2022, discussing various issues including public comments on a special use permit, budget amendments, and reports from VDOT and county administrators.
unknown 2022-03-08 ID: GpZnp25yp9te4CercZDa4
Minutes of the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, which covered topics such as redistricting, closed sessions for legal consultations, and the retirement of the County Administrator.
unknown 2022-02-16 ID: AAXf6GAcjiOjMNyxagoOr
This document provides a detailed map and list of election districts and polling places within Nelson County, Virginia, as of February 2022.
unknown 2022-02-02 ID: o3c77xX0ncRyRj2pBNbgm
Minutes from the continued meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors discussing redistricting plans, resolutions, and capital improvements.
unknown 2022-01-31 ID: ZZ4vyqDXzhtitW8PExr9h
Minutes from the regular meeting of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors held on January 11, 2022. Key topics included the election of the Chair and Vice Chair, resolutions concerning the organizational meeting, the recognition of Donald H. Bailey, budget amendments, the relocation of the Health Department and Social Services, a compensation study proposal, and district redistricting due to state changes.
unknown 2022-01-11 ID: H79Z3SYeirskAH5xpmZGD
This document is a report on the survey of architectural resources in the Norwood and Wingina vicinities of Nelson County, Virginia. The survey, conducted in 2012-2013 by HistoryTech, LLC, was funded by the County of Nelson and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. It aimed to evaluate the eligibility of these areas for listing in state and national historic registers and to foster recognition and stewardship of significant historic resources.
unknown 2014-06-10 ID: M3MYv8sMGGT6gtgA5ecw7