Loudoun (County)

Agency Records

Showing 47 records from Loudoun (County) (Agency ID: 100)

This document is a supplemental packet containing chapters 7 and 9 of the Loudoun 2040 Draft Countywide Transportation Plan, focusing on regional, state, and local coordination for transportation planning and projects.
unknown 2018-06-29 ID: DK6BeITjkTce19I2vXOay
A detailed report on the fiscal impact model developed by the Loudoun County Department of Management and Budget in collaboration with TischlerBise. The report discusses the purpose, design, and implementation of the fiscal impact model as part of the Envision Loudoun process for the Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan. It covers topics such as fiscal impact analysis, model design goals, methodologies, assumptions, and anticipated results.
unknown 2018-04-06 ID: Oe29JnCMCoBQSLp7JXP3u
Agenda for the Loudoun County Stakeholders Committee Meeting on April 2, 2018, discussing chapters of the Loudoun 2040 General Plan.
unknown 2018-04-02 ID: yyTWhdbqkyhiZfhrLLVhe
Agenda for the Stakeholders Committee meeting discussing the Envision Loudoun 2040 Transportation Plan, focusing on mitigation of development impacts, environmental and heritage resources, coordination, prioritization, and implementation.
unknown 2018-03-13 ID: jgOJ7CEF9Yhxi2Pjhusyq
An agenda for a Stakeholders Committee meeting on March 12, 2018, discussing the Envision Loudoun 2040 Transportation Plan, including presentations on policy development and map development.
unknown 2018-03-12 ID: sDZMijqaY1cO2wh0gZhoH
The agenda for the Stakeholders Committee meeting on March 5, 2018, includes discussions on the Envision Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan, with a focus on the Rural Policy Area. It covers updates from the Board of Supervisors meeting, presentations on plan chapters, quality development policies, and small work group sessions. Supplemental materials such as revised agenda, staff cover memo, draft chapters, and public comments report are attached.
unknown 2018-03-02 ID: w56x0jCN96bjFJ7srIidB
Memorandum detailing the Stakeholders Committee meeting agenda and updates regarding the revised project timeline for the General Plan and Countywide Transportation Plan.
unknown 2018-02-15 ID: MFWdu9s5pCsAMTh7C6t4s
Agenda and supporting documents for the Stakeholders Committee meeting on January 22, 2018, focusing on land use recommendations, market analysis, and fiscal impact modeling.
unknown 2018-01-22 ID: E3k9fYebjcFAwvNjWujh5
Agenda for the Policy Carryover Subcommittee meeting discussing confirmation of summary notes and green infrastructure implementation.
unknown 2018-01-11 ID: IIQNvSlUJJ8LjBudLiNzo
Agenda for the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on October 13, 2016, covering updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, discussion topics including draft SWP on Written Communications, and action items.
unknown 2016-10-13 ID: e2XFD4aYvgGwiFSpsP23L
Agenda for the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on September 13, 2016, including reports, old and new business, and action items.
unknown 2016-09-13 ID: Ju3Cx4h0FO0eUd2FyuUHk
Agenda for the Fire Operations Committee meeting held on August 17, 2016, including reports, committee updates, and new business items.
unknown 2016-08-17 ID: DpuvZZEYaLUwgRqpuebIo
This document is the agenda for the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on August 17, 2016. It includes reports from various departments, updates on ongoing projects and training, committee member comments, and a schedule of upcoming meetings.
unknown 2016-08-17 ID: uNcCBLdVKt6isfofzTOnQ
Minutes from the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on August 17, 2016. The meeting covered various reports, committee updates, and discussions on policies and procedures.
unknown 2016-08-17 ID: ShqZAG5VVF7alyGPfeAS8
Minutes from the August 11, 2016 meeting of the Administrative Operations Committee, discussing updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, and action items.
unknown 2016-08-11 ID: UBnMlmnVeUPXsvzaBDHly
Agenda for the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on August 9, 2016, covering topics such as reports, old business, new business, and action items.
unknown 2016-08-09 ID: iiObkUrUFpTgObObkVUs3
Minutes from the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on August 9, 2016, covering various reports, old and new business, and action items.
unknown 2016-08-09 ID: YXs8GjgMeWBi18eySKNPh
Minutes from the July 14, 2016 meeting of the Loudoun County Administrative Operations Committee discussing various topics including budget sub-committee updates, training policies, and EMS Billing.
unknown 2016-07-14 ID: WxEirz4Subh1SrY580I8M
Agenda for the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on July 12, 2016, discussing reports, old and new business, and action items.
unknown 2016-07-12 ID: spTDPivTWsDQVK4o7EUaP
Agenda for the Fire Operations Committee meeting discussing reports, sub-committee updates, and new business including ballistic vests and social media policies.
unknown 2016-06-15 ID: thjbXbZkpIhGsTvm07r9v
Minutes from the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on June 15, 2016. The meeting covered reports from various committees, updates on training and equipment, and discussion of new business items like social media policies and ballistic vests.
unknown 2016-06-15 ID: xIhXz6HHYp5mt8TXop2h9
Minutes from the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on June 15, 2016, covering reports on apparatus projects, training programs, committee reports, and new business items such as the Ballistic Vests SWP.
unknown 2016-06-15 ID: xFWJgt1f9lFR4fhPqnktc
Agenda for the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on June 14, 2016, addressing topics such as ballistic vests, EMS billing, training, and committee reports.
unknown 2016-06-14 ID: 4WmtgukHB5o7N01xE6cpD
Agenda for the Administrative Operations Committee meeting, covering updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, discussion topics, action items, and information sharing.
unknown 2016-06-09 ID: gHbJEztMuGsm49xwaPrBI
Minutes from the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on June 9, 2016, covering topics such as the approval of previous minutes, executive and subcommittee updates, discussion on ballistic vests, fire marshal updates, information sharing, and announcements.
unknown 2016-06-09 ID: loGmQEMjNvmZUVGuC63z9
Minutes from the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on May 18, 2016. Topics discussed include training reports, significant incident reports, committee reports, and new business related to volunteer certification requirements and upcoming events.
unknown 2016-05-18 ID: UYTsTLHawWZPq927LxcsF
Minutes from the Loudoun County Transportation Improvement and Safety Commission meeting held on May 17, 2016, discussing various transportation projects and issues within the county.
unknown 2016-05-17 ID: NpY56c5Je3LAEY1cyWMjk
Agenda for the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on May 12, 2016, covering updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, discussion topics including social media and electronic device policies, and action items.
unknown 2016-05-12 ID: vi8vb83Ts9K1zNsPKB4GE
Minutes from the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on April 20, 2016, covering topics such as ATL Funding, LCFR department reports, volunteer physicals, and training updates.
unknown 2016-04-20 ID: qkNAlfPWLsm2R1AzKMNWV
The document outlines the agenda for the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on April 20, 2016. It includes reports from various sub-committees, significant incident reviews, and discussions on ongoing and future projects.
unknown 2016-04-20 ID: uadRLvBFyBnFHrABBFXGw
Minutes from the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on April 12, 2016. Topics discussed include approval of previous minutes, chairman's report, OMD report, LCFR updates, EMS billing and training, communications and training committee reports, SWP committee updates, and new business items like social media policy and use of personal electronic devices.
unknown 2016-04-12 ID: cn8OomIuL9OOxaGCWtP4J
This document is an agenda for the Fire Operations Committee meeting held on March 16, 2016, at the DTCI Large Conference Room in Loudoun County. It includes items such as roll call, approval of previous meeting minutes, reports from various sub-committees, and discussions on old and new business.
unknown 2016-03-16 ID: Ot9Knvwcbg6WSP6VknzGK
Agenda and minutes for the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting on March 16, 2016, including reports on funding, training, and equipment standards.
unknown 2016-03-16 ID: M22zJ9pJKt5epINhiECUa
Approved meeting minutes of the Loudoun County Transportation Improvement and Safety Commission held on March 15, 2016, discussing transportation issues, VDOT representation, Countywide Transportation Plan updates, and parking problems.
unknown 2016-03-15 ID: aizVB6d8OriI1alBaufcz
Minutes of the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on March 10, 2016. Topics discussed included updates from the Executive Committee, subcommittee reports on background processes and budget, discussions on NFPA 1582 physicals, information sharing across volunteer councils and committees, and announcements of upcoming events.
unknown 2016-03-10 ID: MQrLvmUroqjDrJ0K4uQcX
Minutes from the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on March 8, 2016, discussing various topics including the approval of February meeting minutes, Chairman's report on the draft SWP on Volunteer Physicals, OMD report on transport vehicle policy, and various committee reports.
unknown 2016-03-08 ID: rjwRgqDzhGcXVM13Hcnms
Approved meeting minutes of the Loudoun County Transportation Improvement and Safety Commission held on February 23, 2016, discussing administrative items, commission bylaws, meeting schedules, and transportation topics.
unknown 2016-02-23 ID: vP7UInVcUaMLOx2RR4d6M
Minutes of the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on February 11, 2016, covering topics such as cyber security, chaplain by-laws, budget issues, and updates on key issues.
unknown 2016-02-11 ID: ucltWCRiSXoaGAxoYbSDo
Minutes from the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on February 9, 2016, covering topics such as training, health updates, committee reports, and new business items.
unknown 2016-02-09 ID: FezVd7Xcpth5or8x5P4Y5
Agenda for the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on February 9, 2016, discussing various reports, old and new business, and committee member comments.
unknown 2016-02-09 ID: 1CAbRh75ktpjfPiUaHtMs
Agenda for the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on January 21, 2016. Topics include approval of previous meeting minutes, updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, discussion topics such as fund-raising and equipment security, action items, elections, and information sharing.
unknown 2016-01-21 ID: OdB4upKPgRSj392qvmsy2
Agenda for the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on January 20, 2016, detailing various reports, committee updates, and discussions on operational issues.
unknown 2016-01-20 ID: WaBULiGShGn2SW07q0FE5
Minutes of the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on January 20, 2016. Discussions included safety updates, apparatus projects, volunteer battalion chief program, meter program updates, significant incident reports, and various committee reports. Other topics covered were station security, dispatch algorithm, and equipment standards.
unknown 2016-01-20 ID: U1myF3eil7gHSyIDkA5RJ
Minutes from the EMS Operations Committee meeting held on January 12, 2016, covering topics such as grant updates, EMS training, communication issues, and policy discussions.
unknown 2016-01-12 ID: KdkOgGxfREsUslv5JQr1y
Agenda for the Loudoun County Fire Operations Committee meeting held on November 18, 2015. The agenda includes various reports, committee updates, and discussions on topics like equipment standards, communications, health and safety, training, and significant incidents.
unknown 2015-11-18 ID: mMEmpGWu6fmIKOGvxN2XW
This document is the agenda for the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on March 10, 2015. It includes updates on key issues, subcommittee reports, discussion topics, action items, and information sharing across volunteer committees.
unknown 2015-03-10 ID: aQdTfO8Y7BAGrWzy4FORA
This document outlines the concept plan for Quarter Branch Park in Lovettsville, Virginia, detailing future park areas, existing structures like the storm pond, and amenities such as picnic areas and fitness stations.
unknown 2012-06-05 ID: 3IAVVsmmxgo5KExev2OpV